AP blames Pamela Geller for deaths of two jihadis who attacked and tried to kill her

This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.

By saying she has no regrets about the deaths, they are blaming the contest indirectly because the headline makes it sound surprising that she doesn't feel sorry for holding the contest to begin with. It's just a sneaky way of saying the contest was the cause of the attack. No liberal media will acknowledge that the real cause is radical Islam and that it takes so little for them to jump into action and slaughter people. We all know the contest was just an excuse for radical Muslims to do what they crave to do anyway, which is kill infidels.

This is no surprise. Obama and Hillary openly blamed a film maker for the Benghazi attack and vowed to "get him" and make him pay.

Funny that the reporter doesn't wonder whether Muslims are regretful for harboring radicals in their mosques and not speaking out against them.
I don't blame her for their deaths, I PRAISE her for them. Thank you, Pam! Two less terrorists in our country.

Then there is something wrong with you. They both went headlong into eternity without Jesus Christ and you are rejoicing over this? That is a grief to hear of, S.J..
They had their own god, even more valid than yours since He is God the Father. What comes from the source returns to the source little friend.

So you'll be going to mud pits?
I don't blame her for their deaths, I PRAISE her for them. Thank you, Pam! Two less terrorists in our country.

Then there is something wrong with you. They both went headlong into eternity without Jesus Christ and you are rejoicing over this? That is a grief to hear of, S.J..
I care more about the lives of the American people than I do about where terrorists spend eternity.

The lives of American people were not at risk. It was Pamela Geller who put the lives of American people at risk by inciting people to violence of a nonsense cartoon contest and a money prize. She was wrong. If you disagree that is your choice. As for the two Muslim men? There but for the grace of God go you and I. They were raised in a false religion and brainwashed to defend it at all costs. This was the result. It is very sad if you ask me.
Once again she did NOT the gun man did,this is simple stuff!!

Did Pamela Geller provoke them to wrath or didn't she? For what purpose? To mock them with a Cartoon contest that had no benefit to it - no motive to it - other than to provoke the lost to wrath. In God's eyes we were all scum before we were washed by the Blood of Christ and forgiven of our sins. There are none righteous - no not one - these men could have been saved - they were human souls - what is the value of a human soul to God? One human soul? Far beyond any price man can imagine which is why he came in the flesh to die on a cross and redeem us. She had no right to do what she did. Not in the LORD's eyes. You know, when the world is agreeing with you and cheering you on as is the case with Geller? It's a very good sign you're on the wrong track!!!
Who's cheering? you are make some large assumptions,I just pointing out your flawed logic on the subject.
You must rember the old saying sticks and stone can break my bones but words can never hurt me.
The crazy ass Muslims need to study that every second of each day.
Geller intentionally provoked violence

She should be liable
I don't blame her for their deaths, I PRAISE her for them. Thank you, Pam! Two less terrorists in our country.

Then there is something wrong with you. They both went headlong into eternity without Jesus Christ and you are rejoicing over this? That is a grief to hear of, S.J..
I care more about the lives of the American people than I do about where terrorists spend eternity.

The lives of American people were not at risk. It was Pamela Geller who put the lives of American people at risk by inciting people to violence of a nonsense cartoon contest and a money prize. She was wrong. If you disagree that is your choice. As for the two Muslim men? There but for the grace of God go you and I. They were raised in a false religion and brainwashed to defend it at all costs. This was the result. It is very sad if you ask me.



I do not support Islamic terrorism on any ground but neither do I support Pamela Geller's idea for a cartoon contest and money prize.
Did Pamela Geller provoke them to wrath or didn't she?

Uh... No, she did not.

I agree with you on many issues but on this matter I disagree with you. I believe she did know she would be provoking people to anger and she decided to go forward with her plans. To be clear - the LORD looks at our motives for why we do things, Where_r_my_Keys. What was Ms. Geller's motive for doing this?

There is your answer.
I do not want to see any harm come to her but I do hope that she will think before doing something so foolish and nonsensical again.
Pam Geller is a jew, so of course she will do it again.

Jews thrive on causing strife and hatred. ...... :cool:

I do not know what religion she is. I thought she was a Christian although I don't think her actions reflect being one.
By saying she has no regrets about the deaths, they are blaming the contest indirectly because the headline makes it sound surprising that she doesn't feel sorry for holding the contest to begin with. It's just a sneaky way of saying the contest was the cause of the attack. No liberal media will acknowledge that the real cause is radical Islam and that it takes so little for them to jump into action and slaughter people. We all know the contest was just an excuse for radical Muslims to do what they crave to do anyway, which is kill infidels.

