Apocalypse begins - government shutdown survivors

Ive stocked the pantry with food and water fearing the shortages and mass panic. I have enough gas for the generator to last more then a week... enough firewood to last the winter....

and does this mean we dont have to deal with the damn TSA to board a flight now? :woohoo:

To heck with food.

I loaded a few more cases of wine into the bomb/wine shelter, along with a back-up corkscrew and glasses.

But, a few tins of pate and crackers would be a good idea.
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And it's not too late to order the items on the Zombie Apocalypse List on Amazon!!!!
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It kinda feels like the letdown after Y2K.

I wanted to see explosions and mass destruction, but none of the sort came to pass. Kinda like this alleged government shutdown. Oh wait, nevermind, there are Obamabots disguised as Daleks from Dr. Who out here. They are marching in formation now, chanting in a deep drone: "Buuuush Diiiid Iiiiit" over and over. UH OH ONE OF THEM FOUND ME, THIS MIGHT BE THE END! NO! Nooooo!! PUT DOWN THAT HOPE AND CHANGE POSTER! WAIT! NO DON'T! I DON'T WANT HEALTH INS--- AAAAAGHHH! Urghh..... (Thud)
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Hey don't make fun. Obammy said there would be floods by morning. Planes falling from the skies, starving babies, Locusts, people are dying damn it!!!!
Man I am in a conumdrum. Locusts are covering my house. My newborn baby that I had even though the gubbermint who said they would always take care of me has said fuck you boy for the last ten years is dying. What should I do? What should I do?

There are rumors of zombies and big ass spiders.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeRW_dClNkI]Big Ass Spider! [HD] - Official Trailer - In Theatres 10.18.13 - YouTube[/ame]
To heck with food.

I loaded a few more cases of wine into the bomb/wine shelter, along with back up cork screw and glasses.

But, a few tins of pate and crackers would be a good idea.

Wine... good idea. I'll schedule another supply run for the morning.

We lost 3 good men this morning. And all they had was moscato :crybaby:

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