Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

Somewhere General Petraeus is smiling and getting a real 'kick' out of this one. I'm pretty sure most of America is as well. Do the dummies really believe anyone feels sorry for them? They're scum of the earth lowlifes and most people know this. Most are pretty happy watching one of their loons getting the shit kicked out of them. So spare us all the "poor me" whining shit. This is a Beat-Down most Americans fully support. Nuff said.
Somewhere General Petraeus is smiling and getting a real 'kick' out of this one. I'm pretty sure most of America is as well. Do the dummies really believe anyone feels sorry for them? They're scum of the earth lowlifes and most people know this. Most are pretty happy watching one of their loons getting the shit kicked out of them. So spare us all the "poor me" whining shit. This is a Beat-Down most Americans fully support. Nuff said.

Most Americans support men stomping on a womans head? Stupid dipshit, lets see the polls.
Somewhere General Petraeus is smiling and getting a real 'kick' out of this one. I'm pretty sure most of America is as well. Do the dummies really believe anyone feels sorry for them? They're scum of the earth lowlifes and most people know this. Most are pretty happy watching one of their loons getting the shit kicked out of them. So spare us all the "poor me" whining shit. This is a Beat-Down most Americans fully support. Nuff said.

Well, folks, there you have it. Nothing more to add to this.

I wonder how many of your fellow USMB RWers feel about this.
The guy should get charged. End of story.

He has been charged.

The fact is I could come up with a lot of violent acts caused by the left too.

I'm sure you could "come up" with all sorts of things, none of them true

The fact is nearly all of the recent political violence comes from the right. Shooting up doctors, the police, and the Holocaust Museum, attacking Census workers and political protesters

Please expand on the bolded areas of your quote and how they were from the Right.

Sure. Rightwingers have killed doctors who perform abortions, the right wing Hutaree killed policemen, rightwing militias have attacked and sometimes killed Jews, homosexuals, and other minority members, a wingnut shot a guard at the Holocaust museum, and wingnuts have attacked Census workers.
That fool should have gotten his ass kicked.

Stooping to liberal tactics of voilence should not be tolerated by conservatives no matter how fucking annoying librals get.

Liberal violence done but a far right sipshit Rand Paul supporter who stomped on a liberal's head is stooping to liberal violence tactics, you're one fucking genius you dipshit.
Tim Proffit appears to be the man who grabbed her and brought her to the ground.

The asshole that stomped her wasn't Tim Proffit. Look at the video and you can tell the difference.

Tim Proffit was the one who stomped on her, and he has apologized for stomping on her

But in Wingnut World, it's all a part of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy:cuckoo:

So according to you the video evidence doesn't matter. Just a report from some blogger or whatever. Well I've got a word for that.....LINK. :rock:

So Tim Proffitt didn't stomp the woman. That's your story?
Somewhere General Petraeus is smiling and getting a real 'kick' out of this one. I'm pretty sure most of America is as well. Do the dummies really believe anyone feels sorry for them? They're scum of the earth lowlifes and most people know this. Most are pretty happy watching one of their loons getting the shit kicked out of them. So spare us all the "poor me" whining shit. This is a Beat-Down most Americans fully support. Nuff said.

Well, folks, there you have it. Nothing more to add to this.

I wonder how many of your fellow USMB RWers feel about this.

I'll chime in.

Libo, you are an asshole.

How fucking dare you support conservatives stooping to the level of liberals? Even though they don't give a damn that SEIU Purple shirted thugs ganged up and beat down a black man for being black and at a rally selling flags. Does not make it OK for us to do the same and not give a shit. Those were "men" beating on a woman, it was disgracefull.
Oh I forgot about the left winger that attacked the IRS building

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed - Joseph Stack's manifesto
Read more: The Manifesto Of Austin Texas Crash Pilot Joseph Andrew Stack

and can't forget about the communist G20 protests
More G20 violence Sunday predicted by Toronto’s top cop - Canada - MarketWatch

and the NBP thugs outside polling station - New Black Panther Leader Defends Group in Voter Intimidation Case

I can keep going if you like??????

My point in all this is to show you that NUTJOBS ARE ON BOTH SIDES!!!

You are pitiful. You have to pretend that Stacks was a leftie in order to have an example of leftwing violence in the US.

Stacks was a mixture of left and right. He hated taxes, the govt, the GM bailout while at the same time wanted the govt to provide healthcare.

The G20 is an international event and in no way demonstrative of violence in the US, which is overwhelmingly from the right

The BP's committed no acts of violence. If you consideration intimidation a form of violence, then I'm sure you'll be condemning the GOP because they are the only party that's been found, by a court of law, to have intimidated voters as a matter of policy. Daschle TRO.pdf
We've seen this (all), before.....​

"In the 1920s, most German Jews were fully integrated into German society as German citizens. They served in the German army and navy and contributed to every field of German science, business and culture. Conditions for the Jews began to change after the appointment of Adolf Hitler, as Chancellor of Germany, who was the leader of the Nazi group, on January 30, 1933, and the assumption of power by Hitler after the Reichstag fire. From its inception, Hitler's regime moved quickly to introduce anti-Jewish policies. The 500,000 Jews in Germany, who accounted for only 0.76% of the overall population, were singled out by the Nazi propaganda machine as an enemy within who were responsible for Germany's defeat in the First World War, and for her subsequent economic difficulties, such as the 1920s hyperinflation and Great Depression."
FUCK!! This Beat-Down was long long overdue. These loons are so fucking stupid that they actually believe people feel sorry for them. In reality the opposite is true. Most Americans are actually rejoicing. Hey did i already say FUCK!!!
That fool should have gotten his ass kicked.

