AOC states we haven't seen Co2 levels like this since the Pliocene period

The climate has been changing since the day the earth was formed
It has? And how do you know that?

Go ahead,answer.
/——/ I can’t believe how uneducated you are. Seems like you’d know this from your “vast” studies.
How Earths Climate has Changed since it was Formed |
Since the formation of the earth around 4.5 billion years ago, it’s climate has undergone vast changes due to the constant evolution of its physical elements like its landmasses (continents) and oceans, changes in the levels of greenhouse gases contained within its dense atmosphere, the intensity of radiation emanating from the sun, as well as the earth’s orbit around it. Though during the last billion years, the temperature consistency of the planet has been broken by periods of frost starting from about 925 million years ago and even up to about 2 million years ago, overall, for most of its history, its mean temperature was about 8 to 15 degrees warmer than at present. During the past million years, the average temperature of the earth’s surface has hovered at 5 degrees Celsius more or less through the course of 10 ice ages.
So,a climate scientist taught you that. But now you think the climate scientists are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries, because their more recent discoveries run counter to your politics, fetishes, and/or superstitions.

Thank you for your assistance in posting the link.

That makes you look really stupid.
/——/ What is the ideal temperature? What is your ideal climate? When was the climate not changing? Warmers never reply.
Haha..oh no no no. You are not going to change the subject. Your "big" point was that climate has always changed. You admitted that scientists taught you that.

Now you insinuate that they are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries, and that you have outsmarted them all, deapite havingno education or experience in their fields.

You have a lot of work to do to resolve this clear absurdity.

The climate has been changing since the day the earth was formed
It has? And how do you know that?

Go ahead,answer.
/——/ I can’t believe how uneducated you are. Seems like you’d know this from your “vast” studies.
How Earths Climate has Changed since it was Formed |
Since the formation of the earth around 4.5 billion years ago, it’s climate has undergone vast changes due to the constant evolution of its physical elements like its landmasses (continents) and oceans, changes in the levels of greenhouse gases contained within its dense atmosphere, the intensity of radiation emanating from the sun, as well as the earth’s orbit around it. Though during the last billion years, the temperature consistency of the planet has been broken by periods of frost starting from about 925 million years ago and even up to about 2 million years ago, overall, for most of its history, its mean temperature was about 8 to 15 degrees warmer than at present. During the past million years, the average temperature of the earth’s surface has hovered at 5 degrees Celsius more or less through the course of 10 ice ages.
So,a climate scientist taught you that. But now you think the climate scientists are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries, because their more recent discoveries run counter to your politics, fetishes, and/or superstitions.

Thank you for your assistance in posting the link.

That makes you look really stupid.
/——/ What is the ideal temperature? What is your ideal climate? When was the climate not changing? Warmers never reply.
Haha..oh no no no. You are not going to change the subject. Your "big" point was that climate has always changed. You admitted that scientists taught you that.

Now you insinuate that they are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries, and that you have outsmarted them all, deapite havingno education or experience in their fields.

You have a lot of work to do to resolve this clear absurdity.

/——/ You asked for proof and I gave it to you. You are unable to admit you were wrong. I’m not chasing you down some rabbit hole.
You asked for proof and I gave it to you. You are unable to admit you were wrong.
You didnt prove me wrong about anything. I was making a point. Try to keep up, genius.

You said climate always changes. I asked how you know that. You proceeded to give the correct answer by citing scientists.

Now, you have to explain why you now make the embarrassingly stupid insinuation that these same scientists are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries.

Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?

The only important question here is will enough of her worshippers buy this bullshit to vanguard a green communist revolution in these here United States?
She was fired from a corndog stand for incompetence.

Naturally, Communists believe everything she says.
You asked for proof and I gave it to you. You are unable to admit you were wrong.
You didnt prove me wrong about anything. I was making a point. Try to keep up, genius.

You said climate always changes. I asked how you know that. You proceeded to give the correct answer by citing scientists.

Now, you have to explain why you now make the embarrassingly stupid insinuation that these same scientists are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries.

/——/ I never said they were the same scientist, you dolt.
Pontificating at a Green New Deal rally on Monday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just claimed on Sunday that her apocalyptic prediction in January that the world would end in 12 years unless serious action was taken to combat climate change had just been "dry humor," suddenly returned to her climate change hysteria, stating CO2 levels had reached the highest levels in recorded history and the last time the levels were this high "bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth."

Ocasio-Cortez ranted, “It was reported today that this weekend for the first time in human history we have reached atmospheric levels of carbon at 415 parts per million. This has never been seen in recorded human history. In fact meteorologist Eric Holthaus and journalist said simply about this measurement, ‘We do not know a planet like this.’ The last time our planet hit 415 we were in the Pliocene period. Oceans were 90 feet higher. Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist. We have never seen a planet like this. And a planet like this is exactly what we are going to get, and it is exactly what we are going to inherit from previous generations if we do not act positively now."

