AP Conversation: Trump says Mideast peace rests with Israel

Slowly read your piost. He made statements about Both sides; not just Israel. He makes reference to Israel sacrificing certain things; NOT giving in to every Palestinian demand .
Maybe he'll do things in America's interest instead of the well heeled donors for Israel, like billionaire for Israel, Adelson...

Maybe Trump will introduce Campaign Finance Laws and render AIPAC toothless!

Notice there was no direct comment regarding my post?
Maybe Trump will insist that the Palestinians NEGOTIATE !!!
Cry me a river IloveIsrael, he also would not commit to the "Undivided Jerusalem, " for Israel," for which he got booed by the Israel crowd...

Like the man said to the I love Israel crowd:"you can't buy me."

Cry me a River you Racist Hypocrite but I personally don't care whether Jerusalem is the Capital or not. Still haven't acknowledged he made it clear that both sides had to negotiate and what the Palestinians have brought to the table. The U.S will always give financial aid. Glad it bothers you
I'm glad you're crying IloveIsrael...The world and politicians are onto your finagling lies about wanting peace by Land thieving settlements...Go back to the 67 lines or America will abandon you too!

Try to take a reading comphrension course. I am not the one who is crying; You are. I previously stated I don't care if Jerusalem is the Capital or not and Trump said BOTH sides had to negotiate. So please tell us you Racist Hypocrite what the Palestinians have brought to the table that Israel has rejected .
Maybe he'll do things in America's interest instead of the well heeled donors for Israel, like billionaire for Israel, Adelson...

Maybe Trump will introduce Campaign Finance Laws and render AIPAC toothless!

Notice there was no direct comment regarding my post?
Maybe Trump will insist that the Palestinians NEGOTIATE !!!
Cry me a river IloveIsrael, he also would not commit to the "Undivided Jerusalem, " for Israel," for which he got booed by the Israel crowd...

Like the man said to the I love Israel crowd:"you can't buy me."

Cry me a River you Racist Hypocrite but I personally don't care whether Jerusalem is the Capital or not. Still haven't acknowledged he made it clear that both sides had to negotiate and what the Palestinians have brought to the table. The U.S will always give financial aid. Glad it bothers you
I'm glad you're crying IloveIsrael...The world and politicians are onto your finagling lies about wanting peace by Land thieving settlements...Go back to the 67 lines or America will abandon you too!

Try to take a reading comphrension course. I am not the one who is crying; You are. I previously stated I don't care if Jerusalem is the Capital or not and Trump said BOTH sides had to negotiate. So please tell us you Racist Hypocrite what the Palestinians have brought to the table that Israel has rejected .

Is there anything to negotiate about?

"Netanyahu: If I'm Elected, There Will Be No Palestinian State"

read more: Netanyahu: If I'm elected, there will be no Palestinian state - Israel election 2015

Yet, you don't blame the Palestinians for shooting missiles into Israel every 5 seconds. You seriously think the middle east would be peaceful if there wasn't a Israel? lol
rockets, not missiles. and i'd wager you could match every impotent rocket attack with an actual random arrest, shooting, or confiscation of palestinian property by israel

neither side has clean hands.
This thread has been cleaned of violative posts - please remember the new rules here. One of the things we are trying to prevent is the predictable derailment of threads into ancient history/who's the invader/etc. Infractions have been handed out. A new thread has been created for those posts that offer a good alternative discussion.

In the future - rather than derail a thread, start a new one.

For those that forgot the topic - think Trump.
Notice there was no direct comment regarding my post?
Maybe Trump will insist that the Palestinians NEGOTIATE !!!
Cry me a river IloveIsrael, he also would not commit to the "Undivided Jerusalem, " for Israel," for which he got booed by the Israel crowd...

Like the man said to the I love Israel crowd:"you can't buy me."

