AOC: No healing without accountability, no unity with "white supremacists"

I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

Maybe she means any Caucasian male who finds her to be obnoxious, ignorant, ungrateful & unattractive.

Whom does AOC need to be grateful toward?

America for taking her worthless corrupt welfare fraud family in at all..she should be deported.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

She means the White Supremacists.

So you, like AOC, are probably convinced that the country is full of these "white supremacists", right?

Ok then: Point them out for me, if you would. Show me where all these skinheads, Nazis, Klan members, the people with the swastika tattoos, the overt acts of racism, the lynchings, the cases where blacks and other minorities are being deprived of their civil rights...

Where are you are seeing all these people?

How many of them are there?

Are you surrounded by them right now?

Do they live among you, shop with you at the stores, markets, and gas stations?

Please point them out for me if you would.

The country isn’t full of White Supremacists, but the Republican Party is. They are abundant on this website.

If that's true and you truly detest "white supremacists", why do you keep coming here? Wouldn't that make you "guilty by association"?

I’m paid by the DNC and George Soros.

I believe it!!
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

She means the White Supremacists.

So you, like AOC, are probably convinced that the country is full of these "white supremacists", right?

Ok then: Point them out for me, if you would. Show me where all these skinheads, Nazis, Klan members, the people with the swastika tattoos, the overt acts of racism, the lynchings, the cases where blacks and other minorities are being deprived of their civil rights...

Where are you are seeing all these people?

How many of them are there?

Are you surrounded by them right now?

Do they live among you, shop with you at the stores, markets, and gas stations?

Please point them out for me if you would.

This a trick question? LOL. Are they everywhere?..well, in some cases..yes. But I'm not like Trump supporters. I don't see boogeymen and conspiracy theories around every corner. Nor do I go looking for them. News flash for you. White supremacists?...blend in. They're not easily identifiable anymore. The people you are describing above?, have all shed their outward identifiers. They look like your average next door neighbor. They hide behind computer screens and keyboards and on anonymous Internet chat sites, social media groups, and alt-right Internet sites. They don't need to lynch or execute anymore. And they have the backing of a group of Republican politicians like the House Freedom Cucks and right wing and alt-right media. Who needs to go and lynch when you have Congressional legitimacy and a willing bully pulpit to spread your message. And instead of acknowledging they exist, you revert to your tried and true tropes by saying things like "Point them out"..."Be specific"....Meh..close it. Hopefully, their time is coming to an end. Again, white grievance has been building for decades. The election of Barack Obama was like throwing a match in a pool of gasoline, Trump is just the result of that fire...and in the end, he just threw the biggest log on the fire and tossed in a grenade for good measure. He finally made it OK to voice these grievances out loud.

Those people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday??..truly thought they were going to overturn the election and that they would forcibly re-install Trump as President....why? Well for starters..he asked them to. And they thought they would be held harmless in Trump's second term. The ONLY reason they failed was because they didn't get a hold of any of the politicians involved in the for example, the Vice President whom a bunch of rioters were chanting, "Find Pence", "Get Pence".
Insurrection. Sedition. Treason.

You sound mildly perturbed, bro. Is something on your mind?

Nope just countering your usual deflections. Sorry if it was "wordy". :)

Quite the essay there. So tell me: Being a white SJW yourself, why do you deem it necessary to take it upon yourself to over-compensate for your own imaginary injustice against others who are different that yourself? Did you once say or do something bad to a black person?

In other words, why do white people like yourselves become the self-appointed "leaders" of the civil rights movement, even though you've been born, raised and reared in families which were blessed with an overabundance of white privilege?

I'm trying to understand your hang-up here. Bear with me.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

She a socialist thief who thinks that anyone would put her dumb ass in charge---she thinks she is going to use racism to push herself up. Like hitler she has chosen a skin color to smear and blame as she tries to enrich herself. The bimbo is so stupid that she doesn't even understand if the left is successful that she is still nothing more than a tool that they will discard eventually.

She's the future of politics in this country. And that scares the living shit out of people like you. Which makes people like me smile from ear to ear.
Your fear sustains me. :)

No baby she isn't---------she is dumb even by lib standards. She is nothing more than a tool that aggravates even the dem leadership....

And as with all revolutionist socialists--they only use such ignorant bimbos until one day---they themselves get so fed up with the AOC type of stupidity and egos, that they go ahead and get rid of them. Its why if you follow socialist revolutions that so many of the main players are also dead, in hiding, broke and starving, or in prison a few years later.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

It's the people who she erroneously perceives that threw her and mommy into poverty after her well-to-do daddy died.
And guess who that is. She's dangerous! Cause it's personal with her.

