AOC states we haven't seen Co2 levels like this since the Pliocene period

You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

I am putting this one in politics this is where climate change funding money goes... To anything but real science.

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Republican U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, whose district stretches from San Antonio north into Austin, recently pressed an official about the government bankrolling a musical

Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space & Technology Committee, listed six National Science Foundation grants as questionable--including, Smith said at the panel’s March 26, 2014, hearing, a "climate change musical that was prepared for Broadway but I’m not sure ever was actually produced, $700,000."

Smith then asked John Holdren, the White House science czar, if the foundation should justify such grants to the public, whose tax dollars fund them, the Texan reminded.

Holdren replied that the foundation, which is entrusted with promoting scientific progress, already justifies its grants in online posts.

Grant confirmed

To our inquiry, a foundation spokeswoman, Dana Topousis, said by email the grant was awarded in 2010, adding: "The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y., theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science. The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives."

A grant to educate the public.


The government should not try to make Americans smarter. Noooooooooooo.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Citing documents uncovered by the radical environmental group Greenpeace, a group of media outlets — including the New York Times and the Boston Globe — have attacked global-warming skeptic Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon for allegedly hiding $1.2 million in contributions from “fossil fuel companies.” The articles were the latest in an ongoing campaign by greens and their media allies to discredit opponents of the warming agenda.

But in allying themselves closely with activist groups with which they share ideological goals, reporters have fundamentally misled readers on the facts of global-warming funding.

In truth, the overwhelming majority of climate-research funding comes from the federal government and left-wing foundations. And while the energy industry funds both sides of the climate debate, The government/foundation monies go only toward research that advances the warming regulatory agenda. With a clear public-policy outcome in mind, the government/foundation gravy train is a much greater threat to scientific integrity.

Officials with the Smithsonian Institution — which employs Dr. Soon — told the Times it appeared the scientist had violated disclosure standards, and they said they would look into the matter. Soon, a Malaysian immigrant, is a widely respected astrophysicist, and his allies came quickly to his defense

Indeed, experts in the research community say that it is much more difficult for some of the top climate scientists — Soon, Roger Pielke Jr., the CATO Institute’s Patrick Michaels, MIT’s now-retired Richard Lindzen — to get funding for their work because they do not embrace the global-warming fearmongering favored by the government-funded climate establishment.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Yep follow the money , it's all about man made climate change and not much funding for natural causes.
Nonsense written by and for retards and liars. The money is in fossil fuels.

so you deny facts?

by the way...........

Climate change creating havoc on mental health

Well this explains the AGW cult.

Our fast-changing climate has long been identified as a threat to physical health, but more psychologists are warning that the mental health impacts and the economic toll they take are real, likely to spread and need closer study.

Article Continued Below
“We may not currently be thinking about how heavy the toll on our psyche will be, but, before long, we will know only too well,” warned a 2012 report from the U.S. National Wildlife Federation.

It predicted that cases of mental and social disorders will rise steeply as the signs of climate change become clearer and more frequent, and as more people are directly affected by heat waves, drought and other extreme events that put pressure on clean water resources, food prices and public infrastructure.

“These will include depressive and anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, substance abuse, suicides and widespread outbreaks of violence,” predicted the report. It singled out children, the poor, the elderly and those with existing mental health problems as those likely to be hardest hit.

“At roughly 150 million people, these groups represent about one half of the American public,” it calculated. In addition, the mental health profession is “not even close to being prepared” and the report warned the existing problem is likely being underestimated because most research is based on self-reporting.

“People may, indeed, suffer from anxiety about climate change but not know it. They will have a vague unease about what is happening around them, the changes they see in nature, the weather events and the fact that records are being broken month after month. But they won’t be sufficiently aware of the source, and furthermore, we all conflate and layer one anxiety upon another.”
If you think it has no purpose, then what's your problem?
What? Nobody knows what the hell you are babbling about.

Another Alarmist admits real motive behind scare

Move over Naomi Klien here is another...

Naomi Klein~the man made climate change cult finnaly being honest

Like I have said the AGW cult don't even try to hide it anymore...

Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare

Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare

Fraud: While the global warming alarmists have done a good job of spreading fright, they haven’t been so good at hiding their real motivation. Yet another one has slipped up and revealed the catalyst driving the climate scare.

We have been told now for almost three decades that man has to change his ways or his fossil-fuel emissions will scorch Earth with catastrophic warming. Scientists, politicians and activists have maintained the narrative that their concern is only about caring for our planet and its inhabitants. But this is simply not true. The narrative is a ruse. They are after something entirely different.

