Apparently the mainstream media lied about Russiagate all along.

The media is like: You mean the democrats are just influence pedaling Chinese shills pandering to the lowest common denominator?

Is that why Republicans sided with the COMMUNIST CHINESE on the CHIPS Act?
It's surely time for those who admit to using MSM to be scorned and socially isolated .
Would you seriously mix with people who believe that Covid was not a bio weapon and that the Killer Shots were not an evil that requires punishment .
Why then let the instruments of these lies and deceit remain ?
News flash? Democrats and the media lied the entire time about Trump.

The media over-reported, over-emphasized and (probably worse) made (what could definitely be construed as) biased assumptions and ignored a lot about the Steele Dossier and the Carter Paige FISA request.

At the same time, there were convictions on members of Trump's group regarding communication between them and the Russians during the campaign. That stuff did happen. Those people went to jail for real reasons.

So, as usual, it's not a binary, all-or-nothing situation. As usual, plenty of hands are dirty. As usual, it's not Good vs. Evil. But so few on either end have the intellectual honesty to just admit it. For once.
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The media lies about EVERYTHING.


Or didn't you know that already? :mad-61:


Things adults should stop believing in:

The lies of Donald Trump.

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