Apparently one can be arrested in England for reading the bible aloud in public.

k9buck said:
Apparently one can be arrested in England for reading the bible aloud in public.

Erm, no. Reading the Bible or Koran or Torah (or any other religious texts) aloud in public, is not an arrestable offense in the UK. Conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace is. As it happens David Lynn, the person in the video, later denied he'd made any homophobic comments and given that it was his word against the complainants, the matter was dropped, the police having better things to do. Apparently Mr Lynn, is a bit of a fanatic homophobe and likes to provoke such incidents for publicity. Basically another "snake oil salesman". Toronto preacher known for confrontations in gay village planning West Coast tour
I dont know what constitutes “homophobic” in england

but merely offending someone should not be against the law
k9buck said:
Apparently one can be arrested in England for reading the bible aloud in public.

Erm, no. Reading the Bible or Koran or Torah (or any other religious texts) aloud in public, is not an arrestable offense in the UK. Conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace is. As it happens David Lynn, the person in the video, later denied he'd made any homophobic comments and given that it was his word against the complainants, the matter was dropped, the police having better things to do. Apparently Mr Lynn, is a bit of a fanatic homophobe and likes to provoke such incidents for publicity. Basically another "snake oil salesman". Toronto preacher known for confrontations in gay village planning West Coast tour
I dont know what constitutes “homophobic” in england

but merely offending someone should not be against the law

It's a bit more complicated that "merely offending" Here's a basic rundown, if you are interested, Sexual orientation and transgender identity hate crime
k9buck said:
Apparently one can be arrested in England for reading the bible aloud in public.

Erm, no. Reading the Bible or Koran or Torah (or any other religious texts) aloud in public, is not an arrestable offense in the UK. Conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace is. As it happens David Lynn, the person in the video, later denied he'd made any homophobic comments and given that it was his word against the complainants, the matter was dropped, the police having better things to do. Apparently Mr Lynn, is a bit of a fanatic homophobe and likes to provoke such incidents for publicity. Basically another "snake oil salesman". Toronto preacher known for confrontations in gay village planning West Coast tour
I dont know what constitutes “homophobic” in england

but merely offending someone should not be against the law

It's a bit more complicated that "merely offending" Here's a basic rundown, if you are interested, Sexual orientation and transgender identity hate crime
When I study you link it gets very complicated

This means that if you believe something is a hate incident, it should be recorded as this by the person you are reporting it to.

meaning any remark that is critical of sexual perverts aka homosexuals is a crime if the homosexual says it is

such as quoting from the Bible

that gives 1% of the population a great deal of power
SNP's new hate crime law could lead to prosecution simply for expressing religious views
THE SNP's new hate crime bill could criminalise religious preaching and expression, it has been claimed.

Catholic Church fears Bible could fall foul of new hate crime legislation
Statist censorship.

They should probably slap a warning label on the Bible.

View attachment 436721



Statist censorship.

They should probably slap a warning label on the Bible.

View attachment 436721

What a bunch of lies 'supported' by the verses taken out of context. You 'liberals' are supposedly fighting against bias, but instead of it support and promote it.
Statist censorship.

They should probably slap a warning label on the Bible.

View attachment 436721

What a bunch of lies 'supported' by the verses taken out of context. You 'liberals' are supposedly fighting against bias, but instead of it support and promote it.
Cannibalisms is alive and well in the old testament, and alive as well in the sack of the temple in 70AD.

Josephus relates that there was a Mary, daughter of Eleazar originally from the village of Bethezuba in the district of Perea, east of the Jordan River, who had previously fled to Jerusalem. Distinguished in family and fortune, her property, treasures and food had been plundered by the Jewish defenders of the city during the siege. Famine was “eating her heart out, and rage consuming her still faster”. Maddened by hunger she took the infant at her breast and said to him: “Poor little mite! In war, famine, and civil strife why should I keep you alive? With the Romans there is only slavery and that only if alive when they come; but famine is forestalling slavery, and the partisans are crueler than either. Come you must be food for me, to the partisans an avenging spirit, and to the world a tale, the only thing left to fill up the measure of Jewish misery”. And in “defiance to all natural feeling” she killed her son, then roasted him and ate one half, hiding the rest.
Mary of Bethezuba - Wikipedia
Statist censorship.

Can't you find a regular article about this, are we doomed to read tiktok now, instead of twitter?
Apparently conservatives have no idea what an unreliable source is.
so sez the side that never did identify the person who actually listen to Trump's phone call

Yes.. they did identify everyone on the phone call right up front. Listen to it.