If they were honest, the climate alarmists would admit that they are not working feverishly to hold down global temperatures — they would acknowledge that they are instead consumed with the goal of holding down capitalism and establishing a global welfare stat

Have doubts? Then listen to the words of former United Nations climate official Ottmar Edenhofer:

“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole,” said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

So what is the goal of environmental policy?

“We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy,” said Edenhofer.

For those who want to believe that maybe Edenhofer just misspoke and doesn’t really mean that, consider that a little more than five years ago he also said that “the next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.”

Mad as they are, Edenhofer’s comments are nevertheless consistent with other alarmists who have spilled the movement’s dirty secret. Last year, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, made a similar statement.

This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said in anticipation of last year’s Paris climate summit.

“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”

The plan is to allow Third World countries to emit as much carbon dioxide as they wish — because, as Edenhofer said, “in order to get rich one has to burn coal, oil or gas” — while at the same time restricting emissions in advanced nations. This will, of course, choke economic growth in developed nations, but they deserve that fate as they “have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community,” he said. The fanaticism runs so deep that one professor has even suggested that we need to plunge ourselves into a depression to fight global warming.
Scientists don't make money from people buying EVs or green energies.

Correct, they don't. Scientists make their money off taxpayers, and politicians who provide those funds are behind global warming (or climate change if you desire).
Scientists can work for corporations, universities, research firms, Fossil Fuel companies, think tanks, etc.

Universities get federal funding along with grants from private organizations.

Now, who has the most to lose as we go green. What do the scientists they fund say?
"Follow the money!", you say?

Let's do just that.

I noted that “In America and around the globe governments have created a multi-billion dollar Climate Change Industrial Complex.” And then I added: “A lot of people are getting really, really rich off of the climate change industry.” According to a recent report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Federal funding for climate change research, technology, international assistance, and adaptation has increased from $2.4 billion in 1993 to $11.6 billion in 2014, with an additional $26.1 billion for climate change programs and activities provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009.”


How big is the Climate Change Industrial Complex today? Surprisingly, no one seems to be keeping track of all the channels of funding. A few years ago Forbes magazine went through the federal budget and estimated about $150 billion in spending on climate change and green energy subsidies during President Obama’s first term.

That didn’t include the tax subsidies that provide a 30 percent tax credit for wind and solar power — so add to those numbers about $8 billion to $10 billion a year. Then add billions more in costs attributable to the 29 states with renewable energy mandates that require utilities to buy expensive “green” energy.

Worldwide the numbers are gargantuan. Five years ago, a leftist group called the Climate Policy Initiative issued a study which found that “Global investment in climate change” reached $359 billion that year. Then to give you a sense of how money-hungry these planet-saviors are, the CPI moaned that this spending “falls far short of what’s needed” a number estimated at $5 trillion.

For $5 trillion we could feed everyone on the planet, end malaria, and provide clean water and reliable electricity to every remote village in Africa. And we would probably have enough money left over to find a cure for cancer and Alzheimers.

The entire Apollo project to put a man on the moon cost less than $200 billion. We are spending twice that much every year on climate change.​
unlike the 4.65 trillion dollar fossil fuel market.

The rerally funny part with you deniers is that going green can save you money.

Buying higher MPG vehicles save you monet

Installing geothermal HVAC saves you money.

EVs can save you money.

Ignoring AGW & you will pay big time for the results like higher food costs, addressing coastline higher sea levels, more storm damage from storm surges, addressing more droughts, redoing HVAC systems to address higher temperatures . increasing our electrical grid, etc ertc etc.

So your plan is more expensive.

Top physicist bolts from global warming consensus...

Freeman Dyson is a 91-year-old theoretical physicist who was a contemporary of Einstein at Princeton, has received multiple international awards for his scientific efforts, and has published numerous books and papers on a wide range of topics.
Dyson is criticizing scientists who advance what he describes as an ‘agenda-driven’ perspective on global warming.

In an interview with The Register, Dyson responded to questions about the forward he just wrote for a scientific paper that confronts the “overrated” concerns about CO2 in the atmosphere

“It’s very sad that in this country, political opinion parted [people’s views on climate change]. I’m 100 per cent Democrat myself, and I like Obama. But he took the wrong side on this issue, and the Republicans took the right side

“That is to me the central mystery of climate science. It is not a scientific mystery but a human mystery. How does it happen that a whole generation of scientific experts is blind to obvious facts?"