This is no surprise. ...

So very true.

As what you're describing is evil, defending evil.
I am not sure I support Pamela Geller's project in Garland, Texas because I do not know the details. I probably would
support it if her intention was to high light the vulgarity of
the Iranian holocaust cartoon contest. Islamic filth should
not go completely unanswered because its "success"
inspires MORE outrageous "acting out". Everytime muslims spit on anything, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian,
or Jewish and the world just yawns------Muslims see themselves are VICTORIOUS and utterly JUSTIFIED. I do not believe that here aim was actually just FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION-----to me it seemed more FREEDOM TO RESPOND TO INSULT in an equitable manner.
What was Ms. Geller's motive for doing this?

There is your answer.

The motivation was to establish the Americans do not need the permission of Islam to do anything... and where Islam does not like that, Islam can kiss our ass... and if Islam can't live with that, we're fine with those terms.

There is YOUR answer.

Understand... Islam is not looking for compromise, it is looking for power, by any means necessary to acquire it.

And we, the Americans... have no intention of tolerating so much as a single demand of Islam for anything, on any issue, for any reason.

And we intend to take every opportunity to take a stand against Islam and if that leaves islam with 'no alternative' but to fight, we're beyond OK with that.

We're ready to fight Islam, without the blindfold and our hands and feet tied.

And just so ya know, when they fight, we intend to annihilate them; to burn Islam from the heart of Humanity and to remove Islam from the face of the earth.

Along with anyone who defends Islam.
Last edited:
This is right up there with blaming Bank of America for the deaths of robbers who tried to rob it and shoot customers. If the bank hadn't concentrated all that money in one building, the robbers who shot up the place would still be alive.

It's hard to even imagine people being so warped that they blame Geller for jihadis getting the proper results of their acts of attempted murder.

Except in todays bizarro world, inhabited by bizarro liberals who do exactly that.


AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her - Christine Rousselle

AP Headline Blames Pamela Geller For Deaths of Two Men Who Tried to Kill Her
Christine Rousselle | May 08, 2015

Last night, the Associated Press tweeted an article about Pamela Geller, organizer of the Garland, TX "Draw Muhammad" contest that nearly resulted in her death, with a rather, shall-we-say, victim-blaming headline.

AP Associated Press

Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths:

Activist No regrets about cartoon contest ended by gunfire
5:00 PM - 7 May 2015

This is a rather unusual description of what actually happened at the event. Two armed men attempted to attack Geller and the other attendees of the event, but they were shot dead by armed guards before they could, you know, murder people. Shucks.

The exhibit didn't "result in deaths." These were not accidental shootings or deaths caused by some sort of tragedy. Nobody goes to an art exhibit expecting to be shot. The people who were killed were jihadis intent on carrying out a fatwa on Geller. Geller should not have to say she "regrets" anything--the rational or expected response to a controversial exhibit is not the attempted mass murder of everyone in attendance.

The AP's attempt to clarify the tweet blaming someone who was almost murdered for nearly being murdered was...just as bad.
LOL! What a blatant lie. The headline says nothing of the sort.
Yes it most certainly does....
"Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths".....
AP is implying the event itself caused the death of the two terrorists.
Why do you libs sympathize with Islamist terror groups and individuals?
Then there is something wrong with you. They both went headlong into eternity without Jesus Christ and you are rejoicing over this? That is a grief to hear of, S.J..
I care more about the lives of the American people than I do about where terrorists spend eternity.

The lives of American people were not at risk. It was Pamela Geller who put the lives of American people at risk by inciting people to violence of a nonsense cartoon contest and a money prize. She was wrong. If you disagree that is your choice. As for the two Muslim men? There but for the grace of God go you and I. They were raised in a false religion and brainwashed to defend it at all costs. This was the result. It is very sad if you ask me.
Once again she did NOT the gun man did,this is simple stuff!!

