Apple pulls Civil War games from it's app store because of a FLAG

The loons on the left cheer Apple...while ignoring the average wage in an Apple facility in China is $285.....a month

That's slave labor folks

That works out to $1.78 an hr wage. Fuck Apple. I do not....and will never buy their shitty products.

Southern slave owners treated their slaves better than Apple treats theirs. But the left cheers Apple on...amazing

Apple employee in China.... They call themselves i-slaves.


Looks fun....doesn't?



Labor unions might do them some good.

The labor movement in America started off good. Until it become corrupted and evil. I guess those mob connections get ya every time. :(
The loons on the left cheer Apple...while ignoring the average wage in an Apple facility in China is $285.....a month

That's slave labor folks

That works out to $1.78 an hr wage. Fuck Apple. I do not....and will never buy their shitty products.

Southern slave owners treated their slaves better than Apple treats theirs. But the left cheers Apple on...amazing

Apple employee in China.... They call themselves i-slaves.


Looks fun....doesn't?



Labor unions might do them some good.

The labor movement in America started off good. Until it become corrupted and evil. I guess those mob connections get ya every time. :(

Blah blah. Talking point soup.
Get your whine on Synthy, you've just begun to be offended:

“I don’t know what the hell the fight is about over the Confederate flag! We need to put the American flag down because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag!” he said.
“Who are we fighting today? It’s the people that carry the American flag,” Farrakhan continued. “What flag do the police have? What flag flies over the non-Justice Department? What flag flies over the White House?

Get that hurt butt going. Your real target just showed up......
This shit is just unbelievable. Our country has literally just turned into a nation of pansies.....
Yep, it's gonna be fascinating to see how far this stuff goes, and how fast.

Anything that can be construed by the Left as "offensive" will ultimately be up for grabs.

Hang on kids!


A group of university professors have signed a letter showing their solidarity with students who tried to ban the American flag at the University of California, Irvine – because they said Old Glory contributes to racism.

“U.S. nationalism often contributes to racism and xenophobia, and that the paraphernalia of nationalism is in fact often used to intimidate. Hundreds across the nation have signed the letter – including some U.C. Irvine professors, read a letter obtained by the website Campus Reform.

When you clowns win, America loses.
"Apple pulls Civil War games from it's app store because of a FLAG"

Which it has every right to do as a private company in a free and democratic society, and for any reason or reasons it so desires.
The stupidity exhibited by conservatives concerning this issue is remarkable.

We have a private company making business decisions in a free and unfettered marketplace, decisions it perceives to be in its best financial interest to increase profit and ensure market share; a private company listening and responding to its customers absent any government regulation, interference, or mandates, absent lawsuits, injunctions, and court orders – and conservatives are whining and complaining about it.

The ridiculous right, indeed.

Sadly, that not what we have at all Clay. We have bullies targeting our country.
See all the little red targets? See that little dot in Arizona? I bet you don't even know what the next liberal butt hurt is that they are targeting. Just as long as there is a target to undermine patriotism.

Maybe the libs can hire ISIS to destroy any vestige of our heritage. Burn books like Gone With the Wind, and To Kill a Mockingbird. Burn down churches and smash statues. If that doesn't work you can always put away anyone who remembers the United States they grew up in. The Free one.
Should we expect Hollywood to take up some ridiculous cause with old movies? Or even censor new movies?

I just don't see where this ends. I hope Apple receives some sort of public outcry over this. I've looked up some of these games and the images are presented in a historical perspective not a racial one.
Apparently, only some have to be removed from their heritage. Others are being told to embrace theirs:

While speaking at a "Save the Black Church" rally Tuesday night in Charleston's Marian Square, close to the Mother Emanuel AME Church where nine black churchgoers were gunned down, former New Black Panther head Malik Zulu Shabazz told a group of some 200 African Americans they need to “finish the mission” of killing “slave masters” and their families, reported Wednesday. Shabazz started by telling the story of Denmark Vesey, an abolitionist and former slave who helped found the church and led a failed slave revolt in 1822.

