AOC Now A Millionaire.....Thanks To Netflix Deal With Obama


LIKE.....I'm a millionaire now......



Wacky Lefty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just became a millionaire. How, you ask? Because Netflix has paid $10 Million to broadcast a documentary directed and produced by Rachel Lears about AOC’s primary along with 3 other candidates.

The Documentary “Knock Down the House” was a top pick at the Sundance film Festival for the “audience favorite” award.

Breitbart reported,

The film was a hot ticket for the festival and featured a Skyped address to the crowd made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself at the film’s conclusion.

Netflix pounced quickly to pick up the film rights initially offering $6 million but upping the ante when others began taking notice of the film.

The film follows the 2018 primary challenges mounted by Amy Vilela (NV), Cori Bush (MO), and Paula Jean Swearengin (WV), as well as Ocasio-Cortez. The New Yorker was the only one of the four candidates that went on to win the primary and, hence, a seat in Congress.

The price for the documentary is the highest ever paid for a film at Sundance. Why? A political film about a woman who has little understanding of anything? Boring. No action. I’d be asleep in the first two minutes.

Note: she won’t get all the money- there are a lot of middle men/women involved in the movie industry. But depending on the contract, she should get a sizable chunk.

Why did Netflix try so hard to get that film? Was there any influence exercised by a former Obama official? We don’t know, but it is interesting.

Former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice now has a new role on Netflix’s board of directors, appearing to follow her former boss who is in reported “advanced negotiations” to create a series of shows with the streaming giant.

The company made the announcement on Wednesday, with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praising her prior work on intelligence issues for former President Barack Obama.

Ocasio-Cortez Becomes A Millionaire. Just. Like. That. - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

Only in America...….
Will she donate her money to those less fortunate than here. Isn’t that what she is all about? Sharing the wealth?
Sounds like the American Dream to me. Good for her. I just pray to God she gains no real power in politics.

Now, if only I could get Netflix to pay me millions for my rise from convict to successful business owner. Also an American Dream but I had to actually work for mine.
Have you seen details of the Green New Deal? It's absolutely mind boggling! It's like satire except amazingly it's all true.
She's not bright enough to be the new Obama, though I'm sure much of the party would love her to be.
Since when has irrationality been a primary disqualifying criteria for the left?
Since when has irrationality been a primary disqualifying criteria for the left?
Never. But now Ocasio-Cortez is messing their money and likely to pull the whole party into the dumpster of history.
Do you think people will vote for a nut job that wants to do away with air travel or pay people welfare who simply don't want to work? It's a blank check and it doesn't even have a plan. Look at who supports it. Green New Deal - Wikipedia

It's a who's who of fringe lunatics.
All I have to know to hate it, if I knew nothing else, is my two a-hole senators like it (Wyden and Merkley).
Good for her! Now she needs to prove she isn't a hypocrite and give the irs 70% of it.
Just a few weeks in, and AOC has already sold her soul to the highest bidder.

Just like all the other politicians in Congress.

Move on folks, move on. Nothing to see here.

LIKE.....I'm a millionaire now......



Wacky Lefty Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) just became a millionaire. How, you ask? Because Netflix has paid $10 Million to broadcast a documentary directed and produced by Rachel Lears about AOC’s primary along with 3 other candidates.

The Documentary “Knock Down the House” was a top pick at the Sundance film Festival for the “audience favorite” award.

Breitbart reported,

The film was a hot ticket for the festival and featured a Skyped address to the crowd made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez herself at the film’s conclusion.

Netflix pounced quickly to pick up the film rights initially offering $6 million but upping the ante when others began taking notice of the film.

The film follows the 2018 primary challenges mounted by Amy Vilela (NV), Cori Bush (MO), and Paula Jean Swearengin (WV), as well as Ocasio-Cortez. The New Yorker was the only one of the four candidates that went on to win the primary and, hence, a seat in Congress.

The price for the documentary is the highest ever paid for a film at Sundance. Why? A political film about a woman who has little understanding of anything? Boring. No action. I’d be asleep in the first two minutes.

Note: she won’t get all the money- there are a lot of middle men/women involved in the movie industry. But depending on the contract, she should get a sizable chunk.

Why did Netflix try so hard to get that film? Was there any influence exercised by a former Obama official? We don’t know, but it is interesting.

Former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice now has a new role on Netflix’s board of directors, appearing to follow her former boss who is in reported “advanced negotiations” to create a series of shows with the streaming giant.

The company made the announcement on Wednesday, with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praising her prior work on intelligence issues for former President Barack Obama.

Ocasio-Cortez Becomes A Millionaire. Just. Like. That. - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

Considering all the shit I hear from Liberals regarding "emoluments", I would think that they wouldn't approve of people profiting from public service?

I'm generally glad to hear that people are doing well, but this is nothing like President Trump, as AOC wasn't a media star except for the fact that she entered politics and thus was able to make a huge amount from Netflix. Will she recuse herself if legislation that affect Netflix comes up for a vote?

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