AP Concludes that Civility is Unlikely because of the REPUBLICans...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Any pause in harsh rhetoric may be short-lived

Associated Press Jan 13, 5:56 PM EST

WASHINGTON (AP) - Despite President Barack Obama's appeal for civility, history suggests any move toward cooler political rhetoric after the Arizona shootings will soon fade. An early test will come Jan. 25, when some lawmakers are asking Democrats and Republicans to sit side by side for Obama's State of the Union speech, rather than splitting the House chamber by party as usual.

Initial reactions to that idea on Capitol Hill were not encouraging, especially from the Republican side. A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said House members may "sit where they choose."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., had no comment on the suggestion, which was offered by Democratic Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., signaled he might be open to the idea but wanted more discussion. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., embraced it.

In a sometimes-emotional speech Wednesday night in Tucson, Obama implored Americans to reflect on the fatal shootings at Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' outdoor forum, but "not on the usual plane of politics and point-scoring and pettiness that drifts away with the next news cycle."

A lack of civility did not cause the tragedy, he said, but "only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation."

The White House on Thursday said it was interested in Udall's proposal to have Democrats and Republican intermingle when they sit for this month's big speech by Obama.

"The choreographed standing and clapping of one side of the room - while the other side sits - is unbecoming of a serious institution," Udall said in a letter. As the nation reels from the six fatalities in Tucson and the severe wounding of Giffords, he said, Congress has a chance "to bring civility back to politics."

House Republicans have rejected the Democrats' request to postpone next week's vote to repeal the Obama-backed health care law, the focus of harsh political commentary, and occasional violence, for the past two years.

National tragedies in recent years have led to calmer political rhetoric only briefly, if at all.

Leaders of both parties vowed to unite the nation after an anti-government militia movement sympathizer killed 168 people by bombing a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995. Seven months later, a partisan budget impasse led to a temporary government shutdown. The public mostly blamed House Republicans, and the incident helped catapult President Bill Clinton to re-election.

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Editorializing the "News"... Classic.

The Stunts from the DemocRATS don't seem to have an End, do they?...

The AP's Anti-GOP Tone is Deafening... :thup:

I am Surprised they didn't Figure out a way to Hammer on Sarah and the Tea Party in this "News" Story...


I think the GOP should sit with the Justices myself. If the justices even come. Well, a few wil I guess.
Since when is sitting where you want to sit uncivil?

What's civil about forcing people to sit in certain places?

I guess these a-holes decided to ignore obama and keep up the blame game.
hummmm. these folks live "The Paranoid Style in American Politics" for real, its become congenital..for anyone unfamiliar with it, its an interesting read....google the title and Richard Hofstadter
Of course the pause in rhetoric will be short lived. In a few weeks people will no longer care about what happened and go back to their usual routine, just like they have with every other tragedy. What happened to all the unity we had after 9-11?
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We need to understand that the A.P. is engaging in the same incendiary rhetoric that the left wing allegedly condemns. You almost gotta laugh. The left wing doesn't even understand the concept that it is ranting about. It's all covered by the 1st Amendment so what's the problem? The problem of course is that the left thinks that any political rhetoric they don't agree with is dangerous enough to chuck the 1st Amendment in the garbage and establish "progressive" standards.
Of course the pause in rhetoric will be short lived. In a few weeks people will no longer care about what happened and go back to their usual routine, just like they have with every other tragedy. What happened to all the unity we had after 9-11?

It was distroyed by the war in Iraq which was sold to the American people with misinformation on our intelligence report.
There is no one to blame for your lack of civility except for yourself. Doesn't matter what others do. You have a choice whether to be civil or not. And if you aren't, then that's your fault.
Of course the pause in rhetoric will be short lived. In a few weeks people will no longer care about what happened and go back to their usual routine, just like they have with every other tragedy. What happened to all the unity we had after 9-11?

It was distroyed by the war in Iraq which was sold to the American people with misinformation on our intelligence report.

Shut the ever living fuck up!...

^I'm making Liberals a little more Honest... :thup:


Of course the pause in rhetoric will be short lived. In a few weeks people will no longer care about what happened and go back to their usual routine, just like they have with every other tragedy. What happened to all the unity we had after 9-11?

It was distroyed by the war in Iraq which was sold to the American people with misinformation on our intelligence report.

Absolutely untrue. You have no evidence of that and in fact 3 Congressional Commissions disagree with you. No one lied or mislead the people of this Country. In order for our intel to have been cooked you would have to believe that the ENTIRE worlds intel was cooked.

Stop with this lie. It did not work the last 7 years and it will not start working now.
A Democrat President and Senate who still, after the lesson of the last election. Seem to want to ignore the will of the people. Is the main Cause of the so called in civility.

Where was the AP when the Democrats were calling Bush and anyone who supported him Hitler and worse?

Civility my ass.

The left wing press exposed once again as a TOOL of the Democrat party.
A Democrat President and Senate who still, after the lesson of the last election. Seem to want to ignore the will of the people. Is the main Cause of the so called in civility.

Where was the AP when the Democrats were calling Bush and anyone who supported him Hitler and worse?

Civility my ass.

The left wing press exposed once again as a TOOL of the Democrat party.


democrat party has a PR problem now of gigantic proportions.
A Democrat President and Senate who still, after the lesson of the last election. Seem to want to ignore the will of the people. Is the main Cause of the so called in civility.

Where was the AP when the Democrats were calling Bush and anyone who supported him Hitler and worse?

Civility my ass.

The left wing press exposed once again as a TOOL of the Democrat party.

You see what I mean? You guys truly are hilarious. Because of Bush, thousands of Americans are dead and tens of thousands maimed for life. Iraq has enslaved it's entire female population under radical Islam and is now best friends with Iraq.

Republicans defanging OSHA led to mine disasters and oil disasters and deregulating Wall Street nearly brought down the world economy.

And look at the terrible things Obama's done. Health Care to millions of American children.
Obama even had to cave in to Republicans who wanted tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires to save benefits for millions of Americans Republican would be happy to see on the street.

You can list more than 40,000 reasons to be really angry at Bush, because that's how many came back from Iraq, maimed for life.

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