"Apathy is an answer." - "Seven"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Line that burned itself into my long-term memory from the movie where talkign about the apathy of people in the society one of the detectives concludes with "apathy is an answer." In how we ignore much of what's going on so we can function since we can't care about everything because so much is in fact horrible.

So where does compassion max out and apathy begin? We care about our families, our neighbors and friends, some care beyond that. But few care about people in another country, or on the other side of the planet. It's perhaps nice to try, but if we felt the same way about people we've never met, are never going to meet, and wouldn't even be friends with as we do our own families we wouldn't be able to function. We'd feel compelled to help them just as we would our parents or children. So we at some point resign ourselves to indifference and 'out of sight, out of mind' as an emotional defense mechanism.

Is this kind of apathetic thinking one of humanity's basic flaws? Or is it an evolutionary advantage? Is apathy good or bad for us as a species?
Notice it's the small few who care and get involved in the same way it's the small few who tear down and try and destroy creating that havoc. That involvement or
Apathy fluctuates with every individual.
Look at your other post, are we worth it, that question is what makes individuals pause and fluctuate as people are their own worst enemies in that they cause those involved to throw up their hands in disgust to say and ask what for? An example, Israel once offered rescue teams and Dr's to Iran for it's earthquake disaster and Iran refused.
Iran spiteing itself & people=own worst enemy.
Another boneheaded, poorly fleshed out OP from the adolescent brain if delta4, who knows little to nothing about life. Pathetic.
it is an evolutionary advantage to care about those closer to you.

it can be an evolutionary advantage to work with other groups further away, but they could turn around and become enemies or competitors, so our hardwiring to care about them is less.

calling it apathy is spin.
I didn't much care for that movie or Seven Pounds of Flesh...You and my wife suck at picking movies to go see....
Line that burned itself into my long-term memory from the movie where talkign about the apathy of people in the society one of the detectives concludes with "apathy is an answer." In how we ignore much of what's going on so we can function since we can't care about everything because so much is in fact horrible.

So where does compassion max out and apathy begin? We care about our families, our neighbors and friends, some care beyond that. But few care about people in another country, or on the other side of the planet. It's perhaps nice to try, but if we felt the same way about people we've never met, are never going to meet, and wouldn't even be friends with as we do our own families we wouldn't be able to function. We'd feel compelled to help them just as we would our parents or children. So we at some point resign ourselves to indifference and 'out of sight, out of mind' as an emotional defense mechanism.

Is this kind of apathetic thinking one of humanity's basic flaws? Or is it an evolutionary advantage? Is apathy good or bad for us as a species?
EXCELLENT !!!!! ... BRAVO !!!! ...... This is by far, the best post that you've had since I joined this forum almost seven months ago. This is 180 degrees from your usual and normal post. I commend you for stepping outside the box of your usual subject matters.

In my opinion, people do care about humanity in general, but our lives are so consumed with daily survival and issues that directly affects our lives, that we have little time to dwell on others outside of our immediate "world". It's not so much that we don't care about others, it's that we really don't know what to do, nor do we have all the answers to fix the world. We're not "global" when it comes to everyday thinking and acting. As a rule of thumb, we have so much on our plates trying to survive, that we're consumed beyond extra time and energy to consider what others may be going through.

While it's true that some really don't care much about others and how they're doing, there are many that do care, and give aid and assistance as much as they can. The examples are many, and natural disasters around the world draws attention and help from almost every country. We have hearts, we care, we feel the pain of others, but it's usually when we're exposed to it within our normal daily routine, or through the various news media.

The world does have good people, kind people, giving and loving people, but everyone can't be everyone's keeper.
Line that burned itself into my long-term memory from the movie where talkign about the apathy of people in the society one of the detectives concludes with "apathy is an answer." In how we ignore much of what's going on so we can function since we can't care about everything because so much is in fact horrible.

So where does compassion max out and apathy begin? We care about our families, our neighbors and friends, some care beyond that. But few care about people in another country, or on the other side of the planet. It's perhaps nice to try, but if we felt the same way about people we've never met, are never going to meet, and wouldn't even be friends with as we do our own families we wouldn't be able to function. We'd feel compelled to help them just as we would our parents or children. So we at some point resign ourselves to indifference and 'out of sight, out of mind' as an emotional defense mechanism.

