Apple pulls Civil War games from it's app store because of a FLAG

I also happen to agree with Obama U.S. based companies should be penalized for parking the bulk of their profits overseas to avoid paying U.S. Tax.
OK - I see you saying it. I don't see anyone putting any pressure on Republicans do do it.

Another example of the Tea Party being a fake AstroTurf movement - it only gets outraged at the things that outrage the Koch Brothers.
If China can produce a TV for 20% less than we can here....we need a 20% or more tariff on that TV or we don't import it.

For things that we don't or cannot produce here....basically nothing.....we can can the tariff.

The only people who want FREE TRADE in the way we have had it for the past 30 years are those who profit directly from those cheap imports.

Look at this fucked up editorial from 2009.
This shit is just unbelievable. Our country has literally just turned into a nation of pansies.....

Fuck Apple

Tech Apple Removes Civil War Games From App Store
Or a nation that no longer wants to be confronted with daily reminders of their treasonous fellow citizens celebrating their treason.

Oh good God. Your wittle sensibilities got a boo boo. Weakling.
NO ONE was talking about that flag 2 weeks ago. A molehill target gets picked for you, and you perpetually offended, turn it into a meaningless mountain.
No one has been as tender as you are since the civil war. You're that whiney.

I'm gonna make you cry when I tell you this, but the American flag was flown on slave ships. Can I get a collective clowny sniffle? The fourth of July is coming. boooo hooooo bbooooo hoooo. Patriotism, booo hooooo hoooo.
Shut up.
Al Gore sits on Apples Board of Directors. Enuff' said......

He may sit, but I'll bet he has no valuable input.
Al Gore's legacy will only grow as climate change gets worse and worse.

He'll get the say the biggest "I told you so", and "I was right, conservatives were wrong" in history.

Al Gore's a fucking joke. AGW is debunked nonsense as are most climate predictions. In my lifetime I should have burned to death, frozen to death, drowned and died from lack of water.

They're never right.
The loons on the left cheer Apple...while ignoring the average wage in an Apple facility in China is $285.....a month

That's slave labor folks
Al Gore sits on Apples Board of Directors. Enuff' said......

He may sit, but I'll bet he has no valuable input.
Al Gore's legacy will only grow as climate change gets worse and worse.

He'll get the say the biggest "I told you so", and "I was right, conservatives were wrong" in history.
This thread is not about AL Gores weather predictions. Take your off topic bullshit elsewhere
I didn't bring Al Gore into this thread - one of your wingnut crybaby friends did. So STFU and destroy your Traitor Flag.
They did so voluntarily.

Millions of Lemmings voluntarily jump off cliffs, too. :D But to be's Apple's decision.

I guess they feel like they're taking the moral high ground as they park $50 billion or so overseas to avoid paying U.S. Tax and manufacture their shitty i-crap in China and pay little Chinese girls $5 bucks a day to work like slaves.

Yep......I guess Apple is making a moral stand alright. :lol:
You're so full of shit. You wingnuts have been fighting Obama for 6.5 years over bringing foreign profits back to the U.S. You're supported that money staying over there unless Obama agrees to lower the tax rate on that money, and he won't.

So again, you're full of shit.

Girlfriend.....I haven't fought Obama on this at all. WTF are you talking about?

U.S. Corporations should not be allowed to park billions overseas as a means to avoid paying U.S. Tax. k. :)
This shit is just unbelievable. Our country has literally just turned into a nation of pansies.....

Fuck Apple

Tech Apple Removes Civil War Games From App Store
Or a nation that no longer wants to be confronted with daily reminders of their treasonous fellow citizens celebrating their treason.

Oh good God. Your wittle sensibilities got a boo boo. Weakling.
NO ONE was talking about that flag 2 weeks ago. A molehill target gets picked for you, and you perpetually offended, turn it into a meaningless mountain.
No one has been as tender as you are since the civil war. You're that whiney.

I'm gonna make you cry when I tell you this, but the American flag was flown on slave ships. Can I get a collective clowny sniffle? The fourth of July is coming. boooo hooooo bbooooo hoooo. Patriotism, booo hooooo hoooo.
Shut up.
  • President Barack Hussein Obama just kicked all your wingnut asses. :)
  • Southern Republican Governors and Senators are removing, and calling for the removal of the Confederate flag.
  • Justice Scalia gets trolled by Chief Justice Roberts, who used Scalia's own words against him.

It's been a good week! Suck it, wingnut!
The loons on the left cheer Apple...while ignoring the average wage in an Apple facility in China is $285.....a month

That's slave labor folks

That works out to $1.78 an hr wage. Fuck Apple. I do not....and will never buy their shitty products.

Southern slave owners treated their slaves better than Apple treats theirs. But the left cheers Apple on...amazing
The loons on the left cheer Apple...while ignoring the average wage in an Apple facility in China is $285.....a month

That's slave labor folks

That works out to $1.78 an hr wage. Fuck Apple. I do not....and will never buy their shitty products.

Southern slave owners treated their slaves better than Apple treats theirs. But the left cheers Apple on...amazing

Apple employee in China.... They call themselves i-slaves.


Looks fun....doesn't?


The left loons will now go silent on this thread....they can't refute Apple treats their Chinese employees like shit....or slaves
Al Gore sits on Apples Board of Directors. Enuff' said......

He may sit, but I'll bet he has no valuable input.
Al Gore's legacy will only grow as climate change gets worse and worse.

He'll get the say the biggest "I told you so", and "I was right, conservatives were wrong" in history.
This thread is not about AL Gores weather predictions. Take your off topic bullshit elsewhere
I didn't bring Al Gore into this thread - one of your wingnut crybaby friends did. So STFU and destroy your Traitor Flag.
He mentioned him in the context of his position at Apple.
You talk about him in the context that has nothing to do with Apple or this thread.

So as stated, keep your off topic BULLSHIT to yourself, faggot
Apple gets rid of game in there store for flag while they have a store in Iran where you can be killed for speech... The hypocrisy level is over 9000!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is ridiculous.

Just because the shooter had a confederate flag doesn't mean all confederate flags are evil.

It also doesn't make the south or it's history evil either.
The loons on the left cheer Apple...while ignoring the average wage in an Apple facility in China is $285.....a month

That's slave labor folks

That works out to $1.78 an hr wage. Fuck Apple. I do not....and will never buy their shitty products.

Southern slave owners treated their slaves better than Apple treats theirs. But the left cheers Apple on...amazing

Apple employee in China.... They call themselves i-slaves.


Looks fun....doesn't?



Labor unions might do them some good.

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