AOC states we haven't seen Co2 levels like this since the Pliocene period

Scientists don't make money from people buying EVs or green energies.

Correct, they don't. Scientists make their money off taxpayers, and politicians who provide those funds are behind global warming (or climate change if you desire).
Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?
How do you know they aren’t?

Dean, that is about the most intelligent response I've ever seen from you: How do you know they aren't?

That's the point of our argument, we don't know, and probably never will.

If the wonders of earth were primary education, we are in the second grade. For crying out loud, we can't even predict the weather four days accurately yet alone make a solid statement about the environment or climate change in hundreds of years.

Now do scientists make compelling arguments about it? Yes they do, but scientists who deny this man made global warming do the same. It's just those scientists are ignored.

You can find compelling evidence of anything you believe in if you search hard enough.

In the 80's, the big thing was aliens from other planets visiting earth. If you read or watched the many shows on it back then, people (and scientists) made some very compelling discoveries and arguments. Does that mean we are among those we cannot see or track? I seriously doubt it. I remember one show of a supposedly anonymous government worker claiming we have aliens locked up in cells, and they enjoy ice cream.

There are people who believe in ghosts. Maybe you're one of them. Again, very compelling arguments. Scientists who did research and studies. Videos of what people actually experienced. The most skeptical that couldn't' spend one night in a certain house out of fear. I have a cousin who has had ghosts in every house he ever lived in. Me? I've never seen one.

Climate change is no different than aliens from other planets, people who've seen God or Mother Mary, people who had experiences with from others beyond, people who experienced after life encounters when they died for a period of time.

The one trait of most human beings is we love being scared of something; especially the unexplained. It's why we watch horror shows or moves. It's why we go to amusement parks. It's why we go to haunted houses during Halloween season. It's why some believe in ghosts, aliens, hell, and yes, Climate Change.
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When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

Another Idiot.... Priceless...

Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing as we have dealt with levels above 7000ppm for millions of years and we didn't burn up then either...
Exactly who was "we" when CO2 was at 7,000 ppm?
Since your scientifically ignorant, let me help you with your ignorance... As you obviously ignored this in my previous post, the earth has long been way above where we are today and the earth is actually CO2 starved. It has been for almost 10 million years or so.

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When idiot "scientists" that admitted they fudge data create computer models then it is "shit in shit out" to their computer models. Besides, nobody has ever really created a good climate model for the earth. They always miss the boat. Atmospheric chemistry is too complex for the computer models that have been used. They don't really use accurate algorithms or input data.

If these stupid models were correct then all the horseshit predictions that were made decades ago would have come true but we haven't seen any of it. All we see is false input data and predictions that never come true. Meanwhile this solar minimum, which will cool off the earth for the next few decades, will render any of this AGW scammer stupidity to be moot.

When you create science based upon a stupid redistribution of world wide wealth instead of real facts you get shit and that is exactly what we see.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

Another Idiot.... Priceless...

Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing as we have dealt with levels above 7000ppm for millions of years and we didn't burn up then either...
Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing

Derp.....well there's yer problem.
Warming isn't attribiuted to solar output at all. Only a dope who doesn't understand even the basics would suggest such a thing.

It is the greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere that keeps the Earth warm enough to support life. Without them, the heat gained during the day would be lost at night. Earth would be a frozen wasteland.

The level of Co2 before the industrial revolution was the natural equilibrium that allowed life to flourish.That being said, increasing the concentrations by 50%( a huge amount BTW) would logically then cause further warming.
There you go again showing your ignorance and ignoring the whole post that explained this before to you.. Be a good little troll and fuck off...
Model OUTPUT is not reality you idiot... It is proof of NOTHING!

Sorry, but it is proven fact.

Epic fail...

I've done the research... Please enlighten me.. Show me your empirical evidence..
The greenhouse effect is proven science.

I seriously doubt your research extended beyond right wing denier sites.
I'm sure my doctoral work in Atmospheric Physics is subservient to your idiocy...


I see you went from providing a cognoscente and backed up with empirical evidence 'point of view' to attacking the person.. Thank you for admitting you have none and your blowing smoke out of your ass.

Your mythical doctoral work.

Name & university so I can verify?

So the greenhouse effect is a myth?
You first moron...