Cry me a River you Racist Hypocrite but I personally don't care whether Jerusalem is the Capital or not. Still haven't acknowledged he made it clear that both sides had to negotiate and what the Palestinians have brought to the table. The U.S will always give financial aid. Glad it bothers you
I'm glad you're crying IloveIsrael...The world and politicians are onto your finagling lies about wanting peace by Land thieving settlements...Go back to the 67 lines or America will abandon you too!

Try to take a reading comphrension course. I am not the one who is crying; You are. I previously stated I don't care if Jerusalem is the Capital or not and Trump said BOTH sides had to negotiate. So please tell us you Racist Hypocrite what the Palestinians have brought to the table that Israel has rejected .

Is there anything to negotiate about?

"Netanyahu: If I'm Elected, There Will Be No Palestinian State"

read more: Netanyahu: If I'm elected, there will be no Palestinian state - Israel election 2015

Meanwhile Israel pulled out of Gaza and the Rockets actually increased. Abbas; ( Not a quote) We want 67 Borders PLUS some of Israel proper that connects The W. Bank and Gaza. We also demand a NJA Palestine plus " Right of Return " which would eventually annex Israel to the New Palestinian State. That is why there will never be the " Two State Solution"
Cry me a river IloveIsrael, he also would not commit to the "Undivided Jerusalem, " for Israel," for which he got booed by the Israel crowd...

Like the man said to the I love Israel crowd:"you can't buy me."

Cry me a River you Racist Hypocrite but I personally don't care whether Jerusalem is the Capital or not. Still haven't acknowledged he made it clear that both sides had to negotiate and what the Palestinians have brought to the table. The U.S will always give financial aid. Glad it bothers you
I'm glad you're crying IloveIsrael...The world and politicians are onto your finagling lies about wanting peace by Land thieving settlements...Go back to the 67 lines or America will abandon you too!

Try to take a reading comphrension course. I am not the one who is crying; You are. I previously stated I don't care if Jerusalem is the Capital or not and Trump said BOTH sides had to negotiate. So please tell us you Racist Hypocrite what the Palestinians have brought to the table that Israel has rejected .

Is there anything to negotiate about?

"Netanyahu: If I'm Elected, There Will Be No Palestinian State"

read more: Netanyahu: If I'm elected, there will be no Palestinian state - Israel election 2015

Meanwhile Israel pulled out of Gaza and the Rockets actually increased. Abbas; ( Not a quote) We want 67 Borders PLUS some of Israel proper that connects The W. Bank and Gaza. We also demand a NJA Palestine plus " Right of Return " which would eventually annex Israel to the New Palestinian State. That is why there will never be the " Two State Solution"

No, there will never be a two-state solution. I agree. The question is, how long can the Israeli Jews maintain rule over a majority of non-Jews.
The Zionist lobby holds an insane amount of political power in this country. Anyone who even questions something that Israel or Bibb does is excoriated and forced to retract or "clarify" what he said.

The obstacle (a mountain, to be honest) is Israel's demand that the indigenous Arabs accede to Israel ' s right to exist AS A JEWISH STATE. Israel's monstrous oppression of the Arabs in Palestine is never protested by the U.S., or even recognized formally. "No justice; no peace." Simple as that.

Tell us exactly what is wrong with recognizing Israel as a JEWISH STATE ? Why should there be a Palestinian State then? Any Arabs inside Israel would still be there wher Abbas is insisting on a NJA Palestinian State. I agree; NO JUSTICE ; NO PEACE !!!
Abbas never said NJA.

You have been misinformed.
Finally American presidential candidates are looking at Israeli intransience for why the ME is always at war: Israel.

AP Conversation: Trump says Mideast peace rests with Israel

STERLING, Va. (AP) — Donald Trump says that if he's elected president, he'll know within six months whether he can achieve an elusive peace accord between Israelis and Palestinians, one of the world's most vexing challenges. But the Republican presidential candidate says he has doubts about each side's commitment to the peace process.

