Approval Levels Drop Even Lower For Obamacare


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
The exit polling from both New Jersey and Virginia do not bode well for Obamacare. A significant majority in both States say they are opposed or strongly opposed to Obamacare.

The new real clear average has dropped to only 42% of Americans approving Obamacare, while more than half oppose it or want it repealed. Not a good sign for the Law or Dems. Here is a link to the polling data.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law
The ACA is gonna sink under its own weight.

Once all those young folks decide to pay the penalty there will be no money. Of course they can always raise premiums even higher. I doubt that will endear the ACA to just about anyone who isn't subsidized by we the taxpayer.
The employer mandate hasn't even gone into effect yet.

It's going to be interesting when retail companies, etc. start shedding jobs and lowering hours to comply.
Here's a bit of raw data:

Insurance cancellations as of 11/4/13 due to Obamacare:

CA: 900,000
NJ: 800,000
FL: 425,000
GA: 400,000
WA: 290,000
OR: 150,000
MI: 146,000
MN: 140,000
KY: 130,000
AL: 87,000
VA: 76,000
MD: 76,000
DC: 76,000
PA: 40,000
CO: 10,000
WY: 2,600

Total: 3,748,600
Not one poll had ACA in a favorable majority. The January debt ceiling negotiations may be interesting. This time, the citizens may just be in favor of a Republican attempt to defund Obamacare. There is more time for people to get their cancellation notices and their new quotes for Obamacare. Let's see what the polling will be then.
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It's refreshing to see that most of the cancellations are in CA, LOL. Couldn't happen to a better state.
The vast majority of insured have no clue what effect the ACA will have on their premiums.
It's a ticking time bomb.
i guess that the 40% who approve obama-care still think its free. yah, lets see what happens when they need to see a doctor who demands they Pay Up Front !!!
Given the website disaster...

Given the tremendous number of private insurance policy cancellations that seem to be materializing...

Given the far larger number of such policy cancellations that the WSJ and others are predicting for the coming months...

Given the stigma now being attached to Fearless Leader about cover-ups regarding pre-knowledge of such an impact (massive cancellations) and the alleged staff discussions and hushing-up while the Bill was being rammed down the throat of Congress at the speed of light...

Unless something truly miraculous materializes to pull ObamaCare out of the crapper...

This dumb-ass nightmare and abortion of a Federal government program is going to implode in the Administrations and the Democratic Party's faces...

Democrats in positions of power on the Federal level would be wise to begin putting some distance between themselves and this abortion as quickly as they can manage it...

In their shoes, I'd be sweating bullets over this, right about now...

It does not surprise me to hear reports that public support for the program is already beginning to tank.
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Thanks to the 50% of dummies voted for tyrants, now we have to pay to breathe in doctors waiting rooms, then we get charged to SPEAK !@!!
Don't worry. Congress will fix the Obamaca...I mean healthcare mess we have in this country. Say, have you ever heard of Single Payer Healthcare?
Today I was at the grocery after having made my Dollar Store run because they usually have the grocery beat on the items they carry. I was waiting to check out 4 items in the 20 items or less aisle. The woman in front of me had two different sets of items one food one non food. She paid for the food items with a SNAP card and ended up owing $1.12 which she scrounged for and found. Then she tried to pay for the non food items with a Wal Mart gift card, which I have to wonder if she got for returning food items at an earlier time. She didn't have enough on that to pay her non food items so she had to start putting things back. All I could think during the ordeal in the quick check out line that was not quick was, 'I guess she has signed up for Obamacare.' Back when I was working, if the person in front of me clearly had money trouble paying for their purchase and only had an item or two that was over, I would have the checker put it on my bill. But I'm retired now, and don't really feel I can or should do that.
Everything that has happened thus far with Obamacare was predictable in fact it was predicated by many on the right the cancelled plans, higher premiums, higher deductibles all called and coming true the only thing that wasn't predicated was how god awful the website would be but seriously who would have thought they could not even get that right.
Everything that has happened thus far with Obamacare was predictable in fact it was predicated by many on the right the cancelled plans, higher premiums, higher deductibles all called and coming true the only thing that wasn't predicated was how god awful the website would be but seriously who would have thought they could not even get that right.

I certainly didn't/couldn't predict that. Having worked for the government and using their electronic charts, there are none to compare anywhere in medicine. The government ALWAYS has the best stuff. The rub on the Obamacare page was that it was contracted without bids to one of Michelle's Princeton buddies.

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