AOC states we haven't seen Co2 levels like this since the Pliocene period

Poor ass liberal art professors who lose federal really don't know how it works do you? They get grants just by signing a piece of paper saying they agree to something that's not even in their field

You really hate the truth /facts and don't know how grants work do you?

Educate yourself, the truth will set you free.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

God damn assshole? Fuck you. You know nothing about grants. You know little alout anything. I have debunked every post you made.

Lol.....always angry!

Translation on the optics?

"I'm losing and looking silly!"

Hanging your hat on symbolic stuff is ghey:flirtysmile4:

You really hate the truth /facts and don't know how grants work do you?

Educate yourself, the truth will set you free.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

I am putting this one in politics this is where climate change funding money goes... To anything but real science.

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Republican U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, whose district stretches from San Antonio north into Austin, recently pressed an official about the government bankrolling a musical

Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space & Technology Committee, listed six National Science Foundation grants as questionable--including, Smith said at the panel’s March 26, 2014, hearing, a "climate change musical that was prepared for Broadway but I’m not sure ever was actually produced, $700,000."

Smith then asked John Holdren, the White House science czar, if the foundation should justify such grants to the public, whose tax dollars fund them, the Texan reminded.

Holdren replied that the foundation, which is entrusted with promoting scientific progress, already justifies its grants in online posts.

Grant confirmed

To our inquiry, a foundation spokeswoman, Dana Topousis, said by email the grant was awarded in 2010, adding: "The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y., theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science. The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives."

A grant to educate the public.


The government should not try to make Americans smarter. Noooooooooooo.

They signed a piece of paper you fucker, what does music have to do with climate change?

God damn it educate yourself

You really hate the truth /facts and don't know how grants work do you?

Educate yourself, the truth will set you free.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

God damn assshole? Fuck you. You know nothing about grants. You know little alout anything. I have debunked every post you made.

Lol.....always angry!

Translation on the optics?

"I'm losing and looking silly!"

Hanging your hat on symbolic stuff is ghey:flirtysmile4:

Telling the truth is not losing.

Losing is keep repeating bullshit lies over & over.
Maybe AOC can also start a crusade to Ban Swiss Cheese since all cheese requires CO2 to be made.

Or do people not realize that the holes in swiss cheese are caused by pockets of CO2 created from The Yeast as Cheese ferments?
You really hate the truth /facts and don't know how grants work do you?

Educate yourself, the truth will set you free.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

I am putting this one in politics this is where climate change funding money goes... To anything but real science.

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Republican U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, whose district stretches from San Antonio north into Austin, recently pressed an official about the government bankrolling a musical

Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space & Technology Committee, listed six National Science Foundation grants as questionable--including, Smith said at the panel’s March 26, 2014, hearing, a "climate change musical that was prepared for Broadway but I’m not sure ever was actually produced, $700,000."

Smith then asked John Holdren, the White House science czar, if the foundation should justify such grants to the public, whose tax dollars fund them, the Texan reminded.

Holdren replied that the foundation, which is entrusted with promoting scientific progress, already justifies its grants in online posts.

Grant confirmed

To our inquiry, a foundation spokeswoman, Dana Topousis, said by email the grant was awarded in 2010, adding: "The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y., theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science. The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives."

A grant to educate the public.


The government should not try to make Americans smarter. Noooooooooooo.

They signed a piece of paper you fucker, what does music have to do with climate change?

God damn it educate yourself
Sesame Street is like a musical & it educates children.
You really hate the truth /facts and don't know how grants work do you?

Educate yourself, the truth will set you free.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

God damn assshole? Fuck you. You know nothing about grants. You know little alout anything. I have debunked every post you made.

Lol.....always angry!

Translation on the optics?

"I'm losing and looking silly!"

Hanging your hat on symbolic stuff is ghey:flirtysmile4:

Telling the truth is not losing.

Losing is keep repeating bullshit lies over & over.

Except my truth is bulletproof s0n.....nobody is caring about the science as evidenced by a pronounced lack of climate change action.

Oh btw.....the anger and rage in your posts is also evidence of an argument that is not winning. All I do on this topic is laugh my balls off!:coffee:
The planet doesn't care.

If you want 7 billion people to survive in todatys society, then that is another question.

People will survive a save temp increase of 4-6 degrees C but the current coastlines will be underwater, the mid west will no longer be our bread basket, military bases will need relocated, droughts, more severe storms, etc.

But hey., what the fuck do you care? We can't regulate greenhouse gases because, OMG OMG OMG, socialism,!!!!

Why is that monumentally stupid question so difficult to answer? The right temperature of the planet is the one we had during the last 10,000 years or so. It's the temperature under which our ecosystems (upon which we depend for our survival) developed, and thrived, which allowed humankind to thrive. Whether these ecosystems still work at +2°C is uncertain, at best. Whether it's even possible to stop warming at +2°C is uncertain, at best.

