AOC takes down the GOPs inflation talking points in 3 mins

By the way for an historic analogy the current increase in the rate inflation is much more analogous to that of 1946 than it is to the inflation of the '70s. During World War II virtually no consumer durables were manufactured. When the war ended there was huge pent up demand and very few goods (see graph below).

Somewhat similar situation now, shortage of goods as the result of the reopening of the economy amplified by the "just in time" method of inventory managementmaking it extremely difficult to cope witha sudden large increase in demand. The inflation rate should drop although probably not to the level prior to the pandemic once supply and demand are more in equilibrium. Already happened with lumber prices.
Which part of Marxism? I don’t believe in communism nor an end to capitalism is the only logical conclusion of the class strain capitalism causes. But I do believe you have to regulate the shit out of capitalism and spread the wealth or you do end up in a feudalism environment. We are headed that way. I think we’ll self regulate before the comrades recruit workers to revolt with pitch forks and AR15s.

So when I lived in my 3500 sq foot home with my wife and kids, what made us rich were our sidewalks?

Or the illegals who cut the yard?

I think it was my job that paid for it all ...
So what did she say what was wrong then... You are saying that it is not inflation either but a supply chain management issues too...

It seems that you are actually agreeing with her... If you stop attacking her and listen you will see she is making your case...
Dude, if she gets one sentence right out of the thousands of stupid things she has said in the past?? OMFG
AOC tears down the GOP talking points on inflation. It’s not monetary policy it’s specific industries with specific causes and the answer is improved infrastructure. Get on board boys she’s on a roll.

Today's trump Nazis are the same as the stupid fools that worshiped Ronald Reagan and every other Republican crook that sold them on Reagan's trickle down snake oil. This legion of dipsh!ts has increased in number with every scam the GOP has created to push average Americans towards poverty ever since.

The dumb-fvck trump Nazis cheer the GOP's genius for all government give-away program that hand over hundreds-of-billions of borrowed dollars to Big Business and the billionaire class, which benefit no one but the 640 American billionaires and the Fortune 500 corporate officers.

Also, as far as the trump Nazis are concerned, the is no war too expensive, too long, or too criminal, which their Republican President must declare, and that they will not consistently justify.

However, no program to benefit and protect the well-being of average Americans, the environment, and future generations are tolerated by today's trump Nazis. This has been a long-held tradition by the Republican Party, conservatives, right-wingers, neocons, and now the trump Nazis. The trump Nazis' Republican heroes initiated the economic and domestic policies and programs that paid the corporations' expenses to move U.S. factories to China. This brought about the massive outsourcing of high-paying, American manufacturing jobs, which put millions of blue collar factory workers on state lists of the long-term unemployed during the Reagan and G.H.W. Bush administrations.

The trump Nazis under the age of 50 are too young to remember the early years of Reagan’s trickle down and its effects on millions of skilled blue collar workers during the 1980s and 90s. Like any part of U.S. history, these under-50s have only heard the GOP’s spin on those first ten to twelve years.

The truth is, most of those millions of newly unemployed American workers of the 1980s and 90s possessed professional skills and/or education, and faced long-term unemployment due to outsourcing. Those professional skills and/or education, made them highly over-qualified for the limited unskilled positions available. Employers offering these low-paying sh!t jobs would explain to these skilled workers that, “They would leave if they found a job in their field that paid them what they were worth, so it would be pointless to hire them.”

Naturally, the Republican rank-and-file of that era were eager to believe their god, Reagan’s bullsh!t that, “The millions of workers remaining unemployed are simply too lazy to work.” And that has been the RWNJs’ stance on the unemployed, and is the stance of today’s trump Nazis.

Few, if any of the under-50 trump Nazis remember, or they are like the over-50 trump Nazis and deny, the truth of the long-term hardships suffered by millions in the 1980s and 90s. However, for those who do remember or experienced the harshness of those years, they can appreciate the ongoing efforts of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other progressives in Congress. The proposed legislation to employ thousands of skilled American workers and rebuild the United States' severely decaying infrastructure will benefit everyone.

Of course, the congressional trump Nazis will fight hammer and tong to prevent the passage of this bill. Unless, large portions of the proposed money is earmarked to be given to Big Business and the billionaire class, or, the proposed costs of the projects are inflated to cover these “kickbacks” to the greedy bastards. Either way, the dimwitted trump Nazis will be pleased the super-wealthy get their cut.

You are making the assumption everyone who is without means is lazy. That’s BS.
well we treat them that way. One can't ask them to work for the money they receive, I'm not sure what else that says.
Today's trump Nazis are the same as the stupid fools that worshiped Ronald Reagan and every other Republican crook that sold them on Reagan's trickle down snake oil. This legion of dipsh!ts has increased in number with every scam the GOP has created to push average Americans towards poverty ever since.
are you saying rich folks didn't employ middle class workers in their factories and shops? I'm fairly confident GM, Ford, Chrysler, and many other car manufacturers hired many people. Are you then saying they didn't get a salary? All them unions?
This silly shit about Joe Dufus not causing the inflation is just another "mababydindunutin" that we hear out of the Moon Bats all the time.

Just like The Worthless Negro dindunutin to cause increase poverty, decrease family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.
well we treat them that way. One can't ask them to work for the money they receive, I'm not sure what else that says.
You’re talking about a temporary benefit that arguably could be impacting workers. However the trajectory of wealth consolidation is decades in the making. It’s a structural problem. Workers have little power in the economy. Only this year is there some momentum and it’s temporary.
You’re talking about a temporary benefit that arguably could be impacting workers. However the trajectory of wealth consolidation is decades in the making. It’s a structural problem. Workers have little power in the economy. Only this year is there some momentum and it’s temporary.
Nope, I’m referring to handing free money to lazy fks
AOC tears down the GOP talking points on inflation. It’s not monetary policy it’s specific industries with specific causes and the answer is improved infrastructure. Get on board boys she’s on a roll.

