AOC not A-OK with Boston's Straight Pride Parade

I don't see the problem with straight and I don't have a problem with gay. To each his own. It's not an issue except for the kooky fringes on both ends.



I couldn’t care less, what you say I am
I KNOW who God says I am

I am chosen
Not forsaken
I am who You say I am
You are for me
Not against me
I am who You say I am

I’m a child of God, yes I am

You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
You say I am held when I am falling short
When I don't belong, You say I am Yours

If I am a bigot because I refuse to accept
what I know is be it

I am proud to be a bigot

If I am disgusting and insane because I refuse
to buy the lie and follow the blind into a be it

I am disgusting and insane and proud of it

You continue working for your father promoting the lie
and I’ll continue working for my Father proclaiming the truth
Twisted religion you've got there...
One, I’m not into religion

Two, religion has nothing to do with anything

Any reasonable, decent person should have a problem with
freaking deviants being able to organize a parade
and allowed a public platform to strut around in perversity
Now that they can live in society they're getting married and jobs and kids, thank you very much idiot bigot. Try reading what psychiatrists and psychologists and experts say instead of whatever.

They have always lived in society...
Thank you very much bigot moron

They feel comfortable being themselves
in their own surroundings, their comfort zone

They’re getting married where they can...
not wherever they want

They’ve been working...who cares

They can’t produce children naturally...
what’s your point

I already told you, the devil is alive and well
Those are his children

As far as psychiatrists and psychologists,
and what the experts have to say...

I don’t listen to wackos who advocate
feeding children hormone blockers
because it is their expert opinion that 3 year olds
know whether or not they were assigned the wrong gender
and that parents are harming their son by not allowing....

him to dress like a girl, not referring to him as a her,
not changing his name from joe to joanne,
and not feeding him the drugs which will alter or prevent
the natural changes that occur for boys

You are the weakest link, good bye
So as long as you control where they live, where they go, where they can nmarry, and tell parets how to raise their children, you are happy?
Oh lardy! The parets is n-marryin now!
When straight people are fire for being straight. Not hired because they are straight. Banned from the military because you are straight. Denied hospital visdit to your loved one because you ase straight,

THEN you assholes can march.

Until then STFU.

How about I'll utilize the freedoms I'm guaranteed in this country and march about whatever the fuck I want to march about, and YOU stfu.
So you are white. What the fuck gives an assfuck like you the right to deny rights to others.
It’s not equal rights it’s special rights.
What right is special?
Twisted religion you've got there...
One, I’m not into religion

Two, religion has nothing to do with anything

Any reasonable, decent person should have a problem with
freaking deviants being able to organize a parade
and allowed a public platform to strut around in perversity
Now that they can live in society they're getting married and jobs and kids, thank you very much idiot bigot. Try reading what psychiatrists and psychologists and experts say instead of whatever.

They have always lived in society...
Thank you very much bigot moron

They feel comfortable being themselves
in their own surroundings, their comfort zone

They’re getting married where they can...
not wherever they want

They’ve been working...who cares

They can’t produce children naturally...
what’s your point

I already told you, the devil is alive and well
Those are his children

As far as psychiatrists and psychologists,
and what the experts have to say...

I don’t listen to wackos who advocate
feeding children hormone blockers
because it is their expert opinion that 3 year olds
know whether or not they were assigned the wrong gender
and that parents are harming their son by not allowing....

him to dress like a girl, not referring to him as a her,
not changing his name from joe to joanne,
and not feeding him the drugs which will alter or prevent
the natural changes that occur for boys

You are the weakest link, good bye
So as long as you control where they live, where they go, where they can nmarry, and tell parets how to raise their children, you are happy?
That's what you do.
In what way?
Twisted religion you've got there...
One, I’m not into religion

Two, religion has nothing to do with anything

Any reasonable, decent person should have a problem with
freaking deviants being able to organize a parade
and allowed a public platform to strut around in perversity
Now that they can live in society they're getting married and jobs and kids, thank you very much idiot bigot. Try reading what psychiatrists and psychologists and experts say instead of whatever.

