Apologies Are a Joke

The only thing worse than an apology is no apology.
FALSE! Apologies are worse, because they're :bsflag::boohoo:
I'm sorry (OK that's BS) but not all apologies are BS. Have you never given someone a sincere apology?

An apology is, literally, the least you can do. Sincere or not, it is an admission of guilt. If you can't even do that, you're saying "I did nothing wrong".

I have never heard Trump apologize for anything. The closest I've heard is him blaming some unnamed person for giving him incorrect information. Someone who can't admit he was wrong is also incapable of accepting that others may be right and that he should take their advice. Such arrogance in a powerful man is dangerous.
Al Franken apologized. Charlie Rose apologized. 1000 convicted murderers apologized to their victims' families. What do all these misfits have in common ? They are all looking to eliminate or (more likely) reduce the penalties to be imposed on them. Simple as that.

That's all an apology is. It's a self-serving act, that a malicious perpetrator engages in, to try to get himself off the hook. Oh, you thought they cared about the victim ? Don't make me laugh.

Apologies are designed for the benefit OF THE APOLOGIZER, nobody else.

Al Franken's victim (Leann Tweeden) said she accepted his apology. That's wrong. He doesn't care about her. He's acting on HIS OWN behalf, not for her.
I have a hard time understanding what your point here. Is it when you behaved badly in the past and get called on it you shouldn't apologize? You seem to be implying to not favor taking responsibility. When Franken apologizes Tweeden shouldn't accept it because it's insincere? Do you think she'd prefer it when he'd deny it? This is of course what both Trump and Moore who flat out deny the accusation a against them did. If you care about the victims why don't you find denying problematic?
1. I never imply anything
2. You should not apologize. You should ATTONE.
3. Talking responsibility is done by attoning. Apologizing is the avoidance of responsibility.
4. Apologizing is insincere. Tweeden should not accept. She should call on FRanken to attone.
5. Denying is off topic
6. Denying is a problem when someone is guilty. I never said anything about denying. You're changing the subject.
1. Everybody implies things, saying you never do points too not a lot of self criticism.
2. How do you atone for behaving inappropriately if you don't apologize? Isn't apologizing the first step too atonement? Practically what do you expect Franken to do as atonement?
3. What is he supposed to do? If you admit to your faults, apologize to the person you wronged even go as far as ask to have your behavior investigated how are you NOT taking responsibility? Throwing words around as atone and responsibility while at the same time not acknowledging the meaning of those words makes you either disingenuous or stupid. For the record I don't think your stupid.
4. You know for a fact it's insincere? How do you know. In my life I've hurt people on plenty of occasions, most of the time without meaning to. Some of those times it took other people calling me out on it for me to realize I was at fault. When this happened the very first action I took was apologize. Tell me why you are certain when Franken did those things it was insincere?
5. Denying is not of topic since the whole premise of this OP is that you find apologies a joke. In cases of sexual inappropriate behavior there is very little you can practically do but apologize and not behave in the same way in the future. Of those 2 things apologizing is the only thing that is of immediate use to the victim, since it at least shows that the perpetrator realizes that what he did was wrong. On the other hand not apologizing will be construed as denying the behavior and as such does damage to those victims.
6. You are right you didn't say anything about denying. I find that in itself telling actually. Al Franken's behavior isn't the only politician under scrutiny for sexually inappropriate behavior, the only difference is that he owned up to it. To now start an OP how apologizing is insincere while not broaching those other people who just deny the allegations is pretty cynical.
So, why hasn't Moore apologized yet?

Why should he if he is innocent of the allegations?

The yearbook thing has already been proven to be a fraud. So why should any of the other allegations be taken seriously since they all just come out with it?

Link? Because I have yet to hear any news agency say that the yearbook has been submitted for analysis, or that they have compared the signature and came up with it being fake. Yeah, there was some political journalist that said it, but they aren't handwriting analysts.

When someone who actually knows something about the subject debunks it, then get back to me.
Rubbish! Any idiot can see they're 2/different handwritings, from 2 different people.

You're right. Any idiot would say that they are two signatures from two different people. But, that is because the idiot hasn't been trained on handwriting analysis, and I'd be willing to bet that you are one of the idiots that has zero experience in handwriting analysis.
The only thing worse than an apology is no apology.
FALSE! Apologies are worse, because they're :bsflag::boohoo:
I'm sorry (OK that's BS) but not all apologies are BS. Have you never given someone a sincere apology?

An apology is, literally, the least you can do. Sincere or not, it is an admission of guilt. If you can't even do that, you're saying "I did nothing wrong".