She is dangerous. Not really wishing harm to anyone, but rabid animals are usually put down before they hurt someone.

That is exactly the reason why Trump will be impeached a second time. He's rabid and feels trapped. There is no telling what that spoiled lying fool will do next.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

She means the White Supremacists.

So you, like AOC, are probably convinced that the country is full of these "white supremacists", right?

Ok then: Point them out for me, if you would. Show me where all these skinheads, Nazis, Klan members, the people with the swastika tattoos, the overt acts of racism, the lynchings, the cases where blacks and other minorities are being deprived of their civil rights...

Where are you are seeing all these people?

How many of them are there?

Are you surrounded by them right now?

Do they live among you, shop with you at the stores, markets, and gas stations?

Please point them out for me if you would.

This a trick question? LOL. Are they everywhere?..well, in some cases..yes. But I'm not like Trump supporters. I don't see boogeymen and conspiracy theories around every corner. Nor do I go looking for them. News flash for you. White supremacists?...blend in. They're not easily identifiable anymore. The people you are describing above?, have all shed their outward identifiers. They look like your average next door neighbor. They hide behind computer screens and keyboards and on anonymous Internet chat sites, social media groups, and alt-right Internet sites. They don't need to lynch or execute anymore. And they have the backing of a group of Republican politicians like the House Freedom Cucks and right wing and alt-right media. Who needs to go and lynch when you have Congressional legitimacy and a willing bully pulpit to spread your message. And instead of acknowledging they exist, you revert to your tried and true tropes by saying things like "Point them out"..."Be specific"....Meh..close it. Hopefully, their time is coming to an end. Again, white grievance has been building for decades. The election of Barack Obama was like throwing a match in a pool of gasoline, Trump is just the result of that fire...and in the end, he just threw the biggest log on the fire and tossed in a grenade for good measure. He finally made it OK to voice these grievances out loud.

Those people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday??..truly thought they were going to overturn the election and that they would forcibly re-install Trump as President....why? Well for starters..he asked them to. And they thought they would be held harmless in Trump's second term. The ONLY reason they failed was because they didn't get a hold of any of the politicians involved in the for example, the Vice President whom a bunch of rioters were chanting, "Find Pence", "Get Pence".
Insurrection. Sedition. Treason.

You sound mildly perturbed, bro. Is something on your mind?

Nope just countering your usual deflections. Sorry if it was "wordy". :)

Quite the essay there. So tell me: Being a white SJW yourself, why do you deem it necessary to take it upon yourself to over-compensate for your own imaginary injustice against others who are different that yourself? Did you once say or do something bad to a black person?

In other words, why do white people like yourselves become the self-appointed "leaders" of the civil rights movement, even though you've been born, raised and reared in families which were blessed with an overabundance of white privilege?

I'm trying to understand your hang-up here. Bear with me.

None of those things you "deflector" types think I am. What I am is a human being, slinky. Compassion, empathy, you know, do unto others? I know it's a foreign concept to you Trump supporters.
And I get that you feel threatened by an evolving country that is leaving your childhood tropes behind and has no patience for your continued bigotry, but honestly, don't you ever feel it's time
to just move on? :)
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

It's the people who she erroneously perceives that threw her and mommy into poverty after her well-to-do daddy died.
And guess who that is. She's dangerous! Cause it's personal with her.

She is dangerous. Not really wishing harm to anyone, but rabid animals are usually put down before they hurt someone.

That is exactly the reason why Trump will be impeached a second time. He's rabid and feels trapped. There is no telling what that spoiled lying fool will do next.

I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

I'd rethink the lapdance request. You don't want to know where her crotch has been.

New year, same obnoxious bitch.

Oh, look leftist misogyny.

Don't worry. Crepitus won't call you out for it.

That’s not misogyny, it’s an insult, no different than correctly calling you a sedition-cheering cocksucker.

Can you show us your tits AOC? They never looked half bad. Nice springy pointy ta tas Just put a bag over your face please

Now, now. We don't need any INCEL types around here. You want hooters..see Ivanka. You may have to push daddy out of the way but I think you got a shot. :auiqs.jpg:

INCEL’s are what the democrat party harbors. Whiney little male feminists that can’t decide what gender they are.

