AOC wants to impeach USSC judges

I don't think you could impeach them for what they said under oath but I do believe they lied to Collins and Manchin in their private meetings.

This is a sad statement on those who would be Supreme Court justices.
No SC nominee has ever told a politician how they would rule on a case in the future. There is no need to.

Ginsberg Rule.
No SC nominee has ever told a politician how they would rule on a case in the future. There is no need to.

Ginsberg Rule.

You have no idea what anyone has told anyone else in private unless it was told to you.
You have no idea what anyone has told anyone else in private unless it was told to you.
Neither do you. It’s been a long-standing policy that they don’t. It’s called the Ginsberg Rule. Look it up.
Impeachment has been reduced to political theater.

The HoR can impeach a ham sandwich knowing the Senate will not have the votes to convict.

AOC is usually to much of a crackpot for me but she does bring up a good point. SCOTUS judges are not above the law and above consequence. If they lied or misled or commit crimes etc then they can be impeached, correct? The question is, Where do we draw the line?
I say we draw the line at Senators asking candidates to commit themselves to voting a certain way on any given subject. They're supposed to be independent and deal with each case individually. Forcing them to take a litmus test before being allowed on the bench only turns the Court into another political pawn.
Neither do you. It’s been a long-standing policy that they don’t. It’s called the Ginsberg Rule. Look it up.

There is no rule in private conversations.

The rule also states that a potential justice has NO obligation to state how they might rule on a future case in a confirmation hearing, it does not bar one from answering a question though.
Do any of these bitches have a tit shot? That would actually be contributory.
These loons want impeachment as the tool for whenever lawful rulings and facts don’t match their feelings.

I'm not even really sure what she does besides make stupid and closed minded statements all the time. I mean, does she actually do anything at all besides make accusations and complain? I don't even know what her job actually is.

In the past 6 months Democrats upped their aresenal to include impeachment. Everytime they don't like something if it isn't yelling about racism, Jan 6, white supremacy, climate change, Putin, trump, etc then it's calling for impeachment. It's just never ending with that nonsense.

If they don't like someone there is never a conversation, never a weighing of options, never an offer of a compromise or anything else. It's just a spewing of blame and calls for impeachment.

The word impeachment used to carry a lot of weight and meant serious business. Now it's been diminished by Democrats to the point of being equal to "you're a big fat doo doo head".
The fact these SCOTUS appointees committed perjury is not relevant compared to their real crime.
Which the obvious violation of the 14th amendment, in order to give states the illegal authority to dictate religious views on abortion.
States have no standing when it comes to the personal opinion as to what a fetus is or who has to deal with it.
States can not then legally make any laws on abortion at all.

The 6 who ruled against Roe Vs Wade then violated basic aspect of a republic, and committed treason.
They over threw our government in a conspiracy of those who want to replace it with a Christian theocracy, when even the Christian Bible is not against abortion.
Democrats had 50 years to write all that into a constitutional federal law. They did not, thus Roe was simply overturned.
There is no rule in private conversations.

The rule also states that a potential justice has NO obligation to state how they might rule on a future case in a confirmation hearing, it does not bar one from answering a question though.
And I think Justices should remind the Senators trying to force a litmus test on them that they have no obligation to answer.
Kav and Gor seemed to have crossed the line into perjury. The others fell short of that.

Thomas, of course, should be impeached for rank corruption. His wife takes millions in lobbyist money, and donors know they're buying the vote of her husband. They're a couple, so he shares in that money. He's literally the most corrupt justice in US history.

Needless to say, that sort of corruption thrills every conservative here. They want every justice to be on the take like Thomas.
And I think Justices should remind the Senators trying to force a litmus test on them that they have no obligation to answer.

I have ZERO issues with a potential justice saying "I can not, and I will not comment on a case I have not heard". That perhaps is not what happened. Manchin stated he was assured they would not overturn RvW.
Kav and Gor seemed to have crossed the line into perjury. The others fell short of that.

Thomas, of course, should be impeached for rank corruption. His wife takes millions in lobbyist money, and donors know they're buying the vote of her husband. They're a couple, so he shares in that money. He's literally the most corrupt justice in US history.

Needless to say, that sort of corruption thrills every conservative here. They want every justice to be on the take like Thomas.
their confirmation hearings never mentioned this in the context AOC claims. they said they would respect precedent, but not unconstitutional decisions. Roe was a bad unconstitutional SC ruling. All this does is put it back to the states where it should have always been. I don't know what the libs are so scared of, they can still get their abortions in blue states.
I have ZERO issues with a potential justice saying "I can not, and I will not comment on a case I have not heard". That perhaps is not what happened. Manchin stated he was assured they would not overturn RvW.
I think Manchin's memory is flawed. I listened to those hearings, never heard either of them say that.
AOCs intelligence and thoughts about race have nothing to do with the crux of the issue. We are talking about SCOTUS judges lying during their confirmation hearings. But you apparently don’t want to talk about that and instead want to focus on AOC insults…. Rock on! 👎
You’re not very bright…
AOC does not have the mental or educational capacity to deal with the issue.
We have also turned confirmation hearings into Woke Hearings.

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