AP Conversation: Trump says Mideast peace rests with Israel

"From Antwerp to Warsaw, demonstrators’ placards have ranged from criticism of Israeli policy (“1,2,3,4, Occupation No More”) to denouncing Israel itself (“5,6,7,8, Israel is a Terror State”) to the most wounding anti-Semitism (“Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the Gas”). In France, which has Europe’s largest Jewish and Arab (mainly north African) populations, trouble may be no surprise. But its extent—attacks on synagogues, raids on Jewish shops—has been shocking nonetheless. Even in Oslo, the Jewish museum closed its doors."

"Seventy-three percent agreed that Israeli government policies towards the Palestinian issue are damaging Israel's global reputation. More than half (58 percent) said they agreed with the statement that Israel "will be seen as an apartheid state if it tries to retain control over borders that contain more Arabs than Jews," in reference to Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank."

Poll of British Jews Shows 75 Percent See Settlements as Obstacle to Peace
No I don't. Those are worthless opinion pieces.

Your statement "Israel is considered a terrorist country by most of the world" is false.

Hamas, which is the Palestinian leadership, is considered a terrorist organization by the US and Western nations.

And Europe, is more concerned about Islamic terrorist animals, like the one Hamas breeds, than Israel. In fact, Europe is now understanding the Israelis much better.

Keep digging, troll.

No I don't. Those are worthless opinion pieces.

Your statement "Israel is considered a terrorist country by most of the world" is false.

Hamas, which is the Palestinian leadership, is considered a terrorist organization by the US and Western nations.

And Europe, is more concerned about Islamic terrorist animals, like the one Hamas breeds, than Israel. In fact, Europe is now understanding the Israelis much better.

Keep digging, troll.


You have dug your hole. The point was made. You lost.
I could go on, but you get the point.
Frantic cutting and pasting of other people's opinions doesn't make any point.

Those who are able to make rational assessments and reach educated opinions (not to accuse you of such), can conclude that the ravage of the Islamist Middle East by ISIS, as a reflection of Islamic ideology, is a much more pressing issue than your feverish cutting and pasting.
No I don't. Those are worthless opinion pieces.

Your statement "Israel is considered a terrorist country by most of the world" is false.

Hamas, which is the Palestinian leadership, is considered a terrorist organization by the US and Western nations.

And Europe, is more concerned about Islamic terrorist animals, like the one Hamas breeds, than Israel. In fact, Europe is now understanding the Israelis much better.

Keep digging, troll.


You have dug your hole. The point was made. You lost.

Yup, and that's because YOU say so, right?

Let me know when you find a link that shows "most countries consider Israel a terrorist nation".

Keep digging.

Last edited:
"Israel slow to realise a change in sentiment over Palestine that could challenge its legitimacy"

Netanyahu is losing Europe’s goodwill, even Germany’s

Netanyahu is losing Europe’s goodwill, even Germany’s - FT.com

Bzzzz wrong again.

Germany and Israel: a unique relationship | World | DW.COM | 01.11.2015

Germany and Israel: a unique relationship
Nov 1, 2015

Six million Jews were killed in a genocide during the Nazi regime. Now, more than 70 years after the end of World War II, Germany and Israel have a close and friendly relationship - a small miracle?

Keep digging.


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