Top Physicist Bolts from Global Warming 'Consensus' And Says Obama Backed 'Wrong Side'
You really hate the truth /facts and don't know how grants work do you?

Educate yourself, the truth will set you free.
You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

God damn assshole? Fuck you. You know nothing about grants. You know little alout anything. I have debunked every post you made.

Lol.....always angry!

Translation on the optics?

"I'm losing and looking silly!"

Hanging your hat on symbolic stuff is ghey:flirtysmile4:

Telling the truth is not losing.

Losing is keep repeating bullshit lies over & over.
You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you upside your head... You are nothing more than a left wing puppet wanting a socialist/Marxist control system. Science calls you out a liar along with your alarmist buds... The Empirical Evidence calls you out a liar..
It's an odd claim. Let's say for the sake of argument that what she said is true.

Then the earth has lived through previous periods like this. So why worry about it?

Her claim undercuts her own apocolyptic arguments
It's an odd claim. Let's say for the sake of argument that what she said is true.

Then the earth has lived through previous periods like this. So why worry about it?

Her claim undercuts her own apocolyptic arguments

Humans have never had to live through this. That's her point.
It's an odd claim. Let's say for the sake of argument that what she said is true.

Then the earth has lived through previous periods like this. So why worry about it?

Her claim undercuts her own apocolyptic arguments

Humans have never had to live through this. That's her point.

Yes but if the planet has been like this beforr humans existed there is no reason to bekieve humans are causing this
AOC is possibly the most reliable measure of truth. If she said it, it probably isn’t true.

She said the Republicans amended the Constitution so FDR couldn't get re-elected.
That could be true when you consider that if the Progressives don't mind dead people voting, then they probably wouldn't have a problem with a dead person running for office.
It's an odd claim. Let's say for the sake of argument that what she said is true.

Then the earth has lived through previous periods like this. So why worry about it?

Her claim undercuts her own apocolyptic arguments

Humans have never had to live through this. That's her point.

Yes but if the planet has been like this beforr humans existed there is no reason to bekieve humans are causing this

Yes but if the planet has been like this beforr humans existed there is no reason to bekieve humans are causing this

There's every reason to believe humans are causing this.
Carbon concentration in the atmosphere is measurable. It's 50% higher today than it was before the industrial revolution.
Carbon emissions are measurable from both natural and man made sources.
The amount of carbon humans emit is measureable. It's a lot. ( 37.1 billon metric tons at the end of 2018 )
There is no natural source of carbon emissions that come anywhere close to accounting for the rise we see.

High concentrations in earth's past prior to human activity obviously came from natural sources that aren't active today.

Can you point to any natural source of carbon emissions that even comes close to or surpasses the levels emitted by human activity?
Last edited:
There's every reason to believe humans are causing this.
Carbon concentration in the atmosphere is measurable. It's 50% higher today than it was before the industrial revolution.
Carbon emissions are measurable from both natural and man made sources.
The amount of carbon humans emit is measureable. It's a lot. ( 37.1 billon metric tons at the end of 2018 )
There is no natural source of carbon emissions that come anywhere close to accounting for the rise we see.

High concentrations in earth's past prior to human activity obviously came from natural sources that aren't active today.

Can you point to any natural source of carbon emissions that even comes close to or surpasses the levels emitted by human activity?

Killing off some humans would probably take care of it.
God damn asshole I made threads on it here

I am putting this one in politics this is where climate change funding money goes... To anything but real science.

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Republican U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, whose district stretches from San Antonio north into Austin, recently pressed an official about the government bankrolling a musical

Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space & Technology Committee, listed six National Science Foundation grants as questionable--including, Smith said at the panel’s March 26, 2014, hearing, a "climate change musical that was prepared for Broadway but I’m not sure ever was actually produced, $700,000."

Smith then asked John Holdren, the White House science czar, if the foundation should justify such grants to the public, whose tax dollars fund them, the Texan reminded.

Holdren replied that the foundation, which is entrusted with promoting scientific progress, already justifies its grants in online posts.

Grant confirmed

To our inquiry, a foundation spokeswoman, Dana Topousis, said by email the grant was awarded in 2010, adding: "The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y., theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science. The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives."

A grant to educate the public.


