AP: Cohen Fearful of Being 'Fall Guy'

He’s not in deep shit?
When was the last time a president’s lawyer office was raided?
He’s under a criminal investigation. The fact you don’t understand how serious that is shows just how fucking stupid you are
I'm stupid???? but it was you that didn't know that a president can pardon himself...
Yes you are stupid and woefully uniformed.

Opinion | No, Trump can’t pardon himself. The Constitution tells us so.
So, WaPo says he can't, but Newsweek says what I have been saying...it's unclear.

Can Trump pardon himself or even get arrested?

WaPo has been masturbating to the thought of once again undoing an election. I doubt they will bring something to the table that is objective.
It has NOTHING about undoing an election. It has everything to do with the rule of law.
no... he can't save his sorry butt from an impeachment.

which begs the question, what kind of lowlife powndscum are you and your ilk, that you would think that's ok?
Impeached for what? because you don't like him? His poll numbers are up 7 points by the way...
Nixon had a lot of supporters when he resigned in disgraced and waved bye bye to the nation.
in what reality? drudge online polls? :rofl:

not a single one near 50%
It was even on CNN this morning...they couldn't understand it but his favorable rating is up 7 points this week...even after Stormy....and only 23% polled think Stormy Daniels is a worthy news story and the rest do not care about it...
It was even on CNN this morning...they couldn't understand it but his favorable rating is up 7 points this week...even after Stormy....and only 23% polled think Stormy Daniels is a worthy news story and the rest do not care about it...
I don't buy into poll numbers, but damn.

Let the sky screaming begin.

Cohen will not go to jail for Trump. His loyalty ends now.
Cohen is already under investigation for bank fraud and campaign finance violations.
Why are so many people that work for Trump dirty?
“ I pick the best people.”

Why are so many people that work for Trump dirty?
“ I pick the best people.”
They may well be the best people for doing the "shady sh*t" Trump would have them do.

When I say "best people," I have in mind a set of character traits and practical abilities, and one of those character traits is that one is a "good person," that one means well as well as behaving well toward others. I suspect for Trump, being a "good person" means being good to him, but not necessarily being a preponderantly good, ethical person in general.


I suspect everyone has the traits noted in the image above. I'm certain, however, that not everyone has them in proportions that result in their being a "good" person. For instance, ambition is a good trait to have, but too much of it isn't good at all. Integrity, on the other hand, is a trait whereby there's no such thing as too much of it, but plenty of folks haven't enough of it. Being a good person is about the balance of all those characteristics....Too much of one or several, or not enough of one or several, and one simply isn't a good, an ethical person. Be that as it may, one could nonetheless be the best person for some task.

Take the task of being Trump's "fix it" guy as Cohen has been. I could never do that, certainly not well enough to make a living doing it. My sense of self-respect and integrity wouldn't let me. I'd have had to tell Trump, "No. You did X, and now you must pay the price for having done it. I'm not going to save you from yourself." It's for the same reasons that I could not be a defense attorney. I would have to know whether my client did commit the crime, and knowing that s/he did indeed commit the transgression, I would not -- not by my own constitution and not by the way the law is written -- be able to defend the person. I appreciate that suspects need advocates, but I'm not at all the best person for being one's legal advocate, unless, of course, they are indeed innocent, in which case I would (with appropriate training) be a very good, perhaps among the best, advocate. As a defense attorney, however, one doesn't always have the luxury of having innocent clients.
The time's coming when it's going to be a Smart Move... distancing themselves from months of acquiescence.
While the power to impeach is in the hands of the House, Mueller et al will need to make a good case to the public before ANYONE (Dems included) makes a serious run at impeachment. They have the power but we are the fact finders. If they don't sell it, I don't care how bad they want to remove Trump, it would be political suicide to do so.
Cohen and Trump have a lot to be fearful of. Trump can't pardon his way out of this mess - because New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is also on the case...
So far, the only thing even remotely close to implicating Trump is an improper benefit resulting in a FEC violation, which is a federal crime, which can be pardoned by Trump.
From what I've heard, one series of events into which investigators are looking is that pertaining to the timing of the Wikileaks release of Podesta emails coming so quickly on heels of the Access Hollywood (AH) tape. The emails were released about thirty minutes after the AH tape/story became public.

There seems to be a question of whether Cohen coordinated with Assange to get the emails released as a way to "match" or take away some of the heat from the tape. Cohen's not having been formally part of the Trump campaign would explain why the matter was taken up by the NY Southern District rather than being addressed as part of Mueller's investigation.
From what I've heard, one series of events into which investigators are looking is that pertaining to the timing of the Wikileaks release of Podesta emails coming so quickly on heels of the Access Hollywood (AH) tape. The emails were released about thirty minutes after the AH tape/story became public. There seems to be a question of whether Cohen coordinated with Assange to get the emails released as a way to "match" or take away some of the heat from the tape. Cohen's not having been formally part of the Trump campaign would explain why the matter was taken up by the NY Southern District rather than being addressed as part of Mueller's investigation.

I could see how that might implicate Cohen in conspiring with foreign nationals to get illegally obtained dirt from the DNC. It still doesn't get Trump. Even if Trump told Cohen to go get dirt, that is not evidence of a conspiracy unless Trump specifically told Cohen to call Assange and tell him to release the shit.
Referring to your stupid Bush comment.
Richard Nixon wouldn’t pardon himself because he said, “ It wouldn’t be the honorable thing to do.”
What everyone both D and R can agree on is this prez has no honor.

We warned you about this president and now the chickens are coming home to roost..
I would think that a POTUS pardoning himself would be political suicide, but one never knows. What one can know is that for however unethical doing so might be, the Constitution is silent on that specific pardoning situation and the SCOTUS hasn't ever been called to rule on it. It'd take quite a lot for both Congress and the "Supremes" to forbear a POTUS being judge and jury of himself. I think it'd take more than either group would countenance.
Cohen and Trump have a lot to be fearful of. Trump can't pardon his way out of this mess - because New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is also on the case...
So far, the only thing even remotely close to implicating Trump is an improper benefit resulting in a FEC violation, which is a federal crime, which can be pardoned by Trump.
From what I've heard, one series of events into which investigators are looking is that pertaining to the timing of the Wikileaks release of Podesta emails coming so quickly on heels of the Access Hollywood (AH) tape. The emails were released about thirty minutes after the AH tape/story became public.

There seems to be a question of whether Cohen coordinated with Assange to get the emails released as a way to "match" or take away some of the heat from the tape. Cohen's not having been formally part of the Trump campaign would explain why the matter was taken up by the NY Southern District rather than being addressed as part of Mueller's investigation.
How would you know?

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