APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WW3 anyone?

APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russian fighter jet made multiple, close-range passes near an American warship in the Black Sea for more than 90 minutes Saturday amid escalating tensions in the region, U.S. military officials said Monday.

WWIII? the jet wasn't even armed you idiot. this was done solely to make our president look weak. and so far it appears to be working.

Amazing isn't it. One unarmed Jet. One aegis system frigate. We're whining about being "buzzed."
WW3 anyone?

APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russian fighter jet made multiple, close-range passes near an American warship in the Black Sea for more than 90 minutes Saturday amid escalating tensions in the region, U.S. military officials said Monday.

WWIII? the jet wasn't even armed you idiot. this was done solely to make our president look weak. and so far it appears to be working.

Look for the European Union to scold Russia for wasting fuel in demonstrating something that was already (painfully) obvious.
WW3 anyone?

APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russian fighter jet made multiple, close-range passes near an American warship in the Black Sea for more than 90 minutes Saturday amid escalating tensions in the region, U.S. military officials said Monday.

The Russian fighter made 12 passes at 500ft..............12............and the U.S. Destroyer did not respond. After the first pass, the Captain of the U.S.S. Donald Cook should have activated his 'Phalanx Defensive Cannon' and neutralized the fighter.

These types of encounters between US and Russian forces were very common when I was active duty.

Fortunately, we did not react in the retarded fashion you and your fellow ignoramuses suggest. We did not get our military education from Saturday morning cartoons as you obviously have.
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The US and Russia used to play games like this all the time.

All the fighter did was give the US ship some tracking and General Conditions training.

I'm sure the Russian fighters radar detector was zorched the whole time.

Correct...and the standard response was......mooning them.

In your case that would be an act of war.....
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The USS Cook and it's crew are in extreme danger as they carry out a mission that must be carried out. They present themselves as a target that would be destroyed by overwhelming Russian forces if they were to get into armed conflict. They must be there because other US forces are in the area and also in danger if hostilities begin between the Russian's and any NATO country. They are the mouse in the cat and mouse game. They and their actions show strength and courage, commitment and the willingness to sacrifice. To bad that the rejection of the tradition of leaving politics at the waters edge when our military forces are in harms way and being deployed is now pretty much complete.
When has a Russian fighter ever buzzed a US Destroyer 12 times for 90 minutes at 500ft?

Do you have some reading comprehension difficulty or just don't know the difference between distance and altitude? Perhaps you are just giving an attempt at a little dishonest embellishment. Either way, the type of probe being described is normal for both the US and Russia.

No it isn't. That's a lie.

Dude, you're calling me a liar, but you're the one who seems to vanish every time I make the suggestion that you empty your pocket.
WW3 anyone?

APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russian fighter jet made multiple, close-range passes near an American warship in the Black Sea for more than 90 minutes Saturday amid escalating tensions in the region, U.S. military officials said Monday.
I say shoot down the next Ruskie who tries that again. Barrack Obama will make sure...uh....he'll....um...uh...nevermind.

He will announce that the USS Cook was sunk with all sailors lost after firing on a Russian jet and causing an overwhelming response by cruise missiles carried by dozens of MIG's in the Russian retaliatory strike.
Why did we have a ship in that region , knowing the sensitive situation with Crimea and Ukraine? I think that it was looked at as an act of aggression or posturing by the russians. In my opinion, we should just stay out f that region and let them handle their own business.
Why did we have a ship in that region , knowing the sensitive situation with Crimea and Ukraine? I think that it was looked at as an act of aggression or posturing by the russians. In my opinion, we should just stay out f that region and let them handle their own business.

At any time, the US has ships in ALL the oceans. Im sure that the ship in question was part of a fleet of ships in the area. I don't know, but I would suspect that they are currently in the Black Sea to make a statement to Russia. Russia, in turn, made a statement to the United States. Right now, it's all bluster.

They are in International waters and breaking no maritime laws.

At this point, it is no more than a matter of time before Russia takes the rest of the Ukraine. IT WILL HAPPEN. When this happens, Obama MUST do something - whether he wants to or not, or we will be back to the USSR. Things will go south very quickly from this point on.
This kind of stuff happened all the time during the cold war this should be a pretty clear indicator of what Putin's mindset is.

Indeed. The Ukraine is probably 30 days away from going BACK into Russian hands. The next few weeks will tell the story about Obama.
WW3 anyone?

APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russian fighter jet made multiple, close-range passes near an American warship in the Black Sea for more than 90 minutes Saturday amid escalating tensions in the region, U.S. military officials said Monday.

Doubt it but anything is possible.

That's the scary part about Obama. You never know what a pussy is going to do. It only takes one stupid movement on the part of EITHER party - and it's "katy bar the door". I look for yet more threats from Barry when the Ukraine falls and for Putin to laugh at him - yet again. Barry will then issue new warnings and Putin will ignore them.

Putin is no fool. He knows that he can pretty much do as he wishes. There is no fear of Obama - hell, there isn't any RESPECT for Obama. Putin knows what he is dealing with in Obama.
The U.S. has made it pretty clear we won't get involved militarily in Ukraine so has the rest of Europe it's not a war when only one side fights that's a surrender.

Indeed. When there is no threat - there is no fear. I suspect the folks in the Ukraine must feel real good right about now. The bear (Russia) is at the door and the sheep (The US and Europe) are in the fields grazing.

I don't know how this will all end up - but I suspect that Putin is going to take full advantage of the cowards in Europe and America. Hell, why wouldn't he?

America - "Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana
I thought this guy won a well deserved Nobel Peace Prize, how come he cant stop all of these conflicts?

if we elect another democrat, can we get one with some balls? Quit running these pussies and run campaigns with no issues discussed.
I thought this guy won a well deserved Nobel Peace Prize, how come he cant stop all of these conflicts?

if we elect another democrat, can we get one with some balls? Quit running these pussies and run campaigns with no issues discussed.

"Well deserved Nobel Peace Prize"? For doing what, exactly? Why can't he stop all of these conflicts - because he is not Ronald Reagan. The Soviets were scared shitless of Ronnie. Obama? Nope. They laugh at him. They understand that he is a pussy.

The question HAS to be asked though. If the democrats plan on running another pussy to be the "leader of the free world" - where the HELL with that person come from? There isn't a democrat with a set of balls within the boundaries of the United States.

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