Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

I'll say it again...this was wrong and anyone who defends it is equally wrong. Head, Shoulder, blah, blah the woman left the hospital with a concussion. This isnt partisan, beating, abusing, restraining a woman against her will when no physical damage is taking place is wrong. Period.

I heard Paul apology on this and thats fine, but one day we will have to look at ourselves and recognize that this type of "discourse" has to stop and be condemned by everyone...Even the surogates. If not, we can expect to see this happen more in the future.

Yes....Rand Paul was big enough to apologize....but that doesn't mean he or anyone in his organization is responsible. He was classy enough to man-up. I would love to see Obama do the same when he or anyone in his administration was responsible for something....but I won't hold my breath.


Paul didn't apologize because he didn't do anything wrong (this time)

Proffitt apologized.

has rand paul been arrested for spousal abuse yet? its obvious that his supporters were simply following their leader!

I am waiting for olberman to be in tears over this tonight
I see that none of the wingnuts want to comment on Proffitts latest doozy....I attacked her because my back hurts!!!

has rand paul been arrested for spousal abuse yet? its obvious that his supporters were simply following their leader!

I am waiting for olberman to be in tears over this tonight

I guess all 5000 of his viewers will be there with baited breath.
has rand paul been arrested for spousal abuse yet? its obvious that his supporters were simply following their leader!

I am waiting for olberman to be in tears over this tonight

Guess Rand Paul is a rightwinger the way you leftwing fuckups dribble out your sucks about him/her?

You forgot the part under the heading: Favorite pastime......blowing strange guys in the shitter.:suck:

I see you're still obsessing about homo sex

Not that there's anything wrong about that

You're an idiot. Who logs in for you and tells you which keys to touch to post actual incoherent, wingnut English?

A wingnut starts talking about homo sex, and Gunny shows up.

Just sayin
I would also like to point out that the left never mentions shit about the thuggish activities of SEIU or La Raza at rallies and protests but there are several posts about this single incident. I think you'all need to look at what your folks have done in the last several months before you start harping on this bullshit.

Post the evidence and quit bullshitting.

I would also like to point out that the left never mentions shit about the thuggish activities of SEIU or La Raza at rallies and protests but there are several posts about this single incident. I think you'all need to look at what your folks have done in the last several months before you start harping on this bullshit.

Post the evidence and quit bullshitting.


FauxNews tripe
Wasn't there a left winger that bit the finger off of a conservative at a protest?

Its interesting how there FINALLY is an incident of violence from a conservative at a rally and the left are all up in arms.

They act like the Left NEVER does anything violent when in reality a majority of it is caused by the left.
All I want to know is WHEN are they going to round up that savage wilder-beast of a so-called man and haul the coward off to jail? He clearly threw the woman violently down on the concrete and after his goons held her down he then pressed his man-hoof deep onto her torso and head and neck areas.

It's a wonder the lady got away from those apes in tact. Probably was the adrenaline that sustained her thus far.

The Right is full of society's dregs and gutter snipes. Indeed THE definition of the Low-Information Voter.

Pure pond scum...the lot of them, and all you T-baggers in here that defend that NONSENSE.
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All I want to know is WHEN are they going to round up that savage wilder-beast of a so-called man and haul the coward off to jail? He clearly threw the woman violently down on the concrete and after his goons held her down he then pressed his man-hoof deep onto her torso and head and neck area.

It's a wonder the lady got away from those apes in tact. Probably was the adrenaline that sustained her thus far.

The Right is full of society's dregs and gutter snipes. Indeed THE definition of the Low-Information Voter.

Pure pond scum...the lot of them, and all you T-baggers in here that defend the nonsense.

The guy should get charged. End of story.

The fact is I could come up with a lot of violent acts caused by the left too.

The fact is there are idiots on both sides but the left would never give the benifit of the doubt to the group. When its a leftwinger acting nuts its a isolated incident but if the rightwinger acts nuts it cause we all are

At least be honest about it......

Thats all you got? You asked for evidence and you got evidence. Oh wait the vast right wing conspiracy payed this guy to come on to Fox and say he was attacked by a SEIU member.......:cuckoo: You guys keep getting crazier and crazier

Umm, the guy in the video was a lawyer. Of course he's getting paid to defend the rightwing thugs=

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