Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head

If carrying a nightsick was illegal the cops would have already arrested him.

He was removed from the premises, so he may have been arrested or perhaps was given a citation. Fact is it's legal to carry weapons openly in some states and it wasn't done on an election day in front of a polling place like the NBP's case.

You are too stupid to understand the vast difference between the two events, which is typical for you liberal retards.

he wasn't removed for carrying a nightstick you dumbass, my point is that you said carrying weapons to an Obama rally was legal and carrying a nightstick is just as legal.

Yes he was. I said carrying a weapon to a rally is legal as long as there is an open carry law in place you dimwitted fool and having a weapon in front of a polling place isn't legal because it has the potential of intimidating people. Again your comparison is as idiotic as you are.
Where is the outrage for this RABID and RAMPANT violence from the right?

You really are transparent CG...a real piece of work.

Carry on.


Show some examples of this alleged RABID and RAMPANT violence from the right.

Invading Iraq.


Did you think the same thing when Clinton invaded Haiti in 1994?

Oh and you do know that there are countless democrats that agreed with the invasion, some even thought it should have been done sooner.
Show some examples of this alleged RABID and RAMPANT violence from the right.

Invading Iraq.


Did you think the same thing when Clinton invaded Haiti in 1994?

Oh and you do know that there are countless democrats that agreed with the invasion, some even thought it should have been done sooner.

How'd that Haiti invasion work out? How many Americans killed? Did the Shiites take over when we left?
the article says "apparent" and "what appears to be" What fucking dishonest asswipes you are. Don't tell the fucking story til you have the facts.

Did you say that to the people who've been pushing the FAKE story about Trig Palin for the last 2 days??

I'm going to guess...let me think now...


NO!! you didn't. You phoney cow. lolololololol

Butt plug!

How is a reference to your head relevant?
It didn't look like a Rand Paul supporter to me

Must have been some interloper planted by the left to make Rand look bad
The left opposed the Iraq war, you moron. Go change your diaper.

Tell that to Rand's opponent, who supported the Iraq invasion.

Democrats voted against the war 147 to 110. do you need that math explained to you?

Do you need me to explain that 147 to 110 isn't a consensus on the left? Which doesn't even take into account people like Jack Conway who were not in office to vote on the Iraq War Resolution but supported it nonetheless.

Now this video shows the woman is charging through the crowd trying to get at Rand, apparently to show him her sign. The people who subdued her were clearly of the opinion that someone charging through a crowd with a blonde wig towards a candidate for U.S. Senate might pose some amount of security risk. Now that being said, the man who stomped on her shoulder certainly had no business doing so and I stand by my original assessment that he should be prosecuted.
Invading Iraq.


Did you think the same thing when Clinton invaded Haiti in 1994?

Oh and you do know that there are countless democrats that agreed with the invasion, some even thought it should have been done sooner.

How'd that Haiti invasion work out? How many Americans killed? Did the Shiites take over when we left?

It was an utter failure for Clinton. I'm not sure how many Americans lives were lost. But I'm pretty sure the Shiites were nowhere around. Of course you wouldn't know that being a dumbass liberal and all.
No arrests were made at this debate. Unlike when the SEIU thugs were arrested for beating TEA Party member.
Did you think the same thing when Clinton invaded Haiti in 1994?

Oh and you do know that there are countless democrats that agreed with the invasion, some even thought it should have been done sooner.

How'd that Haiti invasion work out? How many Americans killed? Did the Shiites take over when we left?

It was an utter failure for Clinton. I'm not sure how many Americans lives were lost. But I'm pretty sure the Shiites were nowhere around. Of course you wouldn't know that being a dumbass liberal and all.

When did Clinton invade Haiti? Since when has Haiti been populated with Shiites?
This version is a little more balanced:

2 fights break out during Paul/Conway Debate

The second fight occurred after a Conway supporter stepped on the foot of a female Rand supporter, who recently had foot surgery.