I have never heard Trump apologize for anything. The closest I've heard is him blaming some unnamed person for giving him incorrect information. Someone who can't admit he was wrong is also incapable of accepting that others may be right and that he should take their advice. Such arrogance in a powerful man is dangerous.
1. I do remember Trump admitting being wrong afew times. Example: he said he shouldn't have revised his original Muslim ban.
2. Apology is not the least you can do for the victim. It's not for the victim. It's for the apologizer.
3. You want to do something for the victim ? Then ATTONE. Sacrifice something.
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So, why hasn't Moore apologized yet?

Why should he if he is innocent of the allegations?

The yearbook thing has already been proven to be a fraud. So why should any of the other allegations be taken seriously since they all just come out with it?

Link? Because I have yet to hear any news agency say that the yearbook has been submitted for analysis, or that they have compared the signature and came up with it being fake. Yeah, there was some political journalist that said it, but they aren't handwriting analysts.

When someone who actually knows something about the subject debunks it, then get back to me.
Rubbish! Any idiot can see they're 2/different handwritings, from 2 different people.

You're right. Any idiot would say that they are two signatures from two different people. But, that is because the idiot hasn't been trained on handwriting analysis, and I'd be willing to bet that you are one of the idiots that has zero experience in handwriting analysis.
That's because you're the idiot who can't discern 2 obviously different signatures from 2 different people
The only thing worse than an apology is no apology.
FALSE! Apologies are worse, because they're :bsflag::boohoo:
I'm sorry (OK that's BS) but not all apologies are BS. Have you never given someone a sincere apology?

An apology is, literally, the least you can do. Sincere or not, it is an admission of guilt. If you can't even do that, you're saying "I did nothing wrong".

I have never heard Trump apologize for anything. The closest I've heard is him blaming some unnamed person for giving him incorrect information. Someone who can't admit he was wrong is also incapable of accepting that others may be right and that he should take their advice. Such arrogance in a powerful man is dangerous.
1. I do remember Trump admitting being wrong afew times. Example: he said he shouldn't have revised his original Muslim ban.
2. Apology is not the least you can do for the victim. It's not for the victim
It's for the apologizer.
3. You want to do something for the victim ? Then ATTONE. Sacrifice something.

1. Trump's original Muslim ban was unconstitutional. He HAD to revise it.

2. An apology is actually for both the victim and the apologizer, because it is an acknowledgement that there was a wrong committed, and the aplogizer is recognizing that the behavior was inappropriate and in the apology, the victim gets acknowledgement that a wrong was committed.

3. I think you are a bit confused about the word "atone". Atonement is something that the perpetrator does to correct a wrong to the victim. Here, lemmie help you out with the definition from Dictionary.com.



verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
1. to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
2. to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
3. Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
verb (used with object), atoned, atoning.
4. to make amends for; expiate:
He atoned his sins.
5. Obsolete. to bring into unity, harmony, concord, etc.

Vocabulary wasn't your strong suit in school, was it?
So, why hasn't Moore apologized yet?

Why should he if he is innocent of the allegations?

The yearbook thing has already been proven to be a fraud. So why should any of the other allegations be taken seriously since they all just come out with it?

Link? Because I have yet to hear any news agency say that the yearbook has been submitted for analysis, or that they have compared the signature and came up with it being fake. Yeah, there was some political journalist that said it, but they aren't handwriting analysts.

When someone who actually knows something about the subject debunks it, then get back to me.
Rubbish! Any idiot can see they're 2/different handwritings, from 2 different people.

You're right. Any idiot would say that they are two signatures from two different people. But, that is because the idiot hasn't been trained on handwriting analysis, and I'd be willing to bet that you are one of the idiots that has zero experience in handwriting analysis.
That's because you're the idiot who can't discern 2 obviously different signatures from 2 different people

You're the idiot who is making a judgement on the signatures without being trained in handwriting analysis.
Al Franken apologized. Charlie Rose apologized. 1000 convicted murderers apologized to their victims' families. What do all these misfits have in common ? They are all looking to eliminate or (more likely) reduce the penalties to be imposed on them. Simple as that.

That's all an apology is. It's a self-serving act, that a malicious perpetrator engages in, to try to get himself off the hook. Oh, you thought they cared about the victim ? Don't make me laugh.

Apologies are designed for the benefit OF THE APOLOGIZER, nobody else.

