AOC photographer demands removal of images showing congresswomann crying over nothing


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The photographer who took the photos of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appearing to cry at a protest outside a “tent city” in Tornillo, Texas demanded the removal of the images after it was revealed that AOC was actually crying over little more than a few police officers and an empty parking lot as part of a stunt.
AOC Photographer Demands Removal of Images Showing Congresswoman Crying Over Nothing

Oh when you get caught is that what happens today they don't care if they are caught new lies just get made right the fk up and the idiots still think it's all so real.
The left is so socially sick that they have to make up attacks on themselves, make up fake scenarios of hate, or pain just so they can pull on the heart strings on their people. These people (the left) being as they are (brain damaged) have empathy for immigrants, but they lack the critical thinking skills to be able to solve problems in an adult manner, rather than in the manner of a child who is being ruled by their emotions.
AOC faking is just par for the course. Smollett faked. Mass Media faked Russian collusion.
The Left is nothing but well meaning follower idiots who like to make up and exaggerate stories.

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