AOC takes down the GOPs inflation talking points in 3 mins

he point is you were nitpicking what kind of a recession it was

I know, you got upset when I posted the facts.

Maybe next time you decide to throw in your 2 cents you should try to understand wtf is the point of the discussion first.

Maybe next time you decide to respond, you should research my claim before
you stick your foot in your mouth.....again.
47% of lazy asses can't even be asked to clean up their own fking messes let alone anyone elses. Clean up the 47% and come back to me. Like I said earlier, you can't be honest.
Deflection. The trend is clear as day. I can see why you’d avoid addressing. Especially after claiming I’m lying about it then showing it to you.
Her point was that inflation was not general, but mostly in specific sectors that got hit with pent-up demand and supply chain issues. Therefore dealing with it has to be targetted to those specific bottlenecks.

Right. So how does a new port or new "infrastructure" deal with a bottleneck in lumber or chips?
It doesn't.

But why would she let reality get in the way of her support for trillions in new, wasteful spending?

Funny thing...My wife and I both started with nothing out of college. We are now "rich" by every definition provided by Democrats. We didn't wait around on handouts and moan and groan about how unfair it was that Will Smith's kids, for example, didn't start at the same economic level as us. We also don't envy any wealth they may have accumulated. That is the difference between a hard-working successful person and a dead-beat that votes themselves a paycheck from others.
Deflection. The trend is clear as day. I can see why you’d avoid addressing. Especially after claiming I’m lying about it then showing it to you.
no, that's the honest issue. It's you not treating the issue that actually exists and instead, manipulating hard working people.
Funny thing...My wife and I both started with nothing out of college. We are now "rich" by every definition provided by Democrats. We didn't wait around on handouts and moan and groan about how unfair it was that Will Smith's kids, for example, didn't start at the same economic level as us. We also don't envy any wealth they may have accumulated. That is the difference between a hard-working successful person and a dead-beat that votes themselves a paycheck from others.
and that goofball says bullshit. he can't be honest. Kind of pointless to start a thread and not be honest in the discussion.
Funny thing...My wife and I both started with nothing out of college. We are now "rich" by every definition provided by Democrats. We didn't wait around on handouts and moan and groan about how unfair it was that Will Smith's kids, for example, didn't start at the same economic level as us. We also don't envy any wealth they may have accumulated. That is the difference between a hard-working successful person and a dead-beat that votes themselves a paycheck from others.
What kind of college you go to? Who paid for it? You borrow or pay cash or parents? How do you define rich?
no, that's the honest issue. It's you not treating the issue that actually exists and instead, manipulating hard working people.
You’re not making sense. I cited wealth consolidation as a problem. You say no it’s not. I show you it is. You blame 47% of people. I show you it’s 99% of people and now I can’t translate whatever you’re saying into a rational point.
cited wealth consolidation as a problem.
that's a talking point that has zero significance. Again, you can't be honest, you still wish to stick to party lines and talking points rather than address the issue. Hey, you should just go to take money from people and let those lazy ones take it. You'll be loved, only for the moment you gave them the money. Not teaching them to fish will always be a demofks flaw in life.

Oh, the other piece you fail to understand is what to do when the money is gone? who do you take from then? Cause it is obvious you don't want people employed.
You’re not making sense. I cited wealth consolidation as a problem. You say no it’s not. I show you it is. You blame 47% of people. I show you it’s 99% of people and now I can’t translate whatever you’re saying into a rational point.
wow, wait, I missed the point that you think my six figure salary is the same as the 47% who make nothing. ouch, holy crap batgirl, you're truly confused.
Right. So how does a new port or new "infrastructure" deal with a bottleneck in lumber or chips?
It doesn't.

But why would she let reality get in the way of her support for trillions in new, wasteful spending?
how about doing away with regulations and let companies compete in the USA?
that's a talking point that has zero significance. Again, you can't be honest, you still wish to stick to party lines and talking points rather than address the issue. Hey, you should just go to take money from people and let those lazy ones take it. You'll be loved, only for the moment you gave them the money. Not teaching them to fish will always be a demofks flaw in life.

Oh, the other piece you fail to understand is what to do when the money is gone? who do you take from then? Cause it is obvious you don't want people employed.
You are making the assumption everyone who is without means is lazy. That’s BS.

Is it too much to ask that the labor of your work generate wealth like it did in the middle of last century?
You are making the assumption everyone who is without means is lazy. That’s BS.

Is it too much to ask that the labor of your work generate wealth like it did in the middle of last century?
Is it too much to ask that you get off your ass and actually work for what you want rather than just take it from me? I’m under ZERO obligation to make sure YOU have all the stuff you want at the cost of taking things from my family. But some people would rather just cry about people having nice things because they put in the work to EARN them.

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