Apparently Liberals Here Don't Know What A Filibuster Is

Maybe if they give back the Supreme Court seat they stole, they can begin to get some cooperation

Oh my goodness. The Senate exercised its constitutional prerogative not to confirm a nominee who was so anti-business in his rulings that two major small-business advocacy groups took a position on a Supreme Court nominee for the first time ever.

All you guys had to do was win the presidential election. But, even with at least 600,000 illegals voting, you lost 30-20 in states and 3,000+ to 200 in counties, and the center-right popular vote topped the center-left vote by nearly 2 million votes.

By the way:

NYT's says...Democrats Vote to Block Keeping Government Open.
The AP wrote...Democrats Derail Funding to Keep Government Open.
Republicans are getting the political cooperation they have earned

Maybe if they give back the Supreme Court seat they stole, they can begin to get some cooperation
image problem ltd. @processanalyzer
Government shutdowns in the last 25 years:

1995 (Republican Congress)
1996 (Republican Congress)
2013 (Republican Congress)
2018 (Republican Congress) aka #TrumpShutdown

What a weird coincidence.

8:04 AM - Jan 20, 2018

Dems supporting Illegals over Americans, another weird coincidence
Maybe if they give back the Supreme Court seat they stole, they can begin to get some cooperation

Oh my goodness. The Senate exercised its constitutional prerogative not to confirm a nominee who was so anti-business in his rulings that two major small-business advocacy groups took a position on a Supreme Court nominee for the first time ever.

All you guys had to do was win the presidential election. But, even with at least 600,000 illegals voting, you lost 30-20 in states and 3,000+ to 200 in counties, and the center-right popular vote topped the center-left vote by nearly 2 million votes.

By the way:

NYT's says...Democrats Vote to Block Keeping Government Open.
The AP wrote...Democrats Derail Funding to Keep Government Open.

Republicans held up a confirmation vote for a year

Dirty politics that will now be used against them. Democrats have been taught how 21st century politics work

Republicans should expect no cooperation......they haven't earned it
Unbelievably, we are seeing liberals here make the abjectly ignorant argument that the Republicans are to blame for the shutdown because they control Congress. One yo-yo is posting an idiotic meme that asks how Democrats can be at fault when the Republicans control Congress.

Do liberals not understand that in the Senate the minority party can block anything with a filibuster as long as they can muster 41 votes to support the filibuster? Do liberals not know that the Republicans only have a 51-49 margin in the Senate and that it takes 60 votes to end a filibuster? Have liberals forgotten that the Republican-controlled House passed a funding bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin?

Really, I can't believe that even our resident liberals are so stupid as to not know about the filibuster. But, they all seem to be acting like they've never heard of the filibuster because they keep repeating the idiotic, disingenuous argument that the Republicans are to blame because they control Congress.

45 Republicans and 5 Democrats voted for the funding bill, and Pence was prepared to cast the tie-breaking vote if Schumer dropped the filibuster. But, Schumer kept the filibuster and therefore the funding bill was defeated, and now we have a government shutdown. If Schumer had dropped the filibuster, the bill would have passed and the government would still be open.
Unbelievably, we are seeing liberals here make the abjectly ignorant argument that the Republicans are to blame for the shutdown because they control Congress.
Quit being such a supercilious ASS! The GOP, with control of both houses of Congress and the WH had all the the time needed to start work on the budget for next period starting in FY 2018, AS IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY having that control at hand! If they had started the process last June 1st with their minority partners and actually produced even a bloody framework to define the direction, priorities and hammer out the kinks we could of had a budget in place ready to run out at the end of FY2017 at its end last September.

What the do-nothing GOP failed leadership did instead was do nothing at all and waited to pass three short term CR's starting four months ago and now trying to throw the blame for the GOP's failure at the feet of their opposition for not passing a fourth CR and becoming a further accomplice in incompetence! Time to throw the Bullshit Flag on that foolish ploy!

Making the idiot's excuse that the GOP couldn't overcome the 60 vote CLOTURE barrier (not a funding bill as you falsely claim above but cloture) as cover for their abject failure to perform the work of producing an actual budget AS IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY as the majority should be a logical automatic assumption. McConnell and Co. clearly failed to do their jobs. What bloody excuse will you supply for the GOP's failure to perform due diligence, that being their damn job?

Nine months ago in June they could have started work on the budget OR EVEN SOONER! Instead, the GOP 'leadership' has been kicking the can down the road doing nothing to prepare a proper budget for the certainty of payment for what has already been authorized by due process under Constitutional authority!