Related Stories
  1. Kerry: Palestinian attacks are 'acts of terrorism' that must be condemned Reuters
  2. PLO's Erekat blames Israel PM for unrest ahead of US talks AFP
  3. Trump tells Jewish group that, like ‘you folks,’ he’s a negotiator MarketWatch
  4. EU says continues Mideast peace role despite Israel move Reuters
  5. Kerry in Israel for 1st time since 2014; no bold peace push Associated Press
  6. Worlds Most Powerful People Before They Got Power! PopLyft Sponsored
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"I have a real question as to whether or not both sides want to make it," Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The Republican front-runner said his concerns are greater regarding "one side in particular." While Trump wouldn't say whether he was referring to the Israelis or the Palestinians, he said the chances for a lasting peace rest with Israel.

"A lot will have to do with Israel and whether or not Israel wants to make the deal — whether or not Israel's willing to sacrifice certain things," Trump said. "They may not be, and I understand that, and I'm OK with that. But then you're just not going to have a deal."

"If I win, I'll let you know six months from the time I take office," he added.

Trump stuck by his comments Thursday while speaking in Washington before the Republican Jewish Coalition, reiterating that he doesn't know "if Israel has the commitment" to reach a peace deal. He was loudly booed when he refused to say whether he supports Israel's position that Jerusalem is its undivided capital.

Slowly read your piost. He made statements about Both sides; not just Israel. He makes reference to Israel sacrificing certain things; NOT giving in to every Palestinian demand .
Maybe he'll do things in America's interest instead of the well heeled donors for Israel, like billionaire for Israel, Adelson...

Maybe Trump will introduce Campaign Finance Laws and render AIPAC toothless!

Notice there was no direct comment regarding my post?
Maybe Trump will insist that the Palestinians NEGOTIATE !!!
How do you negotiate inalienable rights?

Ridiculous thought.
well there ya. go vote for trump.

how can we forget it's about Trump. all 100 threads today are about Trump:spinner:
Finally American presidential candidates are looking at Israeli intransience for why the ME is always at war: Israel.

AP Conversation: Trump says Mideast peace rests with Israel

STERLING, Va. (AP) — Donald Trump says that if he's elected president, he'll know within six months whether he can achieve an elusive peace accord between Israelis and Palestinians, one of the world's most vexing challenges. But the Republican presidential candidate says he has doubts about each side's commitment to the peace process.

Related Stories
  1. Kerry: Palestinian attacks are 'acts of terrorism' that must be condemned Reuters
  2. PLO's Erekat blames Israel PM for unrest ahead of US talks AFP
  3. Trump tells Jewish group that, like ‘you folks,’ he’s a negotiator MarketWatch
  4. EU says continues Mideast peace role despite Israel move Reuters
  5. Kerry in Israel for 1st time since 2014; no bold peace push Associated Press
  6. Worlds Most Powerful People Before They Got Power! PopLyft Sponsored
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"I have a real question as to whether or not both sides want to make it," Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The Republican front-runner said his concerns are greater regarding "one side in particular." While Trump wouldn't say whether he was referring to the Israelis or the Palestinians, he said the chances for a lasting peace rest with Israel.

"A lot will have to do with Israel and whether or not Israel wants to make the deal — whether or not Israel's willing to sacrifice certain things," Trump said. "They may not be, and I understand that, and I'm OK with that. But then you're just not going to have a deal."

"If I win, I'll let you know six months from the time I take office," he added.

Trump stuck by his comments Thursday while speaking in Washington before the Republican Jewish Coalition, reiterating that he doesn't know "if Israel has the commitment" to reach a peace deal. He was loudly booed when he refused to say whether he supports Israel's position that Jerusalem is its undivided capital.
Well, First this Israeli nonsense should not be started at all in 19 century and destroy the 900 years old lasting peace between all stack holders. Second if Elite forces had no choice then they should forced Israel to stuck in Telavive. And now still UNO have no choice but to force Israel to limit it self in Israel first and original capital.
The Zionist lobby holds an insane amount of political power in this country. Anyone who even questions something that Israel or Bibb does is excoriated and forced to retract or "clarify" what he said.

