APNewsBreak: Secret Obama-era license let Iran tap dollars

So, Obama chooses to violate the U.S. Constitution ... AGAIN ...by by-passing Congress to sit down at the negotiating table with the leading source of terrorism and the #1 for destabilization in the Middle East while...:

- ...Iran's leaders mock him publicly

- ...Their military practices striking mock U.S. aircraft carriers

- ...The Mullahs are leading people in chants of 'Death To America'

- ...We know Iran is already violating the TEMP conditions / sanctions put in place until the new conditions under the new Treaty could be established

- ...almost every other nation had walked away from the table.

The Mullahs were right regarding what they claimed while publicly mocking Obama - Obama was DESPERATE to get this Treaty done - agreed to, signed, sealed, and immediately shipped off to the U.N., with the full intent of by-passing Congress as he had already done to engage in the negotiations to begin with.

He was SO DESPERATE to get this Treaty done - adding to his 'Legacy', that:

- He had, again, violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to enter his own personal negotiations with the leaders of a hostile foreign nation on behalf of the United States

- Refused to demand that the release of U.S. Hostages being held by Iran be part of the treaty for FEAR such a request would 'offend' Iran and cause them to back away from the deal - a complete sign of weakness and an act of negotiating from a position of weakness.

- Despite LYING to the American people by telling them he would NOT let Iran have access to 'tap U.S. Dollars, that is exactly what he intended / tried to do.

Once again, in the aftermath of yet another exposed Obama scandal, we find that our 'President' was not working / did not work in the best interest of this country or the American people. Instead. AGAIN, he violated the Constitution in order to work in the best interest of himself and terrorists / terrorist-supporting nations. Once again, President Barak Hussein Obama betrayed the United States and committed what could arguably be called 'Treason' in helping our nation's enemies.

Instead of being recognized for what he truly was / is, Liberals continue to praise him as one of the 'greatest Presidents in U.S. history', refusing to acknowledge his violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law, his continuous financing, supplying, supporting, arming, training, defending and protecting terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, violent illegal gangs, etc...and violated the Constitutional Rights of Americans repeatedly by illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, USSC Justices, opposing party Presidential candidates and their team during Presidential elections (Watergate x 10), and even spied on a newly democratically elected U.S. President as part of a Conspiracy to prevent a candidate from winning the election and plan to treasonously remove him from office should he win the election.

As more and more news of his scandals / treason, like this one, is revealed, liberals / snowflakes dig in deeper - like ticks, tightening their grip on the delusional image / re-written history they have created in their own minds about Obama in defense of their 'messiah'.

Their own proclaimed alternate reality aside, the actual evidence and reported history tell the real story of this President...who will remain THE WORST President in U.S. History as well as a traitor.

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