What she says is jut plain wrong. Prices do not increase at the same rate in every sector of the economy. The sectors that get the government money first increase the fastest. The sectors that get it last increase the slowest.

The answer is for government to stop printing money.

Everything AOC believes about the economy is wrong. She's an imbecile.
By the way for an historic analogy the current increase in the rate inflation is much more analogous to that of 1946 than it is to the inflation of the '70s. During World War II virtually no consumer durables were manufactured. When the war ended there was huge pent up demand and very few goods (see graph below).

Somewhat similar situation now, shortage of goods as the result of the reopening of the economy amplified by the "just in time" method of inventory managementmaking it extremely difficult to cope witha sudden large increase in demand. The inflation rate should drop although probably not to the level prior to the pandemic once supply and demand are more in equilibrium. Already happened with lumber prices.
After the war, there was mostly a huge pile of money that FDR printed to fund the war.
Today's trump Nazis are the same as the stupid fools that worshiped Ronald Reagan and every other Republican crook that sold them on Reagan's trickle down snake oil. This legion of dipsh!ts has increased in number with every scam the GOP has created to push average Americans towards poverty ever since.

The dumb-fvck trump Nazis cheer the GOP's genius for all government give-away program that hand over hundreds-of-billions of borrowed dollars to Big Business and the billionaire class, which benefit no one but the 640 American billionaires and the Fortune 500 corporate officers.

Also, as far as the trump Nazis are concerned, the is no war too expensive, too long, or too criminal, which their Republican President must declare, and that they will not consistently justify.

However, no program to benefit and protect the well-being of average Americans, the environment, and future generations are tolerated by today's trump Nazis. This has been a long-held tradition by the Republican Party, conservatives, right-wingers, neocons, and now the trump Nazis. The trump Nazis' Republican heroes initiated the economic and domestic policies and programs that paid the corporations' expenses to move U.S. factories to China. This brought about the massive outsourcing of high-paying, American manufacturing jobs, which put millions of blue collar factory workers on state lists of the long-term unemployed during the Reagan and G.H.W. Bush administrations.

The trump Nazis under the age of 50 are too young to remember the early years of Reagan’s trickle down and its effects on millions of skilled blue collar workers during the 1980s and 90s. Like any part of U.S. history, these under-50s have only heard the GOP’s spin on those first ten to twelve years.

The truth is, most of those millions of newly unemployed American workers of the 1980s and 90s possessed professional skills and/or education, and faced long-term unemployment due to outsourcing. Those professional skills and/or education, made them highly over-qualified for the limited unskilled positions available. Employers offering these low-paying sh!t jobs would explain to these skilled workers that, “They would leave if they found a job in their field that paid them what they were worth, so it would be pointless to hire them.”

Naturally, the Republican rank-and-file of that era were eager to believe their god, Reagan’s bullsh!t that, “The millions of workers remaining unemployed are simply too lazy to work.” And that has been the RWNJs’ stance on the unemployed, and is the stance of today’s trump Nazis.

Few, if any of the under-50 trump Nazis remember, or they are like the over-50 trump Nazis and deny, the truth of the long-term hardships suffered by millions in the 1980s and 90s. However, for those who do remember or experienced the harshness of those years, they can appreciate the ongoing efforts of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other progressives in Congress. The proposed legislation to employ thousands of skilled American workers and rebuild the United States' severely decaying infrastructure will benefit everyone.

Of course, the congressional trump Nazis will fight hammer and tong to prevent the passage of this bill. Unless, large portions of the proposed money is earmarked to be given to Big Business and the billionaire class, or, the proposed costs of the projects are inflated to cover these “kickbacks” to the greedy bastards. Either way, the dimwitted trump Nazis will be pleased the super-wealthy get their cut.

Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad!
Her point was that inflation was not general, but mostly in specific sectors that got hit with pent-up demand and supply chain issues. Therefore dealing with it has to be targetted to those specific bottlenecks.

She is correct in that, but of course you are too intelectually defective to be able to admit anyone on the left being right about anything, so you are just down to your nitpicks again.
But inflation IS generalized and spread out throughout our economy.
It's up eight percent, highest since 2008 and growing.
When you buy groceries and other goods it's there, if you can pull your head out of
your own rectum and look around.

Ironic you are carrying water for the dimwitted bar maid and call other people "intellectually
defective". Incredible hubris and a super lack of self awareness.

Higher Inflation Is Here to Stay for Years, Economists Forecast​

From the Wall Street Journal. Higher Inflation Is Here to Stay for Years, Economists Forecast

What will a multi trillion dollar infrastructure bill do to stop inflation? Nothing!
It will accelerate it. Wise up, if you can though I bet you cannot.

Frankly the infrastructure bill is DOA.
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What she says is jut plain wrong. Prices do not increase at the same rate in every sector of the economy. The sectors that get the government money first increase the fastest. The sectors that get it last increase the slowest.

The answer is for government to stop printing money.

Everything AOC believes about the economy is wrong. She's an imbecile.
YOu are as wrong as AOC. Feeling inflation has little to do with prices increase. If all of our paychecks are increase as the rate as the prices increase, you will not feel any inflation at all. The problem is, you are right on this, that Dems are printing money (or is making us believe they are). First of all, it decreases the dollar value (similar to 20 years ago). Also, Gov't projects and the increase in money flow increase demand in some sectors but not others. With that, you see prices increase at different rates in different sectors.

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