AOC Whines About Being Fact Checked, MSM Says Yeah It’s Biased and Ideologicaly Motivated

I love the "you should check our oponenates much more than democrats.."...
When AOC pushes to abolish ICE she needs to be sanity-checked, not just fact-checked. She is simply clueless.
The red lipstick on a pig was referred to as "Sandy" at her $60K a year college back in the day. And "Alex" later apparently. Surprisingly there are only about 2 pictures of her at a dive bar and one video while everyone else her age has hundreds of pics and videos. Did Google scrub donkey face's content
When one knowingly misstates things, the 'fact' is they are lying. Lying has never been considered morally acceptable (Koranic provisions for the advancement of Islam excepted). If this Representative is claiming to be morally right by using immoral tactics, we get a clear picture of character.
Every time she opens her mouth she proves she ain't to bright.

I'm sure Pelosi will have loads of fun with her stupid ass.
When one knowingly misstates things, the 'fact' is they are lying. Lying has never been considered morally acceptable (Koranic provisions for the advancement of Islam excepted). If this Representative is claiming to be morally right by using immoral tactics, we get a clear picture of character.
It’s the Dan Rather ‘Fake but accurate’ mindset rationality of the Left.
The funny part is that every time she says something stupid, the left machine (including the MSM) jumps through their butts to try to some how make it work.

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