Stooping to liberal tactics of voilence should not be tolerated by conservatives no matter how fucking annoying librals get.

Liberal violence done but a far right sipshit Rand Paul supporter who stomped on a liberal's head is stooping to liberal violence tactics, you're one fucking genius you dipshit.

Hey thanks, nice to see you keep your head in the sand about liberal violence.

Who was it that beat a black man for selling flags? SEIU Purple shirts, no charges were filled and not apologies were given.

The 60's was one long riot.

Greece and Spain are on fire right now with liberals rioting.

The 2008 Olympics had you guy rioting

At your 10/2/10 you left garbage on monuments.

France has riots over a 2 year increase in the retirement age.

I can keep going. Sure there are many individual nuts on the right, that go way to far, but compared to the left, pfft, it's minor league stuff.
That fool should have gotten his ass kicked.

Stooping to liberal tactics of voilence should not be tolerated by conservatives no matter how fucking annoying librals get.

Liberal violence done but a far right sipshit Rand Paul supporter who stomped on a liberal's head is stooping to liberal violence tactics, you're one fucking genius you dipshit.

Hey thanks, nice to see you keep your head in the sand about liberal violence.

Who was it that beat a black man for selling flags? SEIU Purple shirts, no charges were filled and not apologies were given.

The 60's was one long riot.

Greece and Spain are on fire right now with liberals rioting.

The 2008 Olympics had you guy rioting

At your 10/2/10 you left garbage on monuments.

France has riots over a 2 year increase in the retirement age.

I can keep going. Sure there are many individual nuts on the right, that go way to far, but compared to the left, pfft, it's minor league stuff.

Thats a damn lie you piece of rightwing shit.
Sympathy for Wow that's just plain hilarious. General Petraeus,this Beat-Down's for you. You're welcome. :)
FUCK!! This Beat-Down was long long overdue. These loons are so fucking stupid that they actually believe people feel sorry for them. In reality the opposite is true. Most Americans are actually rejoicing. Hey did i already say FUCK!!!

While I agee with fuck moveon

That doesn't give 3 grown men a pass to beat on 1 woman.

It was wrong and you know it. Don't let hate for what this filth is doing to the country cloud your reason.
If you believe that bullshit you just posted then your one of those gutter snipes.

It's already been proved that there has been an attempt to tie a Rand Paul campaign officer to the foot stomping. In fact, according to video evidence posted here, the man who did the foot stomping was claimed to be Tom Proffit and a picture of Tom was posted in the story....yet when you watch the video the man claimed to be Tom Proffit was seen wrestling the woman to the ground. He didn't stomp on the I see an exaggeration in the claims here.

The only thing you've proven is what an idiotic liar you are. Here's a video of Profitt admitting that he was the one who stomped on Vale.

Video- Kentucky Stomper Wants An Apology From Woman He Assaulted | The Political Carnival

Proffitt worked for the Rand Paul campaign. He was the local campaign coordinator. The man who wrestled Vale to the ground is named Mike Pizzano. He also appears in the video, though neither of these thugs have the stones to show their faces on camera.

IOW, Your lies are easily exposed. There's no need to take a complete inventory to know you are a habital liar
That fool should have gotten his ass kicked.

Stooping to liberal tactics of voilence should not be tolerated by conservatives no matter how fucking annoying librals get.

Liberal violence done but a far right sipshit Rand Paul supporter who stomped on a liberal's head is stooping to liberal violence tactics, you're one fucking genius you dipshit.

Hey thanks, nice to see you keep your head in the sand about liberal violence.

Who was it that beat a black man for selling flags? SEIU Purple shirts, no charges were filled and not apologies were given.

The 60's was one long riot.

Greece and Spain are on fire right now with liberals rioting.

The 2008 Olympics had you guy rioting

At your 10/2/10 you left garbage on monuments.

France has riots over a 2 year increase in the retirement age.

I can keep going. Sure there are many individual nuts on the right, that go way to far, but compared to the left, pfft, it's minor league stuff.

And yet, Libocalypse is right here claiming most conservatives support this beatdown of this woman... one of you is full of shit.
Somewhere General Petraeus is smiling and getting a real 'kick' out of this one. I'm pretty sure most of America is as well. Do the dummies really believe anyone feels sorry for them? They're scum of the earth lowlifes and most people know this. Most are pretty happy watching one of their loons getting the shit kicked out of them. So spare us all the "poor me" whining shit. This is a Beat-Down most Americans fully support. Nuff said.

Well, folks, there you have it. Nothing more to add to this.

I wonder how many of your fellow USMB RWers feel about this.

I can't really say that this one is an True Rightwinger.

After all, he seems to be telling the truth. True Rightwingers never do that playing the "Victim" and whining for sympathy? Yea right,not gonna happen. Hate only begets more hate. does nothing but spew hate 24/7 yet now they're pretending to be so surprised when the hate comes back around on them. You give hate,you get hate. They should just STFU and stop playing the 'Victim." They're Scum-Of-The Earth Lowlifes and most common sense thinking Americans understand this. So...FUCK!!!
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