AOC states we haven't seen Co2 levels like this since the Pliocene period

You first. Getting rid of Trumpettes is a good start as it would reduce the number of stupid people.

Who said anything about President Trump other than you?
Dang dude, at the rate you are going you will be so ate up by the end of 2020 you'll probably off yourself.
AOC is possibly the most reliable measure of truth. If she said it, it probably isn’t true.

She said the Republicans amended the Constitution so FDR couldn't get re-elected.
That could be true when you consider that if the Progressives don't mind dead people voting, then they probably wouldn't have a problem with a dead person running for office.

You prefer voter suppression

FDR was dead when Congress passed the Amendment that limited the number of terms a President could hold office in that position.
Do you support a Representative in Congress who graduated from Boston University (with honors) that doesn't know what she said is stupid as hell, but thinks she has a better plan for America?
It's an odd claim. Let's say for the sake of argument that what she said is true.

Then the earth has lived through previous periods like this. So why worry about it?

Her claim undercuts her own apocolyptic arguments

Ummm what? The claim was that CO2 levels haven’t been this high in the history of ... read this slowly... humans.

The fact that they may have been higher at some time when humans didn’t exist is meaningless .

The point is that CO 2 levels this high affect human life in ways we are not going to like

Uhm educate yourself...

NASA’s carbon-monitoring OCO-2 satellite confirms that El Nino weather boosts CO2

NASA’s carbon-monitoring OCO-2 satellite confirms that El Nino weather boosts CO2

Readings from NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 have confirmed that the El Niño weather pattern of 2015-2016 was behind the biggest annual increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in millennia.

View attachment 261347

More CO2 than at any time that man walked the earth. Um....El Nino accounts for a year over year increase...not total increase.

From your link moon

Readings from NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 have confirmed that the El Niño weather pattern of 2015-2016 was behind the biggest annual increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in millennia.
There's every reason to believe humans are causing this.
Your post is so ignorant of the truth I am having a hard time finding which lie to debunk first.. So we will start with this one..

Where is your causal link and the empirically observed proof of exactly what it has done.... I'll wait.
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Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?

So, humans were not the cause of the 'high' CO2 levels 2 to 5 million years ago (because we did not exist) and now, CO2 levels are similar to back then and OC wants us to do just what? Excuse me but that is just fucking ignorant.
My heating bill will go down, I'll be able to golf longer and my garden will be happy with a little extra temperature. If you cry babies want to address world pollution, you need to turn your attention to China and, India like Trump is doing..
My heating bill will go down, I'll be able to golf longer and my garden will be happy with a little extra temperature. If you cry babies want to address world pollution, you need to turn your attention to China and, India like Trump is doing..
Your AC bill will go up & you might need a larger capacity system to handle more days of hotter temps.

Longer hotter drier will not help your garden in July August & September.

India & China are addressed in the Paris Accord.
Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?

So, humans were not the cause of the 'high' CO2 levels 2 to 5 million years ago (because we did not exist) and now, CO2 levels are similar to back then and OC wants us to do just what? Excuse me but that is just fucking ignorant.

Dumbass Trumpettes.

There are many reasons CO2 levels can rise. Man is not the only one. We know man is causing the rise rhis time.

Quit being so stupid.
My heating bill will go down, I'll be able to golf longer and my garden will be happy with a little extra temperature. If you cry babies want to address world pollution, you need to turn your attention to China and, India like Trump is doing..
Your AC bill will go up & you might need a larger capacity system to handle more days of hotter temps.

Longer hotter drier will not help your garden in July August & September.

India & China are addressed in the Paris Accord.
There is no Paris accord without the US paying to clean up India and China. Maybe you can get some of your friends together and sell poppies on the corner to make up for the money Trump wisely withheld. Do your part, man.
My heating bill will go down, I'll be able to golf longer and my garden will be happy with a little extra temperature. If you cry babies want to address world pollution, you need to turn your attention to China and, India like Trump is doing..
Your AC bill will go up & you might need a larger capacity system to handle more days of hotter temps.

Longer hotter drier will not help your garden in July August & September.

India & China are addressed in the Paris Accord.
There is no Paris accord without the US paying to clean up India and China. Maybe you can get some of your friends together and sell poppies on the corner to make up for the money Trump wisely withheld. Do your part, man.