Is this kind of apathetic thinking one of humanity's basic flaws? Or is it an evolutionary advantage? Is apathy good or bad for us as a species?
EXCELLENT !!!!! ... BRAVO !!!! ...... This is by far, the best post that you've had since I joined this forum almost seven months ago. This is 180 degrees from your usual and normal post. I commend you for stepping outside the box of your usual subject matters.

In my opinion, people do care about humanity in general, but our lives are so consumed with daily survival and issues that directly affects our lives, that we have little time to dwell on others outside of our immediate "world". It's not so much that we don't care about others, it's that we really don't know what to do, nor do we have all the answers to fix the world. We're not "global" when it comes to everyday thinking and acting. As a rule of thumb, we have so much on our plates trying to survive, that we're consumed beyond extra time and energy to consider what others may be going through.

While it's true that some really don't care much about others and how they're doing, there are many that do care, and give aid and assistance as much as they can. The examples are many, and natural disasters around the world draws attention and help from almost every country. We have hearts, we care, we feel the pain of others, but it's usually when we're exposed to it within our normal daily routine, or through the various news media.

The world does have good people, kind people, giving and loving people, but everyone can't be everyone's keeper.
Its actually not that brilliant an op, at all, as usual from this man child.

Like you said, everyone cannot be everyone's keeper.....and so what we do is we come up with systems.

Governments are those systems, and they reflect the imperfection of collective thought because they disagree on a LOT, depending on culture and region.

"Better" governments DO employ the common goal of lifting all Countries, but all Countries do not believe in either the philosophy or the method.

But to say, as a species, that we are apathetic is simply a projection of your own narcissistic mind.

Most people DO CARE.

That YOU dont, is how you fathom an OP such as this.

Owned. Dork.
Line that burned itself into my long-term memory from the movie where talkign about the apathy of people in the society one of the detectives concludes with "apathy is an answer." In how we ignore much of what's going on so we can function since we can't care about everything because so much is in fact horrible.

So where does compassion max out and apathy begin? We care about our families, our neighbors and friends, some care beyond that. But few care about people in another country, or on the other side of the planet. It's perhaps nice to try, but if we felt the same way about people we've never met, are never going to meet, and wouldn't even be friends with as we do our own families we wouldn't be able to function. We'd feel compelled to help them just as we would our parents or children. So we at some point resign ourselves to indifference and 'out of sight, out of mind' as an emotional defense mechanism.

Is this kind of apathetic thinking one of humanity's basic flaws? Or is it an evolutionary advantage? Is apathy good or bad for us as a species?
EXCELLENT !!!!! ... BRAVO !!!! ...... This is by far, the best post that you've had since I joined this forum almost seven months ago. This is 180 degrees from your usual and normal post. I commend you for stepping outside the box of your usual subject matters.

In my opinion, people do care about humanity in general, but our lives are so consumed with daily survival and issues that directly affects our lives, that we have little time to dwell on others outside of our immediate "world". It's not so much that we don't care about others, it's that we really don't know what to do, nor do we have all the answers to fix the world. We're not "global" when it comes to everyday thinking and acting. As a rule of thumb, we have so much on our plates trying to survive, that we're consumed beyond extra time and energy to consider what others may be going through.

While it's true that some really don't care much about others and how they're doing, there are many that do care, and give aid and assistance as much as they can. The examples are many, and natural disasters around the world draws attention and help from almost every country. We have hearts, we care, we feel the pain of others, but it's usually when we're exposed to it within our normal daily routine, or through the various news media.

The world does have good people, kind people, giving and loving people, but everyone can't be everyone's keeper.
Its actually not that brilliant an op, at all, as usual from this man child.

Like you said, everyone cannot be everyone's keeper.....and so what we do is we come up with systems.

Governments are those systems, and they reflect the imperfection of collective thought because they disagree on a LOT, depending on culture and region.

"Better" governments DO employ the common goal of lifting all Countries, but all Countries do not believe in either the philosophy or the method.

But to say, as a species, that we are apathetic is simply a projection of your own narcissistic mind.

Most people DO CARE.

That YOU dont, is how you fathom an OP such as this.

Owned. Dork.
FYI --- I NEVER said that we were "apathetic". I said just the opposite. Obviously, you have reading comprehension problems. Please show where I said, or implied, that we were apathetic. Narcissistic mind ??? What? Please explain that to me, please. Where in hell do you get that I have a narcissistic mind? I stated that most people care. Again, you need a course in reading comprehension. I mentioned that people around the globe care, contribute when called upon, and show compassion and concerned for others.

