Approval: Obama 48%, W. Bush 33%

Media attacked Bush daily the entire time he was in office.

Except after 9-11-2001. When he had nearly 90% approval rating. He spent that capital on the propaganda build up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. He was still riding high until nearly all the rationale behind the invasion fell apart and the occupation became FUBAR. Then it turned into the ongoing Civil war, and that's when the Media came out of it's coma and started asking questions rather than parroting the WH talking points.
Oh bullshit, the media and liberals were nice to him for about a week after 911. Yes Iraq was a quagmire, until the surge. That liberals were against it, and Obama successfully ended it. His own words.

Baloney, MSNBC fired their most popular daytime host because he was too outspoken against the upcoming invasion. They were(the so called liberal media) all "in bed" with the Military.
Media attacked Bush daily the entire time he was in office.

Except after 9-11-2001. When he had nearly 90% approval rating. He spent that capital on the propaganda build up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. He was still riding high until nearly all the rationale behind the invasion fell apart and the occupation became FUBAR. Then it turned into the ongoing Civil war, and that's when the Media came out of it's coma and started asking questions rather than parroting the WH talking points.
Oh bullshit, the media and liberals were nice to him for about a week after 911. Yes Iraq was a quagmire, until the surge. That liberals were against it, and Obama successfully ended it. His own words.
Obama has made things worse in Iraq.

Everything going on in and around the country once known as Iraq can be attributed to our interventionist policy going back over 40 years. Raygun, Bush (2 of them) Clinton and Obama all had their fingers in that pie.
At comparable times in their Presidencies in Gallup. Suck on that, conservatives. This puts how much W sucked in perspective.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush Gallup Historical Trends
Shrub would have killed for 44's :afro: poll #'s
Actually Bush put the country ahead of politics and idiots like you have no idea what that means.
Historians will show Bush had 4 gigantic events that NO other president faced and in spite of it the economy grew jobs grew in spite of nearly 3 million jobs lost due to recession/9/11/hurricanes.
These are the facts.
Bush being a former pilot i.e. military would also NEVER NEVER call his military for "air -raiding villages killing civilians"... which leads to Obama's 14 approval rating among the guys protecting our country. But never you mind because extremely LIP like you ONLY handle 30 secs of reality at one time and of course the "reality" you comprehend is presented by the MSM that
85% GAVE money to Obama!
And these are totally known facts that LIPs like you obviously ignore.
Finally I am 100% confident LIPs like you totally are not making your car loan/mortgage payments and defaulting like crazy because obviously that is OK with you LIPs!
The reason that is OK is because YOU obviously didn't care that Saddam broke the 1991 Cease Fire ...meaning the 1991 war resumed when Clinton SIGNED the 1998 Liberation of Iraq and after 9/11 Bush decided we couldn't wait for Saddam to use his WMDs! With 90% of the country and MSM totally ok with removing Saddam as SADDAM totally convinced us all he had WMDs with this reason and this reason only: WHY would Saddam continue to allow UN Sanctions that prevented food from reaching 116,000 kids that starved every year and the ONLY reason that occurred? Saddam would NOT certify WMDs were destroyed!
Other then LIPs like you that don't comprehend that any logical sane humane person would NOT allow 1.2 million children to starve all because Saddam wouldn't certify WMDs were destroyed!
I know your pea brain can't comprehend this BUT logical humans compassionate humans ASKED SADDAM.."PLEASE certify that your WMDs are destroyed and the sanctions will be lifted and children won't starve!"
SADDAM wouldn't do it! So what are logical humane people like GWB, suppose to believe??? Saddam was lying to hell with the starving children?
In spite of that Saddam allowed In five years 576,000 children to starve BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports -
Different times different situations RCP has Obamas overall approval rating at 43 percent on the economy 44 percent mainly because of lower gas prices I suspect and on foreign policy 37 percent.
What a totally bigoted statement. Your true colors shine.

Bush got a pass for his complicit role in 9/11 as well as for his lies that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. He's a war criminal who is directly responsible for the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the ruin of an innocent country and putting the US into the biggest economic decline since the Great Depression.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

Yes, it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
What a totally bigoted statement. Your true colors shine.

Bush got a pass for his complicit role in 9/11 as well as for his lies that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. He's a war criminal who is directly responsible for the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the ruin of an innocent country and putting the US into the biggest economic decline since the Great Depression.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

Yes, it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

That was a bigoted statement?
Obots are weird and totally just like a cult member

now they are telling people to suck on it

and Obama has 48% and I'm the Queen of England so bow now to me
Even now your ignorance shines through.

What a totally bigoted statement. Your true colors shine.

