AP: Cohen Fearful of Being 'Fall Guy'

From what I've heard, one series of events into which investigators are looking is that pertaining to the timing of the Wikileaks release of Podesta emails coming so quickly on heels of the Access Hollywood (AH) tape. The emails were released about thirty minutes after the AH tape/story became public. There seems to be a question of whether Cohen coordinated with Assange to get the emails released as a way to "match" or take away some of the heat from the tape. Cohen's not having been formally part of the Trump campaign would explain why the matter was taken up by the NY Southern District rather than being addressed as part of Mueller's investigation.

I could see how that might implicate Cohen in conspiring with foreign nationals to get illegally obtained dirt from the DNC. It still doesn't get Trump. Even if Trump told Cohen to go get dirt, that is not evidence of a conspiracy unless Trump specifically told Cohen to call Assange and tell him to release the shit.
It still doesn't get Trump.
On the face of it, that's correct, but the "devil's in the details," as always.

Whether Trump would be implicated would depend whether Cohen undertook such an act at his behest, explicit or implicit. I think investigators think there may be a document among those obtained in yesterday's search of Cohen's offices, home, and phone(s) that indicates Trump made a implied/explicit request of that sort. If he did, carrying out such a request by way of pressing Assange to release the emails would make the whole set of related documents/communications no longer eligible for attorney-client privilege.
in what reality? drudge online polls? :rofl:

not a single one near 50%
It was even on CNN this morning...they couldn't understand it but his favorable rating is up 7 points this week...even after Stormy....and only 23% polled think Stormy Daniels is a worthy news story and the rest do not care about it...
The feds think Stormy is a worthy story along with others this scumbag paid hush money to.

Trump fucked himself with that plane interview.He always shoots himself in the foot..
Fox News. Lol. Gallup has the serial sex offender at 37%, still the lowest rated president in history.
Now he’s your cue to cheer.
Gallup was the most inaccurate poll during the election dummy...they said Hillary would win by a landslide election on election day...Fox news is quoting Rasmussen the most accurate poll during the election.....now go to your room and cry lib...
Dumbass cult cheer while Trump is pulling out his hair grafts as we speak.
White House staff say Trump is the maddest they’ve ever seen him( guilt will do that to you)

Meanwhile his cult thinks its “ morning in America.”
Dumbass cult cheer while Trump is pulling out his hair grafts as we speak.
White House staff say Trump is the maddest they’ve ever seen him( guilt will do that to you)

Meanwhile his cult thinks its “ morning in America.”
Fox News. Lol. Gallup has the serial sex offender at 37%, still the lowest rated president in history.
Now he’s your cue to cheer.
Gallup was the most inaccurate poll during the election dummy...they said Hillary would win by a landslide election on election day...Fox news is quoting Rasmussen the most accurate poll during the election.....now go to your room and cry lib...
You are consistent. You’re always wrong about everything. Gallup is the gold standard and they and most other polls had it right that Hillary had a large lead. Trump knew he was going to lose even with all the help from Assange and Putin.
Then Comey made that erroneous announcement that she was under investigation ( she wasn’t but Trump was which he didn’t say)
After that, many people abandoned Hillary and that’s all she wrote.
Fox News. Lol. Gallup has the serial sex offender at 37%, still the lowest rated president in history.
Now he’s your cue to cheer.
Gallup was the most inaccurate poll during the election dummy...they said Hillary would win by a landslide election on election day...Fox news is quoting Rasmussen the most accurate poll during the election.....now go to your room and cry lib...

that would be Rasmussen, liar boy.
P A R D O N..........Cohen has nothing to worry about and he knows it....

As I understand it, Trump can pardon those who committed a Federal Crime,. If the State of New York has evidence of a crime which occurred in NY State, they can subpoena the President to testify under oath before a NY State Grand Jury.

Is this correct?
Cohen and Trump have a lot to be fearful of. Trump can't pardon his way out of this mess - because New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is also on the case...
The president can pardon himself...Bush senior did it before pardoning Caspar Weinberger...Trump can and will pardon Flynn and Manafort too if it becomes necessary....If you think it will hurt him you are very wrong....
And he can pardon people who are convicted of said crimes. Thank you for admitting that you believe they are guilty of crimes.
As I understand it, Trump can pardon those who committed a Federal Crime,. If the State of New York has evidence of a crime which occurred in NY State, they can subpoena the President to testify under oath before a NY State Grand Jury.

Is this correct?
It is not a state investigation...it was the NY FBI that decided to raid the house and office of Cohen...Mueller gave it to them to handle...they are feds....I understand and have heard that Mueller is pissed about the raid...not sure whats up with that we will see....
Back to the thread topic.
Mueller has Flynn singing like a bird and I’m sure Cohen will be too in the not too distant future.
Loyalty ends when you have a prison cell waiting for you.
When Mueller releases his final report it could take days with all of the dirt Mueller uncovered along with the testimonies of Gates, Flynn Papadopolous and Cohen.
Cohen will not go to jail for Trump. His loyalty ends now.
Cohen is already under investigation for bank fraud and campaign finance violations.
Why are so many people that work for Trump dirty?
“ I pick the best people.”

Fake news
The dead giveaway two words proving YOU have nothing.

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