The obstacle (a mountain, to be honest) is Israel's demand that the indigenous Arabs accede to Israel ' s right to exist AS A JEWISH STATE. Israel's monstrous oppression of the Arabs in Palestine is never protested by the U.S., or even recognized formally. "No justice; no peace." Simple as that.

And why not when you expect the world to accept that the US exists as an American state. Did you know that by refusing to accept Israel as the Jewish state the Islamic nations are in breach of the UN charter
Can you link that Israel being a Jewish State is tune with UN policy? I doubt it.


Jewish state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Modern Israel came into existence on 14 May 1948 as the homeland for the Jewish people. It was also defined in its declaration of independence as a "Jewish state," a term that appeared in the United Nations partition decision of 1947 as well.
The Zionist lobby holds an insane amount of political power in this country. Anyone who even questions something that Israel or Bibb does is excoriated and forced to retract or "clarify" what he said.

The obstacle (a mountain, to be honest) is Israel's demand that the indigenous Arabs accede to Israel ' s right to exist AS A JEWISH STATE. Israel's monstrous oppression of the Arabs in Palestine is never protested by the U.S., or even recognized formally. "No justice; no peace." Simple as that.

So you see a problem with Israel being the Jewish state, but not with Palestine being an Islamic muslim state ?
Finally American presidential candidates are looking at Israeli intransience for why the ME is always at war: Israel.

AP Conversation: Trump says Mideast peace rests with Israel

STERLING, Va. (AP) — Donald Trump says that if he's elected president, he'll know within six months whether he can achieve an elusive peace accord between Israelis and Palestinians, one of the world's most vexing challenges. But the Republican presidential candidate says he has doubts about each side's commitment to the peace process.

Related Stories
  1. Kerry: Palestinian attacks are 'acts of terrorism' that must be condemned Reuters
  2. PLO's Erekat blames Israel PM for unrest ahead of US talks AFP
  3. Trump tells Jewish group that, like ‘you folks,’ he’s a negotiator MarketWatch
  4. EU says continues Mideast peace role despite Israel move Reuters
  5. Kerry in Israel for 1st time since 2014; no bold peace push Associated Press
  6. Worlds Most Powerful People Before They Got Power! PopLyft Sponsored
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"I have a real question as to whether or not both sides want to make it," Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The Republican front-runner said his concerns are greater regarding "one side in particular." While Trump wouldn't say whether he was referring to the Israelis or the Palestinians, he said the chances for a lasting peace rest with Israel.

"A lot will have to do with Israel and whether or not Israel wants to make the deal — whether or not Israel's willing to sacrifice certain things," Trump said. "They may not be, and I understand that, and I'm OK with that. But then you're just not going to have a deal."

"If I win, I'll let you know six months from the time I take office," he added.

Trump stuck by his comments Thursday while speaking in Washington before the Republican Jewish Coalition, reiterating that he doesn't know "if Israel has the commitment" to reach a peace deal. He was loudly booed when he refused to say whether he supports Israel's position that Jerusalem is its undivided capital.
Well, First this Israeli nonsense should not be started at all in 19 century and destroy the 900 years old lasting peace between all stack holders. Second if Elite forces had no choice then they should forced Israel to stuck in Telavive. And now still UNO have no choice but to force Israel to limit it self in Israel first and original capital.

And to hell with International law I suppose. What next the bombing of Israel by the muslims until there is not a person or animal left alive. You do realise that International law saws that all of the west bank, Golan heights and gaza are owned by the Jews, and that the UN had no right to partition the land. So what do you have to say now about the reality set down in stone that goes against every claim by the arab muslims.
The Zionist lobby holds an insane amount of political power in this country. Anyone who even questions something that Israel or Bibb does is excoriated and forced to retract or "clarify" what he said.

