AOL CEO blames 401K cuts on "Distressed Babies".


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
AOL Chief Apologizes for ?Distressed Babies? Comment - Bloomberg

AOL’s chief executive officer had to backtrack on a 401(k) policy change over the weekend after his comments defending the idea fueled employee outrage. Armstrong had said last week that AOL needed the retirement-plan tweak to help offset health-care costs, such as two pregnancies that resulted in “distressed babies” with more than $1 million each in medical expenses. Following the outcry, he reversed the 401(k) decision in a memo to employees.

Incidently, Armstrong's Compensation package is 12 million for a company that has been dying on the vine for the last decade.

I think that comes to 12 distressed babies.

Now, for a rebuttal, here's an article from the mother of one of those babies.

Tim Armstrong blames ?distressed babies? for AOL benefit cuts. He?s talking about my daughter.

Here is how we supposedly became a drain on AOL’s coffers. On Oct. 9, 2012, when I woke up in pain, my husband was at the airport about to board a flight for a work trip. I was home alone with our 1-year-old son and barely able to comprehend that I could be in labor. By the time I arrived at the hospital, my husband a few minutes behind, I was fully dilated and my baby’s heartbeat was slowing. Within 20 minutes, my daughter was delivered via emergency cesarean, resuscitated, and placed in the neonatal intensive care unit.

She weighed 1 pound, 9 ounces. Her skin was reddish-purple, bloody and bruised all over. One doctor, visibly shaken, described it as “gelatinous.” I couldn’t hold my daughter or nurse her or hear her cries, which were silenced by the ventilator. Without it, she couldn’t breathe.

So whose side are you on, Conservatives? The CEO or the mother of distressed babies?
Nether. Somebody has to pay for this.

One would think that the mother appreciated AOL saving her child's life.Roughly $1,000,000.00 is what it cost to save her daughter's life. Somebody had to pay that bill.

The costs of running a business has been massively growing, even more so since Obama became president. He goes out of his way to stick it to the rich, and so they have to cut costs.

Nobody cares that a football player gets a $12 million signing bonus, but if a CEO makes $12 million as part of his compensation package, he's an evil rich white guy.
Nether. Somebody has to pay for this.

One would think that the mother appreciated AOL saving her child's life.Roughly $1,000,000.00 is what it cost to save her daughter's life. Somebody had to pay that bill.

The costs of running a business has been massively growing, even more so since Obama became president. He goes out of his way to stick it to the rich, and so they have to cut costs.

Nobody cares that a football player gets a $12 million signing bonus, but if a CEO makes $12 million as part of his compensation package, he's an evil rich white guy.

Here's the thing, though. In the case of the football player, everyone else on the team is getting a good union salary and benefits, as are the trainers and the groundskeepers and everyone else in the operation. And they get those things even if the team is having an off year. No one says to them, "Hey, guys, you are all getting cuts in your salaries this year because we signed that new guy for 12 million!"

Much less trying to blame difficult births for the problem.

This Armstrong is a real piece of work, generally. There was the time he fired a director in the middle of a conference call, and when he worked for Google, he got sued for discriminating against a woman who had quadruplets.

Calling him a douchebag would be an insult to a perfectly fine feminine hygeine product.
Nether. Somebody has to pay for this.

One would think that the mother appreciated AOL saving her child's life.Roughly $1,000,000.00 is what it cost to save her daughter's life. Somebody had to pay that bill.

The costs of running a business has been massively growing, even more so since Obama became president. He goes out of his way to stick it to the rich, and so they have to cut costs.

Nobody cares that a football player gets a $12 million signing bonus, but if a CEO makes $12 million as part of his compensation package, he's an evil rich white guy.

Here's the thing, though. In the case of the football player, everyone else on the team is getting a good union salary and benefits, as are the trainers and the groundskeepers and everyone else in the operation. And they get those things even if the team is having an off year. No one says to them, "Hey, guys, you are all getting cuts in your salaries this year because we signed that new guy for 12 million!"

Much less trying to blame difficult births for the problem.

This Armstrong is a real piece of work, generally. There was the time he fired a director in the middle of a conference call, and when he worked for Google, he got sued for discriminating against a woman who had quadruplets.

Calling him a douchebag would be an insult to a perfectly fine feminine hygeine product.

Peyton Manning is getting $30 million while the long-snapper gets $500k. Is that fair?

My understanding is Armstrong decided to make contributions to their 401k one lump sum rather than by the paycheck. He could just cancel 401ks entirely. This was a tax dodge that people have been taking advantage of for quite some time. Congress is thinking about getting rid of them or getting their hands on them. This may be just the first salvo of the attack.
[quotPeyton Manning is getting $30 million while the long-snapper gets $500k. Is that fair?

After his Superbowl performance, maybe not. But 500K is a pretty good salary, that was my point. Peyton got them to the Superbowl and his merchandise is what the fans buy, so maybe that is fair.

As opposed to Armstrong, who pays himself 12 Distressed Babies .... Million for running a company that is STILL effectively dying and has been for a decade.

My understanding is Armstrong decided to make contributions to their 401k one lump sum rather than by the paycheck. He could just cancel 401ks entirely. This was a tax dodge that people have been taking advantage of for quite some time. Congress is thinking about getting rid of them or getting their hands on them. This may be just the first salvo of the attack.

THat's all nice, but it still sounds like an overpaid douchebag trying to blame his companies troubles on the wage slaves.
[quotPeyton Manning is getting $30 million while the long-snapper gets $500k. Is that fair?

After his Superbowl performance, maybe not. But 500K is a pretty good salary, that was my point. Peyton got them to the Superbowl and his merchandise is what the fans buy, so maybe that is fair.

As opposed to Armstrong, who pays himself 12 Distressed Babies .... Million for running a company that is STILL effectively dying and has been for a decade.

My understanding is Armstrong decided to make contributions to their 401k one lump sum rather than by the paycheck. He could just cancel 401ks entirely. This was a tax dodge that people have been taking advantage of for quite some time. Congress is thinking about getting rid of them or getting their hands on them. This may be just the first salvo of the attack.

THat's all nice, but it still sounds like an overpaid douchebag trying to blame his companies troubles on the wage slaves.

So your assessment of one's value is more important than everyone else's.

Noted. This is why the left destroys economies instead of fixing them.

On this issue it's clear you're low-information.

So your assessment of one's value is more important than everyone else's.

Noted. This is why the left destroys economies instead of fixing them.

On this issue it's clear you're low-information.

Guy, it's hard to take your "intellect" seriously when you just repeat some shit you heard said by a fat, drug-addled closeted homosexual on Hate Radio.

And, yeah, I use to fall for his shit for years. Now I know better.

Incidently, the only people who destroyed the economy was you clowns on the right.

Frankly, I've lived through five recessions now, and they all started on Republican watches.

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