Nope. I realize how fucking ignorant you are but other countries were chipping in to hep poorer countries. Not just the USA.

The US along with other industrialized countries put us where we are today. You thinks the other countries should suffer because of that.
You first. Getting rid of Trumpettes is a good start as it would reduce the number of stupid people.

Who said anything about President Trump other than you?
Dang dude, at the rate you are going you will be so ate up by the end of 2020 you'll probably off yourself.
Deniers are stupid people & so are Trumpettes. Are you denying you voted for Trump?
There's every reason to believe humans are causing this.
Your post is so ignorant of the truth I am having a hard time finding which lie to debunk first.. So we will start with this one..

Where is your causal link and the empirically observed proof of exactly what it has done.... I'll wait.
Proof of what?

The amount of emissions man is releasing?
The Temperatures are increasing?
Greenhouse effect?

You presented no facts. Just your ignorance.

God damn asshole I made threads on it here

God damn assshole? Fuck you. You know nothing about grants. You know little alout anything. I have debunked every post you made.

Lol.....always angry!

Translation on the optics?

"I'm losing and looking silly!"

Hanging your hat on symbolic stuff is ghey:flirtysmile4:

Telling the truth is not losing.

Losing is keep repeating bullshit lies over & over.

The Alarming Cost Of Climate Change Hysteria

The Alarming Cost Of Climate Change Hysteria

A May 20 report noted that while annual federal funding for such activities has been increasing substantially, there is a lack of shared understanding of strategic priorities among the various responsible agency officials. This assessment agrees with the conclusions of a 2008 Congressional Research Service analysis which found no "overarching policy goal for climate change that guides the programs funded or the priorities among programs."

According to the GAO, annual federal climate spending has increased from $4.6 billion in 2003 to $8.8 billion in 2010, amounting to $106.7 billion over that period. The money was spent in four general categories: technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, science to understand climate changes, international assistance for developing countries, and wildlife adaptation to respond to actual or expected changes. Technology spending, the largest category, grew from $2.56 billion to $5.5 billion over this period, increasingly advancing over others in total share. Data compiled by Joanne Nova at the Science and Policy Institute indicates that the U.S. Government spent more than $32.5 billion on climate studies between 1989 and 2009. This doesn't count about $79 billion more spent for climate change technology research, foreign aid and tax breaks for "green energy."
And the cost to do nothing?

We researched, and the scientists said what they found & you assfucks scream "Fake News".

Figure that.
My heating bill will go down, I'll be able to golf longer and my garden will be happy with a little extra temperature. If you cry babies want to address world pollution, you need to turn your attention to China and, India like Trump is doing..
Your AC bill will go up & you might need a larger capacity system to handle more days of hotter temps.

Longer hotter drier will not help your garden in July August & September.

India & China are addressed in the Paris Accord.
There is no Paris accord without the US paying to clean up India and China. Maybe you can get some of your friends together and sell poppies on the corner to make up for the money Trump wisely withheld. Do your part, man.

Nope. I realize how fucking ignorant you are but other countries were chipping in to hep poorer countries. Not just the USA.

The US along with other industrialized countries put us where we are today. You thinks the other countries should suffer because of that.

The first one to chime in this morning from the Blame America First crowd.
So you think nothing will change as our average global temperatures increase.
My heating bill will go down, I'll be able to golf longer and my garden will be happy with a little extra temperature. If you cry babies want to address world pollution, you need to turn your attention to China and, India like Trump is doing..
Your AC bill will go up & you might need a larger capacity system to handle more days of hotter temps.

Longer hotter drier will not help your garden in July August & September.

India & China are addressed in the Paris Accord.
There is no Paris accord without the US paying to clean up India and China. Maybe you can get some of your friends together and sell poppies on the corner to make up for the money Trump wisely withheld. Do your part, man.

Nope. I realize how fucking ignorant you are but other countries were chipping in to hep poorer countries. Not just the USA.

The US along with other industrialized countries put us where we are today. You thinks the other countries should suffer because of that.