Al Franken's victim (Leann Tweeden) said she accepted his apology. That's wrong. He doesn't care about her. He's acting on HIS OWN behalf, not for her.
I have a hard time understanding what your point here. Is it when you behaved badly in the past and get called on it you shouldn't apologize? You seem to be implying to not favor taking responsibility. When Franken apologizes Tweeden shouldn't accept it because it's insincere? Do you think she'd prefer it when he'd deny it? This is of course what both Trump and Moore who flat out deny the accusation a against them did. If you care about the victims why don't you find denying problematic?
1. I never imply anything
2. You should not apologize. You should ATTONE.
3. Talking responsibility is done by attoning. Apologizing is the avoidance of responsibility.
4. Apologizing is insincere. Tweeden should not accept. She should call on FRanken to attone.
5. Denying is off topic
6. Denying is a problem when someone is guilty. I never said anything about denying. You're changing the subject.
1. Everybody implies things, saying you never do points too not a lot of self criticism.
2. How do you atone for behaving inappropriately if you don't apologize? Isn't apologizing the first step too atonement? Practically what do you expect Franken to do as atonement?
3. What is he supposed to do? If you admit to your faults, apologize to the person you wronged even go as far as ask to have your behavior investigated how are you NOT taking responsibility? Throwing words around as atone and responsibility while at the same time not acknowledging the meaning of those words makes you either disingenuous or stupid. For the record I don't think your stupid.
4. You know for a fact it's insincere? How do you know. In my life I've hurt people on plenty of occasions, most of the time without meaning to. Some of those times it took other people calling me out on it for me to realize I was at fault. When this happened the very first action I took was apologize. Tell me why you are certain when Franken did those things it was insincere?
5. Denying is not of topic since the whole premise of this OP is that you find apologies a joke. In cases of sexual inappropriate behavior there is very little you can practically do but apologize and not behave in the same way in the future. Of those 2 things apologizing is the only thing that is of immediate use to the victim, since it at least shows that the perpetrator realizes that what he did was wrong. On the other hand not apologizing will be construed as denying the behavior and as such does damage to those victims.
6. You are right you didn't say anything about denying. I find that in itself telling actually. Al Franken's behavior isn't the only politician under scrutiny for sexually inappropriate behavior, the only difference is that he owned up to it. To now start an OP how apologizing is insincere while not broaching those other people who just deny the allegations is pretty cynical.
1. I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything, period. These are actions of cowards. If I have something to say, I just say it.
2. Read the OP.
3. Investigation is avoidance of responsibility. A deflection. Nothing to investigate. Confession and photo evidence already here. Franken needs to QUIT.
4. If he were sincere, he would have admitted it YEARS ago, and would have come up with a way to attone.
5. Read the OP - the part in red.
6. If you're innocent, you deny. Only those guilty need to confess. Franken didn't do that for 30 years. He covered it up, and issued his self-serving apology only when he was caught, and a photo expose'
Al Franken apologized. Charlie Rose apologized. 1000 convicted murderers apologized to their victims' families. What do all these misfits have in common ? They are all looking to eliminate or (more likely) reduce the penalties to be imposed on them. Simple as that.

That's all an apology is. It's a self-serving act, that a malicious perpetrator engages in, to try to get himself off the hook. Oh, you thought they cared about the victim ? Don't make me laugh.

Apologies are designed for the benefit OF THE APOLOGIZER, nobody else.

Al Franken's victim (Leann Tweeden) said she accepted his apology. That's wrong. He doesn't care about her. He's acting on HIS OWN behalf, not for her.
I have a hard time understanding what your point here. Is it when you behaved badly in the past and get called on it you shouldn't apologize? You seem to be implying to not favor taking responsibility. When Franken apologizes Tweeden shouldn't accept it because it's insincere? Do you think she'd prefer it when he'd deny it? This is of course what both Trump and Moore who flat out deny the accusation a against them did. If you care about the victims why don't you find denying problematic?
1. I never imply anything
2. You should not apologize. You should ATTONE.
3. Talking responsibility is done by attoning. Apologizing is the avoidance of responsibility.
4. Apologizing is insincere. Tweeden should not accept. She should call on FRanken to attone.
5. Denying is off topic
6. Denying is a problem when someone is guilty. I never said anything about denying. You're changing the subject.
1. Everybody implies things, saying you never do points too not a lot of self criticism.
2. How do you atone for behaving inappropriately if you don't apologize? Isn't apologizing the first step too atonement? Practically what do you expect Franken to do as atonement?
3. What is he supposed to do? If you admit to your faults, apologize to the person you wronged even go as far as ask to have your behavior investigated how are you NOT taking responsibility? Throwing words around as atone and responsibility while at the same time not acknowledging the meaning of those words makes you either disingenuous or stupid. For the record I don't think your stupid.
4. You know for a fact it's insincere? How do you know. In my life I've hurt people on plenty of occasions, most of the time without meaning to. Some of those times it took other people calling me out on it for me to realize I was at fault. When this happened the very first action I took was apologize. Tell me why you are certain when Franken did those things it was insincere?
5. Denying is not of topic since the whole premise of this OP is that you find apologies a joke. In cases of sexual inappropriate behavior there is very little you can practically do but apologize and not behave in the same way in the future. Of those 2 things apologizing is the only thing that is of immediate use to the victim, since it at least shows that the perpetrator realizes that what he did was wrong. On the other hand not apologizing will be construed as denying the behavior and as such does damage to those victims.
6. You are right you didn't say anything about denying. I find that in itself telling actually. Al Franken's behavior isn't the only politician under scrutiny for sexually inappropriate behavior, the only difference is that he owned up to it. To now start an OP how apologizing is insincere while not broaching those other people who just deny the allegations is pretty cynical.
1. I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything, period. These are actions of cowards. If I have something to say, I just say it.
2. Read the OP.
3. Investigation is avoidance of responsibility. A deflection. Nothing to investigate. Confession and photo evidence already here. Franken needs to QUIT.
4. If he were sincere, he would have admitted it YEARS ago, and would have come up with a way to attone.
5. Read the OP - the part in red.
6. If you're innocent, you deny. Only those guilty need to confess. Franken didn't do that for 30 years. He covered it up, and issued his self-serving apology only when he was caught, and a photo expose'

