Approval Levels Drop Even Lower For Obamacare

The exit polling from both New Jersey and Virginia do not bode well for Obamacare. A significant majority in both States say they are opposed or strongly opposed to Obamacare.

The new real clear average has dropped to only 42% of Americans approving Obamacare, while more than half oppose it or want it repealed. Not a good sign for the Law or Dems. Here is a link to the polling data.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

This country was made to believe that insurance premiums would drop. They didn't in fact those that are getting their policies cancelled--after being promised by this President--that they would be able to keep their policies--are now looking at premiums doubling, even with higher deductibles.

Millions are losing their medical insurance coverage in this country because of the implementation of Obamacare. And that's going to cut very deep into the Senate and House in November 2014.

AMERICANS ARE PISSED. And they have every right to be--they were lied to about Obamacare.

Today I was at the grocery after having made my Dollar Store run because they usually have the grocery beat on the items they carry. I was waiting to check out 4 items in the 20 items or less aisle. The woman in front of me had two different sets of items one food one non food. She paid for the food items with a SNAP card and ended up owing $1.12 which she scrounged for and found. Then she tried to pay for the non food items with a Wal Mart gift card, which I have to wonder if she got for returning food items at an earlier time. She didn't have enough on that to pay her non food items so she had to start putting things back. All I could think during the ordeal in the quick check out line that was not quick was, 'I guess she has signed up for Obamacare.' Back when I was working, if the person in front of me clearly had money trouble paying for their purchase and only had an item or two that was over, I would have the checker put it on my bill. But I'm retired now, and don't really feel I can or should do that.

Plus, after 30 years of voodoo and the ruin of the nonrich and the country, no one has enough money, even food stamps...see sig, para 3, hater dupe...
Today I was at the grocery after having made my Dollar Store run because they usually have the grocery beat on the items they carry. I was waiting to check out 4 items in the 20 items or less aisle. The woman in front of me had two different sets of items one food one non food. She paid for the food items with a SNAP card and ended up owing $1.12 which she scrounged for and found. Then she tried to pay for the non food items with a Wal Mart gift card, which I have to wonder if she got for returning food items at an earlier time. She didn't have enough on that to pay her non food items so she had to start putting things back. All I could think during the ordeal in the quick check out line that was not quick was, 'I guess she has signed up for Obamacare.' Back when I was working, if the person in front of me clearly had money trouble paying for their purchase and only had an item or two that was over, I would have the checker put it on my bill. But I'm retired now, and don't really feel I can or should do that.

Plus, after 30 years of voodoo and the ruin of the nonrich and the country, no one has enough money, even food stamps...see sig, para 3, hater dupe...

And through Obamacare--he alone has made sure we've got a lot less.
The exit polling from both New Jersey and Virginia do not bode well for Obamacare. A significant majority in both States say they are opposed or strongly opposed to Obamacare.

The new real clear average has dropped to only 42% of Americans approving Obamacare, while more than half oppose it or want it repealed. Not a good sign for the Law or Dems. Here is a link to the polling data.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

This country was made to believe that insurance premiums would drop. They didn't in fact those that are getting their policies cancelled--after being promised by this President--that they would be able to keep their policies--are now looking at premiums doubling, even with higher deductibles.

Millions are losing their medical insurance coverage in this country because of the implementation of Obamacare. And that's going to cut very deep into the Senate and House in November 2014.

AMERICANS ARE PISSED. And they have every right to be--they were lied to about Obamacare.


Prices Drop- AND THEY WILL, when insurers and Pub cronies start cooperating and competing, instead of cancelling, hater dupe. ONLY HATER DUPES ARE PISSED, FOOL...Read something fer chrissake...Yeah they were lied to- by Rush Seanbeck and BOENER. LOL.
The exit polling from both New Jersey and Virginia do not bode well for Obamacare. A significant majority in both States say they are opposed or strongly opposed to Obamacare.

The new real clear average has dropped to only 42% of Americans approving Obamacare, while more than half oppose it or want it repealed. Not a good sign for the Law or Dems. Here is a link to the polling data.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

This country was made to believe that insurance premiums would drop. They didn't in fact those that are getting their policies cancelled--after being promised by this President--that they would be able to keep their policies--are now looking at premiums doubling, even with higher deductibles.

Millions are losing their medical insurance coverage in this country because of the implementation of Obamacare. And that's going to cut very deep into the Senate and House in November 2014.

AMERICANS ARE PISSED. And they have every right to be--they were lied to about Obamacare.


Prices Drop- AND THEY WILL, when insurers and Pub cronies start cooperating and competing, instead of cancelling, hater dupe. ONLY HATER DUPES ARE PISSED, FOOL...Read something fer chrissake...Yeah they were lied to- by Rush Seanbeck and BOENER. LOL.

I currently pay $238.00 per month. I going to get booted off of the plan that was promised 32 TIMES by this President that I could keep. Checking on my state web-site I am now expected to pay $493.00 per month. That means my premium more than doubled DUMB-ASS. He lied to the American public. He made us believe that our premiums would be lower. He told us repeatedly that we could keep our plans-and-we could keep our doctors. He fucking LIED.

So go kiss your Mesiah's ass--dumb-ass--as you always do. You might as well just glue your lips to his ass.

What subsidies do you get to help...SORRY you don't like quality insurance anf finally getting control over scams...

Do you live in a Red state which has boloxed up the competion, and had crappe insurance, which against all evidence you LIKE...BECAUSE HERE IN NEW YORK IT WORKS FINE....
when u look at the pattern of fixing any problem since 2009, why would anyone assume success with Obama-Care? they can't even find one good programmer to write/repair the disaster, at this pace, many of us members will be retired by the time they fix it in 10/15 years.

This is going to go much lower with Obamacare. Americans don't like to be lied too. They were told 32 times by this President that they could keep their policies and nothing would change. They were told that they could keep their doctors. If they're losing their insurance--they most likely will have to change doctors too. They were told that premiums would be lower--yet they are doubling in price.
All those worthless policies being dropped for ones that actually pay for healthcare.

BULLSHIT. I have a good policy through Humana that I pay $238.00 a month for. It covers what "I" need covered. I am getting booted off of this policy and forced to go to a policy that is $493.00 per month with a 6K yearly deductible. That more than doubled my monthly premium.

No one has a RIGHT to tell me which medical insurance is best for my personal needs.

It's no mistake this was designed to get healthy people like me--(that don't require mental--maternity and all the other add-on's to pay for Obamacare.) There was never any mistake--we were just LIED too.


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