"AOC Plan will cause Mass Death"- Greenpeace

From Wing Nut Daily so you know it has to be true.

Breitbart is covering this important story as well. I know the Lame Stream Media wants to hide this scoop from the public, but that's just due to the fact that Hitler and Genocide gin up a lot of negativity in their focus groups.

Greenpeace Co-Founder: AOC's Green New Deal -- ‘Pompous Little Twit'

Well that adds veracity.

View attachment 248668

Patrick Moore, ex-Greenpeace activist, shreds Ocasio-Cortez as ‘garden-variety hypocrite’
Both cases they got quotes from participants and police. What else do you expect them to do?

Tons of evidence of conspiracy with Russia.

I expect the media to actual INVESTIGATE the charges before crucifying the accused. Speak to witnesses, ask hard questions. Mr. Smollett was a known extremist, it was irresponsible to publish his attacks on Trump supporters as a "fact".
In both cases they did.

They were wrong, but they were not dishonest.

They were either dishonest or incompetent and in either case they are not credible. I suggest you find better news sources. Try the Drudge Report.
Drudge report?!?!?!?!?!???

View attachment 248747

Yup. Drudge Report Passes New York Times in Web Traffic and Engagement in First Half of 2018
And the dumbing down of America continues unabated...
Even the leftards are concerned about the chica's radical, hitlerian plan for genocide.

Greenpeace co-founder destroys AOC: 'You'd bring about mass death' - WND - WND
Mass death is a small price to pay to end Climate Change

Liberalism believes the world's population is too large as it is.

AOC feels that people in the west need to quit procreating altogether because of climate catastrophe.

Mass death is a key part of their program- dead people don't fart, and flatulence is key part of green house gas
From Wing Nut Daily so you know it has to be true.

It is true. She has no plan to feed billions of people without fossil fuels. The Marxists always send to the cutsie ones with a smile ... then walk this way please...
From Wing Nut Daily so you know it has to be true.
Patrick Moore on Twitter
Who is that and why do I care?
The Green Peace co-founders twitter account you loon and his comment on Cortes's green scam. .
He skipped out 30+ years ago.
Why I Left Greenpeace – Dr. Patrick Moore
So he could shill for Monsanto and other polluters.
Nobody takes the Green New Deal seriously. By the time the DUM convention rolls around next summer, it wont be in the conversation at all.

President Trump would like to keep the GND in the conversation however, he sees opposition to it as a winning action in 2020.

The Democrats might be trying to avoid the topic next year, but the President will be doing all he can to keep it alive as a topic.
The Green Peace co-founders twitter account you loon and his comment on Cortes's green scam. .
He skipped out 30+ years ago.
Why I Left Greenpeace – Dr. Patrick Moore
So he could shill for Monsanto and other polluters.
Typical bullshit response. If someone isn't spewing left wing dogma their opinion doesn't matter.
From Wing Nut Daily so you know it has to be true.

It is true. She has no plan to feed billions of people without fossil fuels. The Marxists always send to the cutsie ones with a smile ... then walk this way please...
So you know it's true how? Because Wing Nut Daily says so?

Have you seen this plan? thats the better question. Your not going to run ships and trucks, earth moving equipment etc on renewable energy in the next ten years like she wants. Her plan would make the cost of everything unafordable and people would die. Renewal energy is great right now as a supplement. develop it and let it grow naturally as it is needed. But we don't need it forced on us artificially
From Wing Nut Daily so you know it has to be true.

It is true. She has no plan to feed billions of people without fossil fuels. The Marxists always send to the cutsie ones with a smile ... then walk this way please...
So you know it's true how? Because Wing Nut Daily says so?

Have you seen this plan? thats the better question. Your not going to run ships and trucks, earth moving equipment etc on renewable energy in the next ten years like she wants. Her plan would make the cost of everything unafordable and people would die. Renewal energy is great right now as a supplement. develop it and let it grow naturally as it is needed. But we don't need it forced on us artificially
Yes, I have read it. Some of the things are pretty "pie in the sky" hopes.

But millions of deaths?

Come on man.

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