You just nailed it. I have no idea how the word "incel" popped up a year ago, and where it came from. The word seems to be used a lot by the left to describe normally-functioning white Christian conservative Republicans who frankly don't suffer from sexual, political, or ethnic identity crisis.

Is that what's called "projection" or something? Personally, I'm as right-wing as they come. But I've never had a problem approaching women or maintaining a relationship with them.

Liberals and progressives sure come up with some off the wall stuff.
I'll say it again, it will not be long before they come after Conservatives and Christians.

Damn, I was hoping to go for the guns first, but if that's the schedule, I guess that's what we will do. Those FEMA prisons aren't going to fill themselves.

If this is your goal, then a helluva lot of people are gonna die trying to fill 'em!
That's fer sure.

Are they going to die by tazing themselves in the nuts? That would make it easier for all of us.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

I'd rethink the lapdance request. You don't want to know where her crotch has been.

New year, same obnoxious bitch.

Oh, look leftist misogyny.

Don't worry. Crepitus won't call you out for it.

That’s not misogyny, it’s an insult, no different than correctly calling you a sedition-cheering cocksucker.

Can you show us your tits AOC? They never looked half bad. Nice springy pointy ta tas Just put a bag over your face please

Now, now. We don't need any INCEL types around here. You want hooters..see Ivanka. You may have to push daddy out of the way but I think you got a shot. :auiqs.jpg:

INCEL’s are what the democrat party harbors. Whiney little male feminists that can’t decide what gender they are.

You just nailed it. I have no idea how the word "incel" popped up a year ago, and where it came from. The word seems to be used a lot by the left to describe normally-functioning white Christian conservative Republicans who frankly don't suffer from sexual, political, or ethnic identity crisis.

Is that what's called "projection" or something? Personally, I'm as right-wing as they come. But I've never had a problem approaching women or maintaining a relationship with them.

Liberals and progressives sure come up with some off the wall stuff.

Climb out of your Mom's basement and come out into the light. :) The term has been around for a long time.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

She means the White Supremacists.

So you, like AOC, are probably convinced that the country is full of these "white supremacists", right?

Ok then: Point them out for me, if you would. Show me where all these skinheads, Nazis, Klan members, the people with the swastika tattoos, the overt acts of racism, the lynchings, the cases where blacks and other minorities are being deprived of their civil rights...

Where are you are seeing all these people?

How many of them are there?

Are you surrounded by them right now?

Do they live among you, shop with you at the stores, markets, and gas stations?

Please point them out for me if you would.

This a trick question? LOL. Are they everywhere?..well, in some cases..yes. But I'm not like Trump supporters. I don't see boogeymen and conspiracy theories around every corner. Nor do I go looking for them. News flash for you. White supremacists?...blend in. They're not easily identifiable anymore. The people you are describing above?, have all shed their outward identifiers. They look like your average next door neighbor. They hide behind computer screens and keyboards and on anonymous Internet chat sites, social media groups, and alt-right Internet sites. They don't need to lynch or execute anymore. And they have the backing of a group of Republican politicians like the House Freedom Cucks and right wing and alt-right media. Who needs to go and lynch when you have Congressional legitimacy and a willing bully pulpit to spread your message. And instead of acknowledging they exist, you revert to your tried and true tropes by saying things like "Point them out"..."Be specific"....Meh..close it. Hopefully, their time is coming to an end. Again, white grievance has been building for decades. The election of Barack Obama was like throwing a match in a pool of gasoline, Trump is just the result of that fire...and in the end, he just threw the biggest log on the fire and tossed in a grenade for good measure. He finally made it OK to voice these grievances out loud.

Those people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday??..truly thought they were going to overturn the election and that they would forcibly re-install Trump as President....why? Well for starters..he asked them to. And they thought they would be held harmless in Trump's second term. The ONLY reason they failed was because they didn't get a hold of any of the politicians involved in the for example, the Vice President whom a bunch of rioters were chanting, "Find Pence", "Get Pence".
Insurrection. Sedition. Treason.

You sound mildly perturbed, bro. Is something on your mind?

Nope just countering your usual deflections. Sorry if it was "wordy". :)

Quite the essay there. So tell me: Being a white SJW yourself, why do you deem it necessary to take it upon yourself to over-compensate for your own imaginary injustice against others who are different that yourself? Did you once say or do something bad to a black person?

In other words, why do white people like yourselves become the self-appointed "leaders" of the civil rights movement, even though you've been born, raised and reared in families which were blessed with an overabundance of white privilege?

