APNewsBreak: Secret Obama-era license let Iran tap dollars

Neither give a shit about you or me or anyone else that does not count their wealth in the billions.

Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, the USSC Justices, the GOP Presidential candidate...and the current President...not to mention he weaponized the IRS and illegally used it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election.

Meanwhile Trump brought jobs back to the US, got workers bonuses and raises, has the best economy / lowest unemployment seen in DECADES (since the 50s/70s for different categories), and has the fewest Americans on unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc..... in decades...

(snicker) Yeah, neither one give a sh!t about the American people....

APNewsBreak: 'Secret Obama-era license let Iran tap dollars'

Lies, all LIES. Thank you.


This might come as a shock to you, but the wrong doings of one man have no impact on the wrong doings of another.
You're correct, two wrongs NEVER make a right, unless of course you're a partisan lemming in which case the wrongs of the other side justify new & improved wrongs by your "side". However, IMHO that sort of misses the bigger picture illustrated by this story...

It's becoming clear that the Obama Administration was up to quite a bit of underhanded machinations that they were successfully able to conceal until after they left office, apparently they were competent when it came to hiding things from prying eyes that would have been damaging to their credibility, something the Trump Administration has shown no aptitude for, in effect the Trump Administration IS transparent (when compared to its predecessor) but only because they're not competent when it comes to keeping secrets, in effect accidental transparency.

The particular instance also provides an example of those "secret deals" that were part of the JCPOA that were being reported at the time of implementation but were dismissed by the Obama Administration, how much more is there? and do side deals like this reinforce the justification for the Trump Administration backing out of it?
Neither give a shit about you or me or anyone else that does not count their wealth in the billions.

Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, the USSC Justices, the GOP Presidential candidate...and the current President...not to mention he weaponized the IRS and illegally used it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election.

Meanwhile Trump brought jobs back to the US, got workers bonuses and raises, has the best economy / lowest unemployment seen in DECADES (since the 50s/70s for different categories), and has the fewest Americans on unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc..... in decades...

(snicker) Yeah, neither one give a sh!t about the American people....


What color is the sky in your fantasy world?

The POTUS does not create or bring back jobs, he does not give workers raises or bonuses and there is not a single economic indicator that changed the path it was on over the past 4 years prior to the past election.

We are 106 months into the current period of economic expansion, of which Trump has been president for a total 17 months...and you lay the credit for the whole thing at his feet as you bow down to worship him.

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Meanwhile Trump brought jobs back to the US
The lies just keep on coming!

The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump

You may remember these words from Donald Trump when he was running for president: “A Trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving America.”

But U.S. companies sent thousands of jobs overseas in his first year as president. And many of the companies responsible for offshoring jobs received huge government contracts.

In fact, according to employment data charted by Good Jobs Nation and Public Citizen, federal contractors alone outsourced 10,269 jobs while taking over $19 billion in government money.

Never before in U.S. history have federal contractors sent so many jobs overseas. Here are the contractors that are offshoring the most jobs under Donald Trump, including the parent company of Carrier
What color is the sky in your fantasy world? The POTUS does not create or bring back jobs...

The lies just keep on coming!

Bwuhahahaha....yeah, the Democrats are having to make the same stupid comments / arguments in an attempt to distract from the fact that Trump, again, has helped forge the greatest / strongest economy in DECADES....

The only thing they have to run on in the mid-terms are:

"We promise to raise your taxes, eliminate your pay raises and bonuses, reduce the number of jobs in the US, put more people back on welfare, unemployment, and food stamps - forcing them back to being highly dependent on the Democratic party for survival...

...and we promise to Impeach the President who gave you all of that, who created the strongest, most successful economy in decades, without any evidence of wrong-doing but simply because we hate him for beating Hillary, a 2-time loser and criminal who could not win her own party's nomination and who should have been in jail on election day, denied the right to vote as a newly sentenced FELON."

Good Luck with that.....