Should Trump quit? After all audio evidence provided.
The only thing worse than an apology is no apology.
FALSE! Apologies are worse, because they're :bsflag::boohoo:
I'm sorry (OK that's BS) but not all apologies are BS. Have you never given someone a sincere apology?

An apology is, literally, the least you can do. Sincere or not, it is an admission of guilt. If you can't even do that, you're saying "I did nothing wrong".

I have never heard Trump apologize for anything. The closest I've heard is him blaming some unnamed person for giving him incorrect information. Someone who can't admit he was wrong is also incapable of accepting that others may be right and that he should take their advice. Such arrogance in a powerful man is dangerous.
1. I do remember Trump admitting being wrong afew times. Example: he said he shouldn't have revised his original Muslim ban.
2. Apology is not the least you can do for the victim. It's not for the victim
It's for the apologizer.
3. You want to do something for the victim ? Then ATTONE. Sacrifice something.

1. Trump's original Muslim ban was unconstitutional. He HAD to revise it.

2. An apology is actually for both the victim and the apologizer, because it is an acknowledgement that there was a wrong committed, and the aplogizer is recognizing that the behavior was inappropriate and in the apology, the victim gets acknowledgement that a wrong was committed.

3. I think you are a bit confused about the word "atone". Atonement is something that the perpetrator does to correct a wrong to the victim. Here, lemmie help you out with the definition from Dictionary.com.



verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
1. to make amends or reparaton, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
2. to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
3. Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
verb (used with object), atoned, atoning.
4. to make amends for; expiate:
He atoned his sins.
5. Obsolete. to bring into unity, harmony, concord, etc.

Vocabulary wasn't your strong suit in school, was it?
1. Muslim ban was upheld by the SCOTUS.
2. FALSE! Apologies are for the apologizer.
3. You think wrong. Your posted definition confirmed exactly what I said and meant. It's you who is confused.
4. Maybe you can afford to engage in a conversation. I can,t. I have only 500 MB per month from Assurance Wireless, and I'm typing on a cell phone
So I'm off the computer now. Go ahead and post again now, knowing I can' t answer, if you're enough of a coward to do that.
Al Franken apologized. Charlie Rose apologized. 1000 convicted murderers apologized to their victims' families. What do all these misfits have in common ? They are all looking to eliminate or (more likely) reduce the penalties to be imposed on them. Simple as that.

That's all an apology is. It's a self-serving act, that a malicious perpetrator engages in, to try to get himself off the hook. Oh, you thought they cared about the victim ? Don't make me laugh.

Apologies are designed for the benefit OF THE APOLOGIZER, nobody else.