Owned? Dork? What in hell is that suppose to mean?
Line that burned itself into my long-term memory from the movie where talkign about the apathy of people in the society one of the detectives concludes with "apathy is an answer." In how we ignore much of what's going on so we can function since we can't care about everything because so much is in fact horrible.

So where does compassion max out and apathy begin? We care about our families, our neighbors and friends, some care beyond that. But few care about people in another country, or on the other side of the planet. It's perhaps nice to try, but if we felt the same way about people we've never met, are never going to meet, and wouldn't even be friends with as we do our own families we wouldn't be able to function. We'd feel compelled to help them just as we would our parents or children. So we at some point resign ourselves to indifference and 'out of sight, out of mind' as an emotional defense mechanism.

Is this kind of apathetic thinking one of humanity's basic flaws? Or is it an evolutionary advantage? Is apathy good or bad for us as a species?
EXCELLENT !!!!! ... BRAVO !!!! ...... This is by far, the best post that you've had since I joined this forum almost seven months ago. This is 180 degrees from your usual and normal post. I commend you for stepping outside the box of your usual subject matters.

In my opinion, people do care about humanity in general, but our lives are so consumed with daily survival and issues that directly affects our lives, that we have little time to dwell on others outside of our immediate "world". It's not so much that we don't care about others, it's that we really don't know what to do, nor do we have all the answers to fix the world. We're not "global" when it comes to everyday thinking and acting. As a rule of thumb, we have so much on our plates trying to survive, that we're consumed beyond extra time and energy to consider what others may be going through.

While it's true that some really don't care much about others and how they're doing, there are many that do care, and give aid and assistance as much as they can. The examples are many, and natural disasters around the world draws attention and help from almost every country. We have hearts, we care, we feel the pain of others, but it's usually when we're exposed to it within our normal daily routine, or through the various news media.

The world does have good people, kind people, giving and loving people, but everyone can't be everyone's keeper.
Its actually not that brilliant an op, at all, as usual from this man child.

Like you said, everyone cannot be everyone's keeper.....and so what we do is we come up with systems.

Governments are those systems, and they reflect the imperfection of collective thought because they disagree on a LOT, depending on culture and region.

"Better" governments DO employ the common goal of lifting all Countries, but all Countries do not believe in either the philosophy or the method.

But to say, as a species, that we are apathetic is simply a projection of your own narcissistic mind.

Most people DO CARE.

That YOU dont, is how you fathom an OP such as this.

Owned. Dork.
FYI --- I NEVER said that we were "apathetic". I said just the opposite. Obviously, you have reading comprehension problems. Please show where I said, or implied, that we were apathetic. Narcissistic mind ??? What? Please explain that to me, please. Where in hell do you get that I have a narcissistic mind? I stated that most people care. Again, you need a course in reading comprehension. I mentioned that people around the globe care, contribute when called upon, and show compassion and concerned for others.

Owned? Dork? What in hell is that suppose to mean?
I was referring to the OP with my post. Not you, my friend sonny fucking clark.

Apart from the first sentence, my entire post is direcTed to the OP.

Your post was a good one, except for the calling the OP a good one part.
Line that burned itself into my long-term memory from the movie where talkign about the apathy of people in the society one of the detectives concludes with "apathy is an answer." In how we ignore much of what's going on so we can function since we can't care about everything because so much is in fact horrible.

So where does compassion max out and apathy begin? We care about our families, our neighbors and friends, some care beyond that. But few care about people in another country, or on the other side of the planet. It's perhaps nice to try, but if we felt the same way about people we've never met, are never going to meet, and wouldn't even be friends with as we do our own families we wouldn't be able to function. We'd feel compelled to help them just as we would our parents or children. So we at some point resign ourselves to indifference and 'out of sight, out of mind' as an emotional defense mechanism.

Is this kind of apathetic thinking one of humanity's basic flaws? Or is it an evolutionary advantage? Is apathy good or bad for us as a species?
EXCELLENT !!!!! ... BRAVO !!!! ...... This is by far, the best post that you've had since I joined this forum almost seven months ago. This is 180 degrees from your usual and normal post. I commend you for stepping outside the box of your usual subject matters.

In my opinion, people do care about humanity in general, but our lives are so consumed with daily survival and issues that directly affects our lives, that we have little time to dwell on others outside of our immediate "world". It's not so much that we don't care about others, it's that we really don't know what to do, nor do we have all the answers to fix the world. We're not "global" when it comes to everyday thinking and acting. As a rule of thumb, we have so much on our plates trying to survive, that we're consumed beyond extra time and energy to consider what others may be going through.