They have always lived in society...
Thank you very much bigot moron

They feel comfortable being themselves
in their own surroundings, their comfort zone

They’re getting married where they can...
not wherever they want

They’ve been working...who cares

They can’t produce children naturally...
what’s your point

I already told you, the devil is alive and well
Those are his children

As far as psychiatrists and psychologists,
and what the experts have to say...

I don’t listen to wackos who advocate
feeding children hormone blockers
because it is their expert opinion that 3 year olds
know whether or not they were assigned the wrong gender
and that parents are harming their son by not allowing....

him to dress like a girl, not referring to him as a her,
not changing his name from joe to joanne,
and not feeding him the drugs which will alter or prevent
the natural changes that occur for boys

You are the weakest link, good bye
So as long as you control where they live, where they go, where they can nmarry, and tell parets how to raise their children, you are happy?
That's what you do.
You talkin' about laws against marrying your family members?
One, I’m not into religion

Two, religion has nothing to do with anything

Any reasonable, decent person should have a problem with
freaking deviants being able to organize a parade
and allowed a public platform to strut around in perversity
Now that they can live in society they're getting married and jobs and kids, thank you very much idiot bigot. Try reading what psychiatrists and psychologists and experts say instead of whatever.

They have always lived in society...
Thank you very much bigot moron

They feel comfortable being themselves
in their own surroundings, their comfort zone

They’re getting married where they can...
not wherever they want

They’ve been working...who cares

They can’t produce children naturally...
what’s your point

I already told you, the devil is alive and well
Those are his children

As far as psychiatrists and psychologists,
and what the experts have to say...

I don’t listen to wackos who advocate
feeding children hormone blockers
because it is their expert opinion that 3 year olds
know whether or not they were assigned the wrong gender
and that parents are harming their son by not allowing....

him to dress like a girl, not referring to him as a her,
not changing his name from joe to joanne,
and not feeding him the drugs which will alter or prevent
the natural changes that occur for boys

You are the weakest link, good bye
So as long as you control where they live, where they go, where they can nmarry, and tell parets how to raise their children, you are happy?
That's what you do.
You talkin' about laws against marrying your family members?
Thats what you do.You tell everyone else what they can can not do today. Your influence has destroyed the traditional family and we are taxed massively for it.
When straight people are fire for being straight. Not hired because they are straight. Banned from the military because you are straight. Denied hospital visdit to your loved one because you ase straight,

THEN you assholes can march.

Until then STFU.

How about I'll utilize the freedoms I'm guaranteed in this country and march about whatever the fuck I want to march about, and YOU stfu.
So you are white. What the fuck gives an assfuck like you the right to deny rights to others.
It’s not equal rights it’s special rights.
What right is special?
See how it works is you provide a rebuttal and don’t give out homework assignments
The Real Knave Slave
Brainwashed functional moron,
if there isn’t money to invest in
infrastructure, public universities and so forth,
what makes you think there is money
to support everyone that wants to come here?

There is money to invest in our country
it is mismanaged and spent improperly

What could we have done as far as infrastructure
with the 9+ BILLION that went to those detained at the borders?

How much more are we spending on public education?

Acquiring existing buildings or building new
pre schools, grammar schools and high schools
to ease the overcrowding of the existing schools
because of the influx of immigrant children...

Schools that have to be staffed,
buildings that have to be maintained
Curriculum that is modified for non English speaking students
More breakfasts, lunches, tutors

That money could have been used
to improve the existing schools in place
instead of taking money away from those schools
because it had to be diverted and spread out elsewhere

Now, what rationale explanation can you offer
for the following aid to just this 1 country
during the Obama administration
and during the worse financial crisis


2008 - $8.9 BILLION DOLLARS (2007 for 2008 under Bush)

2009 - $9.0 BILLION DOLLARS (2008 for 2009 under Obama)








2017 - $5.7 BILLION DOLLARS (2016 for 2017 under Obama)

2018 - $760 MILLION DOLLARS (2017 for 2018 under Trump)

2019 - $192 MILLION DOLLARS (2018 for 2019 under Trump)

Now, I’ve only listed 1 country
EVERY country receiving aid from us,
has had their aid drastically reduced
since Trump has been in office

Is it any wonder why foreign governments
have a problem with Trump

That is why upgrades and upkeep
for and within our country don’t happen...
we have been giving other countries
millions, hundreds of millions and billions of dollars

That is why we can’t provide ALL our own legal citizens
that were born and raised here and generational descendants
who are homeless, struggling or fallen on hard times
through no fault of their own or deserving of
the assistance and intervention necessary to make a difference...