The woman was wearing a surgical boot, but after the injury, her incision was cut open. Police say she refused medical treatment and also filed an assault report.

You could accidently step on someone's foot and have a fight break out, on the other hand nobody gets their head accidently stomped on.

There was no shoe to head contact despite the commentators use of the word literally .
And a Teabastard, a Teabastard is a Teabastard black or white and there were many whites carrying weapons.
except, if i remember right, the group that staged that event had NOTHING to do with the tea party

and you are just another idiotic bigot

No shit dumbass, they showed up an Obama speech with weapons for no reason.
wow, you are just fucking stupid
i said it was a "staged event"
i just dont remember the name of the group that did it, but i know they had NOTHING to do with the tea party
Show some examples of this alleged RABID and RAMPANT violence from the right.

#GOP candidate Broden says violent overthrow of govt 'on the table' Democratic Underground Forums - Request error

Report Details #TeaParty Ties with #Hate Groups Report Details Tea Party Ties with Hate Groups - Democratic Underground

RT @HuffPostPol: Rep. Raul Grijalva's office on lockdown after receiving suspicious swastika-covered package. Raul Grijalva's Office On Lockdown After Swastika-Covered Suspicious Package Arrives

Anti-#abortion movement solicits murders #GWOT Rachel Maddow- Anti-abortion movement solicits murders - Democratic Underground

"Glenn Beck paranoid, misleading and hateful" inspires violence "Glenn Beck paranoid, misleading and hateful" inspires violence - Democratic Underground

NAACP Report Ties #TeaParty to #Militia & #Racist Groups NAACP Report Ties Tea Party to Militia and Racist Groups - Democratic Underground

DOJ Probing #TX #Teabaggers For Voter Intimidation. DOJ Probing TX Tea Partiers For Voter Intimidation - Democratic Underground

Gunman Cites #GlennBeck as Inspiration for Plot Against ACLU Gunman Cites Glenn Beck as Inspiration for Plot Against ACLU & Tides - Democratic Underground

Texan faces charges for posting Obama death threat Texan faces charges for posting Obama death threat - Democratic Underground

RT @equalitopia: Dan Manning, openly gay Kansas House candidate, receives death threats at home Death Threats Won't Shake Kansas Pol | News | The Advocate

SlideShow: Offensive #TeaParty Signs & Audio of Death Threat #NAACP Received SlideShow: Offensive Tea Party Signs and Audio of Death Threat the NAACP Received - Democratic Underground

Texan faces charges for posting Obama death threat Texan faces charges for posting Obama death threat - Democratic Underground

Brockton police draw guns, take man making threats into custody
Brockton police draw guns, take man making threats into custody - Quincy, MA - The Patriot Ledger

EXCLUSIVE: Unredacted Death Threat Letter to Stephanie Miller
Profanity-Laced Missive from Right Winger Sent After Popular Radio Host's Recent Appearance on Fox 'News', Says 'Would be Happy to See AK-47 Send You Into Eterntity'
The BRAD BLOG : EXCLUSIVE: Unredacted Death Threat Letter to Stephanie Miller

Eight episodes of right-wing extremist violence in four and a half months
Eight episodes of right-wing extremist violence in four and a half months. - Democratic Underground
Wednesday, January 21 -- the day after the inauguration -- 22-year-old Keith Luke goes on a rape and killing spree in his Boston neighborhood. He rapes and kills one woman, and kills the sister who tries to help her. He then goes out onto the street and shoots a passing homeless man. Police intercept him on his way to a local synagogue, where he tells them he intended to "kill as many Jews as possible during bingo night." He also tells investigators that he was fighting the extinction of the white race, and had stockpiled 200 round of ammunition to that end.

Tuesday, February 10 -- In Belfast, Maine, radioactive "dirty bomb" materials are found in home of James Cummings, who had been killed by his wife after years of domestic violence. Cummings was an admirer of Adolf Hitler; a large collection of Nazi memorabilia and a filled-out application for the National Socialist Movement were found on the scene.

