AOC: No healing without accountability, no unity with "white supremacists"

I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

Excuse me...but given the events of the last couple is no healing without accountability


LIke I said, where are all these "white supremacists"?

Or does it just make you feel better about your own white skin to hate people like you?

YOU are one...they are all over this board and they are disgusting

My "white skin" means no more to me than my brown eyes...nor should it

You are no different than I am. If you're disgusted with me, you're disgusted with yourself.

That's just not healthy, son.
This chick is gonna run for president someday.

All I can say is that if she does run, I hope at least that she runs naked so we can see those little titties flopping back and forth.

But I still wouldn't vote for her, mind you. I'm ...uh...just doing research on titular motion and how it's effected by gravity.

That's it. Yeah.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

There are no "GOP Republicans". They're long gone. There are only Trump Republicans and those who enable them. Mitch McConnell has not only shown no interest in governance, he has actively opposing it by refusing to pass any bills other than financial bills. His only interest is in packing the federal benches with conservative lawyers.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

There are no "GOP Republicans". They're long gone. There are only Trump Republicans and those who enable them. Mitch McConnell has not only shown no interest in governance, he has actively opposing it by refusing to pass any bills other than financial bills. His only interest is in packing the federal benches with conservative lawyers.

Well maybe you should ask yourself two simple questions: Just why is the Republican Party so enamored of Donald J. Trump?

And why would McConnell and the Republican-held Senate be using their constitutional checks and balances against a House which has become infested with Marxists?

Figure those two things out then find an answer as to why Donald J. Trump even won in 2016.

I'll give you a hint, since you probably live in a vacuum devoid of any real information: It had absolutely nothing to do with "Russia."

Figure out the answers to these three questions and I guarantee you that you will be looked upon as a "wizard" among your leftist peers. They might even build a little shrine in your honor, for being such a smart person. Or maybe they won't.
You are no different than I am. If you're disgusted with me, you're disgusted with yourself.
I'm disgusted by you NOT because of your skin color (or mine) asshole...but rather because you think it MEANS something.'

It doesn't

You're actually pretty pathetic
Well maybe you should ask yourself two simple questions: Just why is the Republican Party so enamored of Donald J. Trump?
I have puzzled over that very question.

I really think it's because Republicans realized that they have been played by the GOP for decades and were pissed.

Trump came along and played to their basest desires and they LOVED that
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

I'd rethink the lapdance request. You don't want to know where her crotch has been.

New year, same obnoxious bitch.

Oh, look leftist misogyny.

Don't worry. Crepitus won't call you out for it.

That’s not misogyny, it’s an insult, no different than correctly calling you a sedition-cheering cocksucker.

Can you show us your tits AOC? They never looked half bad. Nice springy pointy ta tas Just put a bag over your face please

Now, now. We don't need any INCEL types around here. You want hooters..see Ivanka. You may have to push daddy out of the way but I think you got a shot. :auiqs.jpg:

INCEL’s are what the democrat party harbors. Whiney little male feminists that can’t decide what gender they are.

Man buns!


Man buns are for losers lol

Indeed. Especially when they have a pathetic little soul patch covered with drool.

Gawd Damned...LOLOL....I signed up here in 2015. I posted 22 times and was so impressed I left until a couple weeks ago.

Most boards I've been on have few conserv chicks. The only ones are post menopausal liberal freak shows spitting venom everywhere. Refreshing as a lemonade here.

Why, thankee sirrah. *curtsies*

We have some faboo folks here.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

She's 100% on the money. Hard times and rough seas ahead for the GOP. Enough of this bullshit.

So am I to understand that by "white supremacists" she really means GOP Republicans? Or just the Trump-supporting GOP Republicans? Or is it all white people in general, and is she excluding those black people who voted for Trump?

She means the White Supremacists.

So you, like AOC, are probably convinced that the country is full of these "white supremacists", right?

Ok then: Point them out for me, if you would. Show me where all these skinheads, Nazis, Klan members, the people with the swastika tattoos, the overt acts of racism, the lynchings, the cases where blacks and other minorities are being deprived of their civil rights...

Where are you are seeing all these people?

How many of them are there?

Are you surrounded by them right now?

Do they live among you, shop with you at the stores, markets, and gas stations?

Please point them out for me if you would.

The country isn’t full of White Supremacists, but the Republican Party is. They are abundant on this website.