The conniving Orange Idiot is doing nothing but keeping his sycophantic boot lickers' churned up to help force his deranged and unAmerican agenda by moving the targets that the lackey errand boy McConnell strives to make happen for the Idiot-in-Chief's whims, cratering any order and cooperation between the two failed political parties! Wake up and smell the coffee Mikey instead of drinking that GOP propaganda piss by the gallon!
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Republicans will take the blame for the shutdown

Only liars and idiots will believe that the Republicans caused the shutdown. Republicans passed a funding bill in the House, but Democrats blocked the bill in the Senate with a filibuster because they knew that otherwise it would pass 51-49--and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Our Presidents inept handling of negotiations caused it.

A mind-bogglingly absurd statement. The DACA negotiations have nothing to do with the budget. The Dems have insisted on tying DACA to the budget, even though they have proposed no DACA bill, even though they are still being vague about what they are offering and what they want on DACA, and even though DACA is not a budget matter.

How do you negotiate when the other side won't lay out exactly what they want and what they are willing to offer? As the White House has pointed out many times, when they have asked for specifics about Dem proposals, they've gotten nothing but evasion and/or silence. Give me a single link to a text or video that presents what the Dems are offering and what they want. Let's see it. Better yet, show me the Dems' DACA bill. How in the devil were Republicans supposed to vote on DACA when the Dems still have not submitted a DACA bill? The Dems pulled this same garbage during the sequestration debate.

Donnie ass!

How do you make a deal with dishonest radicals who are willing to shut down the government to protect illegal aliens and who won't publicly specify what they want and what they are willing to give in return? Trump has never had to deal with lying idiots like Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin, Hoyer, Booker, etc. He did all he could to get Senate Democrats to drop the filibuster and let the funding bill pass, which it would have done if there had been no filibuster.
Unbelievably, we are seeing liberals here make the abjectly ignorant argument that the Republicans are to blame for the shutdown because they control Congress. One yo-yo is posting an idiotic meme that asks how Democrats can be at fault when the Republicans control Congress.

Do liberals not understand that in the Senate the minority party can block anything with a filibuster as long as they can muster 41 votes to support the filibuster? Do liberals not know that the Republicans only have a 51-49 margin in the Senate and that it takes 60 votes to end a filibuster? Have liberals forgotten that the Republican-controlled House passed a funding bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin?

Really, I can't believe that even our resident liberals are so stupid as to not know about the filibuster. But, they all seem to be acting like they've never heard of the filibuster because they keep repeating the idiotic, disingenuous argument that the Republicans are to blame because they control Congress.

45 Republicans and 5 Democrats voted for the funding bill, and Pence was prepared to cast the tie-breaking vote if Schumer dropped the filibuster. But, Schumer kept the filibuster and therefore the funding bill was defeated, and now we have a government shutdown. If Schumer had dropped the filibuster, the bill would have passed and the government would still be open.

Americans are not interested in excuses. Donald Trump ran as a dealmaker who could get things done. Republicans hold all 3 branches of government and this is the first time a shutdown has happened when you have that occurrence since Jimmy Carter in the 70's. It is being held hostage because Republicans are putting the interests of right wing hatemongers above Americans. That hatred is the only glue that holds together what is left of the Trump coalition.
Republicans will take the blame for the shutdown

Only liars and idiots will believe that the Republicans caused the shutdown. Republicans passed a funding bill in the House, but Democrats blocked the bill in the Senate with a filibuster because they knew that otherwise it would pass 51-49--and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Our Presidents inept handling of negotiations caused it.

A mind-bogglingly absurd statement. The DACA negotiations have nothing to do with the budget. The Dems have insisted on tying DACA to the budget, even though they have proposed no DACA bill, even though they are still being vague about what they are offering and what they want on DACA, and even though DACA is not a budget matter.

How do you negotiate when the other side won't lay out exactly what they want and what they are willing to offer? As the White House has pointed out many times, when they have asked for specifics about Dem proposals, they've gotten nothing but evasion and/or silence. Give me a single link to a text or video that presents what the Dems are offering and what they want. Let's see it. Better yet, show me the Dems' DACA bill. How in the devil were Republicans supposed to vote on DACA when the Dems still have not submitted a DACA bill? The Dems pulled this same garbage during the sequestration debate.

Donnie ass!

How do you make a deal with dishonest radicals who are willing to shut down the government to protect illegal aliens and who won't publicly specify what they want and what they are willing to give in return? Trump has never had to deal with lying idiots like Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin, Hoyer, Booker, etc. He did all he could to get Senate Democrats to drop the filibuster and let the funding bill pass, which it would have done if there had been no filibuster.

You are a lying little weasel. The fact is there has been a DACA compromise sitting in the Senate for over a month now. Democrats have said that they would support that compromise. Democrats have made it clear what they want.

It is Republicans who are the slippery ones. A compromise was sitting out there Friday that everyone was ready to agree on. Then Stephen Miller, Tom Cotton and others in the White House blew it up. It is Republicans who are trying to appeal to their hateful base.
Apparently Liberals Here Don't Know What A Filibuster Is

this surprises you how --LOL

they also believe the popular vote wins in a presidential election

the good and plenty causes of the Constitution exists

man made global warming


among other things

Unbelievably, we are seeing liberals here make the abjectly ignorant argument that the Republicans are to blame for the shutdown because they control Congress. One yo-yo is posting an idiotic meme that asks how Democrats can be at fault when the Republicans control Congress.

