AP blames Pamela Geller for deaths of two jihadis who attacked and tried to kill her

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.

Any infidel would be in danger going to Pakistan whether they drew cartoons or not.

The Muslims here need to get the message that people will do things they don't like and they need to suck it up. I would rather lure every radical to a contest and then deal with them. Homeland Security should stage more contests just to see how many radicals come out. I don't care that we have two dead murderers. That is two less idiots that will plan attacks in the future and take out innocent people.

No contest is necessary. They are either for fun or to make a point. It seemed more of a protest than a contest because she was making a point. Sure enough, the radical Muslims lived up to their savage image.
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.

Any infidel would be in danger going to Pakistan whether they drew cartoons or not.

The Muslims here need to get the message that people will do things they don't like and they need to suck it up. I would rather lure every radical to a contest and then deal with them. Homeland Security should stage more contests just to see how many radicals come out. I don't care that we have two dead murderers. That is two less idiots that will plan attacks in the future and take out innocent people.

No contest is necessary. They are either for fun or to make a point. It seemed more of a protest than a contest because she was making a point. Sure enough, the radical Muslims lived up to their savage image.

You make a good point, the Muslims played right into Geller's hand
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.
"Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive"

. you say that like that would be a good thing..
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.

Any infidel would be in danger going to Pakistan whether they drew cartoons or not.

The Muslims here need to get the message that people will do things they don't like and they need to suck it up. I would rather lure every radical to a contest and then deal with them. Homeland Security should stage more contests just to see how many radicals come out. I don't care that we have two dead murderers. That is two less idiots that will plan attacks in the future and take out innocent people.

No contest is necessary. They are either for fun or to make a point. It seemed more of a protest than a contest because she was making a point. Sure enough, the radical Muslims lived up to their savage image.

You make a good point, the Muslims played right into Geller's hand

I'd like to know how those two chunks of muzzie shit got their hands on machine guns
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.

Any infidel would be in danger going to Pakistan whether they drew cartoons or not.

The Muslims here need to get the message that people will do things they don't like and they need to suck it up. I would rather lure every radical to a contest and then deal with them. Homeland Security should stage more contests just to see how many radicals come out. I don't care that we have two dead murderers. That is two less idiots that will plan attacks in the future and take out innocent people.

No contest is necessary. They are either for fun or to make a point. It seemed more of a protest than a contest because she was making a point. Sure enough, the radical Muslims lived up to their savage image.

You make a good point, the Muslims played right into Geller's hand

I'd like to know how those two chunks of muzzie shit got their hands on machine guns

Holder? :confused-84:
If ploys like this could successfully draw out people willing to kill over free expression albeit distasteful..So they could be executed on site or arrested then I would be all for it...drive the cockroaches into the light of day
that's the great thing about free speech is you know who is who instead of it hiding in the shadows
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.
The event is Constitutionally protected free speech.
Just as a crucifix in a jar of urine, flag burning, hanging a mannequin done up to look like Sarah Palin in effigy.....
Contrary to your side's perceptions of the First Amendment, the right to free speech applies to everyone.....And here's another newsflash. There is no constitutional protection from being offended.
As you have lost any credibility you have have had, you can stand down now.

You are missing the point. This isn't a matter of freedom of speech. It's a matter of doing what is right.
Right? BY who's standards? Yours?
For a moment, reverse the situation. Then let's talk.
Don't tell me there is not a double standard here. If you insist, I will call bullshit.
Is this carton offensive too?


Pamela Geller Is This Carton Offensive Too BB4SP
Pam Geller's tactic to defeat jihad by insulting Muhammad and creating more jihadists is totally idiotic. ...... :cuckoo:
That's the common narrative.
And it's a dangerous approach.
The opposite approach would be appeasement. We all know how that works out.
Look, you put yourself out there in the public eye, you can expect both praise and ridicule. It comes with the territory.
This is especially true in light of the fact that it is open season on Jews and Christians.
The Coptics in Egypt are being run out of their homes and in some instances the women raped and the children slaughtered.
Don't go thinking there is not a double standard.
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

So you feel sorry for the terrorist?
Jesus...just when I thought I'd heard it all.
Juan Williams unloaded on anti-Muslim activist Pam Geller, comparing her to a pyromaniac who walks before a judge and insists she only burns down buildings to see how quickly the fire department responds.

She complained about the fact that her motives have been questioned by the media — and claimed that criticisms of her are emboldening the jihadists. “Not the jihadists motives!” she said. “My motives! For ten years after 9/11, I’ve been opposing Sharia and jihad. It’s the media that’s created these myths against me.”

Geller tried to talk over Williams, saying that he’s “promoting Sharia,” but Williams would have none of it. “I think you are about self-promotion, Pam Geller, not about the cause of free speech!”

Juan Williams Pam Geller is no better than your average self-promoting pyromaniac - Salon.com

More confirmation that Jaun is a complete dumbass...
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact...

I disagree. Those boys were determined to martyr themselves (and get their virgins before the supply is gone) and may well have tried their Jihad somewhere else ... perhaps with greater success. Those are undeniable facts. We owe Gellar and those alert cops a debt of gratitude for getting those scummies off our streets.

I do not owe Pamela Geller anything, SAYIT. You may find her actions heroic. I do not. As for the cops? Of course they were alert. There was a cartoon contest of Mohammad with a money prize going on inside. They were on high alert because they knew she was provoking people to anger with her event.
Freedom of speech also entitles us to be provocative.
Once again, I cite the crucifix in the jar of urine which was considered "art"....
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.
LOL! What a blatant lie. The headline says nothing of the sort.

What do you think the AP is trying to convey with this stupid statement:

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015​

Looks to me that the AP considers the killed armed terrorists were victims....
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.

Any infidel would be in danger going to Pakistan whether they drew cartoons or not.

The Muslims here need to get the message that people will do things they don't like and they need to suck it up. I would rather lure every radical to a contest and then deal with them. Homeland Security should stage more contests just to see how many radicals come out. I don't care that we have two dead murderers. That is two less idiots that will plan attacks in the future and take out innocent people.

No contest is necessary. They are either for fun or to make a point. It seemed more of a protest than a contest because she was making a point. Sure enough, the radical Muslims lived up to their savage image.

You make a good point, the Muslims played right into Geller's hand

I'd like to know how those two chunks of muzzie shit got their hands on machine guns


The Hussein in the Oval Office?
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.
LOL! What a blatant lie. The headline says nothing of the sort.

Acorn has a history of lying. It's seldom I click on any of the threads she/he starts.
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.
LOL! What a blatant lie. The headline says nothing of the sort.

What do you think the AP is trying to convey with this stupid statement:

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015​

Looks to me that the AP considers the killed armed terrorists were victims....
how can one regret the death of two crazed killers..you do not need to be overjoyed but to be expected to feel regret seems a bit much
The only appropriate response is

Dear jihadists.

Welcome to Texas.

Courtesy of the red white and blue.


Jihadists don't get to tell us what to do.

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