The obstacle (a mountain, to be honest) is Israel's demand that the indigenous Arabs accede to Israel ' s right to exist AS A JEWISH STATE. Israel's monstrous oppression of the Arabs in Palestine is never protested by the U.S., or even recognized formally. "No justice; no peace." Simple as that.

And why not when you expect the world to accept that the US exists as an American state. Did you know that by refusing to accept Israel as the Jewish state the Islamic nations are in breach of the UN charter
Can you link that Israel being a Jewish State is tune with UN policy? I doubt it.


Jewish state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Modern Israel came into existence on 14 May 1948 as the homeland for the Jewish people. It was also defined in its declaration of independence as a "Jewish state," a term that appeared in the United Nations partition decision of 1947 as well.
A homeland within a secular state within Palestine.

As usual you always distort even in your-own links...

Jewish state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In pre-modern times, the religious laws of Judaism defined a number of prerogatives for a Halachic state.[2] However, when Theodor Herzl who in 1896 wrote Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) giving birth to the modern Zionist movement, he envisioned a state based on European models, which included religious institutions under the aegis of the state. In order to avoid alienating the Ottoman Sultan, there was no explicit reference to a Jewish state by the Zionist Organisation that he founded. The phrase "national home" was intentionally used instead of "state."[3]
Finally American presidential candidates are looking at Israeli intransience for why the ME is always at war: Israel.

AP Conversation: Trump says Mideast peace rests with Israel

STERLING, Va. (AP) — Donald Trump says that if he's elected president, he'll know within six months whether he can achieve an elusive peace accord between Israelis and Palestinians, one of the world's most vexing challenges. But the Republican presidential candidate says he has doubts about each side's commitment to the peace process.

Related Stories
  1. Kerry: Palestinian attacks are 'acts of terrorism' that must be condemned Reuters
  2. PLO's Erekat blames Israel PM for unrest ahead of US talks AFP
  3. Trump tells Jewish group that, like ‘you folks,’ he’s a negotiator MarketWatch
  4. EU says continues Mideast peace role despite Israel move Reuters
  5. Kerry in Israel for 1st time since 2014; no bold peace push Associated Press
  6. Worlds Most Powerful People Before They Got Power! PopLyft Sponsored
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"I have a real question as to whether or not both sides want to make it," Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The Republican front-runner said his concerns are greater regarding "one side in particular." While Trump wouldn't say whether he was referring to the Israelis or the Palestinians, he said the chances for a lasting peace rest with Israel.

"A lot will have to do with Israel and whether or not Israel wants to make the deal — whether or not Israel's willing to sacrifice certain things," Trump said. "They may not be, and I understand that, and I'm OK with that. But then you're just not going to have a deal."

"If I win, I'll let you know six months from the time I take office," he added.

Trump stuck by his comments Thursday while speaking in Washington before the Republican Jewish Coalition, reiterating that he doesn't know "if Israel has the commitment" to reach a peace deal. He was loudly booed when he refused to say whether he supports Israel's position that Jerusalem is its undivided capital.

Slowly read your piost. He made statements about Both sides; not just Israel. He makes reference to Israel sacrificing certain things; NOT giving in to every Palestinian demand .
Maybe he'll do things in America's interest instead of the well heeled donors for Israel, like billionaire for Israel, Adelson...

Maybe Trump will introduce Campaign Finance Laws and render AIPAC toothless!

Notice there was no direct comment regarding my post?
Maybe Trump will insist that the Palestinians NEGOTIATE !!!
How do you negotiate inalienable rights?

Ridiculous thought.

Say Goodbye to the " Two State Solution" the ? Why should Israel agree to eventually annex themselves to the Palestinian State?

Ridiculous thought
Finally American presidential candidates are looking at Israeli intransience for why the ME is always at war: Israel.