And yes, the howling about "shoshialism" is hilarious, given the context.
Ocasio was an economics major but she still believes we can afford healthcare for all and the green deal. That's pretty dumb considering her (education?) So It shouldn't come as a big surprise that she is an ignoramus where science is concerned.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

I am putting this one in politics this is where climate change funding money goes... To anything but real science.

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Republican U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, whose district stretches from San Antonio north into Austin, recently pressed an official about the government bankrolling a musical

Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space & Technology Committee, listed six National Science Foundation grants as questionable--including, Smith said at the panel’s March 26, 2014, hearing, a "climate change musical that was prepared for Broadway but I’m not sure ever was actually produced, $700,000."

Smith then asked John Holdren, the White House science czar, if the foundation should justify such grants to the public, whose tax dollars fund them, the Texan reminded.

Holdren replied that the foundation, which is entrusted with promoting scientific progress, already justifies its grants in online posts.

Grant confirmed

To our inquiry, a foundation spokeswoman, Dana Topousis, said by email the grant was awarded in 2010, adding: "The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y., theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science. The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives."

A grant to educate the public.


The government should not try to make Americans smarter. Noooooooooooo.

They signed a piece of paper you fucker, what does music have to do with climate change?

God damn it educate yourself
Sesame Street is like a musical & it educates children.

You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

I am putting this one in politics this is where climate change funding money goes... To anything but real science.

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Republican U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, whose district stretches from San Antonio north into Austin, recently pressed an official about the government bankrolling a musical

Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space & Technology Committee, listed six National Science Foundation grants as questionable--including, Smith said at the panel’s March 26, 2014, hearing, a "climate change musical that was prepared for Broadway but I’m not sure ever was actually produced, $700,000."

Smith then asked John Holdren, the White House science czar, if the foundation should justify such grants to the public, whose tax dollars fund them, the Texan reminded.

Holdren replied that the foundation, which is entrusted with promoting scientific progress, already justifies its grants in online posts.

Grant confirmed

To our inquiry, a foundation spokeswoman, Dana Topousis, said by email the grant was awarded in 2010, adding: "The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y., theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science. The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives."

A grant to educate the public.


The government should not try to make Americans smarter. Noooooooooooo.

They signed a piece of paper you fucker, what does music have to do with climate change?

God damn it educate yourself
Sesame Street is like a musical & it educates children.

Follow the (Climate Change) Money

How big is the Climate Change Industrial Complex today? Surprisingly, no one seems to be keeping track of all the channels of funding. A few years ago Forbes magazine went through the federal budget and estimated about $150 billion in spending on climate change and green energy subsidies during President Obama’s first term.

That didn’t include the tax subsidies that provide a 30 percent tax credit for wind and solar power — so add to those numbers about $8 billion to $10 billion a year. Then add billions more in costs attributable to the 29 states with renewable energy mandates that require utilities to buy expensive “green” energy.

Worldwide the numbers are gargantuan. Five years ago, a leftist group called the Climate Policy Initiative issued a study which found that “Global investment in climate change” reached $359 billion that year. Then to give you a sense of how money-hungry these planet-saviors are, the CPI moaned that this spending “falls far short of what’s needed” a number estimated at $5 trillion.

For $5 trillion we could feed everyone on the planet, end malaria, and provide clean water and reliable electricity to every remote village in Africa. And we would probably have enough money left over to find a cure for cancer and Alzheimers.

You really hate the truth /facts and don't know how grants work do you?

Educate yourself, the truth will set you free.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

I am putting this one in politics this is where climate change funding money goes... To anything but real science.

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Republican U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, whose district stretches from San Antonio north into Austin, recently pressed an official about the government bankrolling a musical

Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space & Technology Committee, listed six National Science Foundation grants as questionable--including, Smith said at the panel’s March 26, 2014, hearing, a "climate change musical that was prepared for Broadway but I’m not sure ever was actually produced, $700,000."

Smith then asked John Holdren, the White House science czar, if the foundation should justify such grants to the public, whose tax dollars fund them, the Texan reminded.

Holdren replied that the foundation, which is entrusted with promoting scientific progress, already justifies its grants in online posts.

Grant confirmed

To our inquiry, a foundation spokeswoman, Dana Topousis, said by email the grant was awarded in 2010, adding: "The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y., theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science. The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives."

A grant to educate the public.


The government should not try to make Americans smarter. Noooooooooooo.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Citing documents uncovered by the radical environmental group Greenpeace, a group of media outlets — including the New York Times and the Boston Globe — have attacked global-warming skeptic Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon for allegedly hiding $1.2 million in contributions from “fossil fuel companies.” The articles were the latest in an ongoing campaign by greens and their media allies to discredit opponents of the warming agenda.