The first one to chime in this morning from the Blame America First crowd.
Political correctness is a mental disorder
My heating bill will go down, I'll be able to golf longer and my garden will be happy with a little extra temperature. If you cry babies want to address world pollution, you need to turn your attention to China and, India like Trump is doing..
Your AC bill will go up & you might need a larger capacity system to handle more days of hotter temps.

Longer hotter drier will not help your garden in July August & September.

India & China are addressed in the Paris Accord.
There is no Paris accord without the US paying to clean up India and China. Maybe you can get some of your friends together and sell poppies on the corner to make up for the money Trump wisely withheld. Do your part, man.

Of course not. The Paris Accord was nothing but a front for other countries to control our industry and achievements. Without us, it defeats the purpose of having it.

It's kind of like the guy with a flower shop that takes bets on numbers and sports games. He doesn't make any real money selling flowers. So if the mob gets nabbed and he has to stop taking bets, it makes no sense to have the flower shop any longer.
Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?

So, humans were not the cause of the 'high' CO2 levels 2 to 5 million years ago (because we did not exist) and now, CO2 levels are similar to back then and OC wants us to do just what? Excuse me but that is just fucking ignorant.

Agreed. This is like having an ant problem in your house, so you buy 100 ant traps. After a week or two, you discover the ant problem is only getting worse. If you are half-way intelligent, you realize the ant traps are not the solution, so you seek alternatives.

The key phrase here is half-way intelligent, because after all we've done, all the money we poured into green, all the restrictions we created for ourselves, the problem only got worse according to the GW crowd. Their solution? Keep doing more.
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Deniers are stupid people & so are Trumpettes. Are you denying you voted for Trump?

I am not denying anything.
I am laughing at the fact it seems you have sublet your entire frontal lobe to President Trump.
Scientists don't make money from people buying EVs or green energies.

Correct, they don't. Scientists make their money off taxpayers, and politicians who provide those funds are behind global warming (or climate change if you desire).
Scientists can work for corporations, universities, research firms, Fossil Fuel companies, think tanks, etc.

Universities get federal funding along with grants from private organizations.

Now, who has the most to lose as we go green. What do the scientists they fund say?
"Follow the money!", you say?

Let's do just that.

I noted that “In America and around the globe governments have created a multi-billion dollar Climate Change Industrial Complex.” And then I added: “A lot of people are getting really, really rich off of the climate change industry.” According to a recent report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Federal funding for climate change research, technology, international assistance, and adaptation has increased from $2.4 billion in 1993 to $11.6 billion in 2014, with an additional $26.1 billion for climate change programs and activities provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009.”


How big is the Climate Change Industrial Complex today? Surprisingly, no one seems to be keeping track of all the channels of funding. A few years ago Forbes magazine went through the federal budget and estimated about $150 billion in spending on climate change and green energy subsidies during President Obama’s first term.

That didn’t include the tax subsidies that provide a 30 percent tax credit for wind and solar power — so add to those numbers about $8 billion to $10 billion a year. Then add billions more in costs attributable to the 29 states with renewable energy mandates that require utilities to buy expensive “green” energy.

Worldwide the numbers are gargantuan. Five years ago, a leftist group called the Climate Policy Initiative issued a study which found that “Global investment in climate change” reached $359 billion that year. Then to give you a sense of how money-hungry these planet-saviors are, the CPI moaned that this spending “falls far short of what’s needed” a number estimated at $5 trillion.

For $5 trillion we could feed everyone on the planet, end malaria, and provide clean water and reliable electricity to every remote village in Africa. And we would probably have enough money left over to find a cure for cancer and Alzheimers.

The entire Apollo project to put a man on the moon cost less than $200 billion. We are spending twice that much every year on climate change.​
unlike the 4.65 trillion dollar fossil fuel market.

The rerally funny part with you deniers is that going green can save you money.

Buying higher MPG vehicles save you monet

Installing geothermal HVAC saves you money.

EVs can save you money.

Ignoring AGW & you will pay big time for the results like higher food costs, addressing coastline higher sea levels, more storm damage from storm surges, addressing more droughts, redoing HVAC systems to address higher temperatures . increasing our electrical grid, etc ertc etc.

So your plan is more expensive.

If you're concerned so much about me saving money, shouldn't that be my decision and not yours? You leftists are such control freaks.

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