Al Franken's victim (Leann Tweeden) said she accepted his apology. That's wrong. He doesn't care about her. He's acting on HIS OWN behalf, not for her.
I have a hard time understanding what your point here. Is it when you behaved badly in the past and get called on it you shouldn't apologize? You seem to be implying to not favor taking responsibility. When Franken apologizes Tweeden shouldn't accept it because it's insincere? Do you think she'd prefer it when he'd deny it? This is of course what both Trump and Moore who flat out deny the accusation a against them did. If you care about the victims why don't you find denying problematic?
1. I never imply anything
2. You should not apologize. You should ATTONE.
3. Talking responsibility is done by attoning. Apologizing is the avoidance of responsibility.
4. Apologizing is insincere. Tweeden should not accept. She should call on FRanken to attone.
5. Denying is off topic
6. Denying is a problem when someone is guilty. I never said anything about denying. You're changing the subject.
1. Everybody implies things, saying you never do points too not a lot of self criticism.
2. How do you atone for behaving inappropriately if you don't apologize? Isn't apologizing the first step too atonement? Practically what do you expect Franken to do as atonement?
3. What is he supposed to do? If you admit to your faults, apologize to the person you wronged even go as far as ask to have your behavior investigated how are you NOT taking responsibility? Throwing words around as atone and responsibility while at the same time not acknowledging the meaning of those words makes you either disingenuous or stupid. For the record I don't think your stupid.
4. You know for a fact it's insincere? How do you know. In my life I've hurt people on plenty of occasions, most of the time without meaning to. Some of those times it took other people calling me out on it for me to realize I was at fault. When this happened the very first action I took was apologize. Tell me why you are certain when Franken did those things it was insincere?
5. Denying is not of topic since the whole premise of this OP is that you find apologies a joke. In cases of sexual inappropriate behavior there is very little you can practically do but apologize and not behave in the same way in the future. Of those 2 things apologizing is the only thing that is of immediate use to the victim, since it at least shows that the perpetrator realizes that what he did was wrong. On the other hand not apologizing will be construed as denying the behavior and as such does damage to those victims.
6. You are right you didn't say anything about denying. I find that in itself telling actually. Al Franken's behavior isn't the only politician under scrutiny for sexually inappropriate behavior, the only difference is that he owned up to it. To now start an OP how apologizing is insincere while not broaching those other people who just deny the allegations is pretty cynical.
1. I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything, period. These are actions of cowards. If I have something to say, I just say it.
2. Read the OP.
3. Investigation is avoidance of responsibility. A deflection. Nothing to investigate. Confession and photo evidence already here. Franken needs to QUIT.
4. If he were sincere, he would have admitted it YEARS ago, and would have come up with a way to attone.
5. Read the OP - the part in red.
6. If you're innocent, you deny. Only those guilty need to confess. Franken didn't do that for 30 years. He covered it up, and issued his self-serving apology only when he was caught, and a photo expose'

Should Trump quit? After all audio evidence provided.

If he does, you get Pence, who's much more conservative. :biggrin:
Al Franken apologized. Charlie Rose apologized. 1000 convicted murderers apologized to their victims' families. What do all these misfits have in common ? They are all looking to eliminate or (more likely) reduce the penalties to be imposed on them. Simple as that.

That's all an apology is. It's a self-serving act, that a malicious perpetrator engages in, to try to get himself off the hook. Oh, you thought they cared about the victim ? Don't make me laugh.

Apologies are designed for the benefit OF THE APOLOGIZER, nobody else.

Al Franken's victim (Leann Tweeden) said she accepted his apology. That's wrong. He doesn't care about her. He's acting on HIS OWN behalf, not for her.

Indeed. The Pervnado apologies are all political "I'm sorry I got caught" statements.
Al Franken apologized. Charlie Rose apologized. 1000 convicted murderers apologized to their victims' families. What do all these misfits have in common ? They are all looking to eliminate or (more likely) reduce the penalties to be imposed on them. Simple as that.

That's all an apology is. It's a self-serving act, that a malicious perpetrator engages in, to try to get himself off the hook. Oh, you thought they cared about the victim ? Don't make me laugh.

Apologies are designed for the benefit OF THE APOLOGIZER, nobody else.

Al Franken's victim (Leann Tweeden) said she accepted his apology. That's wrong. He doesn't care about her. He's acting on HIS OWN behalf, not for her.
I have a hard time understanding what your point here. Is it when you behaved badly in the past and get called on it you shouldn't apologize? You seem to be implying to not favor taking responsibility. When Franken apologizes Tweeden shouldn't accept it because it's insincere? Do you think she'd prefer it when he'd deny it? This is of course what both Trump and Moore who flat out deny the accusation a against them did. If you care about the victims why don't you find denying problematic?
1. I never imply anything
2. You should not apologize. You should ATTONE.
3. Talking responsibility is done by attoning. Apologizing is the avoidance of responsibility.
4. Apologizing is insincere. Tweeden should not accept. She should call on FRanken to attone.
5. Denying is off topic
6. Denying is a problem when someone is guilty. I never said anything about denying. You're changing the subject.
1. Everybody implies things, saying you never do points too not a lot of self criticism.
2. How do you atone for behaving inappropriately if you don't apologize? Isn't apologizing the first step too atonement? Practically what do you expect Franken to do as atonement?
3. What is he supposed to do? If you admit to your faults, apologize to the person you wronged even go as far as ask to have your behavior investigated how are you NOT taking responsibility? Throwing words around as atone and responsibility while at the same time not acknowledging the meaning of those words makes you either disingenuous or stupid. For the record I don't think your stupid.
4. You know for a fact it's insincere? How do you know. In my life I've hurt people on plenty of occasions, most of the time without meaning to. Some of those times it took other people calling me out on it for me to realize I was at fault. When this happened the very first action I took was apologize. Tell me why you are certain when Franken did those things it was insincere?
5. Denying is not of topic since the whole premise of this OP is that you find apologies a joke. In cases of sexual inappropriate behavior there is very little you can practically do but apologize and not behave in the same way in the future. Of those 2 things apologizing is the only thing that is of immediate use to the victim, since it at least shows that the perpetrator realizes that what he did was wrong. On the other hand not apologizing will be construed as denying the behavior and as such does damage to those victims.
6. You are right you didn't say anything about denying. I find that in itself telling actually. Al Franken's behavior isn't the only politician under scrutiny for sexually inappropriate behavior, the only difference is that he owned up to it. To now start an OP how apologizing is insincere while not broaching those other people who just deny the allegations is pretty cynical.
1. I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything, period. These are actions of cowards. If I have something to say, I just say it.
2. Read the OP.
3. Investigation is avoidance of responsibility. A deflection. Nothing to investigate. Confession and photo evidence already here. Franken needs to QUIT.
4. If he were sincere, he would have admitted it YEARS ago, and would have come up with a way to attone.
5. Read the OP - the part in red.
6. If you're innocent, you deny. Only those guilty need to confess. Franken didn't do that for 30 years. He covered it up, and issued his self-serving apology only when he was caught, and a photo expose'