What a fucking idiot... You have yet to refute the facts presented to you and now you want to compare brain pans.... There is no comparison.. Poor little troll libtard got his little fewings hurt...:itsok::th_Back_2_Topic_2:
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

Another Idiot.... Priceless...

Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing as we have dealt with levels above 7000ppm for millions of years and we didn't burn up then either...
Exactly who was "we" when CO2 was at 7,000 ppm?
Since your scientifically ignorant, let me help you with your ignorance... As you obviously ignored this in my previous post, the earth has long been way above where we are today and the earth is actually CO2 starved. It has been for almost 10 million years or so.

View attachment 261237

....but but but AOC told him that we are going to die in 12 years because have too much CO2 and being the stupid Moon Bat that he is he believes her.

He is the same idiot that believed Al Gore telling him 20 years ago that we all be flooded by now.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

Another Idiot.... Priceless...

Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing as we have dealt with levels above 7000ppm for millions of years and we didn't burn up then either...
Exactly who was "we" when CO2 was at 7,000 ppm?
Since your scientifically ignorant, let me help you with your ignorance... As you obviously ignored this in my previous post, the earth has long been way above where we are today and the earth is actually CO2 starved. It has been for almost 10 million years or so.

View attachment 261237

....but but but AOC told him that we are going to die in 12 years because have too much CO2 and being the stupid Moon Bat that he is he believes her.

He is the same idiot that believed Al Gore telling him 20 years ago that we all be flooded by now.

We do need to engage in a plan to dratically reduce our emissions within the next 12 years in order to prevent the worst effects of global warming.

You will be dead & so you don't care. Your children & grandchildren would suffer the consequences.

Al Gore never said we all be flooded.
Sorry, but it is proven fact.

Epic fail...

I've done the research... Please enlighten me.. Show me your empirical evidence..
The greenhouse effect is proven science.

I seriously doubt your research extended beyond right wing denier sites.
I'm sure my doctoral work in Atmospheric Physics is subservient to your idiocy...


I see you went from providing a cognoscente and backed up with empirical evidence 'point of view' to attacking the person.. Thank you for admitting you have none and your blowing smoke out of your ass.

Your mythical doctoral work.

Name & university so I can verify?

So the greenhouse effect is a myth?
You first moron...

What a fucking idiot... You have yet to refute the facts presented to you and now you want to compare brain pans.... There is no comparison.. Poor little troll libtard got his little fewings hurt...:itsok::th_Back_2_Topic_2:
I never claimed to be a PhD student..
Scientists don't make money from people buying EVs or green energies.

Correct, they don't. Scientists make their money off taxpayers, and politicians who provide those funds are behind global warming (or climate change if you desire).
Scientists can work for corporations, universities, research firms, Fossil Fuel companies, think tanks, etc.

Universities get federal funding along with grants from private organizations.

Now, who has the most to lose as we go green. What do the scientists they fund say?
You are that stupid. No one is killing babies after they are born.

Hmmm. Somebody thinks you are wrong here.

Jresus Fuck. How fucking stupid are you.

He is talking about babies born with severe deformities or other conditions with no chance of survival.

What the fuck do you want to do with these babies????? Make therm suffer more to treat trem when these treAtments will do no good?

My God you people are dumber than shit.
You want to wreck Western civilization -
And you want to molest collies.

This is fun!
Every single "solution" to AGW is world socialism.

But you just keep pretending there's something there.

So, you want to make millions of people suffer & possibly die because you think any solution is socialism.

My God you are such a fucking idiot.

So anything legislated to protect people from harm is socialism.
Data from different areas taken with different data collection must be adjusted.

Just like job data or any economic data is adjusted so it can be compared with data from different time frames.

Temps read in urban areas have to factor in the hear from the concrete. Etc.

It is science & I understand that you, being so stupid to be a Trump supporter, just don;t have a facilities to grasp this.

And really, solar minimums? I guess you think the scientists from NASA are too stupid to factor in solar cycles? Really?

The science of climate change has to do with the science of it. It is you & your band of ignorant fools allow fossil fuel industries to bring money into it.
Your a sock puppet that can blow out talking points but no facts.. Put out some real facts...

Here is a real fact:

As the suns fusion reaction burns its active area clouds with used materials and cools the reaction. This has been documented in the the plant life cycles of earths plants. It is also a potential cause of our 90 thousand year ice age and 11-16 thousand year interglacial cycles.

