AOC urges workers to start a work boycott

When your employer re-opens the business and wants you to go back to work, simply tell him your on "work boycott" so you can sit on your butt for another month and collect unemployment. I know some people that have been on a work boycott most of their adult life and they all seem to be leftists.

Listen to what she said:

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,'” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives."

Americans want to go back to work, not sit around and collect checks from the government.

More...right..wing..faux..outrage...I'm sorry, is she your representative?
She scares you, doesn't she?

Her stupidity offends us.

As Trump does to us on the other side.
I would suggest...IGNORE!..but...she's a representative from a district in NY. One of 435. Trump is (oyi, about ready to throw up in my mouth) Commander in Chief...Sad...

AOC is stupid, president Trump isn't. Is AOC a billionaire (blues said sarcastically) :itsok:

Yeah..except she isn't President...and Trump is...not said sarcastically.:auiqs.jpg:
Would you like her to be President? She's an idiot...always has been...always will be! She's a younger Maxine Waters.

Snort..I don't think she's 35 yet (therefore not qualified to be El Prez). But you right wingers love to make her the poster child. She's your future.....think about your future! :)
When your employer re-opens the business and wants you to go back to work, simply tell him your on a "work boycott" so you can sit on your butt for another month and collect unemployment. I know some people that have been on a work boycott most of their adult life and they all seem to be leftists.

Listen to what she said:

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,'” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives."

Americans want to go back to work, not sit around and collect checks from the government.

Not going back to work when recalled from a layoff is considered a voluntary quit and does not qualify for unemployment. She is going to piss a lot of people off when they lose their job and can't get it back!
When your employer re-opens the business and wants you to go back to work, simply tell him your on "work boycott" so you can sit on your butt for another month and collect unemployment. I know some people that have been on a work boycott most of their adult life and they all seem to be leftists.

Listen to what she said:

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,'” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives."

Americans want to go back to work, not sit around and collect checks from the government.

More...right..wing..faux..outrage...I'm sorry, is she your representative?
She scares you, doesn't she?

Her stupidity offends us.

As Trump does to us on the other side.
I would suggest...IGNORE!..but...she's a representative from a district in NY. One of 435. Trump is (oyi, about ready to throw up in my mouth) Commander in Chief...Sad...

AOC is stupid, president Trump isn't. Is AOC a billionaire (blues said sarcastically) :itsok:

Yeah..except she isn't President...and Trump is...not said sarcastically.:auiqs.jpg:
Would you like her to be President? She's an idiot...always has been...always will be! She's a younger Maxine Waters.

Snort..I don't think she's 35 yet (therefore not qualified to be El Prez). But you right wingers love to make her the poster child. She's your future.....think about your future! :)
The only person that AOC "might" be smarter than is Joe Biden, Jack...think about that! :)
More...right..wing..faux..outrage...I'm sorry, is she your representative?
She scares you, doesn't she?

It scares me that someone as clueless and reckless as her can get elected to the United States Congress. It's not just the fact that she gets a vote on affairs that affect us all; it's also a poor reflection of the people who live in her district that they have such poor judgment to hand someone that responsibility.

Putting aside your deflection, do you agree with what she's saying?
When your employer re-opens the business and wants you to go back to work, simply tell him your on a "work boycott" so you can sit on your butt for another month and collect unemployment. I know some people that have been on a work boycott most of their adult life and they all seem to be leftists.

Listen to what she said:

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,'” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives."

Americans want to go back to work, not sit around and collect checks from the government.

Not going back to work when recalled from a layoff is considered a voluntary quit and does not qualify for unemployment. She is going to piss a lot of people off when they lose their job and can't get it back!
That's OK. She pisses a lot of people off, daily whenever she speaks. Nothing new there. Anybody stupid enough to be totally unfamiliar with the labor laws for their state, are screwed already.
When your employer re-opens the business and wants you to go back to work, simply tell him your on "work boycott" so you can sit on your butt for another month and collect unemployment. I know some people that have been on a work boycott most of their adult life and they all seem to be leftists.

Listen to what she said:

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,'” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives."

Americans want to go back to work, not sit around and collect checks from the government.

More...right..wing..faux..outrage...I'm sorry, is she your representative?
She scares you, doesn't she?

What scares me is that Boston U gave her an "economics" degree... I can't imagine how that happened unless the world is ABOUT to end and they needed to use up the diplomas...

Actually, her degree is in international relations with a minor in economics.
When your employer re-opens the business and wants you to go back to work, simply tell him your on "work boycott" so you can sit on your butt for another month and collect unemployment. I know some people that have been on a work boycott most of their adult life and they all seem to be leftists.

Listen to what she said:

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,'” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives."

Americans want to go back to work, not sit around and collect checks from the government.

More...right..wing..faux..outrage...I'm sorry, is she your representative?
She scares you, doesn't she?

What scares me is that Boston U gave her an "economics" degree... I can't imagine how that happened unless the world is ABOUT to end and they needed to use up the diplomas...
I got my MBA from BU...having that piece of work graduate from the same school kind of devalues my degree.

It sure does man.. Sucks to be you.... :poke: You might mention that next time they hit you up for an Alum donation !!! LOL....

You'd think she'd be contributing ideas on how to keep New York from declaring bankruptcy -- but NOOOOO... She WANTS to "bring it all down man".... There's a pattern here with Pelosi showing off her gourmet ice cream stash and AOC organizing worker strikes where I think the ENTIRE Dem party has just decided to piss everyone off and sit on their farts...
I'd still fuck her.

Considering your alternatives why not. She can explain her economic plan while you're having at it.
When your employer re-opens the business and wants you to go back to work, simply tell him your on "work boycott" so you can sit on your butt for another month and collect unemployment. I know some people that have been on a work boycott most of their adult life and they all seem to be leftists.

Listen to what she said:

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,'” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives."

Americans want to go back to work, not sit around and collect checks from the government.

More...right..wing..faux..outrage...I'm sorry, is she your representative?
She scares you, doesn't she?

What scares me is that Boston U gave her an "economics" degree... I can't imagine how that happened unless the world is ABOUT to end and they needed to use up the diplomas...

Actually, her degree is in international relations with a minor in economics.

Oh.. and the minor was Econ 101 and 102? And maybe algebra? That explains it.. She dated a lot of internationals?
When your employer re-opens the business and wants you to go back to work, simply tell him your on a "work boycott" so you can sit on your butt for another month and collect unemployment. I know some people that have been on a work boycott most of their adult life and they all seem to be leftists.

Listen to what she said:

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,'” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives."

Americans want to go back to work, not sit around and collect checks from the government.

Not going back to work when recalled from a layoff is considered a voluntary quit and does not qualify for unemployment. She is going to piss a lot of people off when they lose their job and can't get it back!
That's OK. She pisses a lot of people off, daily whenever she speaks. Nothing new there. Anybody stupid enough to be totally unfamiliar with the labor laws for their state, are screwed already.

Oh here we go with the labor laws... Ya know what? People are sacrificing their safety and their family's safety every day they walk into that fire station or hospital.... People who are CLUELESS to RISK and SACRIFICE aren't the ones we need in the boat right now...
When your employer re-opens the business and wants you to go back to work, simply tell him your on a "work boycott" so you can sit on your butt for another month and collect unemployment. I know some people that have been on a work boycott most of their adult life and they all seem to be leftists.

Listen to what she said:

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,'” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives."

Americans want to go back to work, not sit around and collect checks from the government.

Workers want to go back to work SAFELY, and they don't trust the government to tell them when that is because Trump has done nothing but lie to the American people about this virus so as not to upset the stock market.

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