AP Conversation: Trump says Mideast peace rests with Israel

STERLING, Va. (AP) — Donald Trump says that if he's elected president, he'll know within six months whether he can achieve an elusive peace accord between Israelis and Palestinians, one of the world's most vexing challenges. But the Republican presidential candidate says he has doubts about each side's commitment to the peace process.

Related Stories
  1. Kerry: Palestinian attacks are 'acts of terrorism' that must be condemned Reuters
  2. PLO's Erekat blames Israel PM for unrest ahead of US talks AFP
  3. Trump tells Jewish group that, like ‘you folks,’ he’s a negotiator MarketWatch
  4. EU says continues Mideast peace role despite Israel move Reuters
  5. Kerry in Israel for 1st time since 2014; no bold peace push Associated Press
  6. Worlds Most Powerful People Before They Got Power! PopLyft Sponsored
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"I have a real question as to whether or not both sides want to make it," Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The Republican front-runner said his concerns are greater regarding "one side in particular." While Trump wouldn't say whether he was referring to the Israelis or the Palestinians, he said the chances for a lasting peace rest with Israel.

"A lot will have to do with Israel and whether or not Israel wants to make the deal — whether or not Israel's willing to sacrifice certain things," Trump said. "They may not be, and I understand that, and I'm OK with that. But then you're just not going to have a deal."

"If I win, I'll let you know six months from the time I take office," he added.

Trump stuck by his comments Thursday while speaking in Washington before the Republican Jewish Coalition, reiterating that he doesn't know "if Israel has the commitment" to reach a peace deal. He was loudly booed when he refused to say whether he supports Israel's position that Jerusalem is its undivided capital.

Slowly read your piost. He made statements about Both sides; not just Israel. He makes reference to Israel sacrificing certain things; NOT giving in to every Palestinian demand .
Maybe he'll do things in America's interest instead of the well heeled donors for Israel, like billionaire for Israel, Adelson...

Maybe Trump will introduce Campaign Finance Laws and render AIPAC toothless!

Notice there was no direct comment regarding my post?
Maybe Trump will insist that the Palestinians NEGOTIATE !!!
How do you negotiate inalienable rights?

Ridiculous thought.

Say Goodbye to the " Two State Solution" the ? Why should Israel agree to eventually annex themselves to the Palestinian State?

Ridiculous thought
Slowly read your piost. He made statements about Both sides; not just Israel. He makes reference to Israel sacrificing certain things; NOT giving in to every Palestinian demand .
Maybe he'll do things in America's interest instead of the well heeled donors for Israel, like billionaire for Israel, Adelson...

Maybe Trump will introduce Campaign Finance Laws and render AIPAC toothless!

Notice there was no direct comment regarding my post?
Maybe Trump will insist that the Palestinians NEGOTIATE !!!
How do you negotiate inalienable rights?

Ridiculous thought.

Say Goodbye to the " Two State Solution" the ? Why should Israel agree to eventually annex themselves to the Palestinian State?

Ridiculous thought

You're the one who is deflecting. Why would anyone in their right mind believe Israel would agree to their destruction abd to become the minority in Palestinian State ?
Maybe he'll do things in America's interest instead of the well heeled donors for Israel, like billionaire for Israel, Adelson...

Maybe Trump will introduce Campaign Finance Laws and render AIPAC toothless!

Notice there was no direct comment regarding my post?
Maybe Trump will insist that the Palestinians NEGOTIATE !!!
How do you negotiate inalienable rights?

Ridiculous thought.

Say Goodbye to the " Two State Solution" the ? Why should Israel agree to eventually annex themselves to the Palestinian State?

Ridiculous thought

You're the one who is deflecting. Why would anyone in their right mind believe Israel would agree to their destruction abd to become the minority in Palestinian State ?
Good question. Why would the whites in South Africa allow the black vote? Things change.
The Zionist lobby holds an insane amount of political power in this country. Anyone who even questions something that Israel or Bibb does is excoriated and forced to retract or "clarify" what he said.