Should Trump quit? After all audio evidence provided.

Oh and by the way Franken should probably quit. On a personal level the apology is sufficient but as someone in public office though he lost all credibility. My problem lays in the fact that people who do these things but don't apologize according to your OP are perfectly ok staying in office, after all you can then claim they are innocent since they didn't admit to it.
I have a hard time understanding what your point here. Is it when you behaved badly in the past and get called on it you shouldn't apologize? You seem to be implying to not favor taking responsibility. When Franken apologizes Tweeden shouldn't accept it because it's insincere? Do you think she'd prefer it when he'd deny it? This is of course what both Trump and Moore who flat out deny the accusation a against them did. If you care about the victims why don't you find denying problematic?
1. I never imply anything
2. You should not apologize. You should ATTONE.
3. Talking responsibility is done by attoning. Apologizing is the avoidance of responsibility.
4. Apologizing is insincere. Tweeden should not accept. She should call on FRanken to attone.
5. Denying is off topic
6. Denying is a problem when someone is guilty. I never said anything about denying. You're changing the subject.
1. Everybody implies things, saying you never do points too not a lot of self criticism.
2. How do you atone for behaving inappropriately if you don't apologize? Isn't apologizing the first step too atonement? Practically what do you expect Franken to do as atonement?
3. What is he supposed to do? If you admit to your faults, apologize to the person you wronged even go as far as ask to have your behavior investigated how are you NOT taking responsibility? Throwing words around as atone and responsibility while at the same time not acknowledging the meaning of those words makes you either disingenuous or stupid. For the record I don't think your stupid.
4. You know for a fact it's insincere? How do you know. In my life I've hurt people on plenty of occasions, most of the time without meaning to. Some of those times it took other people calling me out on it for me to realize I was at fault. When this happened the very first action I took was apologize. Tell me why you are certain when Franken did those things it was insincere?
5. Denying is not of topic since the whole premise of this OP is that you find apologies a joke. In cases of sexual inappropriate behavior there is very little you can practically do but apologize and not behave in the same way in the future. Of those 2 things apologizing is the only thing that is of immediate use to the victim, since it at least shows that the perpetrator realizes that what he did was wrong. On the other hand not apologizing will be construed as denying the behavior and as such does damage to those victims.
6. You are right you didn't say anything about denying. I find that in itself telling actually. Al Franken's behavior isn't the only politician under scrutiny for sexually inappropriate behavior, the only difference is that he owned up to it. To now start an OP how apologizing is insincere while not broaching those other people who just deny the allegations is pretty cynical.
1. I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything, period. These are actions of cowards. If I have something to say, I just say it.
2. Read the OP.
3. Investigation is avoidance of responsibility. A deflection. Nothing to investigate. Confession and photo evidence already here. Franken needs to QUIT.
4. If he were sincere, he would have admitted it YEARS ago, and would have come up with a way to attone.
5. Read the OP - the part in red.
6. If you're innocent, you deny. Only those guilty need to confess. Franken didn't do that for 30 years. He covered it up, and issued his self-serving apology only when he was caught, and a photo expose'

Should Trump quit? After all audio evidence provided.

