Apollo's Craft


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a modernism parable about neo-Utopian network directions, inspired by the futuristic film The Fifth Estate. Enjoy (signing off),


Apollo, a UCLA professor, was working to understand how the modern network highway, cyber and commercial, would construct a major communications diadem on Earth. After 9/11, everyone was unnerved about capitalism networks and infrastructure reliability and even safe fly-zones for commercial airlines. Apollo was studying the patterns of network intersections to appreciate how the modern globalization oriented highway built an effective communications based intellectualism, secure and reliable. Apollo was grateful that UCLA had the right infrastructure analysis necessary to evaluate new age American diagonals.


APOLLO: "We musn't fail in this analysis, for it speaks to an emergent pro-globalization American based diligence which I teach."


Now, Apollo wasn't just an infrastructure expert but also a computer labyrinth wizard. He was evaluating network channels stretching from the Salk in California to Fort Knox and NSA cyber-systems in D.C. This was the ultimate super-computing imagination speaking to modernism imagination. Apollo decided to create a macro-highway diagram, integrating computing hubs and servers with real definition.


JENNIFER: "I'm really worried about my boyfriend, Apollo, because this 'macro-net' study might snap his sanity, my friends!"


Apollo decided to create an online virtual macro-global net communications dialogue, inviting members from government, the arts, and sciences, to dissect the shape and quality of modernism theater. He started his network base online in British Columbia and branched out from there to Los Angeles through the US states to D.C. This was a macro-American diorama, and Apollo wanted to coordinate network totems with traffic diamonds.


HP (HEWLETT-PACKARD): "We're sidekicks on this 'Apollo Craft' sociology online community project symbolizing real data."


Meanwhile, the US President was boarding his private airplane Air Force One to fly to Fort Knox to inspect the new security systems designed to protect American gold and fortunes, security systems which were defined to be non-confusing cyber!


A NASA pilot was commanded to learn the geometry of modern cyber-aeronautics engineering to aid Apollo on his online community club dialogue, because NASA didn't want to fall behind in this modernism dance!


APOLLO: "I've designed a Fort Knox cyber-hacking virus-like algorithm which can scramble the layers of alarms to create doors."


Why did Apollo include this Fort Knox cyber-security subversion diagram for his online community club dialogue/discussion? Well, my friends, in this new age of anti-capitalism terrorism, it wasn't only Americans who were concerned with the 'shape' of homeland diamonds.


NASA: "To harness all this modern cyber-threadwork, we need studious minds to appreciate the quality of neo-modern dials."


Isn't this why NASA boasts such advanced computer monitoring systems for its modern missions and protocols? Computers control everything, man! That's what Timothy Leary or George Orwell warned us about, right? Well, to account for such toy-mindedness, Apollo wanted his online dialogue to include understandings of the shape of neo-modern dangers.


APOLLO: "Here's my Fort Knox hacker costume, designed to make me look like a government specter dissecting dollars."


JENNIFER: "When my boyfriend, Apollo, is through with all this macro-network insanity, I'll take him for wine and dinner to a bistro!"


FDR: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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