AP blames Pamela Geller for deaths of two jihadis who attacked and tried to kill her

I don't blame her for their deaths, I PRAISE her for them. Thank you, Pam! Two less terrorists in our country.

Then there is something wrong with you. They both went headlong into eternity without Jesus Christ and you are rejoicing over this? That is a grief to hear of, S.J..
I care more about the lives of the American people than I do about where terrorists spend eternity.

The lives of American people were not at risk. It was Pamela Geller who put the lives of American people at risk by inciting people to violence of a nonsense cartoon contest and a money prize. She was wrong. If you disagree that is your choice. As for the two Muslim men? There but for the grace of God go you and I. They were raised in a false religion and brainwashed to defend it at all costs. This was the result. It is very sad if you ask me.
Once again she did NOT the gun man did,this is simple stuff!!
Allah is not God. He is a demon god from pre-Islamic times called Baal Allah. Research the history. As for the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ - He is the way, the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father except by Him, PMH.
That is nothing like the truth, just as you are nothing like a monotheist. Allah is the God of the Jews, "The God" in Arabic. Your three gods are even more false than their one.
the truth is Pamela Geller was wrong to hold this cartoon contest.
It's amazing how some trembling simps respond to "If you do this simple and harmless thing, we will murder you and wage war against everyone around you"


"OK, you win, we won't do the simple and harmless thing, we'll give up our rights and cave in to your threats and warmaking against us in hopes you won't do it this time".


"Appeasement is the act of feeding your friends to a crocodile one at a time, in hopes that he will eat you... last."
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
You should ask her
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.
So with your logic,all the people that they have killed,remembering the 12 that were killed in France,drawing cartoons,they are responsible for their own deaths??
Are you really going to stick with this train of thought?
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.
Why should she,other than you would have loved to see her killed wouldn't you??
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.

"Blame her?"

LOL! No...

But I'll happily give her the co-credit for the deaths of those two low-rent, pedophile worshippin', mass-murderin' scumbags.
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
You should ask her

Why would I ask her? I already know the answer. God would not call someone to hold a cartoon contest and money prize in order to provoke others who are lost souls - to wrath. She sowed strife and discord and has reaped a terrible reward for it. Isn't that obvious by now?
It's amazing how some trembling simps respond to "If you do this simple and harmless thing, we will murder you and wage war against everyone around you"


"OK, you win, we won't do the simple and harmless thing, we'll give up our rights and cave in to your threats and warmaking against us in hopes you won't do it this time".


"Appeasement is the act of feeding your friends to a crocodile one at a time, in hopes that he will eat you... last."

don't be scared, if you draw a simple picture the evil jihad man will not come and get you. :itsok:
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.
Why should she,other than you would have loved to see her killed wouldn't you??

I do not want to see any harm come to her but I do hope that she will think before doing something so foolish and nonsensical again.
I don't blame her for their deaths, I PRAISE her for them. Thank you, Pam! Two less terrorists in our country.

Then there is something wrong with you. They both went headlong into eternity without Jesus Christ and you are rejoicing over this? That is a grief to hear of, S.J..
I care more about the lives of the American people than I do about where terrorists spend eternity.

The lives of American people were not at risk. It was Pamela Geller who put the lives of American people at risk by inciting people to violence of a nonsense cartoon contest and a money prize. She was wrong. If you disagree that is your choice. As for the two Muslim men? There but for the grace of God go you and I. They were raised in a false religion and brainwashed to defend it at all costs. This was the result. It is very sad if you ask me.


This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.

"Blame her?"

LOL! No...

But I'll happily give her the co-credit for the deaths of those two low-rent, pedophile worshippin', mass-murderin' scumbags.
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no service rendered, nothing of value or good report, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - to their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.

Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.
Why should she,other than you would have loved to see her killed wouldn't you??

I do not want to see any harm come to her but I do hope that she will think before doing something so foolish and nonsensical again.
So were those French man responsible for their own deaths?
Where the Christians that were beheaded ,are they also responsible for their deaths as well.
Just the fact they are Christians was excuse enough,there is no difference between a cartoon ,or just not being a muslim to those people,none,yet you are trying to set them apart,when the the jihadist wouldn't.

She wasn't looking to convert souls
I don't blame her for their deaths, I PRAISE her for them. Thank you, Pam! Two less terrorists in our country.

Then there is something wrong with you. They both went headlong into eternity without Jesus Christ and you are rejoicing over this? That is a grief to hear of, S.J..
I care more about the lives of the American people than I do about where terrorists spend eternity.

The lives of American people were not at risk. It was Pamela Geller who put the lives of American people at risk by inciting people to violence of a nonsense cartoon contest and a money prize. She was wrong. If you disagree that is your choice. As for the two Muslim men? There but for the grace of God go you and I. They were raised in a false religion and brainwashed to defend it at all costs. This was the result. It is very sad if you ask me.
Once again she did NOT the gun man did,this is simple stuff!!

Did Pamela Geller provoke them to wrath or didn't she? For what purpose? To mock them with a Cartoon contest that had no benefit to it - no motive to it - other than to provoke the lost to wrath. In God's eyes we were all scum before we were washed by the Blood of Christ and forgiven of our sins. There are none righteous - no not one - these men could have been saved - they were human souls - what is the value of a human soul to God? One human soul? Far beyond any price man can imagine which is why he came in the flesh to die on a cross and redeem us. She had no right to do what she did. Not in the LORD's eyes. You know, when the world is agreeing with you and cheering you on as is the case with Geller? It's a very good sign you're on the wrong track!!!
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.

It's nice to read a story in the media with a happy ending for a change
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact.
Its very much deniable,if they hadn't attempted to kill her they would be alive today.
Your logic is terribly flawed.

Is my logic flawed? Perhaps but if that is the case then the LORD will correct me. As I see it the Cartoon drawing Contest of Mohammad was not necessary, it served no purpose other than to put Pamela Geller's name out there further - and in that I believe she acted carelessly and without thought to the outcome.

If she believes Cartoon contests of Mohammad can convert souls why doesn't she go to Karachi, Pakistan and hold one without her entourage and armed guards? If she believes the LORD has called her to this then why would she need protection? Did Elijah need a bodyguard? No. He didn't. And if she were doing the Will of God neither would she.
Damn, good post. Why doesn't she go to Pakistan and have her contest.
Why should she,other than you would have loved to see her killed wouldn't you??

I do not want to see any harm come to her but I do hope that she will think before doing something so foolish and nonsensical again.
So were those French man responsible for their own deaths?
Where the Christians that were beheaded ,are they also responsible for their deaths as well.
Just the fact they are Christians was excuse enough,there is no difference between a cartoon ,or just not being a muslim to those people,none,yet you are trying to set them apart,when the the jihadist wouldn't.

She wasn't looking to convert souls

That you can compare the beheadings on the beach to this cartoon contest tells me you are not getting my point here. Perhaps it is intentional. Perhaps it isn't. In any case, you are right about one thing. She wasn't looking to convert souls.

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