Because we are helping foreigners not entitled to
government intervention with taxpayer dollars
and enabling the irresponsibility of our own
through government assistance with taxpayer dollars

Our government is obligated to us, no one else
If individuals want to help people struggling elsewhere
that is fine because that is how it is supposed to be

Furthermore, our government has no business
using tax dollars to support irresponsible individuals
who simply refuse to pull the weight of their consequences

No one is entitled to have their needs handed to them
in order to get their hands on what they want

Not being wealthy doesn’t mean
you’re entitled to someone else’s wealth

Just because someone else doesn’t have to struggle
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have to struggle either
Flat tax systems do not work.
Move to Europe if you like taxes
since I have not a doctor millionaire or married to a European that is not possible dumbass
Well stfu and assimilate to to our government by the people culture,, limited government is America
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. let's do away with the states then because they give us a whole second level of laws and giant government.... Since Reagan, crap propaganda giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else is America....
You have a bad scale on history.. republicans have had to fix democrat fuck ups.. democrats aren’t even democrats any more.. you guys are communist you just have the disguise it with propaganda if you didn’t you all would go on Fox News and debate..
your party is over
Flat tax systems do not work.
Move to Europe if you like taxes
since I have not a doctor millionaire or married to a European that is not possible dumbass
Well stfu and assimilate to to our government by the people culture,, limited government is America
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. let's do away with the states then because they give us a whole second level of laws and giant government.... Since Reagan, crap propaganda giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else is America....
You have a bad scale on history.. republicans have had to fix democrat fuck ups.. democrats aren’t even democrats any more.. you guys are communist you just have the disguise it with propaganda if you didn’t you all would go on Fox News and debate..
your party is over
90% of the world and 70% of America believe that you are a brainwashed functional moron. In the entire modern world only the GOP denies these facts and problems and is not tolerant and believes a pile of dog crap. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all businesses and property and industry. You can't find a Democrat that is anywhere near that, super duper. Socialism in the modern definition is simply always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Of course he did not know the GOP obstruction sabotage hate and propaganda operation. Look at Google News everyday and stop being a brainwashed a******. Then you can join polite Society LOL
Move to Europe if you like taxes
since I have not a doctor millionaire or married to a European that is not possible dumbass
Well stfu and assimilate to to our government by the people culture,, limited government is America
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. let's do away with the states then because they give us a whole second level of laws and giant government.... Since Reagan, crap propaganda giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else is America....
You have a bad scale on history.. republicans have had to fix democrat fuck ups.. democrats aren’t even democrats any more.. you guys are communist you just have the disguise it with propaganda if you didn’t you all would go on Fox News and debate..
your party is over
90% of the world and 70% of America believe that you are a brainwashed functional moron. In the entire modern world only the GOP denies these facts and problems and is not tolerant and believes a pile of dog crap. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all businesses and property and industry. You can't find a Democrat that is anywhere near that, super duper. Socialism in the modern definition is simply always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Of course he did not know the GOP obstruction sabotage hate and propaganda operation. Look at Google News everyday and stop being a brainwashed a******. Then you can join polite Society LOL
Are you a retard? What do you think the new green deal does? IT CONTROLS ALL PRODUCTION! Fines people, puts thousands in jail.
Flat tax systems do not work.
Move to Europe if you like taxes
since I have not a doctor millionaire or married to a European that is not possible dumbass
Well stfu and assimilate to to our government by the people culture,, limited government is America
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. let's do away with the states then because they give us a whole second level of laws and giant government.... Since Reagan, crap propaganda giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else is America....
You have a bad scale on history.. republicans have had to fix democrat fuck ups.. democrats aren’t even democrats any more.. you guys are communist you just have the disguise it with propaganda if you didn’t you all would go on Fox News and debate..
your party is over
Such as what Democratic f*ckups? Meanwhile your greedy idiot GOP started the Great Depression the s&l crisis and the 2008 World depression that only cost us a trillion dollars to avert. All progress has been from the Democrats all social reform. All you get out of the GOP is stupid deregulation and corrupt bubbles and busts and croney oversight and tax cuts for the rich. And now a give away to the rich the last 35 years and total garbage propaganda. Read something for crying out loud. Any newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch. Any media not owned by Rupert Murdock.
Last edited:
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.