I'm trying to understand your hang-up here. Bear with me.

None of those things you "deflector" types think I am. What I am is a human being, slinky. Compassion, empathy, you know, do unto others? I know it's a foreign concept to you Trump supporters.
And I get that you feel threatened by an evolving country that is leaving your childhood tropes behind and has no patience for your continued bigotry, but honestly, don't you ever feel it's time
to just move on? :)

What am I "deflecting" from? I'm trying to understand you and get to the root of your problem. I was at one time exatly where you are: A liberal or progressive Democrat, even writing in Jessee Jackson for a presidential primary. A musician, involved in the drug culture, slumming around with black people, almost married a black woman one time. Even though I was once one of you a long time ago, your general demeanor seems completely foreign and hostile to me.

You can't blame me for being curious, can you? After all, one of the common traits of liberalism is curiosity, right?
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

I'd rethink the lapdance request. You don't want to know where her crotch has been.

New year, same obnoxious bitch.

Oh, look leftist misogyny.

Don't worry. Crepitus won't call you out for it.

That’s not misogyny, it’s an insult, no different than correctly calling you a sedition-cheering cocksucker.

Can you show us your tits AOC? They never looked half bad. Nice springy pointy ta tas Just put a bag over your face please

Now, now. We don't need any INCEL types around here. You want hooters..see Ivanka. You may have to push daddy out of the way but I think you got a shot. :auiqs.jpg:

INCEL’s are what the democrat party harbors. Whiney little male feminists that can’t decide what gender they are.

Man buns!


Man buns are for losers lol
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

She a socialist thief who thinks that anyone would put her dumb ass in charge---she thinks she is going to use racism to push herself up. Like hitler she has chosen a skin color to smear and blame as she tries to enrich herself. The bimbo is so stupid that she doesn't even understand if the left is successful that she is still nothing more than a tool that they will discard eventually.

In other words, a racial-supremacist who's not really a member of the ethnic groups whose superiority promotes.

That sounds pretty darned disingenuous to me.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

I'd rethink the lapdance request. You don't want to know where her crotch has been.

New year, same obnoxious bitch.

Oh, look leftist misogyny.

Don't worry. Crepitus won't call you out for it.

That’s not misogyny, it’s an insult, no different than correctly calling you a sedition-cheering cocksucker.

Can you show us your tits AOC? They never looked half bad. Nice springy pointy ta tas Just put a bag over your face please

Now, now. We don't need any INCEL types around here. You want hooters..see Ivanka. You may have to push daddy out of the way but I think you got a shot. :auiqs.jpg:

INCEL’s are what the democrat party harbors. Whiney little male feminists that can’t decide what gender they are.

You just nailed it. I have no idea how the word "incel" popped up a year ago, and where it came from. The word seems to be used a lot by the left to describe normally-functioning white Christian conservative Republicans who frankly don't suffer from sexual, political, or ethnic identity crisis.

Is that what's called "projection" or something? Personally, I'm as right-wing as they come. But I've never had a problem approaching women or maintaining a relationship with them.

Liberals and progressives sure come up with some off the wall stuff.

Yes,it’s projection. Just look how they portray themselves in the entertainment industry. Weak, emasculated men that need women to tell them what to do.

I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's too Jewish compared to the average Latina chick, isn't she? That sort works too hard in Congress to circumcise white American males. What else is all that bitch-ass “healing” about in a context of universal socialized government-mandated compulsory healthcare?
Football players kneeling on the field and playing rosary beads hail mary like they got hurt in the balls or something like that.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

I'd rethink the lapdance request. You don't want to know where her crotch has been.

New year, same obnoxious bitch.

Oh, look leftist misogyny.

Don't worry. Crepitus won't call you out for it.

That’s not misogyny, it’s an insult, no different than correctly calling you a sedition-cheering cocksucker.

Can you show us your tits AOC? They never looked half bad. Nice springy pointy ta tas Just put a bag over your face please

Now, now. We don't need any INCEL types around here. You want hooters..see Ivanka. You may have to push daddy out of the way but I think you got a shot. :auiqs.jpg:

INCEL’s are what the democrat party harbors. Whiney little male feminists that can’t decide what gender they are.

You just nailed it. I have no idea how the word "incel" popped up a year ago, and where it came from. The word seems to be used a lot by the left to describe normally-functioning white Christian conservative Republicans who frankly don't suffer from sexual, political, or ethnic identity crisis.