Ocasio-Cortez Issues Another Apocalyptic Climate Rant. Is This More Of Her ‘Dry Humor’?

Only one question here: What technology and devices were used to make this measurement during the Pliocene period? I didn't even know what the pliocene period was. So I looked it up. It was a time frame between 2 and 5 million years. The wheel wasn't even invented yet.

Oceans were 90 feet higher? So why aren't oceans 90 feet higher today?

Bacteria and diseases we have never seen before roamed the Earth. Humans did not exist.
What diseases?

If humans weren't around, who did they affect?
What diseases?

The ones found in the fossil record.
please point to the link that provides the carbon levels in fossils during this period.

or shut the fuck up.

either is fine.
Evolutionary History of Atmospheric CO2 during the Late Cenozoic from Fossilized Metasequoia Needles

Did you even read the paper?

It has a few big weaknesses in it. Hint: Assumptions, poor Resolution, and poor sampling size
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You asked for proof and I gave it to you. You are unable to admit you were wrong.
You didnt prove me wrong about anything. I was making a point. Try to keep up, genius.

You said climate always changes. I asked how you know that. You proceeded to give the correct answer by citing scientists.

Now, you have to explain why you now make the embarrassingly stupid insinuation that these same scientists are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries.


Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to get more and more control over the people. The two things stopping them are energy and healthcare. Once government gets total control of those two things, they will then have total control of the people.

They can't do that by force in a free country. They have to make people beg for it. Scientists get paid by the government. For scientists to come back and say there is no man made global warming is like going to your boss to tell him you were cheating with his wife. Don't expect to keep your job yet alone get a pay raise.

I always picture (in about a hundred years or so) a classroom full of children, and the teacher tell them that at one time, man thought they could control the climate. Then the children burst out in laughter the way we did as kids when our teacher told us primitive man once thought the earth was flat, and if you go too far, you'll fall off.
You asked for proof and I gave it to you. You are unable to admit you were wrong.
You didnt prove me wrong about anything. I was making a point. Try to keep up, genius.

You said climate always changes. I asked how you know that. You proceeded to give the correct answer by citing scientists.

Now, you have to explain why you now make the embarrassingly stupid insinuation that these same scientists are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries.


Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to get more and more control over the people. The two things stopping them are energy and healthcare. Once government gets total control of those two things, they will then have total control of the people.

They can't do that by force in a free country. They have to make people beg for it. Scientists get paid by the government. For scientists to come back and say there is no man made global warming is like going to your boss to tell him you were cheating with his wife. Don't expect to keep your job yet alone get a pay raise.

I always picture (in about a hundred years or so) a classroom full of children, and the teacher tell them that at one time, man thought they could control the climate. Then the children burst out in laughter the way we did as kids when our teacher told us primitive man once thought the earth was flat, and if you go too far, you'll fall off.
Ok,neat,but that isn't the same discussion as the validity of the science.
Actually, real science, you know, that which you can actually see and measure, doesn't agree with you
Sure it does.

Do you have anything topical to add, or just your usual anti science denier religious nutter, screed?
I refuted your silly claim. Gonna cry about it?

By the way, that boilerplate YEC talking point that we can't measure or deduce events of the past is retarded. Really, truly Grade A dumbfuckery.

You refuted nothing other than your claim to have an IQ greater than 70.
You asked for proof and I gave it to you. You are unable to admit you were wrong.
You didnt prove me wrong about anything. I was making a point. Try to keep up, genius.

You said climate always changes. I asked how you know that. You proceeded to give the correct answer by citing scientists.

Now, you have to explain why you now make the embarrassingly stupid insinuation that these same scientists are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries.


Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to get more and more control over the people. The two things stopping them are energy and healthcare. Once government gets total control of those two things, they will then have total control of the people.

They can't do that by force in a free country. They have to make people beg for it. Scientists get paid by the government. For scientists to come back and say there is no man made global warming is like going to your boss to tell him you were cheating with his wife. Don't expect to keep your job yet alone get a pay raise.

I always picture (in about a hundred years or so) a classroom full of children, and the teacher tell them that at one time, man thought they could control the climate. Then the children burst out in laughter the way we did as kids when our teacher told us primitive man once thought the earth was flat, and if you go too far, you'll fall off.
Ok,neat,but that isn't the same discussion as the validity of the science.

And science is always correct? How about predictions?

Global warming is a bottomless money pit. There isn't enough money in this entire country to fill it or make every environmentalist happy. How do I know this? Because we've been trying since I was a child. They are more miserable today than they were in the 60's.

So after the trillions and trillions of dollars we already poured into it, what do we have to show for it? Well according to environmentalists, things are worse than ever! Just ask Alexandria Kelly Bundy.
And science is always correct?
Haha...this is where you are at? You are free to do some science and challenge the accepted theories. ALL comers are always welcome, in that respect.

Hmmm. According to this report from NASA, it's sunspots that are the problem. Are they correct?