Neither give a shit about you or me or anyone else that does not count their wealth in the billions.

Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, the USSC Justices, the GOP Presidential candidate...and the current President...not to mention he weaponized the IRS and illegally used it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election.

Meanwhile Trump brought jobs back to the US, got workers bonuses and raises, has the best economy / lowest unemployment seen in DECADES (since the 50s/70s for different categories), and has the fewest Americans on unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc..... in decades...

(snicker) Yeah, neither one give a sh!t about the American people....


What color is the sky in your fantasy world?

The POTUS does not create or bring back jobs, he does not give workers raises or bonuses and there is not a single economic indicator that changed the path it was on over the past 4 years prior to the past election.

We are 106 months into the current period of economic expansion, of which Trump has been president for a total 17 months...and you lay the credit for the whole thing at his feet as you bow down to worship him.

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and you take all away he has in fact done cause you hate him.

why is your emo better than someone elses emo?
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What color is the sky in your fantasy world? The POTUS does not create or bring back jobs...

The lies just keep on coming!

Bwuhahahaha....yeah, the Democrats are having to make the same stupid comments / arguments in an attempt to distract from the fact that Trump, again, has helped forge the greatest / strongest economy in DECADES....

The only thing they have to run on in the mid-terms are:

"We promise to raise your taxes, eliminate your pay raises and bonuses, reduce the number of jobs in the US, put more people back on welfare, unemployment, and food stamps - forcing them back to being highly dependent on the Democratic party for survival...

...and we promise to Impeach the President who gave you all of that, who created the strongest, most successful economy in decades, without any evidence of wrong-doing but simply because we hate him for beating Hillary, a 2-time loser and criminal who could not win her own party's nomination and who should have been in jail on election day, denied the right to vote as a newly sentenced FELON."

Good Luck with that.....


How stupid does a man have to be to think the POTUS creates jobs or gives private workers a raise?

It is a crying shame people like you are allowed to vote.

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You may remember these words from Donald Trump when he was running for president: “A Trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving America.”
And you believed that bullshit? :eek:
he believes whatever supports his hate. i've given up and have slid to ignore.

It's amazing that some people don't realize that the "Trump is always right no matter what" lemming slice and the "Trump is always wrong no matter what" lemming slice are intellectually identical, in fact the only difference between the two is the flavor of stupid they prefer to eat for breakfast.
You may remember these words from Donald Trump when he was running for president: “A Trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving America.”
And you believed that bullshit? :eek:
he believes whatever supports his hate. i've given up and have slid to ignore.

It's amazing that some people don't realize that the "Trump is always right no matter what" lemming slice and the "Trump is always wrong no matter what" lemming slice are intellectually identical, in fact the only difference between the two is the flavor of stupid they prefer to eat for breakfast.

yep. if there's a chance in hell that their saying they could be wrong about something COULD EVEN BE REMOTELY CONSTRUED AS A POSITIVE COMMENT TO TRUMP, they will refuse to do it. doesn't matter what the comment is, whether they are right or wrong - they just won't let trump be right cause it seems to cause them personal deep pain. moreso than reading something other than the ingredients in their cherrios.

amazing that the TDS suffers allow trump to get in their head like that.
APNewsBreak: Secret Obama-era license let Iran tap dollars

"The report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations revealed that under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars. If the Omani bank had allowed the exchange without such a license, it would have violated sanctions that bar Iran from transactions that touch the U.S. financial system."

let the defense of the big O kick in while we bitch at trump for a meeting his son-in-law did to get dirt on hillary from a lawyer Obama's DOJ let into the country who wasn't supposed to BE in the country.
Of course Obama supported his brothers in Jihad, they paid his way into the Presidency, right?
APNewsBreak: Secret Obama-era license let Iran tap dollars

"The report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations revealed that under President Barack Obama, the Treasury Department issued a license in February 2016, never previously disclosed, that would have allowed Iran to convert $5.7 billion it held at a bank in Oman from Omani rials into euros by exchanging them first into U.S. dollars. If the Omani bank had allowed the exchange without such a license, it would have violated sanctions that bar Iran from transactions that touch the U.S. financial system."