According to USA Today, "Vesey reportedly preached in meetings in his home, telling members of the congregation that they were the New Israelites and that God would punish their enslavers with death." His plan, PBS said, was to "seize Charleston's arsenals and guard houses, kill the Governor, set fire to the city, and kill every white man they saw." Vesey, however, was arrested before carrying out the plot after nervous slaves informed their owners of the planned rebellion.

“Denmark Vesey had a plan to kill all the slave masters in the state,” Shabazz told those assembled. “Denmark Vesey had a plan to kill every last one of them and kill all of their (expletive deleted) families.”

"We’re out of Denmark Veseys," he added. "And we need some new Denmark Veseys today.” He also had sharp words for black leaders expressing Christian love and forgiveness after the shooting.

“That which we saw in that church does not represent the spirit of Denmark Vesey,” he said. “They have betrayed Denmark Vesey.”

"We got to complete what Denmark didn’t finish,” he declared. “Denmark didn’t finish his mission.” And, he said, "somebody's got to come here to fire up the field slaves."

He also led the crowd in a “Black power” chant and appeared to call for an open rebellion He continued with another chant: “What do we want? Justice, When do we want it? Now.”

“We came to change the order here,” he said. “We don’t forgive nobody.”

This isn't the first time black leaders like Shabazz have advocated violence. Recently, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan was caught on audio issuing a blunt warning to those who might physically come up against his group: “We will kill you all."

Leaders of the New Black Panthers have also advocated killing white people. One leader suggested killing white babies by bombing nurseries.

The discord that liberals are creating goes deeper than they realize. It comes from mouthing nirvana while they create a backward divide, and extremism.
Never used an Apple product and never will. Queer company

My first real computer was an Apple II. (no e on that.) I had an Atari 800 before that, but it was a toy. I remember the Apple fondly. It was what made me what I am today.

Never bought a Mac or an iPhone - never will.
They did so voluntarily.

Millions of Lemmings voluntarily jump off cliffs, too. :D But to be's Apple's decision.

I guess they feel like they're taking the moral high ground as they park $50 billion or so overseas to avoid paying U.S. Tax and manufacture their shitty i-crap in China and pay little Chinese girls $5 bucks a day to work like slaves.

Yep......I guess Apple is making a moral stand alright. :lol:

To be fair though, they DID install nets so when those little girls decided death was better than working for Apple, they would be caught - and put right back on the slave - sorry PRODUCTION line.
I bought a MacBook Pro recently... looks EXACTLY like my Dell XPS 15, other than the power button is reversed. I run Lightshop on both, you can't tell the difference... other than the $400 extra for the Apple.

Do love my iPad though.


Pick up a Surface Pro 3 - just once, you'll never want to pick up an iPad again.

iPad is a toy.
I bought a MacBook Pro recently... looks EXACTLY like my Dell XPS 15, other than the power button is reversed. I run Lightshop on both, you can't tell the difference... other than the $400 extra for the Apple.

Do love my iPad though.


Pick up a Surface Pro 3 - just once, you'll never want to pick up an iPad again.

iPad is a toy.

I looked at the surface pro but damn that price is a bit wack. I ended up buying the new Samsung 10.2 with the gold back.
But yeah, I'll never buy another apple product.
I looked at the surface pro but damn that price is a bit wack. I ended up buying the new Samsung 10.2 with the gold back.
But yeah, I'll never buy another apple product.

The Galaxy is still just an Android though - the SP3 is a real computer in tablet format.
I looked at the surface pro but damn that price is a bit wack. I ended up buying the new Samsung 10.2 with the gold back.
But yeah, I'll never buy another apple product.

The Galaxy is still just an Android though - the SP3 is a real computer in tablet format.

I only bought it to post here though. My phone is too small and I hate sitting at my pc. Youtube & USMB is about all I do on it. Well email too

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