The government should not try to make Americans smarter. Noooooooooooo.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Citing documents uncovered by the radical environmental group Greenpeace, a group of media outlets — including the New York Times and the Boston Globe — have attacked global-warming skeptic Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon for allegedly hiding $1.2 million in contributions from “fossil fuel companies.” The articles were the latest in an ongoing campaign by greens and their media allies to discredit opponents of the warming agenda.

But in allying themselves closely with activist groups with which they share ideological goals, reporters have fundamentally misled readers on the facts of global-warming funding.

In truth, the overwhelming majority of climate-research funding comes from the federal government and left-wing foundations. And while the energy industry funds both sides of the climate debate, The government/foundation monies go only toward research that advances the warming regulatory agenda. With a clear public-policy outcome in mind, the government/foundation gravy train is a much greater threat to scientific integrity.

Officials with the Smithsonian Institution — which employs Dr. Soon — told the Times it appeared the scientist had violated disclosure standards, and they said they would look into the matter. Soon, a Malaysian immigrant, is a widely respected astrophysicist, and his allies came quickly to his defense

Indeed, experts in the research community say that it is much more difficult for some of the top climate scientists — Soon, Roger Pielke Jr., the CATO Institute’s Patrick Michaels, MIT’s now-retired Richard Lindzen — to get funding for their work because they do not embrace the global-warming fearmongering favored by the government-funded climate establishment.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Yep follow the money , it's all about man made climate change and not much funding for natural causes.
Nonsense written by and for retards and liars. The money is in fossil fuels.

so you deny facts?

by the way...........

Climate change creating havoc on mental health

Well this explains the AGW cult.

Our fast-changing climate has long been identified as a threat to physical health, but more psychologists are warning that the mental health impacts and the economic toll they take are real, likely to spread and need closer study.

Article Continued Below
“We may not currently be thinking about how heavy the toll on our psyche will be, but, before long, we will know only too well,” warned a 2012 report from the U.S. National Wildlife Federation.

It predicted that cases of mental and social disorders will rise steeply as the signs of climate change become clearer and more frequent, and as more people are directly affected by heat waves, drought and other extreme events that put pressure on clean water resources, food prices and public infrastructure.

“These will include depressive and anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, substance abuse, suicides and widespread outbreaks of violence,” predicted the report. It singled out children, the poor, the elderly and those with existing mental health problems as those likely to be hardest hit.

“At roughly 150 million people, these groups represent about one half of the American public,” it calculated. In addition, the mental health profession is “not even close to being prepared” and the report warned the existing problem is likely being underestimated because most research is based on self-reporting.

“People may, indeed, suffer from anxiety about climate change but not know it. They will have a vague unease about what is happening around them, the changes they see in nature, the weather events and the fact that records are being broken month after month. But they won’t be sufficiently aware of the source, and furthermore, we all conflate and layer one anxiety upon another.”

And that's only the tip of the iceberg (that's going to melt too).

Climate Change Helped Fuel The Syrian Conflict, New Paper Finds | HuffPost

How Climate Change Helped ISIS | HuffPost

Study: Global warming will cause 180,000 more rapes by 2099
Ocasio was an economics major but she still believes we can afford healthcare for all and the green deal. That's pretty dumb considering her (education?) So It shouldn't come as a big surprise that she is an ignoramus where science is concerned.

And this economics major thought that NYC was going to give Amazon 3 billion dollars, and said she stopped the project because they could use that 3 billion dollars for better things.
How have progressives missed the memo the rest of the public got? That China continues to build coal plants like they are going out of style so d0y.....climate change action is thus retarded!:2up::bye1::bye1:

The United States represents less than 5% of the world population, and the sheep are convinced that we 5% can change the climate.
I am putting this one in politics this is where climate change funding money goes... To anything but real science.

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Climate change musical funded by $700,000 National Science Foundation grant

Republican U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, whose district stretches from San Antonio north into Austin, recently pressed an official about the government bankrolling a musical

Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space & Technology Committee, listed six National Science Foundation grants as questionable--including, Smith said at the panel’s March 26, 2014, hearing, a "climate change musical that was prepared for Broadway but I’m not sure ever was actually produced, $700,000."

Smith then asked John Holdren, the White House science czar, if the foundation should justify such grants to the public, whose tax dollars fund them, the Texan reminded.

Holdren replied that the foundation, which is entrusted with promoting scientific progress, already justifies its grants in online posts.

Grant confirmed

To our inquiry, a foundation spokeswoman, Dana Topousis, said by email the grant was awarded in 2010, adding: "The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y., theatre company, developed an innovative, out-of-the-box approach to exposing U.S. citizens to science. The project represents the unique cultural leverage of theater in its attempt to inspire the public’s imagination and curiosity about basic science and its relation to their everyday lives."