What a bunch of lies 'supported' by the verses taken out of context. You 'liberals' are supposedly fighting against bias, but instead of it support and promote it.

Actually, if anyone takes the Bible out of context, it's the Christians who cherry pick the nice parts, leave out the nasty parts, and give you a Disney version of a rather nasty barbaric religion.
Anyone can believe anything they wish, but this freedom does not entail any right to accost strangers or cause a disruption in public. The poor UK. It seems to attack these types.
Statist censorship.

They should probably slap a warning label on the Bible.

View attachment 436721

What a bunch of lies 'supported' by the verses taken out of context. You 'liberals' are supposedly fighting against bias, but instead of it support and promote it.
Cannibalisms is alive and well in the old testament, and alive as well in the sack of the temple in 70AD.

Josephus relates that there was a Mary, daughter of Eleazar originally from the village of Bethezuba in the district of Perea, east of the Jordan River, who had previously fled to Jerusalem. Distinguished in family and fortune, her property, treasures and food had been plundered by the Jewish defenders of the city during the siege. Famine was “eating her heart out, and rage consuming her still faster”. Maddened by hunger she took the infant at her breast and said to him: “Poor little mite! In war, famine, and civil strife why should I keep you alive? With the Romans there is only slavery and that only if alive when they come; but famine is forestalling slavery, and the partisans are crueler than either. Come you must be food for me, to the partisans an avenging spirit, and to the world a tale, the only thing left to fill up the measure of Jewish misery”. And in “defiance to all natural feeling” she killed her son, then roasted him and ate one half, hiding the rest.
Mary of Bethezuba - Wikipedia
That is the best thing you managed to get to support your foolish point? In Ukraine, during the Holodomor, cannibalism wasn't an uncommon thing. Is your brain able to proceed why it doesn't have anything to do with the OT or religion as a whole?
What a bunch of lies 'supported' by the verses taken out of context. You 'liberals' are supposedly fighting against bias, but instead of it support and promote it.

Actually, if anyone takes the Bible out of context, it's the Christians who cherry pick the nice parts, leave out the nasty parts, and give you a Disney version of a rather nasty barbaric religion.
Basically, the Christians and you 'liberals' are the same in this regard. The two sides of one coin.
Statist censorship.

They should probably slap a warning label on the Bible.

View attachment 436721

What a bunch of lies 'supported' by the verses taken out of context. You 'liberals' are supposedly fighting against bias, but instead of it support and promote it.
Cannibalisms is alive and well in the old testament, and alive as well in the sack of the temple in 70AD.

Josephus relates that there was a Mary, daughter of Eleazar originally from the village of Bethezuba in the district of Perea, east of the Jordan River, who had previously fled to Jerusalem. Distinguished in family and fortune, her property, treasures and food had been plundered by the Jewish defenders of the city during the siege. Famine was “eating her heart out, and rage consuming her still faster”. Maddened by hunger she took the infant at her breast and said to him: “Poor little mite! In war, famine, and civil strife why should I keep you alive? With the Romans there is only slavery and that only if alive when they come; but famine is forestalling slavery, and the partisans are crueler than either. Come you must be food for me, to the partisans an avenging spirit, and to the world a tale, the only thing left to fill up the measure of Jewish misery”. And in “defiance to all natural feeling” she killed her son, then roasted him and ate one half, hiding the rest.
Mary of Bethezuba - Wikipedia
That is the best thing you managed to get to support your foolish point? In Ukraine, during the Holodomor, cannibalism wasn't an uncommon thing. Is your brain able to proceed why it doesn't have anything to do with the OT or religion as a whole?

No and these verses:
10 Bible verses about Cannibalism (

If people starve , they eat their children??
Statist censorship.

The UK has never really believed in religious freedom, that's why America was founded in the first place.

Maryland was founded by Roman Catholics, Pennsylvania by Quakers, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations by Baptists, New York by Jews, Massachusetts by Puritans.

Not surprising that the nation that would execute Guy Fawkes for his religious beliefs would continue to do the same.
They didn't execute him for his religious beliefs but for trying to blow up Parliament.
He was caught red-handed in the basement with dozens of barrels of gun powder.
Statist censorship.

They should probably slap a warning label on the Bible.

View attachment 436721

What a bunch of lies 'supported' by the verses taken out of context. You 'liberals' are supposedly fighting against bias, but instead of it support and promote it.
Cannibalisms is alive and well in the old testament, and alive as well in the sack of the temple in 70AD.

