Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

The guy should get charged. End of story.

The fact is I could come up with a lot of violent acts caused by the left too.

The fact is there are idiots on both sides but the left would never give the benifit of the doubt to the group. When its a leftwinger acting nuts its a isolated incident but if the rightwinger acts nuts it cause we all are

At least be honest about it......

The fact...DEFENDER, is that you cannot present a SINGLE shred of evidence that rises to the attrocity committed by Proffitt, much less condoned by those of us on the Left.

Where are all you RWers who was just saying "is that the way to treat a lady?" over Sarah and her baybay the other day?

All this claptrap about "it's just how I was raised."

Now looki at them...busting their knees up to defend the indefensible.

Utter gutter snipes.
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All I want to know is WHEN are they going to round up that savage wilder-beast of a so-called man and haul the coward off to jail? He clearly threw the woman violently down on the concrete and after his goons held her down he then pressed his man-hoof deep onto her torso and head and neck area.

It's a wonder the lady got away from those apes in tact. Probably was the adrenaline that sustained her thus far.

The Right is full of society's dregs and gutter snipes. Indeed THE definition of the Low-Information Voter.

Pure pond scum...the lot of them, and all you T-baggers in here that defend the nonsense.

The guy should get charged. End of story.

He has been charged.

The fact is I could come up with a lot of violent acts caused by the left too.

I'm sure you could "come up" with all sorts of things, none of them true

The fact is nearly all of the recent political violence comes from the right. Shooting up doctors, the police, and the Holocaust Museum, attacking Census workers and political protesters
The RW gathers like Klansmen and conspire to shout down their congressmen at town halls when they don't get their way.

The RW spits on representatives when they don't agree with them as they walk by.

Then don't for get that RW SOB that slammed his plane into that building earlier this year.

The far right went so far as walk into a Christian's church and gunned him down dead in front of the congregation over the abortion BS.

All the while their RW leaders in the form of pundits egging them on, defending them, dismissing and excusing their actions.

It doesn't get any worse than that.
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The guy should get charged. End of story.

The fact is I could come up with a lot of violent acts caused by the left too.

The fact is there are idiots on both sides but the left would never give the benifit of the doubt to the group. When its a leftwinger acting nuts its a isolated incident but if the rightwinger acts nuts it cause we all are

At least be honest about it......

The fact...DEFENDER, is that you cannot present a SINGLE shred of evidence that rises to the attrocity committed by Proffitt, much less condoned by those of us on the Left.

Where are all you RWers who was just saying "is that the way to treat a lady?" over Sarah and her baybay the other day?

All this claptrap about "it's just how I was raised."

Now looking at them...busting their knees up to defend the indefensible.

Utter gutter snipes.
Apparently you missed the part were I said he should be charged with the crime. I find it funny how you think biting the finger off of another person does not "present a SINGLE shred of evidence that rises to the attrocity committed by Proffitt"

This is just to easy.....

A spokeswoman for MoveOn responded to an incident this morning in which a supporter allegedly bit the finger off a conservative demonstrator amid a health care-related fracas in Ventura County, calling the violence "regrettable."
MoveOn: California fracas, finger-biting 'regrettable' - Ben Smith -

assaulted by a bunch of thugs from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), proudly wearing their union shirts with the SEIU logo.
White union thugs beat black man at Obamacare rally - Louisville CIty Hall |

protester pounded a window of the classroom until the glass shattered,

Read more: Tancredo's speech at UNC halted by protesters | McClatchy

Activists topple towers, claim dangers of AM radio waves

Activists topple towers, claim dangers of AM radio waves -
All I want to know is WHEN are they going to round up that savage wilder-beast of a so-called man and haul the coward off to jail? He clearly threw the woman violently down on the concrete and after his goons held her down he then pressed his man-hoof deep onto her torso and head and neck area.

It's a wonder the lady got away from those apes in tact. Probably was the adrenaline that sustained her thus far.

The Right is full of society's dregs and gutter snipes. Indeed THE definition of the Low-Information Voter.

Pure pond scum...the lot of them, and all you T-baggers in here that defend the nonsense.

The guy should get charged. End of story.

He has been charged.

The fact is I could come up with a lot of violent acts caused by the left too.

I'm sure you could "come up" with all sorts of things, none of them true

The fact is nearly all of the recent political violence comes from the right. Shooting up doctors, the police, and the Holocaust Museum, attacking Census workers and political protesters

Please expand on the bolded areas of your quote and how they were from the Right.
Oh I forgot about the left winger that attacked the IRS building

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed - Joseph Stack's manifesto
Read more: The Manifesto Of Austin Texas Crash Pilot Joseph Andrew Stack

and can't forget about the communist G20 protests
More G20 violence Sunday predicted by Toronto’s top cop - Canada - MarketWatch

and the NBP thugs outside polling station - New Black Panther Leader Defends Group in Voter Intimidation Case

I can keep going if you like??????

My point in all this is to show you that NUTJOBS ARE ON BOTH SIDES!!!
Then don't for get that RW SOB that slammed his plane into that building earlier this year.

It doesn't get any worse than that.

Does the end of his manefesto make him sound like a right winger???

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed - Joseph Stack's manifesto

Please make sure you know what your talking about before you post.

Did you catch that beat down on Saturday night? Tough night for Lesnar.