Is that what's called "projection" or something? Personally, I'm as right-wing as they come. But I've never had a problem approaching women or maintaining a relationship with them.

Liberals and progressives sure come up with some off the wall stuff.

All I want to know is why it is ok for girls to be boys and boys to be girls in a mixed up world????? I need to know that first. Is Lola around by chance? Whenever I drink Asti I get creative. And it tastes like Coke a Cola.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

She means the White Supremacists.

So you, like AOC, are probably convinced that the country is full of these "white supremacists", right?

Ok then: Point them out for me, if you would. Show me where all these skinheads, Nazis, Klan members, the people with the swastika tattoos, the overt acts of racism, the lynchings, the cases where blacks and other minorities are being deprived of their civil rights...

Where are you are seeing all these people?

How many of them are there?

Are you surrounded by them right now?

Do they live among you, shop with you at the stores, markets, and gas stations?

Please point them out for me if you would.

This a trick question? LOL. Are they everywhere?..well, in some cases..yes. But I'm not like Trump supporters. I don't see boogeymen and conspiracy theories around every corner. Nor do I go looking for them. News flash for you. White supremacists?...blend in. They're not easily identifiable anymore. The people you are describing above?, have all shed their outward identifiers. They look like your average next door neighbor. They hide behind computer screens and keyboards and on anonymous Internet chat sites, social media groups, and alt-right Internet sites. They don't need to lynch or execute anymore. And they have the backing of a group of Republican politicians like the House Freedom Cucks and right wing and alt-right media. Who needs to go and lynch when you have Congressional legitimacy and a willing bully pulpit to spread your message. And instead of acknowledging they exist, you revert to your tried and true tropes by saying things like "Point them out"..."Be specific"....Meh..close it. Hopefully, their time is coming to an end. Again, white grievance has been building for decades. The election of Barack Obama was like throwing a match in a pool of gasoline, Trump is just the result of that fire...and in the end, he just threw the biggest log on the fire and tossed in a grenade for good measure. He finally made it OK to voice these grievances out loud.

Those people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday??..truly thought they were going to overturn the election and that they would forcibly re-install Trump as President....why? Well for starters..he asked them to. And they thought they would be held harmless in Trump's second term. The ONLY reason they failed was because they didn't get a hold of any of the politicians involved in the for example, the Vice President whom a bunch of rioters were chanting, "Find Pence", "Get Pence".
Insurrection. Sedition. Treason.

You sound mildly perturbed, bro. Is something on your mind?

Nope just countering your usual deflections. Sorry if it was "wordy". :)

Quite the essay there. So tell me: Being a white SJW yourself, why do you deem it necessary to take it upon yourself to over-compensate for your own imaginary injustice against others who are different that yourself? Did you once say or do something bad to a black person?

In other words, why do white people like yourselves become the self-appointed "leaders" of the civil rights movement, even though you've been born, raised and reared in families which were blessed with an overabundance of white privilege?

I'm trying to understand your hang-up here. Bear with me.

None of those things you "deflector" types think I am. What I am is a human being, slinky. Compassion, empathy, you know, do unto others? I know it's a foreign concept to you Trump supporters.
And I get that you feel threatened by an evolving country that is leaving your childhood tropes behind and has no patience for your continued bigotry, but honestly, don't you ever feel it's time
to just move on? :)

What am I "deflecting" from? I'm trying to understand you and get to the root of your problem. I was at one time exatly where you are: A liberal or progressive Democrat, even writing in Jessee Jackson for a presidential primary. A musician, involved in the drug culture, slumming around with black people, almost married a black woman one time. Even though I was once one of you a long time ago, your general demeanor seems completely foreign and hostile to me.

You can't blame me for being curious, can you? After all, one of the common traits of liberalism is curiosity, right?

You are ascribing me to be a spokesperson for a cause. I'm not. I'm just pointing out the truth. So what turned you? I'm sorry, I never did drugs..cept the legal ones and I was a Republican when Jesse Jackson was running for President.
Why does AOC scare you? She's a Representative from a district in New York. Why is being an outspoken member of her party concern you..wait..amended. Why does she scare you? She's young, she's articulate, she's adept in social media.
Sure, she has pie-in-the-sky ideals..but didn't you and I have those same ideals when we were that age?
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

She is only half right.

No unity and peace with hyporites and liars like her who only condemn riots from people on thr right.

She is a seditious pig who0 enables BLM and ANTIFA riots

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