Josephus relates that there was a Mary, daughter of Eleazar originally from the village of Bethezuba in the district of Perea, east of the Jordan River, who had previously fled to Jerusalem. Distinguished in family and fortune, her property, treasures and food had been plundered by the Jewish defenders of the city during the siege. Famine was “eating her heart out, and rage consuming her still faster”. Maddened by hunger she took the infant at her breast and said to him: “Poor little mite! In war, famine, and civil strife why should I keep you alive? With the Romans there is only slavery and that only if alive when they come; but famine is forestalling slavery, and the partisans are crueler than either. Come you must be food for me, to the partisans an avenging spirit, and to the world a tale, the only thing left to fill up the measure of Jewish misery”. And in “defiance to all natural feeling” she killed her son, then roasted him and ate one half, hiding the rest.
Mary of Bethezuba - Wikipedia
That is the best thing you managed to get to support your foolish point? In Ukraine, during the Holodomor, cannibalism wasn't an uncommon thing. Is your brain able to proceed why it doesn't have anything to do with the OT or religion as a whole?

No and these verses:
10 Bible verses about Cannibalism (

If people starve , they eat their children??
Read something about such events. Maybe you will get to know more about the world you live in.
Statist censorship.

They should probably slap a warning label on the Bible.

View attachment 436721

What a bunch of lies 'supported' by the verses taken out of context. You 'liberals' are supposedly fighting against bias, but instead of it support and promote it.
Cannibalisms is alive and well in the old testament, and alive as well in the sack of the temple in 70AD.

Josephus relates that there was a Mary, daughter of Eleazar originally from the village of Bethezuba in the district of Perea, east of the Jordan River, who had previously fled to Jerusalem. Distinguished in family and fortune, her property, treasures and food had been plundered by the Jewish defenders of the city during the siege. Famine was “eating her heart out, and rage consuming her still faster”. Maddened by hunger she took the infant at her breast and said to him: “Poor little mite! In war, famine, and civil strife why should I keep you alive? With the Romans there is only slavery and that only if alive when they come; but famine is forestalling slavery, and the partisans are crueler than either. Come you must be food for me, to the partisans an avenging spirit, and to the world a tale, the only thing left to fill up the measure of Jewish misery”. And in “defiance to all natural feeling” she killed her son, then roasted him and ate one half, hiding the rest.
Mary of Bethezuba - Wikipedia
That is the best thing you managed to get to support your foolish point? In Ukraine, during the Holodomor, cannibalism wasn't an uncommon thing. Is your brain able to proceed why it doesn't have anything to do with the OT or religion as a whole?

No and these verses:
10 Bible verses about Cannibalism (

If people starve , they eat their children??
Read something about such events. Maybe you will get to know more about the world you live in.

I cant even imagine being a cannibal if I was wasting away. I'd rather die.
Statist censorship.

The UK has never really believed in religious freedom, that's why America was founded in the first place.

Maryland was founded by Roman Catholics, Pennsylvania by Quakers, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations by Baptists, New York by Jews, Massachusetts by Puritans.

Not surprising that the nation that would execute Guy Fawkes for his religious beliefs would continue to do the same.
They didn't execute him for his religious beliefs but for trying to blow up Parliament.
He was caught red-handed in the basement with dozens of barrels of gun powder.

The supposed admission that Mr. Fawkes was trying to blow up Parliament was extracted from the gentleman through torture- and that just isn't admissible in a legitimate court of law.
These "preachers" perform in most of the city centres in the UK.In most instances they burble on ,harming no one whilst their followers hand out pamphlets.

But the more motivated roll up with amplifiers and minders and disturb the peace for anyone unfortunate enough to live or work in the vicinity.

They are too smug to realise that the public has zero interest in their warped view of Islam or Christianity.
Statist censorship.

The UK has never really believed in religious freedom, that's why America was founded in the first place.

Maryland was founded by Roman Catholics, Pennsylvania by Quakers, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations by Baptists, New York by Jews, Massachusetts by Puritans.

Not surprising that the nation that would execute Guy Fawkes for his religious beliefs would continue to do the same.
They didn't execute him for his religious beliefs but for trying to blow up Parliament.
He was caught red-handed in the basement with dozens of barrels of gun powder.

The supposed admission that Mr. Fawkes was trying to blow up Parliament was extracted from the gentleman through torture- and that just isn't admissible in a legitimate court of law.
Hmm, but he was actually caught in the basement with tons of barrels of explosives so I don't think they needed a confession.

How come you guys think everything is fake?
Was the Pilgrim Fathers and Mayflower?
The A-bomb on Hiroshima?

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