This cooling of the solar fusion cycle causes spectral changes in the suns output, primarily in the bands that affect ocean warming (0.2um to 0.8um - affects ocean warming to 700m). We have observed this decrease in the last three years and now we are looking at an 18% drop in energy in this band. A slight uptick in the 1.2um to 1.9um region (which is impeded in our atmosphere from hitting the ocean at depth) offsets the loss leaving the Total Solar Irradience nearly the same.

Without having an effect on the TSI, simple changes on the sun can have devastating impacts on earth. Below is the cooling of the oceans due to this change.


The oceans are cooling at a massive rate and its about to surface cooling our atmosphere massively.

Do you alarmist idiots really want to play the empirical evidence game with me?


None of that speaks to the effects of a 50% increase in atmospheric Co2.

Another Idiot.... Priceless...

Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing as we have dealt with levels above 7000ppm for millions of years and we didn't burn up then either...
Tell me, If all warming is attributed to solar output changes and the Ocean response to that change, what are you attributing to CO2? It's mere presence means nothing

Derp.....well there's yer problem.
Warming isn't attribiuted to solar output at all. Only a dope who doesn't understand even the basics would suggest such a thing.

It is the greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere that keeps the Earth warm enough to support life. Without them, the heat gained during the day would be lost at night. Earth would be a frozen wasteland.

The level of Co2 before the industrial revolution was the natural equilibrium that allowed life to flourish.That being said, increasing the concentrations by 50%( a huge amount BTW) would logically then cause further warming.
There you go again showing your ignorance and ignoring the whole post that explained this before to you.. Be a good little troll and fuck off...

I'm ignoring your dopey theories in favor of the very basic factual reality that has somehow escaped you. American children have a better undestanding on the subject than you.

Science for Kids: Earth's Atmosphere

Science for Kids
The Earth's Atmosphere

A Big Blanket

The atmosphere protects Earth like a big blanket of insulation. It absorbs the heat from the Sun and keeps the heat inside the atmosphere helping the Earth to stay warm, called the Greenhouse Effect. It also keeps the overall temperature of the Earth fairly steady, especially between night and day. So we don't get too cold at night and too hot during the day. There is also a portion of the atmosphere called the ozone layer. The ozone layer helps to protect the earth from the Sun's radiation.

This big blanket also helps to form our weather patterns and climate. The weather keeps too much hot air from forming in one place and causes storms and rainfall. All of these things are important to life and the Earth's ecology.
So who controls Earth's thermostat
What a mind numbingly stupid question.
What is the proper temperature of the planet?
The planet doesn't care.

If you want 7 billion people to survive in todatys society, then that is another question.

People will survive a save temp increase of 4-6 degrees C but the current coastlines will be underwater, the mid west will no longer be our bread basket, military bases will need relocated, droughts, more severe storms, etc.

But hey., what the fuck do you care? We can't regulate greenhouse gases because, OMG OMG OMG, socialism,!!!!
AOC doesnt get that nobody cares about this! Oh....but singlehandedly, she is going to take us from climate change never being a topic at a presidential debate to a major issue!! Ok sweets!:113::113:
So who controls Earth's thermostat
What a mind numbingly stupid question.
What is the proper temperature of the planet?
The planet doesn't care.

If you want 7 billion people to survive in todatys society, then that is another question.

People will survive a save temp increase of 4-6 degrees C but the current coastlines will be underwater, the mid west will no longer be our bread basket, military bases will need relocated, droughts, more severe storms, etc.

But hey., what the fuck do you care? We can't regulate greenhouse gases because, OMG OMG OMG, socialism,!!!!

".....the planet":abgg2q.jpg:

A huge % of the public isnt hysterical about "the planet"

Like I've said need some real responsibilities in life. When that happens, trust me, you dont spend time worrying about st00pid stuff.

Nobody is sitting home worrying about sea rise 25 years from now because they know that's a Hail Mary pass guess. They've seen climate science be wrong scores of times.

And let's face solutions are beyond retarded. Particularly with China building 1-2 coal plants/month. Doy....most of the public can connect the dots on this stuff.....progressives.....not so much.

When we aren't seeing snow storms all across the country in mid-May, maybe people might pay attention.:2up:
Last edited:
Scientists don't make money from people buying EVs or green energies.