A grant to educate the public.


The government should not try to make Americans smarter. Noooooooooooo.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Citing documents uncovered by the radical environmental group Greenpeace, a group of media outlets — including the New York Times and the Boston Globe — have attacked global-warming skeptic Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon for allegedly hiding $1.2 million in contributions from “fossil fuel companies.” The articles were the latest in an ongoing campaign by greens and their media allies to discredit opponents of the warming agenda.

But in allying themselves closely with activist groups with which they share ideological goals, reporters have fundamentally misled readers on the facts of global-warming funding.

In truth, the overwhelming majority of climate-research funding comes from the federal government and left-wing foundations. And while the energy industry funds both sides of the climate debate, The government/foundation monies go only toward research that advances the warming regulatory agenda. With a clear public-policy outcome in mind, the government/foundation gravy train is a much greater threat to scientific integrity.

Officials with the Smithsonian Institution — which employs Dr. Soon — told the Times it appeared the scientist had violated disclosure standards, and they said they would look into the matter. Soon, a Malaysian immigrant, is a widely respected astrophysicist, and his allies came quickly to his defense

Indeed, experts in the research community say that it is much more difficult for some of the top climate scientists — Soon, Roger Pielke Jr., the CATO Institute’s Patrick Michaels, MIT’s now-retired Richard Lindzen — to get funding for their work because they do not embrace the global-warming fearmongering favored by the government-funded climate establishment.

Global Warming: Follow the Money

Yep follow the money , it's all about man made climate change and not much funding for natural causes.
Nonsense written by and for retards and liars. The money is in fossil fuels.

so you deny facts?

by the way...........

Climate change creating havoc on mental health

Well this explains the AGW cult.

Our fast-changing climate has long been identified as a threat to physical health, but more psychologists are warning that the mental health impacts and the economic toll they take are real, likely to spread and need closer study.

Article Continued Below
“We may not currently be thinking about how heavy the toll on our psyche will be, but, before long, we will know only too well,” warned a 2012 report from the U.S. National Wildlife Federation.

It predicted that cases of mental and social disorders will rise steeply as the signs of climate change become clearer and more frequent, and as more people are directly affected by heat waves, drought and other extreme events that put pressure on clean water resources, food prices and public infrastructure.

“These will include depressive and anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, substance abuse, suicides and widespread outbreaks of violence,” predicted the report. It singled out children, the poor, the elderly and those with existing mental health problems as those likely to be hardest hit.

“At roughly 150 million people, these groups represent about one half of the American public,” it calculated. In addition, the mental health profession is “not even close to being prepared” and the report warned the existing problem is likely being underestimated because most research is based on self-reporting.

“People may, indeed, suffer from anxiety about climate change but not know it. They will have a vague unease about what is happening around them, the changes they see in nature, the weather events and the fact that records are being broken month after month. But they won’t be sufficiently aware of the source, and furthermore, we all conflate and layer one anxiety upon another.”

And that's only the tip of the iceberg (that's going to melt too).

Climate Change Helped Fuel The Syrian Conflict, New Paper Finds | HuffPost

How Climate Change Helped ISIS | HuffPost

Study: Global warming will cause 180,000 more rapes by 2099
Another stupid post from the moron who thinks that fossil fuels have no money invested in denying AGW.

It is science. FUCKING science you God damn idiot.

SCIENCE tells us we are on the road to major priblems & assfuck you is so smart that you think the scientists are wrong.
How have progressives missed the memo the rest of the public got? That China continues to build coal plants like they are going out of style so d0y.....climate change action is thus retarded!:2up::bye1::bye1:

The United States represents less than 5% of the world population, and the sheep are convinced that we 5% can change the climate.

And yet we are second in overall emissions. We rank top in emissions per capita.

There was the Paris Accord that go nearly every nation involved in lowering emissions.

Your post is a lie, dishonest, and dumber than shit
Ocasio was an economics major but she still believes we can afford healthcare for all and the green deal. That's pretty dumb considering her (education?) So It shouldn't come as a big surprise that she is an ignoramus where science is concerned.

And this economics major thought that NYC was going to give Amazon 3 billion dollars, and said she stopped the project because they could use that 3 billion dollars for better things.
The coming of Amazon would have destroyed existing neighborhoods by priocing the current residents out of theor rented home & raising local prices.

Fuck Amazon

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