If he does, you get Pence, who's much more conservative. :biggrin:

Not my question. According to your logic should he quit?
Did any of these guys apologize?
Richard A. Delgaudio, Republican fundraiser and Bush pioneer, was found guilty of child porn charges. [34]

Peter Dibble, Republican legislator pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. [35]

Nicholas Elizondo, Director of the Young Republican Federation molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. [36]

Larry Dale Floyd, Republican Constable in Denton County, Texas Precinct Two. Arrested for allegedly crossing state lines to have sex with an 8-year old child and was charged with 7 related offenses. Age 62 at time of arrest. [37][38]

John Fund, of the Wall Street Journal, a prominent anti-abortion columnist and GOP fund raiser. He lost his position after it was revealed that he impregnated the daughter of an old girlfriend and then encouraged her to abort his child. [39]

Jeff Gannon Partisan blogger with no journalism credentials and a fake name who got invited to Bush's Press conferences. Is also a pimp and a gay prostitute.[40]

Jack W. Gardner, Republican Councilman, had been convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl. when the Republican Party, knowing of these crimes, put him on the ballot.[41]

Richard Gardner, a Nevada State Representative (R), admitted to molesting his two daughters. [42]

Newt Gingrich, married three times. Gingrich campaign worker Anne Manning admitted that she gave Newt oral sex while he was still married to his first wife. Informed one wife he was filing for divorce while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer treatments.[43]
The only thing worse than an apology is no apology.
FALSE! Apologies are worse, because they're :bsflag::boohoo:
I'm sorry (OK that's BS) but not all apologies are BS. Have you never given someone a sincere apology?

An apology is, literally, the least you can do. Sincere or not, it is an admission of guilt. If you can't even do that, you're saying "I did nothing wrong".

I have never heard Trump apologize for anything. The closest I've heard is him blaming some unnamed person for giving him incorrect information. Someone who can't admit he was wrong is also incapable of accepting that others may be right and that he should take their advice. Such arrogance in a powerful man is dangerous.
1. I do remember Trump admitting being wrong afew times. Example: he said he shouldn't have revised his original Muslim ban.
2. Apology is not the least you can do for the victim. It's not for the victim
It's for the apologizer.
3. You want to do something for the victim ? Then ATTONE. Sacrifice something.

1. Trump's original Muslim ban was unconstitutional. He HAD to revise it.

2. An apology is actually for both the victim and the apologizer, because it is an acknowledgement that there was a wrong committed, and the aplogizer is recognizing that the behavior was inappropriate and in the apology, the victim gets acknowledgement that a wrong was committed.

3. I think you are a bit confused about the word "atone". Atonement is something that the perpetrator does to correct a wrong to the victim. Here, lemmie help you out with the definition from Dictionary.com.



verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
1. to make amends or reparaton, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
2. to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
3. Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
verb (used with object), atoned, atoning.
4. to make amends for; expiate:
He atoned his sins.
5. Obsolete. to bring into unity, harmony, concord, etc.

Vocabulary wasn't your strong suit in school, was it?
1. Muslim ban was upheld by the SCOTUS.
2. FALSE! Apologies are for the apologizer.
3. You think wrong. Your posted definition confirmed exactly what I said and meant. It's you who is confused.
4. Maybe you can afford to engage in a conversation. I can,t. I have only 500 MB per month from Assurance Wireless, and I'm typing on a cell phone
So I'm off the computer now. Go ahead and post again now, knowing I can' t answer, if you're enough of a coward to do that.

Not my fault that you don't understand the English language and think that the definitions from the dictionary are wrong. Like I said, apparently vocabulary wasn't your strong suit in high school.

As far as you saying you can't afford to engage in conversation? Are you serious? You seem to post more on these boards than I do, and I'm retired.