Do liberals not understand that in the Senate the minority party can block anything with a filibuster as long as they can muster 41 votes to support the filibuster? Do liberals not know that the Republicans only have a 51-49 margin in the Senate and that it takes 60 votes to end a filibuster? Have liberals forgotten that the Republican-controlled House passed a funding bill on Thursday by a fairly comfortable margin?

Really, I can't believe that even our resident liberals are so stupid as to not know about the filibuster. But, they all seem to be acting like they've never heard of the filibuster because they keep repeating the idiotic, disingenuous argument that the Republicans are to blame because they control Congress.

45 Republicans and 5 Democrats voted for the funding bill, and Pence was prepared to cast the tie-breaking vote if Schumer dropped the filibuster. But, Schumer kept the filibuster and therefore the funding bill was defeated, and now we have a government shutdown. If Schumer had dropped the filibuster, the bill would have passed and the government would still be open.

Hmmm...filibuster, that's like when Rightwinger just posts comment after dumbass comment.
The best part of the Government shutdown is that Fat Donnie is getting the blame

Will come in handy in the 2018 elections

Really? The New York Times and the AP are both running stories with headlines saying the Democrats blocked the spending bill, etc., etc.

Of course, since you don't care about truth or fact, or just can't comprehend them, you're listening to your wing-nut news sources--CNN, MSNBC, etc.--even though it is as plain as day that the Democrats shut down the government.
So, the times and the AP all of a sudden are not fake news! At any rate where is the link where the times puts this on the Dems?
Republicans will take the blame for the shutdown

Only liars and idiots will believe that the Republicans caused the shutdown. Republicans passed a funding bill in the House, but Democrats blocked the bill in the Senate with a filibuster because they knew that otherwise it would pass 51-49--and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Our Presidents inept handling of negotiations caused it.

A mind-bogglingly absurd statement. The DACA negotiations have nothing to do with the budget. The Dems have insisted on tying DACA to the budget, even though they have proposed no DACA bill, even though they are still being vague about what they are offering and what they want on DACA, and even though DACA is not a budget matter.

How do you negotiate when the other side won't lay out exactly what they want and what they are willing to offer? As the White House has pointed out many times, when they have asked for specifics about Dem proposals, they've gotten nothing but evasion and/or silence. Give me a single link to a text or video that presents what the Dems are offering and what they want. Let's see it. Better yet, show me the Dems' DACA bill. How in the devil were Republicans supposed to vote on DACA when the Dems still have not submitted a DACA bill? The Dems pulled this same garbage during the sequestration debate.

Donnie ass!

How do you make a deal with dishonest radicals who are willing to shut down the government to protect illegal aliens and who won't publicly specify what they want and what they are willing to give in return? Trump has never had to deal with lying idiots like Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin, Hoyer, Booker, etc. He did all he could to get Senate Democrats to drop the filibuster and let the funding bill pass, which it would have done if there had been no filibuster.
Donnie Dealmaker is inept

ONLY President to control Government and have it shut down

Donnie told them to come back with an agreement and come back to him.
They did and Donnie went into a racist tantrum and screwed up a done deal

If anyone wanted to see an astounding example of the liberal ability to ignore reality, fact, and logic, we are seeing this on full display with the liberal refusal to admit that the Democrats shut down the government and with the liberal attempt to blame the Republicans--when the GOP-controlled House passed the funding bill, when 90% of Senate Republicans voted for the funding bill, and when the Democrats invoked a filibuster to block the bill because they knew that it would pass on a regular vote by 51-49.

Kudos to those five Senate Democrats who voted against the shutdown, and shame on Schumer and those Dems who followed his lead.
If Fat Donnie had left DACA alone, we would not have this problem

It's what happens when you elect someone who is unqualified
If Fat Donnie had left DACA alone, we would not have this problem

It's what happens when you elect someone who is unqualified
DACA is for fucking morons to support... I see you joined right up
It is the right thing to do and is supported by a majority of the country

If Trump left DACA alone we would not be having these problems
Republicans are getting the political cooperation they have earned

Maybe if they give back the Supreme Court seat they stole, they can begin to get some cooperation
image problem ltd. @processanalyzer
Government shutdowns in the last 25 years:

1995 (Republican Congress)
1996 (Republican Congress)
2013 (Republican Congress)
2018 (Republican Congress) aka Lie #TrumpShutdown

What a weird coincidence.

Lie lie lie. I don’t even know why you guys bother posting. It is such a waste of an honest persons time

A look back at every government shutdown in U.S. history

8:04 AM - Jan 20, 2018

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