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All I want to know is WHEN are they going to round up that savage wilder-beast of a so-called man and haul the coward off to jail? He clearly threw the woman violently down on the concrete and after his goons held her down he then pressed his man-hoof deep onto her torso and head and neck areas.

It's a wonder the lady got away from those apes in tact. Probably was the adrenaline that sustained her thus far.

The Right is full of society's dregs and gutter snipes. Indeed THE definition of the Low-Information Voter.

Pure pond scum...the lot of them, and all you T-baggers in here that defend that NONSENSE.

If you believe that bullshit you just posted then your one of those gutter snipes.

It's already been proved that there has been an attempt to tie a Rand Paul campaign officer to the foot stomping. In fact, according to video evidence posted here, the man who did the foot stomping was claimed to be Tom Proffit and a picture of Tom was posted in the story....yet when you watch the video the man claimed to be Tom Proffit was seen wrestling the woman to the ground. He didn't stomp on the I see an exaggeration in the claims here.

You yourself made a exaggerated claim that she was thrown violently to the ground when in fact she was resisting and a man was seen pressing her to the ground to prevent her from getting away. Also the man who pressed her to the ground was not the same jag-off who stepped on her. When that idiot was stepping on her everyone else had released her. That was when the video was cut off. Also, what I saw was somebody stepping on her, not stomping her. It was clear that the guy was angry but he wasn't doing much damage as evidenced by her appearance shortly after the scuffle. She appeared to be slightly flustered but in good physical condition.

To top it off somebody put up a bogus facebook page using a picture of the alleged stomp-er but forgot to put any content other then messages about foot stomping and wife-beating.

It looks like too much is being made of this. The woman in question may have instigated the altercation yet one thing is clear....stepping on her was out of line.
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The RW gathers like Klansmen and conspire to shout down their congressmen at town halls when they don't get their way.

The RW spits on representatives when they don't agree with them as they walk by.

Then don't for get that RW SOB that slammed his plane into that building earlier this year.

The far right went so far as walk into a Christian's church and gunned him down dead in front of the congregation over the abortion BS.

All the while their RW leaders in the form of pundits egging them on, defending them, dismissing and excusing their actions.

It doesn't get any worse than that.

Guess again.

This LWer [Obama] called an entire state discriminatory [racist], brought lawsuits against the state, and used their new law to make these bogus claims, a law he or none of his staff ever read before making the allegations, then used the law to falsely illustrate human-rights abuse claims to the United Nations. This LWer ultimately causes thousands of other LWers to boycott the state, inciting several organizations and foreign countries to sue the state in court over alleged discrimination costing the state millions of dollars in legal fees and lost revenue. In the process causing racial divisions and political divisions in this nation when he claimed he would end the divisions on day one of his 4 year term.

All of this is fact. I think this is worse because we're still feeling the effects of the damage this prick has done.

That bullshit you posted is pure nonsense. :bsflag:
All I want to know is WHEN are they going to round up that savage wilder-beast of a so-called man and haul the coward off to jail? He clearly threw the woman violently down on the concrete and after his goons held her down he then pressed his man-hoof deep onto her torso and head and neck areas.

It's a wonder the lady got away from those apes in tact. Probably was the adrenaline that sustained her thus far.

The Right is full of society's dregs and gutter snipes. Indeed THE definition of the Low-Information Voter.

Pure pond scum...the lot of them, and all you T-baggers in here that defend that NONSENSE.

If you believe that bullshit you just posted then your one of those gutter snipes.

It's already been proved that there has been an attempt to tie a Rand Paul campaign officer to the foot stomping. In fact, according to video evidence posted here, the man who did the foot stomping was claimed to be Tom Proffit and a picture of Tom was posted in the story....yet when you watch the video the man claimed to be Tom Proffit was seen wrestling the woman to the ground. He didn't stomp on the I see an exaggeration in the claims here.

You yourself made a exaggerated claim that she was thrown violently to the ground when in fact she was resisting and a man was seen pressing her to the ground to prevent her from getting away. Also the man who pressed her to the ground was not the same jag-off who stepped on her. When that idiot was stepping on her everyone else had released her. That was when the video was cut off. Also, what I saw was somebody stepping on her, not stomping her. It was clear that the guy was angry but he wasn't doing much damage as evidenced by her appearance shortly after the scuffle. She appeared to be slightly flustered but in good physical condition.

To top it off somebody put up a bogus facebook page using a picture of the alleged stomp-er but forgot to put any content other then messages about foot stomping and wife-beating.

It looks like too much is being made of this. The woman in question may have instigated the altercation yet one thing is clear....stepping on her was out of line.

You are one stoopid fuckbucket.

"Paul' s campaign dropped Profitt as campaign coordinator in
Bourbon County in central Kentucky and banned him from future
Crazy RW hacks like mudwhistle CONTINUE to condone and defend the violence perpertrated by those on the Right.

Why am I not surprised?

Crazy RW hacks like mudwhistle CONTINUE to condone and defend the violence perpertrated by those on the Right.

Why am I not surprised?


He isn't condoning the violence. He's trying to deny who did the violence even after the rand campaign fired Proffitt.
All the presented FACTS thus far point squarely and singularly at Proffitt. Including those coming from Rand's camp. THE SOB's defending it yes.

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