And, it's not my fault if you can't answer because you don't have enough money, which is why you are trying to call me a coward for answering you. Either (a) get a better internet plan, (b) get a better paying job, or a second job so you can afford your USMB habit, or (c) quit trying to use your perceived poverty as a way to convince yourself you won, nobody else is gonna buy it either.
I have a hard time understanding what your point here. Is it when you behaved badly in the past and get called on it you shouldn't apologize? You seem to be implying to not favor taking responsibility. When Franken apologizes Tweeden shouldn't accept it because it's insincere? Do you think she'd prefer it when he'd deny it? This is of course what both Trump and Moore who flat out deny the accusation a against them did. If you care about the victims why don't you find denying problematic?
1. I never imply anything
2. You should not apologize. You should ATTONE.
3. Talking responsibility is done by attoning. Apologizing is the avoidance of responsibility.
4. Apologizing is insincere. Tweeden should not accept. She should call on FRanken to attone.
5. Denying is off topic
6. Denying is a problem when someone is guilty. I never said anything about denying. You're changing the subject.
1. Everybody implies things, saying you never do points too not a lot of self criticism.
2. How do you atone for behaving inappropriately if you don't apologize? Isn't apologizing the first step too atonement? Practically what do you expect Franken to do as atonement?
3. What is he supposed to do? If you admit to your faults, apologize to the person you wronged even go as far as ask to have your behavior investigated how are you NOT taking responsibility? Throwing words around as atone and responsibility while at the same time not acknowledging the meaning of those words makes you either disingenuous or stupid. For the record I don't think your stupid.
4. You know for a fact it's insincere? How do you know. In my life I've hurt people on plenty of occasions, most of the time without meaning to. Some of those times it took other people calling me out on it for me to realize I was at fault. When this happened the very first action I took was apologize. Tell me why you are certain when Franken did those things it was insincere?
5. Denying is not of topic since the whole premise of this OP is that you find apologies a joke. In cases of sexual inappropriate behavior there is very little you can practically do but apologize and not behave in the same way in the future. Of those 2 things apologizing is the only thing that is of immediate use to the victim, since it at least shows that the perpetrator realizes that what he did was wrong. On the other hand not apologizing will be construed as denying the behavior and as such does damage to those victims.
6. You are right you didn't say anything about denying. I find that in itself telling actually. Al Franken's behavior isn't the only politician under scrutiny for sexually inappropriate behavior, the only difference is that he owned up to it. To now start an OP how apologizing is insincere while not broaching those other people who just deny the allegations is pretty cynical.
1. I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything, period. These are actions of cowards. If I have something to say, I just say it.
2. Read the OP.
3. Investigation is avoidance of responsibility. A deflection. Nothing to investigate. Confession and photo evidence already here. Franken needs to QUIT.
4. If he were sincere, he would have admitted it YEARS ago, and would have come up with a way to attone.
5. Read the OP - the part in red.
6. If you're innocent, you deny. Only those guilty need to confess. Franken didn't do that for 30 years. He covered it up, and issued his self-serving apology only when he was caught, and a photo expose'

Should Trump quit? After all audio evidence provided.

Oh and by the way Franken should probably quit. On a personal level the apology is sufficient but as someone in public office though he lost all credibility. My problem lays in the fact that people who do these things but don't apologize according to your OP are perfectly ok staying in office, after all you can then claim they are innocent since they didn't admit to it.

That's not what the OP says. Having reading comprehension trouble ?
1. I never imply anything
2. You should not apologize. You should ATTONE.
3. Talking responsibility is done by attoning. Apologizing is the avoidance of responsibility.
4. Apologizing is insincere. Tweeden should not accept. She should call on FRanken to attone.
5. Denying is off topic
6. Denying is a problem when someone is guilty. I never said anything about denying. You're changing the subject.
1. Everybody implies things, saying you never do points too not a lot of self criticism.
2. How do you atone for behaving inappropriately if you don't apologize? Isn't apologizing the first step too atonement? Practically what do you expect Franken to do as atonement?
3. What is he supposed to do? If you admit to your faults, apologize to the person you wronged even go as far as ask to have your behavior investigated how are you NOT taking responsibility? Throwing words around as atone and responsibility while at the same time not acknowledging the meaning of those words makes you either disingenuous or stupid. For the record I don't think your stupid.
4. You know for a fact it's insincere? How do you know. In my life I've hurt people on plenty of occasions, most of the time without meaning to. Some of those times it took other people calling me out on it for me to realize I was at fault. When this happened the very first action I took was apologize. Tell me why you are certain when Franken did those things it was insincere?
5. Denying is not of topic since the whole premise of this OP is that you find apologies a joke. In cases of sexual inappropriate behavior there is very little you can practically do but apologize and not behave in the same way in the future. Of those 2 things apologizing is the only thing that is of immediate use to the victim, since it at least shows that the perpetrator realizes that what he did was wrong. On the other hand not apologizing will be construed as denying the behavior and as such does damage to those victims.
6. You are right you didn't say anything about denying. I find that in itself telling actually. Al Franken's behavior isn't the only politician under scrutiny for sexually inappropriate behavior, the only difference is that he owned up to it. To now start an OP how apologizing is insincere while not broaching those other people who just deny the allegations is pretty cynical.
1. I never imply, insinuate, or infer anything, period. These are actions of cowards. If I have something to say, I just say it.
2. Read the OP.
3. Investigation is avoidance of responsibility. A deflection. Nothing to investigate. Confession and photo evidence already here. Franken needs to QUIT.
4. If he were sincere, he would have admitted it YEARS ago, and would have come up with a way to attone.
5. Read the OP - the part in red.
6. If you're innocent, you deny. Only those guilty need to confess. Franken didn't do that for 30 years. He covered it up, and issued his self-serving apology only when he was caught, and a photo expose'

Should Trump quit? After all audio evidence provided.

If he does, you get Pence, who's much more conservative. :biggrin:

Not my question. According to your logic should he quit?

Quit why ?

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