While it's true that some really don't care much about others and how they're doing, there are many that do care, and give aid and assistance as much as they can. The examples are many, and natural disasters around the world draws attention and help from almost every country. We have hearts, we care, we feel the pain of others, but it's usually when we're exposed to it within our normal daily routine, or through the various news media.

The world does have good people, kind people, giving and loving people, but everyone can't be everyone's keeper.
Its actually not that brilliant an op, at all, as usual from this man child.

Like you said, everyone cannot be everyone's keeper.....and so what we do is we come up with systems.

Governments are those systems, and they reflect the imperfection of collective thought because they disagree on a LOT, depending on culture and region.

"Better" governments DO employ the common goal of lifting all Countries, but all Countries do not believe in either the philosophy or the method.

But to say, as a species, that we are apathetic is simply a projection of your own narcissistic mind.

Most people DO CARE.

That YOU dont, is how you fathom an OP such as this.

Owned. Dork.
FYI --- I NEVER said that we were "apathetic". I said just the opposite. Obviously, you have reading comprehension problems. Please show where I said, or implied, that we were apathetic. Narcissistic mind ??? What? Please explain that to me, please. Where in hell do you get that I have a narcissistic mind? I stated that most people care. Again, you need a course in reading comprehension. I mentioned that people around the globe care, contribute when called upon, and show compassion and concerned for others.

Owned? Dork? What in hell is that suppose to mean?
I was referring to the OP with my post. Not you, my friend sonny fucking clark.

Apart from the first sentence, my entire post is direcTed to the OP.

Your post was a good one, except for the calling the OP a good one part.
Thanks. I took it as a comment to my comment since yours was under mine. I didn't think that it was directed at me, but I wasn't sure since it was under my comment to the root post. No problem, we're good. Thanks my friend.
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Line that burned itself into my long-term memory from the movie where talkign about the apathy of people in the society one of the detectives concludes with "apathy is an answer." In how we ignore much of what's going on so we can function since we can't care about everything because so much is in fact horrible.

So where does compassion max out and apathy begin? We care about our families, our neighbors and friends, some care beyond that. But few care about people in another country, or on the other side of the planet. It's perhaps nice to try, but if we felt the same way about people we've never met, are never going to meet, and wouldn't even be friends with as we do our own families we wouldn't be able to function. We'd feel compelled to help them just as we would our parents or children. So we at some point resign ourselves to indifference and 'out of sight, out of mind' as an emotional defense mechanism.

Is this kind of apathetic thinking one of humanity's basic flaws? Or is it an evolutionary advantage? Is apathy good or bad for us as a species?
EXCELLENT !!!!! ... BRAVO !!!! ...... This is by far, the best post that you've had since I joined this forum almost seven months ago. This is 180 degrees from your usual and normal post. I commend you for stepping outside the box of your usual subject matters.

In my opinion, people do care about humanity in general, but our lives are so consumed with daily survival and issues that directly affects our lives, that we have little time to dwell on others outside of our immediate "world". It's not so much that we don't care about others, it's that we really don't know what to do, nor do we have all the answers to fix the world. We're not "global" when it comes to everyday thinking and acting. As a rule of thumb, we have so much on our plates trying to survive, that we're consumed beyond extra time and energy to consider what others may be going through.

While it's true that some really don't care much about others and how they're doing, there are many that do care, and give aid and assistance as much as they can. The examples are many, and natural disasters around the world draws attention and help from almost every country. We have hearts, we care, we feel the pain of others, but it's usually when we're exposed to it within our normal daily routine, or through the various news media.

The world does have good people, kind people, giving and loving people, but everyone can't be everyone's keeper.

Actually, with over 18k posts this is just something I'm pretty sure I've written about before. :) But if people don't like my sex threads, this is an example of what else I'm thinking about.
Line that burned itself into my long-term memory from the movie where talkign about the apathy of people in the society one of the detectives concludes with "apathy is an answer." In how we ignore much of what's going on so we can function since we can't care about everything because so much is in fact horrible.

So where does compassion max out and apathy begin? We care about our families, our neighbors and friends, some care beyond that. But few care about people in another country, or on the other side of the planet. It's perhaps nice to try, but if we felt the same way about people we've never met, are never going to meet, and wouldn't even be friends with as we do our own families we wouldn't be able to function. We'd feel compelled to help them just as we would our parents or children. So we at some point resign ourselves to indifference and 'out of sight, out of mind' as an emotional defense mechanism.

