AOC Is A Communist

What are you talking about? Have you ever lived in a communist country? Have you ever been out of the US?
I know quite a few who have, and they came here to get away from them. There's that.
Why the fk do you think people want to get here?
Not sure how to beral the news tou you ---

but, people all over the world are no longer fleeing communism. And the old commie countries, communism wasn't voted in or better yet...

if a communist was elected President here, that doesn't mean we''d overnight become a communist nation.

and if a majority of Americans wanted communism? Well that's democracy isn't it?
Venezuela, you must have missed that one huh? Russia? Iran? China?

Venezuela had capitalist dictators and no middle class for 80 years.. that's why they elected Hugo Chavez. Iran isn't a Communist country. Education would help.
nope, that's where you're wrong. I posted that Trump was wrong on his debt ceiling effort and the increased spending in the spending bill under his term. He fked the pooch for favor with the swamp, I wasn't happy at all.
Let the country default and teach the mther fkers trying to change it what the costs really are. Yet you're in here kissing their assholes every day without fail. hilarious your hypocritical status.
NO, you fucking dumbass, PAY your fucking bills.
When Biden recommends a budget, then congress submits theirs in September or before, THAT'S when the disagreements should take place. you not pay your credit card bill because YOU spent too much?
You loons have to rewrite and or ignore history and change the definition of socialism in an insane attempt to make it palatable. Every country in Europe flirts with socialism for a while then take a hard right turn when the socialist fuck things up.
the Socialists won, communists disappeared with the USSR, and every recession/depression happens because of the GOP, which just loves taking risks with the world economy. 1929 1989 2008 2019 (trump screwing up the pandemic response with vaccine lies...2023 trump deregulation of regional banks hits...
This thread has over 500 posts and yet you try to claim that no one cares about Communism anymore.
People care about socialism because it is really the answer. Capitalism with a good safety net like every modern country but us, And always democratic. Nobody wants a communist dictatorship except people with a gun to their heads in China North Korea Vietnam and Cuba, brainwashed functional moron.
People care about socialism because it is really the answer. Capitalism with a good safety net like every modern country but us, And always democratic. Nobody wants a communist dictatorship except people with a gun to their heads in China North Korea Vietnam and Cuba, brainwashed functional moron.
Socialism has failed everywhere it has been.
the Socialists won, communists disappeared with the USSR, and every recession/depression happens because of the GOP, which just loves taking risks with the world economy. 1929 1989 2008 2019 (trump screwing up the pandemic response with vaccine lies...2023 trump deregulation of regional banks hits...
"The goal of Socialism is Communism". Vladamir Lenin.
Socialism has failed everywhere it has been.
You're talking about communism for the billionth time, a dictatorship where all business and industry is owned by the state, and they need a violent revolution or invasion and secret police and a dictatorship to keep it going. Socialism is in every country in the modern world except us. Always Democratic Fair Capitalism with a good safety net. You have to have at least health care for all.... You are a prime example of the brainwashed by English Savage capitalist propaganda stooge... And don't listen to communists or Nazis or trump either or Murdoch of course or your Internet Crazies... The biggest liars in human history..

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