AOC busted on those idiots. That was a stupid parade held by a bunch of culturally incompetent dumb asses.

I'm straight and don't feel that my straightness is being oppressed. And I certainly don't need a parade to show my pride for being straight. I'll just look at the beautiful women in my life and take pride without marching down the street.
Move to Europe if you like taxes
since I have not a doctor millionaire or married to a European that is not possible dumbass
Well stfu and assimilate to to our government by the people culture,, limited government is America
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. let's do away with the states then because they give us a whole second level of laws and giant government.... Since Reagan, crap propaganda giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else is America....
You have a bad scale on history.. republicans have had to fix democrat fuck ups.. democrats aren’t even democrats any more.. you guys are communist you just have the disguise it with propaganda if you didn’t you all would go on Fox News and debate..
your party is over
Such as what's Democratic f******? Meanwhile your greedy idiot GOP started the Great Depression the s&l crisis and the 2008 World depression that only cost us a trillion dollars to avert. All progress has been from the Democrats all social reform. All you get out of the GOP is stupid deregulation and corrupt bubbles and busts and croney oversight. And nowI'll give away to the rich the last 35 years and total garbage propaganda. Read something for crying out loud. Any newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch. Any media not owned by Rupert Murdock.

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took a swipe not necessarily at the city of Boston, but at the men marching in the town's Straight Pride parade Saturday. Commenting on a tweeted video that shows mostly men with a few women marching, AOC said it looks like the men might have a "masculinity" problem.

"For men who are allegedly so "proud" of being straight, they seem to show real incompetence at attracting women to their event," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Seems more like a "I-Struggle-With-Masculinity" parade to me. Hope they grow enough over the next year to support / join LGBTQ fam next #Pride!"

AOC bashes Boston "Straight Pride" parade for having few accompanying females

Right airhead. You will get just as many straight pride people joining the LGBTXZOI community as you will them joining the straight pride parade.

The organizers of this event made a public announcement that all who are not troublemakers or hate groups are welcome. If mostly men were interested, then how is that a masculinity problem? I thought a desire to carry firearms was a masculinity problem too!

In any case, there were police in riot gear, protesters against the parade because of course being for normal people means you are against non-normal people, and few arrests were made.

AOC busted on those idiots. That was a stupid parade held by a bunch of culturally incompetent dumb asses.

I'm straight and don't feel that my straightness is being oppressed. And I certainly don't need a parade to show my pride for being straight. I'll just look at the beautiful women in my life and take pride without marching down the street.

Dumbass is one word. You should know as you see one in the mirror every time you look.
since I have not a doctor millionaire or married to a European that is not possible dumbass
Well stfu and assimilate to to our government by the people culture,, limited government is America
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. let's do away with the states then because they give us a whole second level of laws and giant government.... Since Reagan, crap propaganda giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else is America....
You have a bad scale on history.. republicans have had to fix democrat fuck ups.. democrats aren’t even democrats any more.. you guys are communist you just have the disguise it with propaganda if you didn’t you all would go on Fox News and debate..
your party is over
90% of the world and 70% of America believe that you are a brainwashed functional moron. In the entire modern world only the GOP denies these facts and problems and is not tolerant and believes a pile of dog crap. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all businesses and property and industry. You can't find a Democrat that is anywhere near that, super duper. Socialism in the modern definition is simply always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Of course he did not know the GOP obstruction sabotage hate and propaganda operation. Look at Google News everyday and stop being a brainwashed a******. Then you can join polite Society LOL
Are you a retard? What do you think the new green deal does? IT CONTROLS ALL PRODUCTION! Fines people, puts thousands in jail.
What a load of crap. The green deal is a very general proclamation and has no details like that. Who's green deal are you talking about? The important thing is to have one and not be flat Earth Republican idiots...the only people in the world that haven't figured out global warming is true and obvious.
When straight people are fire for being straight. Not hired because they are straight. Banned from the military because you are straight. Denied hospital visdit to your loved one because you ase straight,

THEN you assholes can march.