let the defense of the big O kick in while we bitch at trump for a meeting his son-in-law did to get dirt on hillary from a lawyer Obama's DOJ let into the country who wasn't supposed to BE in the country.
Of course Obama supported his brothers in Jihad, they paid his way into the Presidency, right?
just going by what we know for sure vs. speculate some news into action.
You may remember these words from Donald Trump when he was running for president: “A Trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving America.”
And you believed that bullshit? :eek:
he believes whatever supports his hate. i've given up and have slid to ignore.

It's amazing that some people don't realize that the "Trump is always right no matter what" lemming slice and the "Trump is always wrong no matter what" lemming slice are intellectually identical, in fact the only difference between the two is the flavor of stupid they prefer to eat for breakfast.

yep. if there's a chance in hell that their saying they could be wrong about something COULD EVEN BE REMOTELY CONSTRUED AS A POSITIVE COMMENT TO TRUMP, they will refuse to do it. doesn't matter what the comment is, whether they are right or wrong - they just won't let trump be right cause it seems to cause them personal deep pain. moreso than reading something other than the ingredients in their cherrios.

amazing that the TDS suffers allow trump to get in their head like that.

Are the TDS folks any different than you Trump Worshipers Society folks for whom Trump can do no wrong and everything good that happens in the world is due to him?

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"...you Trump Worshipers Society folks...

By that you mean:

'Americans who did NOT vote for the FELON who could not win her own party's nomination and should have been in prison on election day instead of on the ballot....the same American people who take joy on bursting the butt-hurt Trump-haters' bubble by pointing out that it has been 2 years and the LOSERS can't even prove there was a crime committed warranting an investigation let alone any crime of illegal collusion by the President.....'

You may remember these words from Donald Trump when he was running for president: “A Trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving America.”
And you believed that bullshit? :eek:
he believes whatever supports his hate. i've given up and have slid to ignore.

It's amazing that some people don't realize that the "Trump is always right no matter what" lemming slice and the "Trump is always wrong no matter what" lemming slice are intellectually identical, in fact the only difference between the two is the flavor of stupid they prefer to eat for breakfast.

yep. if there's a chance in hell that their saying they could be wrong about something COULD EVEN BE REMOTELY CONSTRUED AS A POSITIVE COMMENT TO TRUMP, they will refuse to do it. doesn't matter what the comment is, whether they are right or wrong - they just won't let trump be right cause it seems to cause them personal deep pain. moreso than reading something other than the ingredients in their cherrios.

amazing that the TDS suffers allow trump to get in their head like that.

Are the TDS folks any different than you Trump Worshipers Society folks for whom Trump can do no wrong and everything good that happens in the world is due to him?

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see - this is where your own shit blows up in your own ass.

i am critical of trump also - you just choose to ignore that cause you're a one trick pony hooker at a vegas shriners convention and seeing me as i really am would totally fuck up how *you* need me to be so there's order in *your world*.

wipe up, jojo.
You may remember these words from Donald Trump when he was running for president: “A Trump administration will stop the jobs from leaving America.”
And you believed that bullshit? :eek:

Many people believe it is actually happening right now, despite the facts

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Yeah, the ones that don't understand the concept of comparative advantage and why offshoring is necessary to increase domestic economic efficiency and expand the PPF.
"...you Trump Worshipers Society folks...

By that you mean:

'Americans who did NOT vote for the FELON who could not win her own party's nomination and should have been in prison on election day instead of on the ballot....the same American people who take joy on bursting the butt-hurt Trump-haters' bubble by pointing out that it has been 2 years and the LOSERS can't even prove there was a crime committed warranting an investigation let alone any crime of illegal collusion by the President.....'


No, I do not mean that because I also did not vote for that person and I do not worship Trump as you do

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