AOC Is A Communist

You're talking about communism for the billionth time, a dictatorship where all business and industry is owned by the state, and they need a violent revolution or invasion and secret police and a dictatorship to keep it going. Socialism is in every country in the modern world except us. Always Democratic Fair Capitalism with a good safety net. You have to have at least health care for all.... You are a prime example of the brainwashed by English Savage capitalist propaganda stooge... And don't listen to communists or Nazis or trump either or Murdoch of course or your Internet Crazies... The biggest liars in human history..
You guys are losing Hispanics because they know that "democratic socialism" is how communism begins. First you make it democratic and then once established, you take the democratic part away and then have "democratic" elections like Russia, Iran, Venezuela, and others have.
Socialism has failed everywhere it has been.
The fact that there exist tons of stories written by wingnut capitalists denying socialism (democratic socialism models) does well, is a testament to how crazy scared some people are of socialism.

Depending on how socialism is defined? Then what of former socialist nations --how are they doing now? Many are experiencing seriously dangerous times.

and I'm not a proponent of socialism, though I like the democratic socialist model.
You're talking about communism for the billionth time, a dictatorship where all business and industry is owned by the state, and they need a violent revolution or invasion and secret police and a dictatorship to keep it going. Socialism is in every country in the modern world except us. Always Democratic Fair Capitalism with a good safety net. You have to have at least health care for all.... You are a prime example of the brainwashed by English Savage capitalist propaganda stooge... And don't listen to communists or Nazis or trump either or Murdoch of course or your Internet Crazies... The biggest liars in human history..

It's just ignorance.
the Socialists won, communists disappeared with the USSR, and every recession/depression happens because of the GOP, which just loves taking risks with the world economy. 1929 1989 2008 2019 (trump screwing up the pandemic response with vaccine lies...2023 trump deregulation of regional banks hits...
it's truly a kick to read such garbage from demfks. Everytime a demfk follows a GOP president, the country can't function because of nonsense implemented. Like stopping border wall, gas pipeline, supply ships in the bays. First function is to increase spending from consumers, it is the number one priority of a demfk. Luckily, Newt came along in 1994. whew. We had actually good money in the 90's because of it.

But please, continue with your garden salad of horseshit.
Weren't you claiming Mexico and Iran were communist countries? You have no education.
socialist countries that people vote in. I see you didn't read the ask from the other poster.
Do you have proof that she is not a communist?
Taken independently one would have to think a Communist could actually get themselves elected anywhere in the US. Considering the unlikelihood of that scenario, Occam’s Razor should make one realize that the proponents of the theory are not independent of the MAGA movement and, therefore, biased. THINK!

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