Until then STFU.

How about I'll utilize the freedoms I'm guaranteed in this country and march about whatever the fuck I want to march about, and YOU stfu.
So you are white. What the fuck gives an assfuck like you the right to deny rights to others.

How does marching for something I believe in violate the rights of others, fucktard?
Move to Europe if you like taxes
since I have not a doctor millionaire or married to a European that is not possible dumbass
Well stfu and assimilate to to our government by the people culture,, limited government is America
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. let's do away with the states then because they give us a whole second level of laws and giant government.... Since Reagan, crap propaganda giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else is America....
You have a bad scale on history.. republicans have had to fix democrat fuck ups.. democrats aren’t even democrats any more.. you guys are communist you just have the disguise it with propaganda if you didn’t you all would go on Fox News and debate..
your party is over
90% of the world and 70% of America believe that you are a brainwashed functional moron. In the entire modern world only the GOP denies these facts and problems and is not tolerant and believes a pile of dog crap. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all businesses and property and industry. You can't find a Democrat that is anywhere near that, super duper. Socialism in the modern definition is simply always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Of course he did not know the GOP obstruction sabotage hate and propaganda operation. Look at Google News everyday and stop being a brainwashed a******. Then you can join polite Society LOL

Move to Europe if you like taxes
since I have not a doctor millionaire or married to a European that is not possible dumbass
Well stfu and assimilate to to our government by the people culture,, limited government is America
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. let's do away with the states then because they give us a whole second level of laws and giant government.... Since Reagan, crap propaganda giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else is America....
You have a bad scale on history.. republicans have had to fix democrat fuck ups.. democrats aren’t even democrats any more.. you guys are communist you just have the disguise it with propaganda if you didn’t you all would go on Fox News and debate..
your party is over
Such as what's Democratic f******? Meanwhile your greedy idiot GOP started the Great Depression the s&l crisis and the 2008 World depression that only cost us a trillion dollars to avert. All progress has been from the Democrats all social reform. All you get out of the GOP is stupid deregulation and corrupt bubbles and busts and croney oversight. And nowI'll give away to the rich the last 35 years and total garbage propaganda. Read something for crying out loud. Any newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch. Any media not owned by Rupert Murdock.
So your solution is to control people.. sorry I’d rather have free people and few bad ones.. move out.. See ya later.. you will not control me
Well stfu and assimilate to to our government by the people culture,, limited government is America
You live on an imaginary planet of garbage propaganda. let's do away with the states then because they give us a whole second level of laws and giant government.... Since Reagan, crap propaganda giveaway to the rich and screwing everyone else is America....
You have a bad scale on history.. republicans have had to fix democrat fuck ups.. democrats aren’t even democrats any more.. you guys are communist you just have the disguise it with propaganda if you didn’t you all would go on Fox News and debate..
your party is over
90% of the world and 70% of America believe that you are a brainwashed functional moron. In the entire modern world only the GOP denies these facts and problems and is not tolerant and believes a pile of dog crap. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all businesses and property and industry. You can't find a Democrat that is anywhere near that, super duper. Socialism in the modern definition is simply always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed. Of course he did not know the GOP obstruction sabotage hate and propaganda operation. Look at Google News everyday and stop being a brainwashed a******. Then you can join polite Society LOL
Are you a retard? What do you think the new green deal does? IT CONTROLS ALL PRODUCTION! Fines people, puts thousands in jail.
What a load of crap. The green deal is a very general proclamation and has no details like that. Who's green deal are you talking about? The important thing is to have one and not be flat Earth Republican idiots...the only people in the world that haven't figured out global warming is true and obvious.
Get a education before you post! These climate details controls ALL PRODUCTION! That means democrats controls who works and who doesn’t! All Ingenuity gone all entrepreneurship ingenuity gone all entrepreneurship Jean , you will arrest thousands of people. Fine millions..
that will never happen..

he doesn’t even believe your climate change bull shot

Republicans try to reduce love between two gays as butt sex because they don’t really know what love is. Read what Trump said about how he treats women. That’s how Republican men treat their wives because that’s all that’s all they know. It’s not real love. They’re just there for sex and to cook dinner for the men.

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