Bush got a pass for his complicit role in 9/11 as well as for his lies that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. He's a war criminal who is directly responsible for the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the ruin of an innocent country and putting the US into the biggest economic decline since the Great Depression.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

Yes, it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

That was a bigoted statement?
Sixty-five percent of post-9/11 veterans say that Bush was a good commander in chief while in a new Military Times survey of nearly 2,300 active-duty service members,
only 15% approve of Obama's performance, way down from an already low rating of 35% in 2009.
Military gives Obama low approval marks

Isn't that strange? After Obama promised to bring the boys home!!!
Why do you think the military has such a distaste for Obama???
Maybe it is as this soldier said..
“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
You wouldn't lie Comrade, would you?

CBS News Poll. Jan. 9-12, 2015. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling foreign policy?"

Approve Disapprove Unsure/
No answer

% --- % --- %


41 --- 44 --- 14}

Obama Administration

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George Bush is handling foreign policy?"

Approve: 45%
Disapprove: 44%

Public Confidence in Bush Dropping Dramatically Elite Trader

It went downhill from there. See my next post for his foreign policy rating in 2008.

A Newsweek poll taken in June 2007 showed a record 73% of respondents disapproving of Bush's handling of the war in Iraq.[100]

A 2010 Siena College poll of 238 Presidential scholars found that Bush was ranked 39th out of 43, with poor ratings in handling of the economy, communication, ability to compromise, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence.

Public image of George W. Bush

Bush approval ratings:

Last edited:
Even now your ignorance shines through.

What a totally bigoted statement. Your true colors shine.

Bush got a pass for his complicit role in 9/11 as well as for his lies that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. He's a war criminal who is directly responsible for the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the ruin of an innocent country and putting the US into the biggest economic decline since the Great Depression.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

Yes, it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

That was a bigoted statement?

Why did you avoid my question?
What are you afraid of?
Even now your ignorance shines through.

What a totally bigoted statement. Your true colors shine.

Bush got a pass for his complicit role in 9/11 as well as for his lies that got us into Iraq and Afghanistan. He's a war criminal who is directly responsible for the deaths and maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the ruin of an innocent country and putting the US into the biggest economic decline since the Great Depression.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

Yes, it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

That was a bigoted statement?

Why did you avoid my question?
What are you afraid of?

If I'm not mistaken this statement..
" it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ...
who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
Can be attributed to VP Biden...

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." (Watch Biden's comments and Obama's reaction
Biden s description of Obama draws scrutiny -
Even now your ignorance shines through.

What a totally bigoted statement. Your true colors shine.

President Obama literally pulled Bush/Cheney's worthless asses out of the fire.

Yes, it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.

That was a bigoted statement?

Why did you avoid my question?
What are you afraid of?

If I'm not mistaken this statement..
" it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ...
who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
Can be attributed to VP Biden...

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." (Watch Biden's comments and Obama's reaction
Biden s description of Obama draws scrutiny -

Thanks for spoiling my fun.
Even now your ignorance shines through.

What a totally bigoted statement. Your true colors shine.

That was a bigoted statement?

Why did you avoid my question?
What are you afraid of?

If I'm not mistaken this statement..
" it's a good thing we had a "clean" African-American candidate ...
who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
Can be attributed to VP Biden...

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." (Watch Biden's comments and Obama's reaction
Biden s description of Obama draws scrutiny -

Thanks for spoiling my fun.
Sorry... didn't mean to steal your BidenBot!
Listen up, moron, the Democrats own the media in this country. Given their strong Leftist bias, Bush being at 33% vs Obamas' 48% actually would translate to Bush 66% and Obama 13% if the poll was done by normal Americans instead of Liberals.

What's hilarious to me is the way Liberals are so upset about the way Obama is being treated by the opposition. Are you shitting me. How fucking short are Liberals memories anyway? Those fucking sixties hippie rejects and their equally worthless offspring had fucking HATE PARADES like Obama plays golf, burning the President in effigy and shouting the most disgusting slogans. I have never seen such a display of irrational hatred in my life. Liberals are despicable human beings and I think at some point, as the sleeping giant wakes, Liberal lives aren't going to be worth a wooden nickel. Half a wooden nickel maybe?

What's going to be cool will be the rising to thunderous roar of cheers of joy as a new president is sworn in 1/20/2017 and Obama is escorted off of the White House property. Just watch and see. It will start quietly but then...
At comparable times in their Presidencies in Gallup. Suck on that, conservatives. This puts how much W sucked in perspective.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush Gallup Historical Trends

You wouldn't lie Comrade, would you?

CBS News Poll. Jan. 9-12, 2015. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling foreign policy?"

Approve Disapprove Unsure/
No answer

% --- % --- %


41 --- 44 --- 14}

Obama Administration
Why would the OP reference a poll that is nearly 2 months old when there is more current data to use?

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