Thursday, February 26 -- In Miramar Beach, FL, 60-year-old Dannie Baker walks into a neighboring townhouse where 14 Chilean students -- all in the US legally -- are gathered. He fires, killing two and wounding five. Those who know Baker describe him as a mentally ill man obsessed with the fear that immigrants are taking over the country.

Sunday, April 5 -- Budding white supremacist and recently discharged veteran Richard Popalowski shoots and kills three police officers following a standoff in Pittsburgh. They were responding to a domestic disturbance call. He believed they had been sent by the Obama Adminstration to take away his guns.

Tuesday, April 28 -- US Army Reservist Joshua Cartwright shoots and kills two sheriff's deputies in Fort Walton Beach, FL. His wife called police from the emergency room after he beat her. In the incident report, his wife reported that her husband believed the U.S. Government was conspiring against him, and was severely disturbed that Barack Obama had been elected President.

Wednesday, May 6 -- Stephen P. Morgan of Middletown, CT kills former NYU classmate Johanna Justin-Jinich, whom he had been harassing since at least 2007. A diary found in his belongings included an entry: "I think it's ok to kill Jews and go on a killing spree" and "Kill Johanna. She must Die." Justin-Jinich was Jewish, and the granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor.

Sunday, May 31 -- Dr. George Tiller is shot to death while ushering at his Lutheran church in Wichita, KS. His killer, Scott Roeder, is captured by police within hours. Roeder is found to have ties to several violent right-wing groups, including the Montana Freemen and the Sovereign Citizen movement. He had also been committing acts of vandalism against abortion clinics for years, most recently just days before the assassination.

Wednesday, June 10 -- Well-known anti-Semitic blogger James Wenneker von Brunn walks into the national Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and opens fire, killing a security guard. Von Brunn had been prominent in Holocaust denier circles for several decades, and considered Holocaust museums to be a crime against white history.

Fairbanks man accused of bulldozer threat to worker
Fairbanks man accused of bulldozer threat to worker - Juneau Empire

Feds: Hospital Gunman Threatened Obama, Clinton
Ex-Soldier Who Held 3 Hostages at Ga. Military Hospital Monday Said He Planned to Kill the President, Prosecutors Say
Feds: Hospital Gunman Threatened Obama, Clinton - CBS News

The Truth About the Accused West Memphis Cop Killers
The Truth About the Accused West Memphis Cop Killers|, Memphis News, Entertainment, Videos, Business Search and Shopping
except, if i remember right, the group that staged that event had NOTHING to do with the tea party

and you are just another idiotic bigot

No shit dumbass, they showed up an Obama speech with weapons for no reason.
wow, you are just fucking stupid
i said it was a "staged event"
i just dont remember the name of the group that did it, but i know they had NOTHING to do with the tea party

You're just a fucking whaaaacko conspiracy theorist.
How'd that Haiti invasion work out? How many Americans killed? Did the Shiites take over when we left?

It was an utter failure for Clinton. I'm not sure how many Americans lives were lost. But I'm pretty sure the Shiites were nowhere around. Of course you wouldn't know that being a dumbass liberal and all.

When did Clinton invade Haiti? Since when has Haiti been populated with Shiites?
you dont remember the invasion of Haiti?
[ame=] Clinton in Haiti: The 1994 US Invasion of Haiti (9781403967169): Philippe Girard: Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]

and you should take up the Shiite comment with the one that first introduced it into the conversation
No shit dumbass, they showed up an Obama speech with weapons for no reason.
wow, you are just fucking stupid
i said it was a "staged event"
i just dont remember the name of the group that did it, but i know they had NOTHING to do with the tea party

You're just a fucking whaaaacko conspiracy theorist.
ah, more projections

tell us again how you can drive faster than your cell phone signal and how "airplane mode" is "hard wired" in ALL cell phones

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