The obstacle (a mountain, to be honest) is Israel's demand that the indigenous Arabs accede to Israel ' s right to exist AS A JEWISH STATE. Israel's monstrous oppression of the Arabs in Palestine is never protested by the U.S., or even recognized formally. "No justice; no peace." Simple as that.

And why not when you expect the world to accept that the US exists as an American state. Did you know that by refusing to accept Israel as the Jewish state the Islamic nations are in breach of the UN charter
Can you link that Israel being a Jewish State is tune with UN policy? I doubt it.


Jewish state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Modern Israel came into existence on 14 May 1948 as the homeland for the Jewish people. It was also defined in its declaration of independence as a "Jewish state," a term that appeared in the United Nations partition decision of 1947 as well.
A homeland within a secular state within Palestine.

As usual you always distort even in your-own links...

Jewish state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In pre-modern times, the religious laws of Judaism defined a number of prerogatives for a Halachic state.[2] However, when Theodor Herzl who in 1896 wrote Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) giving birth to the modern Zionist movement, he envisioned a state based on European models, which included religious institutions under the aegis of the state. In order to avoid alienating the Ottoman Sultan, there was no explicit reference to a Jewish state by the Zionist Organisation that he founded. The phrase "national home" was intentionally used instead of "state."[3]

Not a valid source as the entry in Wiki explains

User:Zeq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user is banned from editing Wikipedia.

Please review the banning policy before commenting or unblocking.

(see: block log · contributions · current autoblocks)


The owner of this account is suspected of abusively using multiple accounts.
(Account information: block log · suspected sockpuppets · confirmed sockpuppets · sockpuppet investigations casepage)
Finally American presidential candidates are looking at Israeli intransience for why the ME is always at war: Israel.

AP Conversation: Trump says Mideast peace rests with Israel

STERLING, Va. (AP) — Donald Trump says that if he's elected president, he'll know within six months whether he can achieve an elusive peace accord between Israelis and Palestinians, one of the world's most vexing challenges. But the Republican presidential candidate says he has doubts about each side's commitment to the peace process.

Related Stories
  1. Kerry: Palestinian attacks are 'acts of terrorism' that must be condemned Reuters
  2. PLO's Erekat blames Israel PM for unrest ahead of US talks AFP
  3. Trump tells Jewish group that, like ‘you folks,’ he’s a negotiator MarketWatch
  4. EU says continues Mideast peace role despite Israel move Reuters
  5. Kerry in Israel for 1st time since 2014; no bold peace push Associated Press
  6. Worlds Most Powerful People Before They Got Power! PopLyft Sponsored
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"I have a real question as to whether or not both sides want to make it," Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The Republican front-runner said his concerns are greater regarding "one side in particular." While Trump wouldn't say whether he was referring to the Israelis or the Palestinians, he said the chances for a lasting peace rest with Israel.

"A lot will have to do with Israel and whether or not Israel wants to make the deal — whether or not Israel's willing to sacrifice certain things," Trump said. "They may not be, and I understand that, and I'm OK with that. But then you're just not going to have a deal."

"If I win, I'll let you know six months from the time I take office," he added.

Trump stuck by his comments Thursday while speaking in Washington before the Republican Jewish Coalition, reiterating that he doesn't know "if Israel has the commitment" to reach a peace deal. He was loudly booed when he refused to say whether he supports Israel's position that Jerusalem is its undivided capital.
Well, First this Israeli nonsense should not be started at all in 19 century and destroy the 900 years old lasting peace between all stack holders. Second if Elite forces had no choice then they should forced Israel to stuck in Telavive. And now still UNO have no choice but to force Israel to limit it self in Israel first and original capital.

And to hell with International law I suppose. What next the bombing of Israel by the muslims until there is not a person or animal left alive. You do realise that International law saws that all of the west bank, Golan heights and gaza are owned by the Jews, and that the UN had no right to partition the land. So what do you have to say now about the reality set down in stone that goes against every claim by the arab muslims.
What ever you say but you can not change the facts.

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