AOC Is A Communist

Yeah but "do for the people" and "do to the people" always gets mixed up in the translation now doesn't it Commie sympathizer?

As long as there are elections, it should never be possible for there to be an autocratic government, unless people are so ignorant and gullible that they can be talked into voting for fascists who want the wealthy elite to take all their hard earned money.
The only thing Trump did in office was give tax cuts for the rich. And I already thanked him for the extra $27 I received.

As far as making him the worst, he ran the government like a mob boss. He politicized the DOJ and FBI. He used the WH for personal profit and gain. And committed felonies while in office. This prick should be in prison!

Trump may be a jerk, but I saw nothing illegal while in office.
The impeachments failed to find any crime.
The Mar-a-lago search failed to find any crime.
The Carroll trial failed to find any crime.
Yes Commies, your party has become sympathizers merely to gather and use their votes by taking them into the party like a Trojan horse under the new name "THEY DEVISED" to be more palatable to the western world. Do you know what name they came up with around 1958?
"The Liberal Progressives Party" which first ran independently, but was merged into the party shortly after they failed their Nationalized medicine campaign they ran on. They (the progressives) now run your show, aka you are not in bed with socialists, you are in bed with communists under their new masked name and it's become your party's ideology, agenda, and the fact you didn't notice means their 50 year plan although took longer, has worked to infiltrate and become their party now.

There is no "Liberal Progressive Party" in the US.
That is only in the UK.
The US had the Progressive Party, but that goes back to the turn of the century.
  • The period of US history from the 1890s to the 1920s is usually referred to as the Progressive Era, an era of intense social and political reform aimed at making progress toward a better society.
  • Progressive Era reformers sought to harness the power of the federal government to eliminate unethical and unfair business practices, reduce corruption, and counteract the negative social effects of industrialization.
  • During the Progressive Era, protections for workers and consumers were strengthened, and women finally achieved the right to vote.

I rest my case, you proved my point.
You want to know what communism is, just google how the CCP and Kremlin control media narrative, censor free speech, control natural resources, arrest dissidents, arrest opposition party members and leaders, steal from the people including property, control food supplies, devalue their money, steal more money, foreign money schemes, steal more money, post propaganda online under the name of their opposition.😏

There were lots of Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, etc., in the Russian revolution, but Stalin killed them all off and created the single most fascist capitalism ever devised, in Russia.
That is silly because we are the government, and we with socialism WE would decide if we want high speed rail, buses, etc.
Socialism means the PATIENTS decide how many doctors we need and what their qualifications need to be.
Socialism means WE choose what housing we want built.
It is obviously succeeding in almost every country in the world to varying degrees.
The US provides the least, and therefore has the most crime, homelessness, medical malpractice deaths, etc.
The reality is that landlords have deliberately doubled the price of housing by attempting to gain a monopoly.
And they have manipulated the tax codes to give them huge tax break advantages.
What you are describing is free enterprise, not communism.
Is life about being fair?
Democracy needs containment, if so.

In general there should not be unfair and unequal opportunities.
If only the children of the wealthy elite can afford an education, for example, then there will be no ethics or merit to the system, and it should be destroyed.
You can not maintain a democracy without some equality of opportunity.

Yes, "democracy" does need containment, since you don't just want to let the most popular mob rule.
You need safeguards on individual rights, rule of law, fairness, representative government, etc.
You sound like Trump.

While I do not like Trump, he is not immoral for taking advantage of what he did not cause and can not change.
And he has not done the really awful things most politicians have done, like lied about Iraqi WMD in order to murder hundreds of thousands of innocents.
What you are describing is free enterprise, not communism.

It could be interpreted that was depending on how you define terms, but in general, it is accepted that "free enterprise" means monopolies of the wealthy elite, in order to reduce the majority of the population to feudal serfs.
Free enterprise for thousands of years has meant that whomever can hired the most mercenaries, gets to crown themselves monarch.
When you implement public fairness safeguards, then that in general is defined as socialism or communism.
Sure, and how much room and board to you charge your children?
Before the rebellions, we had thousands of years of monarchies.
Communism is where we get actual freedom.
It is irrelevant how much anyone charges or does not charge for room and board as that is voluntary.
Communsim is strictly and always involuntary and tyrannical
Communism never gets anyone freedom it is strictly universal slavery and oppression

Both in pracitice and design
Hitler was a fascist, which is an ultra capitalist, and Stalin was actually a capitalist who murdered all the communists.
Stalin was a communist to the core and acted like one he only killed some COMMUNISTS

He was NOT a capitalist
It could be interpreted that was depending on how you define terms, but in general, it is accepted that "free enterprise" means monopolies of the wealthy elite, in order to reduce the majority of the population to feudal serfs.
Free enterprise for thousands of years has meant that whomever can hired the most mercenaries, gets to crown themselves monarch.
When you implement public fairness safeguards, then that in general is defined as socialism or communism.
It cannot be interpreted that way accurately because the outcomes that you describe have never occurred
For example, all families are communist voluntarily.
All small groups, like religious organizations, primitive tribes, etc. are always communist voluntarily.
There is nothing associated with authoritarianism to any public venture, like public schools, public fire fighters, public transit, public utilities, etc.
Wrong you FOOL

There is no such thing as voluntarily communistic

Communism is always and strictly enforced asnd imposed.
Error: it was 1948 not 1958
Mr. Wallace's candidacy for President, left the Communists and other left-wing elements in complete control of the Progressive party's organization.
They ran on the platform agenda of socializing medicine, a tactic to get voters through handouts to those you are pandering and appealing to for support of bolder power agendas.

The Progressive Party was mostly from around 1890 to 1920, and had no communists or anything remotely resembling communism.
It was mostly about things like getting women the rights to vote, civil rights for Blacks, etc.
They have in fact been the communist ideal for many decades and are still partly communist

You are WRONG

Communism is collective, cooperative, and communal, so then requires democratic representation, rule of law protecting individual rights, etc.
Stalin set up the government of China, and he was not at all communist, so would never have supported communism there.
Hitler was a fascist, which is an ultra capitalist, and Stalin was actually a capitalist who murdered all the communists.
These people have no morals or real economic ideology they care about. It’s all about power and control for them. The left could care less how the oppress people, through central government control, or through corporate monopolies and oligarchs to punish their political enemies.

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