Correct, they don't. Scientists make their money off taxpayers, and politicians who provide those funds are behind global warming (or climate change if you desire).
Scientists can work for corporations, universities, research firms, Fossil Fuel companies, think tanks, etc.

Universities get federal funding along with grants from private organizations.

Now, who has the most to lose as we go green. What do the scientists they fund say?
The real crime here is that the cash strapped oil companies are too poor to fund REAL science!
Scientists don't make money from people buying EVs or green energies.

Correct, they don't. Scientists make their money off taxpayers, and politicians who provide those funds are behind global warming (or climate change if you desire).
Scientists can work for corporations, universities, research firms, Fossil Fuel companies, think tanks, etc.

Universities get federal funding along with grants from private organizations.

Now, who has the most to lose as we go green. What do the scientists they fund say?
"Follow the money!", you say?

Let's do just that.

I noted that “In America and around the globe governments have created a multi-billion dollar Climate Change Industrial Complex.” And then I added: “A lot of people are getting really, really rich off of the climate change industry.” According to a recent report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Federal funding for climate change research, technology, international assistance, and adaptation has increased from $2.4 billion in 1993 to $11.6 billion in 2014, with an additional $26.1 billion for climate change programs and activities provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009.”


How big is the Climate Change Industrial Complex today? Surprisingly, no one seems to be keeping track of all the channels of funding. A few years ago Forbes magazine went through the federal budget and estimated about $150 billion in spending on climate change and green energy subsidies during President Obama’s first term.

That didn’t include the tax subsidies that provide a 30 percent tax credit for wind and solar power — so add to those numbers about $8 billion to $10 billion a year. Then add billions more in costs attributable to the 29 states with renewable energy mandates that require utilities to buy expensive “green” energy.

Worldwide the numbers are gargantuan. Five years ago, a leftist group called the Climate Policy Initiative issued a study which found that “Global investment in climate change” reached $359 billion that year. Then to give you a sense of how money-hungry these planet-saviors are, the CPI moaned that this spending “falls far short of what’s needed” a number estimated at $5 trillion.

For $5 trillion we could feed everyone on the planet, end malaria, and provide clean water and reliable electricity to every remote village in Africa. And we would probably have enough money left over to find a cure for cancer and Alzheimers.

The entire Apollo project to put a man on the moon cost less than $200 billion. We are spending twice that much every year on climate change.​
So who controls Earth's thermostat
What a mind numbingly stupid question.
What is the proper temperature of the planet?
The planet doesn't care.

If you want 7 billion people to survive in todatys society, then that is another question.

People will survive a save temp increase of 4-6 degrees C but the current coastlines will be underwater, the mid west will no longer be our bread basket, military bases will need relocated, droughts, more severe storms, etc.

But hey., what the fuck do you care? We can't regulate greenhouse gases because, OMG OMG OMG, socialism,!!!!

".....the planet":abgg2q.jpg:

A huge % of the public isnt hysterical about "the planet"

Like I've said need some real responsibilities in life. When that happens, trust me, you dont spend time worrying about st00pid stuff.

Nobody is sitting home worrying about sea rise 25 years from now because they know that's a Hail Mary pass guess. They've seen climate science be wrong scores of times.

And let's face solutions are beyond retarded. Particularly with China building 1-2 coal plants/month. Doy....most of the public can connect the dots on this stuff.....progressives.....not so much.

When we aren't seeing snow storms all across the country in mid-May, maybe people might pay attention.:2up:
I think you will find that most people are concerned about global warming because, unlike you morons, they care about their children & grandchildren.
You want to wreck Western civilization -
And you want to molest collies.

This is fun!
Every single "solution" to AGW is world socialism.

But you just keep pretending there's something there.

So, you want to make millions of people suffer & possibly die because you think any solution is socialism.

My God you are such a fucking idiot.

So anything legislated to protect people from harm is socialism.
Read the article I just posted. We're spending billions in America alone -- and it hasn't done shit.

Meanwhile, what you want will, without question, kill millions of people.

The ones who survive the economic collapse will be living in yurts and burning animal dung for heat.

Well, the little people will. The globalist elite will be doing just fine. You just make sure you keep protecting their interests, Useful Idiot.

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