Appeals court (surprise surprise surprise) has rejected the Trump immunity motion

FPOTUS#45 didn't want Pence to follow the rules. The rules enshrined in the United States Code as the Electoral College Act of 1887 required:
  • The President of the Senate (the VP) open the EC certification from the State and announce the number.
  • That number was tallied unless there was an objection.
  • Objections had to be in writing and signed by a Senator and a Representative in tandem.
  • At which point counting was halted.
  • Each body adjourned to their respective chambers for 2 hours of debate and a vote.
  • Sustaining the objection required BOTH chambers to vote to uphold. If not, the vote was counted.
No where in the rules is there any indication that the VP (Acting as the President of the Senate) had any authority to arbitrarily not count certified election results from the state.

John Lauro, one of former President Trumpā€™s defense attorneys in a case involving attempts to overturn the 2020 election, said Trump ā€œaskedā€ former Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election results in an ā€œaspirationalā€ way, giving a glimpse into possible defenses by his team.

In an interview that aired Sunday on CNNā€™s ā€œState of the Union,ā€ Lauro argued that Trump was exercising his First Amendment right by asking Pence to throw out Electoral College votes from certain states, seeking to draw a distinction between ā€œaskingā€ and ā€œdirectingā€ Pence to take actions on that day.
So ... according to a DC appeals court ...

Barack Obama doesn't have Presidential immunity.

Bill Clinton doesn't have Presidential immunity.

George W. Bush doesn't have Presidential immunity.

Joe Biden doesn't have Presidential immunity.

Good to know.
According to the appeals court they don't have presidential immunity for crimes done, outside of their presidential duties.

The Georgia case was outside of his presidential duties...Constitutionally, elections belong to the states...

He doesn't have immunity in the special counsel election subversion case because the political and campaign rally was outside if his presidential duties on 1/6.

He doesn't have presidential immunity in his Mara Lago document's case because he was no longer president and had no right to knowingly hide and keep the top secret documents, or declassified documents and obstructed justice to retain and hide them.

He doesn't have presidential immunity in his stormy Daniels case because he cheated prior to being president....and not a presidential duty.
Thatā€™s absolutely not true and there is substantial evidence, including testimony from Penceā€™s staff
about Trump specifically asking him to violate the electoral count act.

Itā€™s pretty absurd to call Trumpā€™s actions official when he didnā€™t actually take any official acts. All he did was try to compel and coerce people into doing what he wanted. He didnā€™t take official acts because he doesnā€™t have an official role.
why would it matter if Trump violated the law while doing an "official" or non-official act? I'm not trying to argue, but the opinion on page 19 has the following:

. In the civil context, the Supreme Court has explained that a former President is absolutely immune from civil liability for his official acts, defined to include any conduct falling within the ā€œā€˜outer perimeterā€™ of his official responsibility.ā€ Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. at 756. Both sitting and former Presidents remain civilly liable for private conduct. Clinton v. Jones, 520 U.S. 681, 686, 694ā€“95 (1997); Blassingame, 87 F.4th at 12ā€“14. When considering the issue of Presidential immunity, the Supreme Court has been careful to note that its holdings on civil liability do not carry over to criminal prosecutions. See Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. at 754 n.37 (explaining the ā€œlesser public interest in actions for civil damages than, for example, in criminal prosecutionsā€); cf. Clinton, 520 U.S. at 704 n.39 (noting special considerations at issue in criminal cases).

There's no question a current or ex potus may not civilly be sued for any official acts done while potus. But how can asking states to rig election results (or lying about a bj and committing perjury) be "official acts?" Just because Trump can be dragged into a court, doesn't necessarily mean the prosecution has the facts to convict him, though.,

But Trump while still potus and even Lindsey had, arguably, official standing to investigate allegations of vote rigging. Trump's problem is that he lost every vote challenge and Faux just paid out a billion, and is still on the hook for more, because the only one doing vote fixing was .... Trump.

One can argue, if they want, that states had rules/laws letting vote harvesting happen, opening polls for longer hours, extremely loose mail in voting .... but conservatism is supposed to stand for letting states manage federal elections within boundaries set by congress to have votes counted.
An objection to votes from members of Congress leads to a debate and a vote on whether to accept the objection. Only after a majority of both houses vote to disregard the electoral certificate would the electoral votes be taken away.

Trump was asking Pence to refuse to even introduce the electoral certificate, thereby taking away the electoral votes without any debate or vote by Congress. The reason being that Trump and everyone knew the objections would fail the congressional vote.
John Lauro, one of former President Trumpā€™s defense attorneys in a case involving attempts to overturn the 2020 election, said Trump ā€œaskedā€ former Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election results in an ā€œaspirationalā€ way, giving a glimpse into possible defenses by his team.

In an interview that aired Sunday on CNNā€™s ā€œState of the Union,ā€ Lauro argued that Trump was exercising his First Amendment right by asking Pence to throw out Electoral College votes from certain states, seeking to draw a distinction between ā€œaskingā€ and ā€œdirectingā€ Pence to take actions on that day.
John Lauro, one of former President Trumpā€™s defense attorneys in a case involving attempts to overturn the 2020 election, said Trump ā€œaskedā€ former Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election results in an ā€œaspirationalā€ way, giving a glimpse into possible defenses by his team.