No, they're not.

Brilliant retort.

It's as full of proof as your claim is.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

Excuse me...but given the events of the last couple is no healing without accountability


LIke I said, where are all these "white supremacists"?

Or does it just make you feel better about your own white skin to hate people like you?

It's projection all the way down for the libtards. They are such rabid bigots that they assume everyone else is.
Well maybe you should ask yourself two simple questions: Just why is the Republican Party so enamored of Donald J. Trump?
I have puzzled over that very question.

I really think it's because Republicans realized that they have been played by the GOP for decades and were pissed.

Trump came along and played to their basest desires and they LOVED that

You appear to be smart enough to realize some things. yes, we were taken advantage of by the establishment GOP, because they became a bunch of "good ol' boy" cucks who were willing to sell out their own principles and their constituency, all in the name of bipartisanship.

But as the Democrat Party moved further and further to the left, the more strict conversationalist Republican members became aware of whet their constituents were telling them.

That came to a head in 2010, when the Tea Party Movement caused a massive "shellacking" of then President Obama's Democratically-held Congress.

I feel like I'm reciting ancient history here, but this is all common knowledge. I'm probably too drunk to go on at this point, so maybe some other time.

I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

I'd rethink the lapdance request. You don't want to know where her crotch has been.

New year, same obnoxious bitch.

Oh, look leftist misogyny.

Don't worry. Crepitus won't call you out for it.

That’s not misogyny, it’s an insult, no different than correctly calling you a sedition-cheering cocksucker.

Uh huh. Somehow, it's always different when leftists do it.

And speaking of cocksuckers, that's how your Vice President got started in politics.
Most likely, neither far end of the spectrum will be participating in any "healing".

They have either lost the temperament for it, or they never had it.

The rest of us will simply have to work around them.
You are on the far left end of the spectrum, moron.

Who do you thing you're fooling?
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021


Not sure. Never tasted Marxist pussy.

Now you got me wondering. :laughing0301:

Hit it and quit it.

This was the philosophy of every one of the fathers of the losers and filthy animals who invaded the Capitol.

We're not talking about BLM last June.
Your side has said things about Melania that are worse.

LOL, please stop being stupid.

She was a high end escort who married a millionaire 30 years older than her.

Please try to be serious here.
I will never unify with this mentally-handicapped Marxist, so STFU AOC.

Now be a good girl, fetch me a cold beer, and give me a $20 lap dance.

Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:

There is no “healing” from this without accountability.

And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.

You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 9, 2021

I'd rethink the lapdance request. You don't want to know where her crotch has been.

New year, same obnoxious bitch.

Oh, look leftist misogyny.

Don't worry. Crepitus won't call you out for it.

That’s not misogyny, it’s an insult, no different than correctly calling you a sedition-cheering cocksucker.

Can you show us your tits AOC? They never looked half bad. Nice springy pointy ta tas Just put a bag over your face please

Now, now. We don't need any INCEL types around here. You want hooters..see Ivanka. You may have to push daddy out of the way but I think you got a shot. :auiqs.jpg:

INCEL’s are what the democrat party harbors. Whiney little male feminists that can’t decide what gender they are.

Man buns!


Man buns are for losers lol

Indeed. Especially when they have a pathetic little soul patch covered with drool.

Those big round holes they have cut out of their earlobes really make me go "WTF???"

Then they they put round rings of wood or something in them the make the hole even bigger and rounder. I have to stifle the urge to grab one of them by the ring and say "Come here little piggie" whenever I see one, and there are a lot of those little piggies around where I live.

And like you said, they always seem to have a little man bun and a soul patch. I call that soul patch a "Cod Cushion."


Is mutilating your face a fashion statement or sumptin? They usually seem to be stable and happy creatures. I saw a tat of Bill Clinton once on a mans calf in an auto repair shop waiting. Each minute I looked at it I became more disturbed. Even if it was Reagan I would have upchucked. WTF is wrong with you???
I really think it's because Republicans realized that they have been played by the GOP for decades and were pissed.

Trump came along and played to their basest desires and they LOVED that
You appear to be smart enough to realize some things. yes, we were taken advantage of by the establishment GOP, because they became a bunch of "good ol' boy" cucks who were willing to sell out their own principles and their constituency, all in the name of bipartisanship.
You just confirmed what I thought to be true

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