AOC takes down the GOPs inflation talking points in 3 mins

The infrastructure claim is for the most part porky pork. Prior to shutting down the worlds economy, thank you Wuhan, American infrastructure was second to none

We haven’t made significant infrastructure investments in 40 years
Our roads, bridges, ports, rail systems, communications, water, power and internet are woefully out of date
AOC graduated cum laude with majors in Economics and International Relations

Smart woman
And that got her a job as a bartender. BTW her name is Sandy. That is what everyone called her, Sandy from the Block.
Haven't seen the numbers. Seems like a helluva lot, though.

On this topic, she is. And I'm glad you tried to change the subject!

Haven't seen the numbers. Seems like a helluva lot, though.

Especially when you realize reducing future property taxes isn't like handing
Amazon a bunch of cash'd think an Econ major would know that.

On this topic, she is.

Really? Which part of any of Biden's infrastructure bills will improve the chip or lumber supply?

And I'm glad you tried to change the subject!

Her idiocy isn't the subject of the thread?
No doubt also overworked, underpaid, with shitty benefits, sucking up tons of "free" public
resources while generating tons of crap in terms of garbage, pollution, and tax revenue.

Yeah, with 25,000 fewer jobs there will be a lot less garbage and pollution.
Who needs extra revenue for teachers and subways anyway?
Haven't seen the numbers. Seems like a helluva lot, though.

Especially when you realize reducing future property taxes isn't like handing
Amazon a bunch of cash'd think an Econ major would know that.

On this topic, she is.

Really? Which part of any of Biden's infrastructure bills will improve the chip or lumber supply?

And I'm glad you tried to change the subject!

Her idiocy isn't the subject of the thread?
She was correct in her analysis. And again, this stuff is common knowledge in the financial industry. My industry for 21+ years. Four helpful examples below. You're welcome.

You're trying too hard. It's boring.

She was correct in her analysis. And again, this stuff is common knowledge in the financial industry. My industry for 21+ years. Four helpful examples below. You're welcome.

You're trying too hard. It's boring.

She was correct in her analysis.

She wasn't right that infrastructure spending will fix this issue.

Four helpful examples below.

Which example backed up her infrastructure claim?

You're trying too hard.

Pointing out her idiocy isn't hard at all.
Today's trump Nazis are the same as the stupid fools that worshiped Ronald Reagan and every other Republican crook that sold them on Reagan's trickle down snake oil. This legion of dipsh!ts has increased in number with every scam the GOP has created to push average Americans towards poverty ever since.

The dumb-fvck trump Nazis cheer the GOP's genius for all government give-away program that hand over hundreds-of-billions of borrowed dollars to Big Business and the billionaire class, which benefit no one but the 640 American billionaires and the Fortune 500 corporate officers.

Also, as far as the trump Nazis are concerned, the is no war too expensive, too long, or too criminal, which their Republican President must declare, and that they will not consistently justify.

However, no program to benefit and protect the well-being of average Americans, the environment, and future generations are tolerated by today's trump Nazis. This has been a long-held tradition by the Republican Party, conservatives, right-wingers, neocons, and now the trump Nazis. The trump Nazis' Republican heroes initiated the economic and domestic policies and programs that paid the corporations' expenses to move U.S. factories to China. This brought about the massive outsourcing of high-paying, American manufacturing jobs, which put millions of blue collar factory workers on state lists of the long-term unemployed during the Reagan and G.H.W. Bush administrations.

The trump Nazis under the age of 50 are too young to remember the early years of Reagan’s trickle down and its effects on millions of skilled blue collar workers during the 1980s and 90s. Like any part of U.S. history, these under-50s have only heard the GOP’s spin on those first ten to twelve years.

The truth is, most of those millions of newly unemployed American workers of the 1980s and 90s possessed professional skills and/or education, and faced long-term unemployment due to outsourcing. Those professional skills and/or education, made them highly over-qualified for the limited unskilled positions available. Employers offering these low-paying sh!t jobs would explain to these skilled workers that, “They would leave if they found a job in their field that paid them what they were worth, so it would be pointless to hire them.”

Naturally, the Republican rank-and-file of that era were eager to believe their god, Reagan’s bullsh!t that, “The millions of workers remaining unemployed are simply too lazy to work.” And that has been the RWNJs’ stance on the unemployed, and is the stance of today’s trump Nazis.

Few, if any of the under-50 trump Nazis remember, or they are like the over-50 trump Nazis and deny, the truth of the long-term hardships suffered by millions in the 1980s and 90s. However, for those who do remember or experienced the harshness of those years, they can appreciate the ongoing efforts of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other progressives in Congress. The proposed legislation to employ thousands of skilled American workers and rebuild the United States' severely decaying infrastructure will benefit everyone.

Of course, the congressional trump Nazis will fight hammer and tong to prevent the passage of this bill. Unless, large portions of the proposed money is earmarked to be given to Big Business and the billionaire class, or, the proposed costs of the projects are inflated to cover these “kickbacks” to the greedy bastards. Either way, the dimwitted trump Nazis will be pleased the super-wealthy get their cut.

Ten Nazi references. Impressive.
It's sad to see people like the OP carrying the water for a dingbat like AOC.
This bartender knows about as much about economics as he does. Of course when you have an MSM guiding her hand like they did for Biden's disastrous town hall the other night, the truth will never get out there.
She might know as much economics as me. We both majored in economics. Both of us good schools. I of course have 2 other degrees I’d be glad to talk about.
She might know as much economics as me. We both majored in economics. Both of us good schools. I of course have 2 other degrees I’d be glad to talk about.
Good once again please explain to us this mysterious country sending us lumber that can't get into our deep ports?
And that got her a job as a bartender. BTW her name is Sandy. That is what everyone called her, Sandy from the Block.
Bartending was a second job to help support her widowed mother. I guess that is offensive to Conservatives

Many people have nicknames or go by another name. What is wrong with Sandy?
She might know as much economics as me. We both majored in economics. Both of us good schools. I of course have 2 other degrees I’d be glad to talk about.
You might know about economics but it's obvious to us you and her don't know crap about the USA deep ports, how the fuck did we win WWIi and you get cars from Europe and Japan?

How do we get oil from the world and refine it?
We haven’t made significant infrastructure investments in 40 years
Our roads, bridges, ports, rail systems, communications, water, power and internet are woefully out of date

Not to worry, Biden's multi-trillion dollar infrastructure bill has enough set aside to fix TWO potholes on your street...dumbass.
I'm not a moderate. Please see line 2 of my sig.

I don't watch townhalls or most political speeches.

Anything else?

The point is not the town hall, or a speech, it's your president with his dementia on full display. You apparently want to do like all of your brethren, and sweep it under the rug, or ignore it altogether.
I wanted to know the exact same thing.

So I did what all intelligent people do.

I went to find the answer for it.

The world's best information resources is literally at our finger tips with the internet. I did a simple search on her biography. I found the answer to that question in that biography. The answer is a very logical one. However I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't understand the reason. You're way to selfish and self centered to understand the concept of loving, helping and giving back to the woman who gave you life.

So if you honestly want to know that answer there is nothing stopping you from doing what I did.

Stop being so lazy and do the search for yourself.

So post the fcking links, blowhard

Cripes you found nothing

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