AOC Is A Communist

All humans evolved over millions of years to be communists.
There is not a single hunter/gatherer tribe that is not communist, and all families or social living groups are all communists, unless they are evil and dysfunctional.

In order to combat all the world wide rebellions against evil monarchies, the media has always been trying to associate communism with dictatorships, and that is ridiculous.
There is no way one can have communal property without also having a republic to protect rights and interests.
Anyone who implies communism means any amount of dictatorship at all, is just lying.
Hunter-gatherer societies are tyrannies of the strong over the weak. If you can‘t provide something useful to the tribe, you are left to starve. Hunter-gatherer life was short and brutal. Life expectancy was less than thirty years according to archeologists.
I quit going 5 years ago after my primary told me my degenerating L4 and L5 were getting better somehow. You morons want that for everyone except for your handlers and the elite. All of those oxygen thieves should be forced to use the VA. I bet money they wouldn't be so happy to force government healthcare on the rest of us.

The whole rest of the world uses government health care, and it is vastly better than the US greedy health care system that kills over 250 million patients a year with malpractice.
If public health care were just as bad as the VA, it would still be a vast improvement, since it would compete with private health care and bring the prices of private health care way down.
All of those countries are pulling out of socialism. They’ve found out they can’t afford it. Like Margaret Thatcher said, socialism is great until you run out of OTHER PEOPLE’S money.

No one has ever retreated from socialism, and instead it is increasing world wide.
In fact, medical tourism from the US to socialist countries is now very common.

Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990, which was a very long time ago. Since left office, the UK has become far more socialist and has much better health care than it had under Thatcher.
Not really.
UI agree it is much easier in a mono-culture, but the US could make everything much more affordable by doing things like socialized mass transit, health care, housing, higher education, public cafeterias, etc. The profit motive is very inefficient and easily used to extort unnecessary profits that harm society.
So you want everyone to travel where and how the government wants you to, see whatever doctor the government wants you to regardless of his qualifications or personality, live where the government wants you to, eat where and what the government wants you to. It’s all been tried before and fails. Look at “public housing” in any major city, the projects all started out as ideals and turned into nightmares. Government controlled housing, eating, medical care and transportation are in the military. To work they have to have a highly regimented population. Profit motive results in the best companies succeeding and poorly run ones failing. The problem is that people like you want to control the outcomes and distort the results based upon a social theory.
But without you owning and maintaining the buildings, your tenants would have no place to live. Both you and your tenants are productive parts of society.

No, without landlords, the renters could instead afford to buy and own themselves.
Landlords double the housing costs.
Landlords are total parasites who make owner occupied nearly impossible anymore.
Landlords get all the tax breaks, renters and owners get nothing.
Hunter-gatherer societies are tyrannies of the strong over the weak. If you can‘t provide something useful to the tribe, you are left to starve. Hunter-gatherer life was short and brutal. Life expectancy was less than thirty years according to archeologists.

The whole survival of humans when they left the protection of the trees, was empathy and shared defense voluntarily.
No one in any primitive tribe is ever left to starve.
Hunter/gatherer life appears short due to high infant mortality and predators, but that does not mean some did not live longer than the average now.
When you have high infant mortality, then some have to live over 100, in order to get an average around 30 years.
The fact we were prey until we invented weapons, does not mean we were no social.
All prey tend to be even more social than when they no longer need the protection of the herd.
We went with open borders for many hundreds of years, and it brought prosperity from cheaper labor and more consumers.
Yes it did, immigrants were free to work or starve. There was no social safety net, no safety regulations, when, not if, workers got injured and couldn’t work, they were fired and another new immigrant was hired. Wages were so low that there was little consumerism. The pressure to work or starve kept wages low because employers could play existing workers off against the hopefuls waiting to be hired. Open borders made the robber barons like Andrew Carnegie and Leland Stanford immensely rich at the cost of their employees safety and health.
While I can't think of a better solution than prisons, it only works if the prison is a deterrent and you also offer something better if they do not break the law.
We do not offer anything in this country, and we imprison people illegally, like the War on Drugs.
So we have no system of deterrents.
And in fact, the mass murder/suicide rate is increasing so much, likely we are totally screwing it up and generating crime on increasing scale all the time.
There are only two methods of dealing with violent criminals. Either kill them, or imprison them. Over the history of mankind, those are the only alternatives that have worked. The alternative to execution or prison must be obeying the law. You don’t deter criminal by offering them benefits. Look back to elementary school, when you didn’t stand up to bullies, all you got was more bullying. Rewarding the bullies for their negative behavior just encouraged them. If you want prison to deter crime, it has to be nasty and uncomfortable. Conviction has to be quick and certain, so giving offenders multiple chances, scoldings, probation, suspended sentences In counter-productive.
Puerto Rico has to either be a state or granted their independence.
We illegally invaded Puerto Rico, stole it, and prevented the general principle of local autonomy.
We have no business dictating to the people in Puerto Rico.
Only the wealthy elite benefit.
Puerto Rico has been offered statehood six times, the population has voted it down every time. The US never invaded it, Span ceded it to
the USA along with the Philippines and Guam as part of the peace treaty ending the Spanish American War.
So you want everyone to travel where and how the government wants you to, see whatever doctor the government wants you to regardless of his qualifications or personality, live where the government wants you to, eat where and what the government wants you to. It’s all been tried before and fails. Look at “public housing” in any major city, the projects all started out as ideals and turned into nightmares. Government controlled housing, eating, medical care and transportation are in the military. To work they have to have a highly regimented population. Profit motive results in the best companies succeeding and poorly run ones failing. The problem is that people like you want to control the outcomes and distort the results based upon a social theory.

That is silly because we are the government, and we with socialism WE would decide if we want high speed rail, buses, etc.
Socialism means the PATIENTS decide how many doctors we need and what their qualifications need to be.
Socialism means WE choose what housing we want built.
It is obviously succeeding in almost every country in the world to varying degrees.
The US provides the least, and therefore has the most crime, homelessness, medical malpractice deaths, etc.
The reality is that landlords have deliberately doubled the price of housing by attempting to gain a monopoly.
And they have manipulated the tax codes to give them huge tax break advantages.
Puerto Rico has been offered statehood six times, the population has voted it down every time. The US never invaded it, Span ceded it to
the USA along with the Philippines and Guam as part of the peace treaty ending the Spanish American War.

Puerto Rico has had 6 referendums on statehood and has always voted in favor.
It is congress that has the power however, and congress has always denied statehood for Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico has held six referendums on the topic. These are non-binding, as the power to grant statehood lies with the US Congress. The most recent referendum was in November 2020, with a majority (52.52%) of those who voted opting for statehood.
Yes, but you can’t have communism without authoritarianism.

For example, all families are communist voluntarily.
All small groups, like religious organizations, primitive tribes, etc. are always communist voluntarily.
There is nothing associated with authoritarianism to any public venture, like public schools, public fire fighters, public transit, public utilities, etc.
Cpmmunism is absolutely parasitic

There is nothing good about communism. It is entrirely about tyranny and slavery

Sure, and how much room and board to you charge your children?
Before the rebellions, we had thousands of years of monarchies.
Communism is where we get actual freedom.
Yes, it is.
So.............Why did Trump and his cult love the Idea?

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

THEN..................They did.


China has never really been communist.

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