Is this kind of apathetic thinking one of humanity's basic flaws? Or is it an evolutionary advantage? Is apathy good or bad for us as a species?
EXCELLENT !!!!! ... BRAVO !!!! ...... This is by far, the best post that you've had since I joined this forum almost seven months ago. This is 180 degrees from your usual and normal post. I commend you for stepping outside the box of your usual subject matters.

In my opinion, people do care about humanity in general, but our lives are so consumed with daily survival and issues that directly affects our lives, that we have little time to dwell on others outside of our immediate "world". It's not so much that we don't care about others, it's that we really don't know what to do, nor do we have all the answers to fix the world. We're not "global" when it comes to everyday thinking and acting. As a rule of thumb, we have so much on our plates trying to survive, that we're consumed beyond extra time and energy to consider what others may be going through.

While it's true that some really don't care much about others and how they're doing, there are many that do care, and give aid and assistance as much as they can. The examples are many, and natural disasters around the world draws attention and help from almost every country. We have hearts, we care, we feel the pain of others, but it's usually when we're exposed to it within our normal daily routine, or through the various news media.

The world does have good people, kind people, giving and loving people, but everyone can't be everyone's keeper.
Good post, and good reasoning. I wonder if apathy is the best term to describe the situation.
The problems of the world can be overwhelming at times and there is only so much that we can do without hurting our own people. For example, nation building in the ME has been a miserable flop IMO, and what has it bought the host countries or us for that matter.

I think it is nice for us as a nation and as individuals to give aid to war refugees and to victims of natural disasters. By the way, who would step up and help us if we were down?
Line that burned itself into my long-term memory from the movie where talkign about the apathy of people in the society one of the detectives concludes with "apathy is an answer." In how we ignore much of what's going on so we can function since we can't care about everything because so much is in fact horrible.

So where does compassion max out and apathy begin? We care about our families, our neighbors and friends, some care beyond that. But few care about people in another country, or on the other side of the planet. It's perhaps nice to try, but if we felt the same way about people we've never met, are never going to meet, and wouldn't even be friends with as we do our own families we wouldn't be able to function. We'd feel compelled to help them just as we would our parents or children. So we at some point resign ourselves to indifference and 'out of sight, out of mind' as an emotional defense mechanism.

Is this kind of apathetic thinking one of humanity's basic flaws? Or is it an evolutionary advantage? Is apathy good or bad for us as a species?

Yeah we don't give a fuck about anyone on the other side of the planet. I mean when there is a natural disaster in a third world nation you never see a US aircraft carrier show up to offer assistance and aid.

"U.S. aircraft carriers loaded with equipment, supplies and thousands of troops have shown up early to some of the world’s worst disasters over the past decade, including tsunamis in Japan and Indonesia and a deadly earthquake in Haiti. The massive ships are a potent symbol of U.S. power — and charity. Disaster relief has become a key mission for the United States and a way to exercise the softer side of its military influence overseas...

The U.S. humanitarian assistance often includes Marines on the ground within hours or days of a calamity to clear supply routes and airports, then a larger force, led by the Navy and one of its carrier groups. Sailors can use helicopters to airlift disaster victims to safety, take part in search-and-rescue operations and provide medical treatment...

In 2011, the USS Ronald Reagan arrived off Japan’s northeastern coast following a massive earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster...

The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson arrived in Haiti in January 2010, days after an earthquake ...

The Navy was also called to action in December 2004 when one of the worst tsunami disasters on record... the USS Abraham Lincoln was deployed off the coast of Indonesia’s Aceh province, which suffered most of the deaths and destruction. The crew ferried food, water and medical supplies to survivors.occurred following an earthquake in the Indian Ocean.

When disaster strikes US military assets often key to relief efforts - Pacific - Stripes

And the list goes on...and on....and on

"In 2013, the US provided US$4.7 billion for humanitarian emergencies, making it the largest government donor of official humanitarian assistance.

59% of the US’ overall humanitarian assistance in the last 10 years has gone to countries in sub-Saharan Africa....

United States - Global Humanitarian Assistance

And that's just what the government does to say nothing about what US-based, private charitable organizations do. Yeah...what a bunch of heartless apathetic fucks we are
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