Scientists who said global cooling is going to be the new trend for a while.

DAVID ROSE: The mini ice age starts here | Daily Mail Online

What do scientists who are not paid by the government say about global warming?

New study says threat of man-made global warming greatly exaggerated

Challenge the accepted theories? Very well.

Report: 95 percent of global warming models are wrong
AOC states we haven't seen Co2 levels like this since the Pliocene period
If she would shut her mouth, that would cut the level by 20%, right out of the gate...
The stupid Moon Bat bitch is a Climate Change Challenged retard. What she doesn't understand, like most stupid Moon Bats, is that there is no proven connection between atmospheric CO2 levels and earth's climate temperature. It is only a theory that hasn't been proven, not a fact. Flawed computer models predict that CO2 should be a greenhouse gas but the reality is that it doesn't work that way in the real world. That is why none of the dire predictions have ever come true and why the Environmental Wackos have been caught red handed creating bogus data.

There has been times when the CO2 levels were much higher than they are today and the earth much colder. There have also been times when the CO2 levels have been lower and the temperature warmer. In fact the historical data says that CO2 levels typical lag temperature increases.

Like most Liberals the stupid bitch is as dumb when it comes to Climate Science as she is with Economics, History, Biology, The Constitution and Ethics.
The stupid Moon Bat bitch is a Climate Change Challenged retard. What she doesn't understand, like most stupid Moon Bats, is that there is no proven connection between atmospheric CO2 levels and earth's climate temperature. It is only a theory that hasn't been proven,

Another dopey argument.

Fact: Co2 is a greenhouse gas.
Fact: The concentration of Co2 in the atmosphere is 50% higher today than before the industrial revolution.
Fact: The earth has warmed over the same period.

Every fifth grader understands the correlation.
And every scientist knows that correlation does NOT mean causation...

I love fallacy left wing idiots..
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You know less than nothing about this material. You imply that you have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to these fields of science, despite you having no education or experience in their fields. You also make the retarded implication that the scientiats are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries. You are embarrassing yourself.
You've left yourself only two options here: Either YOU are one of those people who have "dedicated their lives to these fields of science", or you have blind faith that they are absolutely trustworthy.

Which one is it?
You know less than nothing about this material. You imply that you have outsmarted people who have dedicated their lives to these fields of science, despite you having no education or experience in their fields. You also make the retarded implication that the scientiats are laboring under the ignorance of their own discoveries. You are embarrassing yourself.
You've left yourself only two options here: Either YOU are one of those people who have "dedicated their lives to these fields of science", or you have blind faith that they are absolutely trustworthy.

Which one is it?

Thanks for the two bit simpleton perspective.

Those of us who are not completely scientifically illiterate know that the scientific consensus in any field of scientific research is the best approximation to the truth humankind currently has in this field. That remains so until either fatal flaws in the consensus are accepted by the scientists of the field, or another theory of higher explanatory value is being accepted by the scientists in this field.

You are by no means smart enough to cook up this fabulous dichotomy on your own. So, whoever fed it to you has been lying to you, and your blind faith in their mendacity is certainly misguided.
The stupid Moon Bat bitch is a Climate Change Challenged retard. What she doesn't understand, like most stupid Moon Bats, is that there is no proven connection between atmospheric CO2 levels and earth's climate temperature. It is only a theory that hasn't been proven, not a fact. Flawed computer models predict that CO2 should be a greenhouse gas but the reality is that it doesn't work that way in the real world. That is why none of the dire predictions have ever come true and why the Environmental Wackos have been caught red handed creating bogus data.

There has been times when the CO2 levels were much higher than they are today and the earth much colder. There have also been times when the CO2 levels have been lower and the temperature warmer. In fact the historical data says that CO2 levels typical lag temperature increases.

Like most Liberals the stupid bitch is as dumb when it comes to Climate Science as she is with Economics, History, Biology, The Constitution and Ethics.
The stupid Moon Bat bitch is a Climate Change Challenged retard. What she doesn't understand, like most stupid Moon Bats, is that there is no proven connection between atmospheric CO2 levels and earth's climate temperature. It is only a theory that hasn't been proven,

Another dopey argument.

Fact: Co2 is a greenhouse gas.
Fact: The concentration of Co2 in the atmosphere is 50% higher today than before the industrial revolution.
Fact: The earth has warmed over the same period.

Every fifth grader understands the correlation.
so in 3 years you'll understand.

thanks for that update.

Are you speaking of yourself as a grown man?
I understand it completely as do most children.

I understand it completely as do most children.
hutch claiming to be a child?

Explains a lot

^A mod-troll. Go figure.

Anything of substance to add?

not likely anything you'd understand if he did.
Seeing as the Pliocene ended with the onset of an ice age that continues to this day, she might want to think twice before she tries to forecast her scientific ignorance.

What ignorance?
Are current Co2 levels now not the highest since that period?

Show your work.

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