But in allying themselves closely with activist groups with which they share ideological goals, reporters have fundamentally misled readers on the facts of global-warming funding.

In truth, the overwhelming majority of climate-research funding comes from the federal government and left-wing foundations. And while the energy industry funds both sides of the climate debate, The government/foundation monies go only toward research that advances the warming regulatory agenda. With a clear public-policy outcome in mind, the government/foundation gravy train is a much greater threat to scientific integrity.

Officials with the Smithsonian Institution — which employs Dr. Soon — told the Times it appeared the scientist had violated disclosure standards, and they said they would look into the matter. Soon, a Malaysian immigrant, is a widely respected astrophysicist, and his allies came quickly to his defense

Indeed, experts in the research community say that it is much more difficult for some of the top climate scientists — Soon, Roger Pielke Jr., the CATO Institute’s Patrick Michaels, MIT’s now-retired Richard Lindzen — to get funding for their work because they do not embrace the global-warming fearmongering favored by the government-funded climate establishment.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Yep follow the money , it's all about man made climate change and not much funding for natural causes.
You really hate the truth /facts and don't know how grants work do you?

Educate yourself, the truth will set you free.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

I am putting this one in politics this is where climate change funding money goes... To anything but real science.

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Republican U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, whose district stretches from San Antonio north into Austin, recently pressed an official about the government bankrolling a musical

Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space & Technology Committee, listed six National Science Foundation grants as questionable--including, Smith said at the panel’s March 26, 2014, hearing, a "climate change musical that was prepared for Broadway but I’m not sure ever was actually produced, $700,000."

Smith then asked John Holdren, the White House science czar, if the foundation should justify such grants to the public, whose tax dollars fund them, the Texan reminded.

Holdren replied that the foundation, which is entrusted with promoting scientific progress, already justifies its grants in online posts.

Grant confirmed

To our inquiry, a foundation spokeswoman, Dana Topousis, said by email the grant was awarded in 2010, adding: "The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y., theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science. The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives."

A grant to educate the public.


The government should not try to make Americans smarter. Noooooooooooo.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Citing documents uncovered by the radical environmental group Greenpeace, a group of media outlets — including the New York Times and the Boston Globe — have attacked global-warming skeptic Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon for allegedly hiding $1.2 million in contributions from “fossil fuel companies.” The articles were the latest in an ongoing campaign by greens and their media allies to discredit opponents of the warming agenda.

But in allying themselves closely with activist groups with which they share ideological goals, reporters have fundamentally misled readers on the facts of global-warming funding.

In truth, the overwhelming majority of climate-research funding comes from the federal government and left-wing foundations. And while the energy industry funds both sides of the climate debate, The government/foundation monies go only toward research that advances the warming regulatory agenda. With a clear public-policy outcome in mind, the government/foundation gravy train is a much greater threat to scientific integrity.

Officials with the Smithsonian Institution — which employs Dr. Soon — told the Times it appeared the scientist had violated disclosure standards, and they said they would look into the matter. Soon, a Malaysian immigrant, is a widely respected astrophysicist, and his allies came quickly to his defense

Indeed, experts in the research community say that it is much more difficult for some of the top climate scientists — Soon, Roger Pielke Jr., the CATO Institute’s Patrick Michaels, MIT’s now-retired Richard Lindzen — to get funding for their work because they do not embrace the global-warming fearmongering favored by the government-funded climate establishment.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Yep follow the money , it's all about man made climate change and not much funding for natural causes.
Nonsense written by and for retards and liars. The money is in fossil fuels.
Poor ass liberal art professors who lose federal really don't know how it works do you? They get grants just by signing a piece of paper saying they agree to something that's not even in their field

You really hate the truth /facts and don't know how grants work do you?

Educate yourself, the truth will set you free.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

God damn assshole? Fuck you. You know nothing about grants. You know little alout anything. I have debunked every post you made.

Wow since the C02 level is now over 400 ppm were are experiencing more and better crops... Why do the AGW cult not want to solve world hunger?

Brighter days drove up U.S. crop yields

By Kelly ServickMar. 6, 2017 , 1:15 PM

New farming technology—from selective breeding to chemical fertilizers—is assumed to be behind increasing U.S. corn yields over the past 3 decades. But another key contributor turns out to be something more basic: sunlight. Satellite measurements and a model of how efficiently maize converts that light to mass, reveal that solar brightening, an increase in the sunlight penetrating the atmosphere and reaching Earth, accounted for 27% of the yield increase U.S. Corn Belt farmers have observed between 1984 and 2013

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