In an interview that aired Sunday on CNNā€™s ā€œState of the Union,ā€ Lauro argued that Trump was exercising his First Amendment right by asking Pence to throw out Electoral College votes from certain states, seeking to draw a distinction between ā€œaskingā€ and ā€œdirectingā€ Pence to take actions on that day.
I think I'll ask somebody to burn out my neighbor. Wonder how that works out for me. lol
Let's discuss concessions first. There is no such law telling any candidate he or she must issue public words to the effect they lost.
That is nonsense spread by Democrats.
GORE put this country through hell by spending so much time in court. Trying to overturn the election. Still I never called for him to go to prison over this. Clinton to this day alleges she beat Trump. All I read for a year or more by Democrats is she beat Trump. They lied of course.
When did I or anyone say the traditional and gentlemanly or womanly concession call and speech was a law? It is a tradition that helps the process of winning and losing go smoothly and with less chance of violence by the masses. It affirms the belief in our system whether or not your team won or lost. Both Gore and Clinton followed the tradition and didn't entice their followers to distrust the 50 state elections and our Constitutional Republic like Trump did and does.
He doesn't have presidential immunity in his stormy Daniels case because he cheated prior to being president....and not a presidential duty.
What's this about Stormy Daniels? I believe she has denied she had sex with Trump. And Trump can't be prosecuted for what a lawyer says he did. That lawyer ended up in prison.

Stormy admitted to Anderson Cooper she signed the statement that she and Trump never had an affair.

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When did I or anyone say the traditional and gentlemanly or womanly concession call and speech was a law? It is a tradition that helps the process of winning and losing go smoothly and with less chance of violence by the masses. It affirms the belief in our system whether or not your team won or lost. Both Gore and Clinton followed the tradition and didn't entice their followers to distrust the 50 state elections and our Constitutional Republic like Trump did and does.
Unless it is a law, it is rather null and void. For instance. Gore gave his to Bush. Gore later changed his mind and went to court.

Who gave the first presidential concession speech?

Wm. McKinley, Canton, Ohio: Senator Jones has just informed me that the returns indicate your election, and I hasten to extend my congratulations. We have submitted the issue to the American people and their will is law. Those two sentences are considered to be the first public concession in U.S. presidential politics.
I think I'll ask somebody to burn out my neighbor. Wonder how that works out for me. lol
Well, just what did you do to get that done? Did you point your gun at him? Was he chained to you? Did you tell him if not you would kill his children?

Actually a current case that is ultra sad is a woman got convicted for her child murdering others. She by being mom takes the fall. This nation is in serious trouble.
No problem!

If only there was evidence Joe Biden committed a crime, eh?

Too bad.
At the moment, the evidence against Biden is very serious and a lot more powerful than what is had against Trump.

Let's open with extorting Ukraine. And Biden admits he did it.
I know for a fact that the Congress voted and that they also moved to a new venue.

Congress started to vote. It was suspended for the riot. Then Congress reconviend later in the evening. They didn't go to a new venue.

Might want to check you facts.

But Trump was not there at the Congress demanding anything. Trump wanted his fans to show up but not to destroy stuff inside the Capitol.

Who said FPOTUS#45 anything about him being at the Congressional Joint Session? I know I've never made that claim.

When did I or anyone say the traditional and gentlemanly or womanly concession call and speech was a law? It is a tradition that helps the process of winning and losing go smoothly and with less chance of violence by the masses. It affirms the belief in our system whether or not your team won or lost. Both Gore and Clinton followed the tradition and didn't entice their followers to distrust the 50 state elections and our Constitutional Republic like Trump did and does.
Gore talked a lot about his mistrust of the election. Hillary flat out went overboard by alleging the popular vote proves she won. She lied about it and still lies about it.

If we wanted Gore and Clinton in prison, you would defend both I believe is the case.
Then why is he still the presumptive GOP nomination for the 2024 presidential election? Even in spite of everything you've thrown at him for almost 8 years?

You're going to have to think a little harder.
That's not the White House and as he's done for 6 years, Super Joe Biden will delight in kicking Trump's ass right into the Super Max.
Unless there was an objection..... From your own words.

Were there objections filed with Pence by congress critters?

There were in fact objections made to Pence inside the house that same day.

We only are able to read what the media allows us to read. We do not have independent sources from the very inside. When we are informed by congressmen and women they get called liars.

I do not trust those clowns very much. Do you trust the clowns?

What are you talking about?

You know there is this thing called the Congressional Record maintained for all session of Congress.

It documented the entire proceeding including the adjournment, reconvening, the objections submitted in writing and how they votes turned out, and the final counting procedure.
Funny thing is, there were more combinations of Senators/Representatives that were ready to submit proper challenges to the vote count. But because of the riot most of them chose NOT to submit the objections. So FPOTUS#45 charging up the crowd and pointing them at the capital worked against him in terms of the EC counting process.


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