Did Pamela Geller provoke them to wrath or didn't she? For what purpose? To mock them with a Cartoon contest that had no benefit to it - no motive to it - other than to provoke the lost to wrath. In God's eyes we were all scum before we were washed by the Blood of Christ and forgiven of our sins. There are none righteous - no not one - these men could have been saved - they were human souls - what is the value of a human soul to God? One human soul? Far beyond any price man can imagine which is why he came in the flesh to die on a cross and redeem us. She had no right to do what she did. Not in the LORD's eyes. You know, when the world is agreeing with you and cheering you on as is the case with Geller? It's a very good sign you're on the wrong track!!!
Who's cheering? you are make some large assumptions,I just pointing out your flawed logic on the subject.
You must rember the old saying sticks and stone can break my bones but words can never hurt me.
The crazy ass Muslims need to study that every second of each day.

I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about Geller - the world is cheering her - was what I was trying to say - yet that is not a good measure of whether we are right in a matter or not - there was a time when like you I would have probably been focusing more on the harm already done by Islamists, beheadings, terror attacks, and other vile things they have been known to do - but these days my mind is more on eternity and what would it take to see the Muslim world saved - not lost eternally because they were taught to believe a lie. (had we been born into it - how different would you or I be from them?) I think we are looking at it from two different places and that is all I can say.
Had she not held the cartoon contest and offered prize money - both men would be alive. That is an undeniable fact. Furthermore, Bank of America is (so far as I know) a legitimate banking business which gives services to their customers that are necessary to cash paychecks, store money for savings accounts, checking accounts, etc.

There was no necessity, no value, nothing to be gained by a cartoon drawing contest of Mohammad. She knew there were armed guards surrounding the place and she also knew it was inciting those who are lost and following the teachings of Islam to wrath. It led to two men - not taking into account the outcome - but overcome by a provocation to anger and wrath - it resulted in both their deaths.

Big difference. Miss Geller should realize that what she did is not something that Jesus Christ would have done - to gain their attention. He would have spoken truth to them - not this.
Had the Christians not been Christians, they would be alive today. Surrender to Allah!

I preach to the Muslims just as I preach to devil worshippers. You must repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise you will be in hell. My pointing out that Miss Geller is wrong in no way implies I am in fear of Muslims or will ever surrender to Baal Allah. I'm not and I won't. Still......the truth is the truth and the truth is Pamela Geller was wrong to hold this cartoon contest. There was nothing gained by it. Nothing at all. There were two lives lost. Are you happy about it? You shouldn't be.
Is your truth about Geller of the same weight as the truth of Muslim be headers?
Bill O’Reilly argued it is “bogus” to invoke freedom of speech in the debate over the Mohammed Art Exhibit and Contest on Thursday.

O’Reilly said that, “the dead men deserved what they got. But the incident was ignited by a contest featuring cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Any depiction of that Islamic icon is a sin in the Muslim world. Many Americans believe the provocation was legitimate under freedom of speech, but that is not the issue. No one I know favors curtailing speech in this case. The real issue is whether the exposition was the right thing to do.”

He continued that the “Christian point of view” is that “you don’t demean other people unnecessarily. Jesus would not have sponsored that event.” And “the goal of every decent person in the world should be to defeat the jihad. And in order to do that, you have to rally the world to the side of good, our side. Emotional displays like insulting the prophet Mohammed make it more difficult to rally law-abiding Muslims, for example. Including nations like Jordan and Egypt, who are actually the fanatical Islamists. In any war, you have to win hearts and minds, and the situation in Garland, TX goes against that. Again, the freedom of speech issue is bogus. No one is saying the exposition was illegal. The point is winning, defeating the jihad.”

O Reilly Bogus To Invoke Free Speech in Mohammed Art Contest Debate - Breitbart
Anyone who says "I believe in the First Amendment, but..." in describing Pam Geller has totalitarian tendencies.

Just sayin'.
I am not sure I support Pamela Geller's project in Garland, Texas because I do not know the details. I probably would
support it if her intention was to high light the vulgarity of
the Iranian holocaust cartoon contest. Islamic filth should
not go completely unanswered because its "success"
inspires MORE outrageous "acting out". Everytime muslims spit on anything, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian,
or Jewish and the world just yawns------Muslims see themselves are VICTORIOUS and utterly JUSTIFIED. I do not believe that here aim was actually just FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION-----to me it seemed more FREEDOM TO RESPOND TO INSULT in an equitable manner.

The Iranian cartoonists are devils - no question - their holocaust cartoons despicable, vile and straight from hell. But Rosie, the Jews and Christians need to take the high road. We do not need to lower our standards to meet the devils.

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